Meet 12th December 2022 Written Update

Meet 12th December 2022 Written Update by Tanaya

Meet 12th December 2022 Written Episode

Meet Ahlawat tell everyone I meet registrar officer he told me to help us in our situation and will give us original papers and our problem will be solved. Everyone hear announcement about auction of there mansion. Everyone walks out and see the poster of auction on auto with there faces. Everyone in shock. Meet Ahlawat says she is trying to break us but she don’t know it’s her last chance, he says to Raj registrar will be here with documents. He arrives at the location. Meet Ahlawat thanks him for working on priority and ask him about documents. Registrar tell them Barfi is viral because she took Ahlawat mansion and I cannot make her angry so if I give you orignal papers then she will scold me, please forgive me and truth is I can’t help you. Announcer says to everyone in 5 days take Ahlawat mansion along with all the stuff inside house. Meet Ahlawat get’s angry and ask him to be quite he corner him amd says if you do more announcement yoo won’t be alive to say anything more. Registrar says this auction is been done with government permission. Meet Ahlawat says I don’t care about that but I know one thing you are misusing your power, tell me how much she paid you. Registrar says don’t forget you are talking to a government officer. Meet Ahlawat trap him says you should also remember you are government officer available for people and if I let you go today then the reason will be your family but if you try to humiliate me or my family I won’t forgive you two. Meet Ahlawat remove loud speaker and poster from auto. Registrar show him offical papers. Meet Ahlawat says she snatched our house from us and it was possible because of corrupt officers like you and if you do something more then you won’t be able to reach your office, nothing will be sold. Meet Ahlawat threatens announcer to burn his auto and pick kerosene. He gets scared and leave the situation.

Everyone inside house. Meet pour water at Meet Ahlawat and says it’s enough control your anger. Meet Ahlawat shouts I’m not able to calm down, she disrespected my family, uf she has problem with me then take action against me, I was quiet because she was Deep’s mom but now I won’t be able to calm down now I’ll take action. Ragini calm him down says do whatever you want to do but with calm nature. Meet says we will fight back again Barfi but you have to promise us to that you won’t get angry and don’t take wrong action, she want us to do mistake she is playing game with us and we need to calm down to find out solution. He says I’ll do something.

Raj get message on his phone, he see video of Meet Ahlawat misbehaving witj officer and announcer. Barfi calls him and says your son abused everyone, officer, me, government even poor auto driver, should I send this video to police and your son will be behind jail and I can bet that you won’t be able to get him out of jail but I stopped because of you. Raj says please don’t send this video to anyone. Barfi says okay but ask your daughter in law and son do not come in my way.

Raj call lawyer says I want to talk something important to you. He says you want to talk about your property right. Raj says yes I want you to ready our file as soon as possible. He says okay transfer my fees 2lakh rupees in my account and I’ll make your file. Raj says you want advance from me. Lawyer says now your bank account is jot even yours, you can call me anytime but remember you have money to g pay my fees.

Everyone in hall. Meet says we will stick together and fight but we can win this situation by help if our brain not strength, we have to play smartly. Raj says no need to do anything. Babita ask why, then we will see everything getting auctioned. Raj says no we will do what is important and they both will not be involved in anything, I don’t want to take any risk for my kids, I know her very well she won’t accept defeat easily, she can do anything to win. Meet Ahlawat says what are you saying. Raj scolds him and says you have to obey me, if our home and business go let them go we will build that empire again but if I lose you two I’ll die, nothing is more important for me then my kids. Meet Ahlawat says okay calm down.

Babita and Raj in room. Raj says what are you saying Babita. Babita saya I’m trying to protect my family in my way, right now you need lawyer, she give her jewellery says you can pay the fees from this and start working to get our home back, I just need my family to be safe and they hug eachother. Ishani see them from outside.

Raj and Babita outside in market. Raj says jeweller took advantage of our situation he did not give us right price. Babita says don’t worry come let’s buy some vegetables and Raj help her to buy them. Barfi give money to a lady and says do as I ask. Lady walks to them, she steal phone of vegetable seller. Babita ask seller about the amount. He says wait let me calculate and start looking for his phone. Lady cleverly put his phone in Babita’s purse and says if you lost it then give a call to your number and she reach out his number. His phone start ringing in Babita’s purse, she take out the phone. Seller says this is my phone how did it go into your purse, she says I have no idea. Lady says you are from Ahlawat family who are now poor and now living at your daughter in law’s house and stealing Poor’s phone, she calls everyone and disrespect them. Babita get’s angry and try to slap her. Raj stops her says control yourself. Lady accuse her for stealing phone, everyone support her and accuse her for stealing phone. Barfi looking at them from distance. Lady put her hands in black colour and says to Babita now I’ll apply this on your face and write you are thief on your forehead then you will get to know, she try to put black colour on her face but Meet come in between save Babita and put her black colour hands on her face.

Meet Ahlawat and Meet disguised as Arab people walk inside Ahlawat mansion and introduce themselves Arabi infront of Barfi. Meet say something. Meet Ahlawat translate for her and says to Barfi she want to see the house. Barfi says come I’ll show you temple first. Meet start walking towards temple. Barfi ask how do you know temple is in that direction.

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