Kumkum Bhagya 5th November 2014 Written Update

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Kumkum Bhagya 5th November 2014 Written Update by H_Hasan

Kumkum Bhagya 5th November 2014 Written Episode

The episode starts with Mitali getting worried seeing Aaliya hearing her conversation with dad that she took Raj’s signatures on marriage hall demolition papers. Aaliya changes her track and says Pragya is behind all this and she is the one who brainwashed Abhi and made him stood against her and now she spoke to inspector and got Raj trapped. She says she will kick out Pragya soon. She comes out and thinks she got one more Pragya’s hater and soon with her help, she can get out Pragya from their house.

Abhi comes to police station and asks Raj why did he take bribe. Raj says he did not take bribe in his lifetime, then why will he take now. He says he does not know how those signature came on those papers. Abhi asks if those are his signatures for sure. Raj says yes but don’t know who signed them. Abhi says because of him, Daadi saw police raiding their home and he can easily bail him out, but does not want to as he has broken his trust and says if he is really innocent, he himself will come out.

Mitali meets Suresh and requests him to give tuition to her children. He says he is very busy and says he can refer his friend. She says Pragya referred him and asked me to request you from her side. Suresh agrees hearing Pragya’s name and says her children have to come to his house for tuition in the evening as he is busy during day. She agrees and gets happy that her plan is working.

Mitali informs Aaliya that Suresh has agreed for tuition, but she has to go to his house with children. Aaliya says it is good he agreed and says we have to prove in front of Daadi that Pragya is still having affair with Suresh and is characterless, then Daadi herself will throw her out. She says that we have to not let Pragya know about our plan, else she is very clever that she will ruin our plan. She hears candle dropping and gets worried, but Tanu comes out and says she heard about her plan and asks when is she executing it. Aaliya says tomorrow when Abhi goes for a concert with family. Tanu asks what if Pragya also goes. Aaliya asks Tanu to stop Pragya from going. Tanu says she will. They all happily shake hands.

Abhi talks to his guitar and says he will win concert for sure. Pragya comes there, and he asks if he heard his talk. She says no but saw him talking to his guitar. He says both are same. He then starts singing, and she corrects him. He says he did not ask her opinion and asks her to listen silently. She smiles and listens wither finger on her lips. Tanu sees them both enjoying and angrily walks out from there. After Abhi finishes his song, he says Pragya that she can clap now. She claps.

Abhi gets worried that his legs have swollen after playing guitar and thinks how will he play guitar in concert tomorrow. Pragya comes and asks why he has stopped practicing and asks if his fingers are paining. He says no. She goes and brings salt water. He thinks she is a magician and knows everything. She asks him to soak his fingers in salt water. He hesistantly soaks, but takes them out hurriedly. She asks if it water is hot. He says not hotter than him. She asks him to soak then. He soaks and asks how does she know about this remedy. she says when her legs used to swell after walking long distances, her daadi used to soak her feet in salt water and she used to get relief. He feels relief. She asks him to sleep now.

Precap: Mitali calls Suresh and requests him to come and teach her children at her home as she cannot come to his home today. He agrees. She happily informs Aaliya that Suresh is coming.


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  1. outspoken
    November 06, 02:38 Reply

    Trouble is brewing, brewing for Pragya dear,

    How she’s coming out of this, is not very clear ,

    It’s a serious allegation , tarnishing her very image ,

    For it’s her character that takes all the damage..

    Besides, placing obstacles in her path of happiness,

    With her Abhi , thus making her life a big, big mess…

    So, Pragya ,dear Pragya, be cautious , my dear ,

    You are precious to all, so that’s why all this fear….

    • Manita
      November 06, 02:51

      So bad script.most slow

  2. Meera
    November 05, 21:52 Reply

    Stupid show same thing over and over again since the show started same yelling, conspiracy
    Same dadi’s love
    Keep stretching over and over again

    • Neha
      November 05, 22:16

      Intrestingly abhi didn’t find out that why Prayga lied in jail to save him
      Abhi didnot kniws Prayga saved him and called lawer,
      There are so many things conspiracy after conspiracy and none of the truth comes out same way prayga’s cousin was accoused to make oass in tannu while it was other way around
      None if the truth is coming out , they are showing Prayga us a professor she is showing she us dumbh
      When everyone found out it was not Prayga it was bulbul in love with Prayga than why abhi is treating her so bad
      Why Prayga us doing overacting, abhi have no brain instead if filthy mouth to keep crushing Prayga
      Alya and tannu keep lying one after the another snd nine of the truth comes out
      This is sad seema one side of story no substance in it

    • dvlakshmi
      November 06, 02:46

      Agree with you N, there are many loose ends to this tale .. unanswered .The CVs feel there in no need for explanation and accountability to anyone. They are under the impression that they are above all these.

    • Manita
      November 06, 02:50

      Backwas serial

  3. Nisha
    November 05, 19:53 Reply

    This show is giving me a whip lash .. Aliya and Tanu’s crap wasn’t enough now there’s the addition of Matali?? She is sick! All three belong in a club of wicked, disgusting and power hungry women …

    Abhi. Is he dumb or just plain stupid ??? How can you not see what’s in front of you….

    • Meera
      November 05, 21:53

      Stupid show same thing over and over again since the show started same yelling, conspiracy
      Same dadi’s love
      Keep stretching over and over again make you think may be somthing will be new
      But same SOS

    • Nisha
      November 06, 22:43

      I totally agree Meera

  4. LJ
    November 05, 19:24 Reply

    There is alot of evil displayed here… Pragya is the scapegoat for everything going wrong in her house.
    While the plots continue, the conspirators never seem to win…this will be a difficult situation for Pragya to face and explain…
    The good news is that we have seen a change in Abhi… he’s dumb as can be about life, but, he does really have a good heart… he loves his cruel sister so much, she pulls at his heartstrings… The show is advancing though slowly as we see Abhi moving towards Pragya… their relationship is on the upswing… will be interesting to see what happens after the witches brew is cooked and fed to the family….I remain hopeful… I know Abhi loves Pragya… he has known how wonderful she is for a long time… The truth will come out

    • dvlakshmi
      November 06, 04:07

      Hi, agree with you on all counts. Ya, Abhi does care for Pragya. But, till now the charges thrown at Pragya are not that personal as the one that’s about to be levelled against her- her character and her infidelity , something that’s bound to have its effect on the personal relationship of Abhi and Pragya. Now, that a serious charge and how is Abhi going to react is uppermost on my mind. I dread those scenes…

  5. dvlakshmi
    November 05, 19:01 Reply

    In life, there is always happiness and sorrow, good and bad in all issues and poor health and robust health. What I’m trying to say is that there are always ups and downs in anyone’s life.

    Coming to Pragya’s life, there seems to nothing but woes and troubles of all sorts , created by all kinds of people around her in her husband’s household. Doesn’t that girl need any relief of some kind in her life.Earlier , she was harassed by Aaliya and Tanu , to this group, we have the third entrant , Mitali. This is besides the major opponent of a type- Abhi. How much can a person take this harassment and for how long ? This is tiresome to watch. We, the viewers, want some happiness in Pragya ‘s life. Besides, Pragya, we are desperate…We need to see good win over evil , at least sometimes in Pragya’s wedded life. To add to her woes, we now have an issue , where her character is to be painted black and blue , by the tiresome three , Aaliya, Tanu and Mitali , by hatching a plot , by associating her with Suresh. This is totally appalling. Mitali is no better than the other witches, she is to be blamed for her husband’s arrest.

    Enough is enough . All we want is some relaxation after a taxing day on our TVs , but what does our idiot box provide, only problems of all shapes and sorts, coming one after another , endlessly. Maybe, Pragya has the stamina to take all these lying down, but we can’t , I speak for many who are fed up with what’s going on in Pragya’s life , in KKB . Give us a good fare, at least once in a way, please . Now, that is an earnest request. Are we asking for the sky , here ?

    • ♥♥sumaira♥♥
      November 05, 19:24

      Totally agree that pragya needs some happiness
      But she has happiness now that she loves abhi
      But yh she soild be like hiw she was be4
      She used to stand up for her rights
      Like u know how much she fought for rachna wen her times were bad
      But u need to under stans that she is fighting
      She did all this for whom she loves
      Her mother n her dadi

    • §àñvì:
      November 05, 21:19

      Dvl I totally agree with u.but, unfortunately aaliya n tanu will get succeed in tarnishing pragya’s image infront of d family I think. Hope abhi confines her here, its my honest wish, to d least we can get some solace over here.

    • dvlakshmi
      November 06, 03:54

      Thanks Su and Sa , for responding to my comments !

  6. Kris
    November 05, 12:45 Reply

    This story is going round in circles, nothing new

  7. arti
    November 05, 12:43 Reply

    Why isn’t daadi questioning tannu for being there 24/7?. Doesn’t she have her own place? . Ps..previous tannu was better.

    Aliya needs a life besides conspiring against pragya
    Vengeful witch that she is. What happened to bulbul and purab???

    • janee
      November 05, 14:42

      Totaly agri dat d previus Tanu was beta, she seemed evil this 1 seems inocent

  8. SA
    November 05, 12:30 Reply

    Alliya needs to stop cvonspiring against Pragya, the story line is gettin a bit tiresome now !! And Tanu, stop being the spare wheel!!! Its getting so boring!!!

  9. SA
    November 05, 12:26 Reply

    Pragya must STop being their scapegoat and taking crap frm these girls Aaliya, Tanu and now Mittali, thank God tat Rockstar saves Pragya, do not be a wear Bahu, show them ur Power. I’m tired of seeing how the woman ar so weak and the Villans ar always tramping all ova them. Its time for these Villans to be put in ther place, how dare tat Mittali raise hetr hand on Pragya and yet she is bloody guilty of the act. What a travisty!!!!!!!!!!

  10. cecilia dacosta
    November 05, 12:10 Reply

    Sick and tired of this story line..They need to get the witches
    hitched up with someone…will there ever be any happiness between any couple.

  11. Simran
    November 05, 11:31 Reply

    I love kumkum bhagya .. Waiting for the moments when both will actually in love with each other…..

    • Rashi
      November 05, 11:44

      If their plan fails then Abhi can like her but noo. Villains make it hard.

  12. Rashi
    November 05, 11:05 Reply

    No its gonna happen today or this week. No no ugh. What will happen. Btw First

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