Madhubala Ek Ishq Ek Junoon 26th November 2013 Written Update

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Madhubala Ek Ishq Ek Junoon 26th November 2013 Written Update by BadtameezDil

Madhubala 26th November 2013 Written Episode

RK reaches the screening and media surrounds him. Sikki and Dipali reach behind him and Dipali asks him to remove his goggles. The press asks for Madhu. RK tries to avoid the question saying that they should do what they’ve come here for. The media says that though his wife resides in his heart but still she should be present in the screening of her debut movie. RK asks them to proceed for the screening.

The movie starts and everyone is patiently seated. The scenes shot between Karan-Anamika start setting the screen on fire. RK is indifferent towards the film completely and keeps drinking during the entire screening. At the intermission, MC commends RK for his fabulous job. RK says its only till the intermission.

The film starts off again. Anamika is seen lamenting in Karan’s memories. Last climax shot shows her running from the goons and finally how she succumbs to the burning house. The BG has Anamika saying, “No matter what, we will be together forever”. The film ends. Everyone is silent for a while and then the audience starts clapping. Everyone accolades RK and claps for him. He feels happy. Mehul congratulates RK and he reciprocates.

The distributor says that they’re glad they’re distributing this film. The Bank Manager says that the film is wonderful. Mehul says that after seeing the film, he’d like to say “Beware Because Madhubala is Here to Stay”. RK is frustrated at Madhu’s growing appraisals. Roma appreciates RK and hugs him. He asks what he is thinking. That Madhu has thrown you out of your position in her first position itself. She says that in future, the only Superstar is Superstar Madhubala. RK is not at all happy. Dips senses his frustration.

Part 2

Roma says that they should announce a film with RK-Madhubala today. Maybe a sequel to this film. Mehul says why not, if RK agrees to produce it as well. RK fakes a smile. Bittuji comes and informs him that media is going mad for his bytes. RK says they should go. Sikki appreciates Madhu and RK and Dips says she could have done better. Sikki says that yes definitely…then they recall their movie premiere. Dips bullies Sikki and walks off.

Everyone goes crazy seeing RK. RK waves to them. The Bank Manager congratulates RK and RK says that now he should not worry and should be happy. Mr.Murthi says that his decision to launch Madhu as the heroine fared well at the BO and soon all the dues with the Bank will be cleared off. RK butts in and tells to proceed to the media. The media asks him, how does it feel…that after a Superstar…he’s a SUPER PRODUCER as well. RK says that Superproducer doesn’t mean that the tag of Superstar will be scraped off him. He waves on his fans which are shouting for him. He says this tag is given by them and will stay with him forever. They ask how does he feel that his wife is the NEXT big thing in Bollywood. RK is not happy.

Part 3

RK says that he likes surprises and his wife’s work has surprised him. He says that it doesn’t matter who was better, me or her because all the awards and recognitions will come to the same house. Dips senses his Ego burning and smirks. He asks the media if they want to ask anything about him or he should continue to act as Madhu’s PR agent. They ask him why is Madhu not here. RK says she had some personal issues so she couldn’t manage to the screening. Soon enough, the attentions turn to Madhubala. She is standing at the end of all this and all the media rushes to her. She avoids the claps and all. The media asks RK that what’s the reason behind the fact that RishBala didn’t come together. RK is all burning in jealousy. Media ask Madhu that why did she not manage to come. Madhu says that she was nervous. She was never intending to become a heroine. They ask Madhu that how did this all happen. Madhu says that she never wanted to be a heroine, but RK told her that he sees a heroine in me and that’s why they’re here. She goes and joins RK. RK fakes a smile.
The media ask for a solo picture. RK thinks that its for him and asks Madhu to back-off. Madhu goes away but the media call her back and say that they want a Madhu’s solo picture.

“Sheh meri aur maat ho teri…” plays in the BG as RK sides off. He sees Madhu posing for the cameras.

Episode Ends

RK and Madhu are in their room and RK says that he wants to thank Madhu for saving his film. If she was not in his film, it would have flopped and he would have been over. He says that for all her support, He has a gift for her. Madhu smiles what gift? RK gives a VERY devilish grin and Madhu is shocked.

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  1. *
    November 26, 18:19 Reply

    By the y did u vote for Rk

    • aksa
      November 26, 18:21

      Ya voted male lead role RK.

  2. *
    November 26, 18:14 Reply

    Yes i nw that

    • aksa
      November 26, 18:18

      I know u know that just said it.

  3. *
    November 26, 18:09 Reply

    big fan of rk

    • aksa
      November 26, 18:11

      Okay yeh I am big fan of RK.

    • aksa
      November 26, 18:08

      U talkin to me.

  4. aksa
    November 26, 18:00 Reply

    RK was just wow amazing loved RK once again as always I cant wait for next epi. RK was awesome.

  5. *
    November 26, 17:57 Reply

    Hello big fan of rk

  6. *
    November 26, 17:55 Reply

    Bay faty

  7. ****ZARa****
    November 26, 17:49 Reply

    so srry yr
    me need to go nw
    my bro cme
    so cnt stay anymore
    bye n good nite
    see u ltr again

    • aksa
      November 26, 17:51

      It okay no need to apologise take care bye.

  8. ****ZARa****
    November 26, 17:38 Reply

    oye stupid
    say hi to aksa
    she getting confuse by u

  9. aksa
    November 26, 17:34 Reply

    Zaara who is this saying things like this.

    • ****ZARa****
      November 26, 17:37

      i knw him
      n he doing this jst 4 fun
      he is my 1 friend
      n aalso fan of mb n ddej

    • aksa
      November 26, 17:38

      Oh u know him oh okay.

    • aksa
      November 26, 17:40

      I had no idea u were friends.

    • ****ZARa****
      November 26, 17:41

      hahhaha aksa
      1st i got confuse by him
      dn i realise tht he is the 1 cll me faty
      his name is munaa

    • aksa
      November 26, 17:42

      Oh nice name.

    • ****ZARa****
      November 26, 17:43

      ya i knw
      whn i ask him’wht ur name
      n he said munaa
      i laughed tht rly its ur name
      as he ws trying to be msrt wid me
      wsnt teling his intro to me

    • aksa
      November 26, 17:44

      Thats funny Zaara.

  10. ****ZARa****
    November 26, 17:34 Reply

    yes aksa
    frm nw on we cn ok
    i usual stay mail side too much dn dtb
    so u cn mial me anytime ok
    i will rply u
    n i dint saw yet
    2day epi
    i will watch at 8:30pm

    yes rly stupid

    • aksa
      November 26, 17:35


  11. *
    November 26, 17:32 Reply


  12. aksa
    November 26, 17:32 Reply

    RK’S part was very very sad today felt so sorry for RK. I had tears in my eyes.

    • aksa
      November 26, 17:33

      It okay no need to say sorry.

  13. ****ZARa****
    November 26, 17:29 Reply

    aksa me too got ur mail

    n u stupid
    yes me knw hw to send mail ohk

    • aksa
      November 26, 17:33

      That is great now we can also tlk through gmail.

  14. *
    November 26, 17:27 Reply

    Faty u nw hw sand mail

  15. ****ZARa****
    November 26, 17:26 Reply

    hi suniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
    good evnig to u
    hope u fyn na
    me fyn too
    missing u a lot
    tk creeee
    see u soon

  16. Suni
    November 26, 17:23 Reply

    Good Evening / Night / Morning . .

    Hi Zaara 🙂 . .
    I just dropped in to say hello sweetie 🙂 . .
    I hope that you are good . ..

    • Suni
      November 26, 17:26

      Btw . . Beautiful gv Zaara . . I love it ..

  17. ****ZARa****
    November 26, 17:20 Reply

    yes aksa it is
    so did u had ur diinner or nt
    n u got my mail

    • aksa
      November 26, 17:23

      Ya had dinner havent yet recieved email.

    • aksa
      November 26, 17:24

      Zaara yes I got it.

  18. ****ZARa****
    November 26, 17:18 Reply

    hmm u ryt aksa
    so wht time is nw there
    n look at tht * coom
    me cnt contrl my laugh

    • aksa
      November 26, 17:19

      Its 10:20 PM and ya its really funny ohh.

    • aksa
      November 26, 17:16

      Ya Zaara how can I forget about our favourite actor is RK.

    • aksa
      November 26, 17:11

      Ya that is awesome same wish & same habit.

  19. ****ZARa****
    November 26, 17:08 Reply

    aksa high five
    me tooo hve tht sme habbit yer
    me say ppl no srry n thnks
    bt i am the 1 who start saying this
    n me too found this too funny
    tht who could be this person
    n saying faty

    • aksa
      November 26, 17:09

      Ya Zaara it was funny but both of us have same habit of saying sorry and thank you.

    • aksa
      November 26, 17:06

      Zaara I found that funny but weird thinking who it could be.

  20. ****ZARa****
    November 26, 17:03 Reply

    me alys give bk
    srry to ppl
    n some1 put there pocket or eat
    there srry 😛

    • aksa
      November 26, 17:05

      I have a habit of saying sorry and thanks when someone says no need to say thank you or sorry evetytime I still say it.

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