Mehek 26th July 2017 Written Update

Mehek 26th July 2017 Written Update by Atiba

Mehek 26th July 2017 Written Episode

Scene 1
Mahek is working in kitchen. She gets call from drunk Ajay. Ajay says darling how are you? if you were with me then I would have kept you like a princess, I am ready to give you another chance baby, I like you a lot, come to me and have luxury life with me, leave that cheap Shaurya. Mahek says keep that cheap offer with you. Shaurya comes there and puts phone on speaker. Ajay says he has nothing, he is not good looking and doesnt even have money, come to me. Shaurya says if I come to you then I would wash you and play and beat you like instrument. Ajay says you left on roads and still have ego? shaurya says lion never leaves his trait, remain in your lane otherwise it wil be bad for you, he ends call. Ajay says I wont spare you Shaurya.
Shaurya says to Mahek that I am sorry, she turns away
from him, he holds her hand and says I am sorry, I didnt give you chance to explain, Mahek says you always do this, get angry and scream like a lion and then say sorry and expect forgiveness, I dont want to talk to you. Shaurya says yes I want forgivenesss, beat me but forgive me, Mahek says dont irritate me, and leaves. Shaurya pulls her closer and says we have to make up, Mahek says anyone can come. Shaurya says forgive me or kiss me? he leans in closer. Harish calls Shaurya, he moves away from Mahek. Harish asks for cooler, Shaurya says I should put him a fridge. Mahek sniggers.

At night, Shaurya and Vicky are trying to sleep but Ravi and Jeevan are snoring and mosquitos are biting them. Vicky says now I know how difficult it is to live like this. Door knocks. All family members wake up. Shaurya opens door and sees Ajay with his company. Ajay says how are you Shaurya? you spoiled my mood so I had to come at night only. Shaurya grabs his collar and says do you want to get beaten? Rohit says dont try to get physical otherwise it wont be good. Ajay shows them papers. Ajay says to family that the house you have come to live inside is not Sharma house but its my mother’s Sheetal’s house, all are shocked and confused. Ravi says I gave property papers to Khurana? Pammi says and Khurana gave it to me. Ajay ask them to get lost from here. Pammi says I was trying to invest in property, your house is not too good but I wanted you people to be shelter-less so I bought it. Ajay says to Mahek that baby doll, you can stay here with me if you want. Mahek is disgusted. Ajay says fine then, get lost, leave this house or else I will start throwing things out and will not spare your honor too. Ravi says that Khurana promised meto not sell my property to anyone. Pammi says we bought Khurana and this Shaurya used to buy people for his advantage so we have learned things from him, she asks Shaurya to check papers if he doesnt believe it. Shaurya checks it and says to Ajay that you cant throw us out, Nehal call police. Ajay says we have done arrangements, no policeman is going to come here in this area tonight, you used to have ego based on your money and today we have money and power both. PD loses balances and Pammi pushes her away. Pammi says I can throw your things out so its good if you people leave on your goon. Ajay’s bouncers come in house and start throwing both families out of house.Shaurya gets in fight with Ajay, Ajay hits him with pot on head. Mahek holds Shaurya and supports him while he is dizzy. Ajay and company throws Mahek and Shaurya’s family out of house. Ajay says I told you to protect your honor but now everyone is seeing you people getting kicked out. Pammi says dont be seen here again otherwise I will call dogs to throw you people away. They go in Sharma house and closes door. Sonal faints not able to bear the pressure. Mansi gives her water. Balwant says what is happening? Mahek says God please help us. Dhaba owner Raman comes there and says I got to know everything, dont worry, God will handle everything, Mahek you are a lioness to dont cry, lets take Shaurya to hospital then we will go to my house. Balwant says we have thankful to you, he says dont embarrass me, my dhaba is working because of Mahek today, he takes family with him.

Scene 2
Ajay, Rohit and Pammi comes to Shaurya’s house. Niki says you people must have done something? Ajay says you didnt sleep till now darling? Niki says dont darling me, our plan was to eat Shaurya’s property only, he is injured snake so dont mess with him more. Ajay says my plan was to break Shaurya. Niki says they are on roads, what elese you want? Ajay says I want Mahek and Shaurya on their knees and beg to me, Mahek rejected me and Shaurya insulted me, they have too much ego for their love so I want them to be my servant and I want to remind Mahek everyday that she became servant of house where she could have been a queen because of her pathetic love.

Shaurya’s head is bandaged. Raman brings Khanna and Sharma family to his small house. He says this house is small as I never got married but my heart is big and thats all what matters. Sharma family sets and cleans house. ,, says to Harish that dont worry, we will buy some house on low rent tomorrow. Mahek takes off Shaurya’s bandage and kisses his hand lovingly.

At night, all are sleeping with difficulty. Jeevan hugs Harish in sleep but Harish pushes him away. Shaurya is feeling itchy. Mahek wakes up and sees it. Mahek messages Shaurya that our love can change the world but world doesnt have guts to change our love. Shaurya reads it and sits up, he doesnt look at Mahek. Mahek messages him that if you breakdown like this then who will handle me? dont turn your back to me. Shaurya reads it. She sadly looks at him. Shaurya replies that how can I look in your eyes? our family were brought on roads and I couldnt do anything, it feels like I dont deserve your love. Mahek reads it. She gets up. Shaurya comes to her. Mahek hugs him tightly and tries to soothe him. Mahek cups Shaurya’s face and says to know what you are to me, you have to read my heart, you are my strength, I am lucky to have you as husband, Shaurya says you are crazy. Mahek says you are crazy, mad and angry man but I am sure that after all this, we can fight anything in our way now. Shaurya says our love never lost the fight and it will keep fighting against all odds, he kisses her forehead. Mahek nods and hugs him.

PRECAP- Sharma and Khanna family are outside Sharma house. Jeevan says to Pammi what are you doing now? you will give us our house back? she says yes but on rent, if you are able to pay 1 lac per month then you can live in this house, all are stunned hearing the rent amount. .

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