Meet 18th February 2023 Written Update

Meet 18th February 2023 Written Update by Tanaya

Meet 18th February 2023 Written Episode

Meet says to everyone now we will being with the first ritual of valentine’s day, every couple will sit infront of eachother and will look into each other’s eye who will blink first will loose. Jasodha says okay and start playing with Sarkar. Meet looks at alcohol says everyone will be drunk after having this alcohol. Meet see Mahendra and Narendra drinking alcohol.
Jasodha blinks her eyes. Sarkar says she lost. Jasodha get’s emotional with Sarkar. Everyone applauds on Sarkar’s win. Jasodha ask next couple to walk in. Gunwanti and Narendra play next. Gunwanti says to Narendra I’m just happy that you looked at me with love and blushes. Meet says every women in this house believe that they are less competent and their husband.
Manmeet turn around to take his drink. Meet pass him glass. Manmeet says I don’t trust you, you might his mixed something in drink and ask her to have a sip. Meet drinks alcohol to prove Manmeet wrong. Manmeet takes glass from Meet and adds some ice to it. Meet says real catch is not in drink but it’s in the ice and one cube is enough to make everyone drunk.
Manmeet and Meet sit to play game and stare into eachother’s eye. Manmeet finishes his drink. Meet says to him I believe in winning game but today I’m happy to loose with you.

Sarkar outside home sings documents from lawyer informer. Meet outside home see Sarkar signing documents and says I believe no one will read the document or my plan will go glop.
Sarkar drunk looks at document but everything seems blurry to him and asl him to read document for him. Chanda says to Meet now he read the document and Sarkar will know it’s your name on document. Meet finds catapult on tree, she breaks light bulb. Sarkar takes documents from him and walk towards Manmeet.

Every men drunk inside. Manmeet with documents ask Narendra to read for him. Meet walks in says let’s begin second ritual. Narendra’s first wife pukes on floor. Everyone gets distracted because of her. Meet finds document on floor she grabs them and hides them inside a box. Jasodha walka to her and ask her to go clean herself. Meet turn around to see box but couldn’t find.

Chanda calls Meet to know the situation. Meet says I’m unable to find the box with documents in it. Imarti walks toward gate. Meet stops Imarti and asks her about box. Manmeet asks everyone to look for the box. Jasodha ask everyone to look for box. Meet on call with Chanda says situation got worse everyone is looking for box, if someone finds it my plan will flop.

Manmeet walks to Meet says what happen are you looking for box and show her box inside his shirt, he laughs at her. Meet says this box is of sweet not your wife, let me take that. Manmeet says I won’t give you you have to take it from me and walks away. Meet says to herself I don’t have time, I need to take box from him while he is drunk. A man walks to Manmeet and says Shagun is waiting for you upstairs. Manmeet confused go upstairs.

Manmeet upstairs looking for Shagun. He see someone walking towards him. Manmeet says Shagun come hug me. Meet disguised as Shagun says today is valentine’s day and I have to come for you, she cover her face and hugs him tightly. Meet says today nobody can come between us. Meet remove box from his shirt and says nothing will come between us. Manmeet asks her to remove her vail. Meet says I took an oath like your mother, you can only see my face when Meet is out from Sarkar’s palace and I heard she wrote a tattoo of your name. Manmeet says now what should I do to prove you how much I love you, should I write your name on my body. Meet asks Manmeet to write her name on her hand. Manmeet drunk says I’ll write your name on your chest. Manmeet get’s close to her to write his name on her. Manmeet writes his name and gets happy. Manmeet try to remove vail but Meet stops him and says I want you to write your name on every page you send me, all the letters, diary, card everything. Meet go and get photos, diary and documents with her. Manmeet writes his name on everything even on factory documents too. Manmeet drunk falls on ground. Meet says I told you I’ll take all the documents with me, today you lost and I won, she looks at document and says now my Meet Ahlawat’s dream will vome true, she throws photo and diary on him.

Meet shows factory documents to Chanda and says now I’m finally free from them.
Manmeet shouts atleast listen before going, these documents are fake. Manmeet says to Meet if I saw you in Sarkarpur then I’ll ruin you and your families life.

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