Kundali Bhagya 29th June 2018 Written Update

Kundali Bhagya 29th June 2018 Written Update by Sona

Kundali Bhagya 29th June 2018 Written Episode

Sherlin walks into her car and then decides to call Prithvi but the receives a call from her mother who says to her that she is outside the hospital and is coming but she stops her and says that there is no need as the doctor said that she is alright to which she says that this is good as she does not have any problem at which her mother then says that they will now go for shopping.
Her mother gets another call and Sherlin calls Prithvi who picks up and says that he cannot talk as he is in meeting, she asks him as to why was his phone switched off, she then asks him about her Slam book and he says that will tell her when they meet, she then asks him to come with her to the doctor and then they get into a fight.
Preeta asks the sister if she did not like that girl to which the Sister says

that she knows that the girl was from a big family but this does not mean that she will insult her because of no reason, Preeta says that she will show her a picture and will she be able to recognize her if she shows her a phot, Preeta at first by mistake shows her a photo of some other girl but then after correcting it shows he a photo of Sherlin and she also confirms it, Preeta thinks that this means that Sherlin lied to Rakhi and her and she truly pregnant.
Sherlin’s mother is talking with Karina and confirms that she will cone for coffee, when she ends the call and tells Sherlin that they have to go to Luthra’s house for coffee but hearing this Sherlin stops the call and her mother is amazed, she asks her to drive but she says that she cannot go with her but when her mother asks her the reason she says that she is in a hurry to marry Rishab and so will go to meet a marriage planner but her mother does not understand and when she pressurizes her then she also agrees.
Prithvi is in his car thinking that he did not get free from one problem then another problem came to knock at his door and he never thought that such a time will come, just two days ago he thought that no one will be able to stop Rishab and Sherlin’s wedding but now he feels that he will also not get married and if anyone and espically karan came to know of Sherlin’s pregnancy then their plan will be over.
The key maker comes and Ka5ran is anxiously waiting and as soon as he steps in the room Karan asks as to why was he so late to which he says that the Photo which he sent made him realize that the slam book was really rare and more work was need to open it so he was practicing, Kara asks him to work hurriedly and after examining he says that he will have to make a new key to which Karan ask him to quickly make it , Sameer steps in and ask the maker as to what he is doing when Karan steps in and Sameer asks him as to what he is doing and then he tells him the hole case and he also gets excited.
Sherlin is on the pho ne and says that she has reached and where is he when she is walking then Prithvi pulls her , he says that why did she call her here and he says that why is she late and is it the matter of the baby because he does not like the hospital and when he comes here then he gets Goosebumps, hearing all of this she gets angry and says that she will tell him if he listens and then says that she is late because she was with her mother at which he says that she is a stubborn women, she says that he is talking about her mother Prithvi says that he does not like her.
The lock maker says that he has opened the lock Karan gets overly joyed and when he asks for his fees they hand him double his fees and he leaves, just the Preeta walk in and is very confused they says that have got the lock opened to which she also gets excited and when they open it they cannot believe their eyes as everything is wrong and she has written very beautiful words regarding Rishab, Karan disagrees and Preeta also says that he is right as Sherlin is not like this.
Prithvi says that Luthra’s have a Slam book but it is not hers and it is just like hers but that one was prepared by him, she does not understand it and he says that he got the Slam book and made it a book containing all the good moments that they both had together and this will make them feel that there is no better person then her for Rishab, He says that he got the book when he was going to his house and the he hid in his bathroom after he was awake and he was there for one hour but after that he came out and changed the book. He says that after seeing the Slam book all their faces will be in complete amazement, Karan will be very angry and disappointed and Preeta will be saying that it is her fault and she was wrong to blame Prithvi jee.
Karan is very angry saying that this is not right and she is not the right person and he will prove this Preeta also agrees with him.

Precap: Preeta tells Karan that Sherlin is pregnant and she is sure of it, Karan asks her as to how does she know this and when she tells him then he says that they will go there and prove that Sherlin is not a good person.

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