Kumkum Bhagya 31st March 2023 Written Update

Kumkum Bhagya 31st March 2023 Written Update by H Hasan

Kumkum Bhagya 31st March 2023 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Pallavi telling Badi Dida and Dida telling that she had taken promise from Ranbir to marry Rhea, when Prachi was not here and even Ranbir was alone, nobody was with him with whom he can spend his life. Dida says so? Pallavi says Ranbir is my son, and nothing matters to me other than his happiness. She says it is not right that parents’ decisions are right for their children. Dida asks what parents shall do, shall sit keeping hand on hand. Pallavi says Parents’ shall not force their decision on their children. She says it is not necessary that the girl whom I like the most, Ranbir also likes her, and says we can’t expect this from him. She says lets him decide with whom he wants to spend his life. Badi Dida asks if Ranbir doesn’t like Rhea. Pallavi says I am not saying this, and tells that let him decide. She says may be..Badi Dida says I want to end this may be..She says I don’t want Ranbir to take even Prachi’s name, and says his life is his, but Prachi will not come in her life, and asks her to understand this. Dida says I did this so that I don’t want Prachi to have any misunderstanding and tells that Ranbir is equally dear to her. Pallavi says you have announced at the wrong time and in a wrong way. She says you have announced his wedding without asking him, we have to ask him. She tells that Ranbir has full right to decide about his life. She says don’t know what they are going through. Rhea comes there. Dida starts acting and tells Badi Dida that they will have designer clothes for the marriage. Badi Dida says the marriage will be in Punjabi style. Rhea hugs Dida for giving her big surprise of her life.

Prachi hears Ashok and Akshay’s conversation and goes from there. She collides with Rhea. Rhea asks are you fine? Prachi congratulates her. Rhea says you have congratulated me already. Prachi says she is happy for her. Rhea asks where is she going? Prachi says Dadi and Shahana stay with her, and tells that Dadi was calling her so she has to leave. Priya hears them. Akshay thanks Ranbir and hugs him, thanking him for his help. He says if Ranbir had not helped you then Prachi would have never said. Ranbir asks what she said and tells that he was not here so don’t know. Ashok says I know Prachi, she didn’t refuse that means she agrees for this marriage. He asks Ranbir who announced his wedding. Ranbir says my Dida. Ashok says it is double happiness.

Dida thinks of Pallavi and says don’t say that I did wrong. Badi Dida comes behind her and says Pallavi shall do what you say, and says you are right. Vikram comes there and tells that you are always right. Dida complains to him about Pallavi. Pallavi comes there and says what is wrong is wrong and you are wrong. Dida stops her and says the matter will end after I say what I want, then there will be no argument. Pallavi asks what? Ranbir says I am thinking if I did right or not. Akshay says your Dida announced, and even you wanted. Ranbir says if you had proposed Prachi in your way then she would have never agreed. He asks why did you take my help? Ashok asks if you are not happy. Ranbir says yes, I am not happy. Akshay asks if you also loves Prachi. Ashok asks what you are saying, and tells that he is upset with his marriage announcement with Rhea. Ranbir thinks he shall not tell them now, and tells that he is upset with my marriage announcement with Rhea. Ashok says if he had loved Prachi, then would have made her his, rather than helping you. Akshay says I misunderstood. Ashok asks Akshay to call Prachi and asks her to come. Akshay calls her. Ashok tells Ranbir that he is Prachi’s boss, but he is her father, and can order and scold her with all rights.

Prachi is driving her car and cries. Mainu Ishq Tera song plays…..Prachi cries and is angry that Ranbir helped Akshay proposed her. Akshay calls her, but she doesn’t pick the call. Prachi recalls Ranbir making Rhea having the cake. Akshay says she is not picking the call. Priya comes and says she has gone home. Ashok says we will meet Ranbir’s dad and will leave. Akshay says ok. Dida tells Pallavi that she is elder than her, and is always right, and she has seen her taking wrong decisions. Pallavi asks what and asks her to make her understand. Vikram says we shall calm down and talk. Badi Dida says you are taking your wife’s side. Dida says your wife is angry with me, as I have announced Rhea and Ranbir’s marriage. She asks did you forget the promise. Pallavi says I didn’t, that time we didn’t know that Prachi was alive. Dida says it is matter of Ranbir and Rhea. Pallavi says it is the matter of Ranbir’s life. Dida says last time you had decided that Ranbir will marry Rhea and not Prachi. She says now you are saying that he will stay with Prachi. Pallavi says I didn’t say, and says I asked you to let him decide. Badi Dida says you have always taken wrong decision and that’s why let the elder person decide. Vikram says you people are shouting, guests are outside, first we shall see off the guests and then talk. They go from there.
Prachi comes home and cries hugging Shahana and Dadi. They take her inside. Dadi closes the door. Shahana asks her not to cry and asks her to say. Dadi also ask her to say, if something happened there. Prachi cries. She says it was not business party, but Ranbir’s birthday party, and there Akshay proposed me infront of everyone. Dadi and Shahana are shocked. Prachi says Dida then made an announcement that Ranbir is going to marry Rhea.

Episode ends.

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