Madhubala Ek Ishq Ek Junoon 4th November 2013 Written Update

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Madhubala Ek Ishq Ek Junoon 4th November 2013 Written Update by Armu4eva

Madhubala 4th November 2013 Written Episode

Part 1

Bittu tells cop this was an accident please understand..! Roma also says same thing! Cop says that the duo are talking to the wrong man at wrong place! Madhu is led towards the inspectors room!

Pabho and all rush to RK and say glad ur ok ..! RK keeps mum and says wanna go to my Madhu dare they accuse Madhu like this? RK tries to get up from the hosp bed! All try to stop RK! RK is unable to get up! RK says wanna go to my Madhu right now! Mehul asks RK to calm down! Nurse too! RK keeps trying! Dips says stop it. .r u nuts? RK says shut up Dips! RK is unable to move his right arm..! RK asks my hand? My right leg? What is wrong? Pabho and all are shocked! RK keeps trying repeatedly to get up but is unable to ..! Pabho asks to call Doc! Nurse rushes! Dips and Pabho try to help RK but he screams on them to stay away! RK screams out in agony..! Doc rushes to RK ..asks thte matter! Nurse says he is trying to leave from here! RK asks what is wrong with me? Why my right part is not working? Doc asks to relax.. he was just operated! RK screams n asks what is wrong? Doc says..we had given up hope on his recovery. .but now he is recovering. .its a miracle..! RK asks what is wrong? Dun give me lecture! Doc says the knife has injured the right part . and the nerves there. .so his rigth side is too weak and has not recovered..! Doc says.. there is a mild paralysis attack on the right part of his body..! RK is shocked..! Doc says.. his right hand and leg is not working..! Pabho is shocked.. Radha too! Pabho says..all diseases can be cured these days. .what is the cure? Doc says we are trying..! Mehul says.. RK has to recover..dun give fake lectures..! Doc says. .he needs to rest! RK asks no fake talks.. how much time will it take? Doc says..can give u hope.. it can take.. one week . one month .. one year. .or .. ! All are left shocked..! Dips asks..what is he saying? Doc says. .i understand ur worry but we are trying our best..! Pabho says.. calm down u will be ok soon! Pabho says all this is coz of Madhu..! RK says Madhu .wanna go to her! Pabho says no..! Mehul says lie down. .please rest! RK says.. wanna go to Madhu .. dun be stubborn! RK removes all the IVs.. n tries to get up .. he tries to stand up .. n forces his right hand n leg..! Doc says. .his struggle can create more difficulties..! RK tries to get up and falls..! Mehul supports him! He says this is not a way..! RK says how can they blame Madhu? She is Mrs. RK ..! Mehul says i will help u.. but this is not the way..! RK insists.. Mehul supports RK ..! Pabho and all try to stop him but he insists..!

Dips rushes to Pabho .. n says wanna say something! Pabho says no more! Dips says so disappointed in u.. thot u will erupt like a volcano but ur so cold.. no reaction? Pabho says dun raise ur voice on me! Dips says.. dun threaten me.. u can only talk big.. ! Dips asks what happened to ur plans to get Madhu kicked out? RK went to get Madhu released even in this state! Pabho says.. shut up! Dips says dun wanna say something. .rather lets go and get things ready for that Chawlbalas return!

Radha is walking in the hosp alley..! She says lets go home! pabho says.. home? To welcome that Madhu ..who has done some magic on RK? Seen RK? Rushed to get Madhu released.. our RK wuld have died coz of that Madhu n now we have to go home.. to welcome her? Radha says. .am worried for RK right now. .why worried on Madhu? Pabho says i care for RK . .n worry for him ..thats why saying all this! I consider him my son.. n he respects me more than his mom! Pabho says dun wanna hurt u. but worried that he is not listening to us..! Radha says u can comment about RK and me and then hurt me by saying u din mean it! Pabho says thats not my intent.. only want that u keep the control ..not someone else! Anyways..lets go..!

Roma tells Cop that it was a scene..we also rehearsed .. ! Madhu doesnt know how knife was replaced..! Bittu says same thing..he says Madhu is RKs wife.. why will she do such a thing? Cop says.. ur wasting mine and ur time.. FIR has been lodged against Madhu! They hear noise for RK s arrival..! All rush to see..! They see Mehul with RK ..and lawyer.. entering the police station..!

Part 2

Kuku says.. if we hard buried RK alive.. he did still come out alive and rush to Madhu! Kuku says.. time is running out..and soon RK will reach to us too.. if we dun do anything!
Amar asks Kuku why did u come to me? Kuku says.. coz u used my son. .if he is caught . .i will be caught too ..n ur outsider.. so u will escape..! Amar says ur right ..ur son changed the knife! Sikky says.. what? So i will be caught! Amar says to explain his son..! Kuku says i tried..! Amar says no ones fingerprints are on the knife so RK wont find out.. relax..! Today its not the tiger RK in front of us. .only a weak RK who cant complete his film! RK wont find out the truth from anyone except the three of us..! Sikky says.. i wont say anything but cant assure for Kuku! Kuku fires him .says will slap u! Sikky says. .why? Last time in troubled times u ran off! Amar laufs n says.. anyways. .cheers..!

Part 3

RK fires on cop n says how dare u arrest my wife..! Get her out..! Cop says.. Mr. Kundra! RK says yes Mr. Kundra who wants to meet Mrs. Kundra! Cop says am doing my duty! RK says to hell with ur duty! RK says on what basis u arrested her? We were shooting a scene n this happened! If u wanna catch a criminal ..go and release Madhu! Cop says.. someone has filed FIR ..we have to investigate..! RK asks who filed the FIR? Cop says Sharda devi ! RK says Pabho? He says got bail papers.. for Madhu ..release her now! Cop calls out to release Madhu ..! RK glares at Bittu!

At the mansion .. Sikky is drinking..! He is tense..! Dips comes in the room and asks what is this? Sikky says nothing! He asks her why are u so angry? Dips says.. that Chawlbala stabbed RK .. n he could have died.. n now .. RKs right side is paralyzed..! Dips says.. Madhu is in police station . .n RK has gone to bail her..! Dips says. .am so angry.. ! Dips says. .am so angry on that man who exchanged the knife. once if that man comes in front of me. then.! Dips says..lets see how long that man is away from RKs eyes.. ! Sikky gets more nervous! Dips says..the day RK catches the man.. he wont spare him .. he will kill him! Dips leaves from there! Sikky drinks some more!

Constable comes n says ..come.. RK is here! Madhu says..RK came? Thanks Bappa! She opens the lock up and Madhu rushes to meet RK..! She asks Roma n Bittu where is RK? All fall silent!

Precap — Media asks Madhu if its true that she stabbed RK? If its true she was released from police station just now? Reporter asks what kind of relation she expects from RK after this attack on him? Security leads Media away! Reporter asks what does she have to say about RKs Condition? Madhu is confused!

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  1. sanju
    November 05, 00:47 Reply

    yeh pabho churail nah madhu koh ghar seh bahar nikal rahi hai hath pakad kar kheench lehjarahi hai ghar khey bahar
    aur suddenly stop hui
    kash rk neh roka hoga
    hope so
    abh toda rewind karthey hai
    jab rk koh goli lagi
    dips neh madhu koh bahar nikalnekhi kohshish khi fail hui
    abh rk koh chaku lagi
    pabho trying the same iss baar bhi rk rokheyga
    aisa lagraha hai mb kah repeated track horaha hai

  2. Alice
    November 05, 00:26 Reply

    Thnq so much frenz fr ur wishes. . . 🙂

    • sanjana
      November 05, 00:29

      HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

    • ..*..
      November 05, 00:20

      Nahi tho

  3. sanju
    November 05, 00:14 Reply


  4. Aniya khan
    November 04, 22:18 Reply

    good morning guyzzzzzz
    happy birthday saumyaaaaaaaa dearrrrrrrr!!!!!

  5. Emyna
    November 04, 21:25 Reply

    Gud mnrggggg al…

    Ve a gr888 day ahead……..
    Happyyyyyyyyyyyy bdayyyyyyyyyy sowmi……….
    Ve a blast…………

    Gud nit zaru….sd tc………

    Miz u al…….guyx

  6. rithu
    November 04, 20:50 Reply

    gud morning friends….

    wish u a many more happy birthday saumy………….

  7. umai
    November 04, 19:52 Reply

    Happy birthday
    To a Great Friend!!!
    A friend is;
    One of the Nicest Things you can have, And one of the Best Things you can be.
    Wishing You A BIRTHDAY Filled With Light And Love…

    P.S-Good Morning @Mbians

  8. dk
    November 04, 19:48 Reply

    Happyyyyy bdayyyyyy suuuumiiiiii

  9. Alice
    November 04, 16:20 Reply

    Thnq so much salma dear 🙂

  10. Salma...
    November 04, 13:55 Reply

    OF THE DAY… 😀 😀 😀 …N…

  11. kath
    November 04, 13:26 Reply

    Aio paavam rk but acting romba alagu. Nesikkiren rishabala vai.

  12. jinu
    November 04, 12:14 Reply

    aweosmmmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee acting rkkk

  13. Jasmine
    November 04, 11:56 Reply

    Hiii all superb acting by rk bt feeling very bad…i hope all dat dhrashti leaving the show news is not true…good nt sweet dreamz

  14. Emyna
    November 04, 11:53 Reply

    gud nitt alll….sd tc……

    gud aft zaru,,,….
    miz u alll…tcc…bubye

  15. Emyna
    November 04, 11:53 Reply

    ohhhh…sad epi….plzz find out d truth rk…………….

    so sad na………………..

    guyzz all tak care….mis u alll…

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