Kumkum Bhagya 2nd October 2014 Written Update

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Kumkum Bhagya 2nd October 2014 Written Update by H Hasan

Kumkum Bhagya 2nd October 2014 Written Episode

The episode starts with Abhi sending Tanu under false ceiling and closes its mesh. Daadis come and knock door. Abhi says he will act as sleeping. Pragya loosens her hair as if she was sleeping and opens door. Daadis ask why did she take so long. Pragya gets shy. Daadi’s think she must be sleeping with Abhi. They all enter room. Abhi acts as surprised and asks why did they come here. Daadis say they came to check if he is behaving well with Pragya. Cousin daadi sees Tanu’s dress and asks if she tried and showed it to Abhi. Pragya says she did not. Daadi then says we sent them to get a baby and they themselves are disturbing them, asks Abhi to continue while they meet him tomorrow. Tanu sees cockroach and starts shouting. Daadi asks what sound it is. Pragya says Abhi’s mad fan is shouting from window. Daadi asks him to speak to his fan. Abhi tries to speak to Tanu, but Pragya signals him to speak to his fan outside window. Abhi shouts near window and asks fan who is not there to stop shouting, else he will change room. Daadi sees Pragya and Abhi sweating and asks them to switch on AC. Tanu thinks she will get freezed if AC is on. Cousin daadi switches AC on. Abhi acts as feeling cold and shivering. Daadi switches off AC and asks Abhi/Pragya to rest. Cousin daadi asks Pragya to chug Abhi and make him feel warm. Pragya hugs him tightly. Daadi get happy and leave from there.

Once they go out, Abhi starts shouting at Pragya and calls Tanu. Tanu instead falls in some other room. A man in room sees her and gets happy. His wife comes and asks where did this girl come from. He says from roof. she starts crying and says she is the one he is hiding from many days.

Bulbul gets in the middle of night remembering Sarla and gets into her room to check. Sarla is sound asleep. She gets abck to her room. Daadi wakes up and sees them both sleeping, prays Vahe guru to protect her family.

Daadi’s reach Pragya/Abhi’s room and say they wanted to give them surprise. Cousin daadi sees Abhi sleeping and thinks he must have been awake whole night. Abhi wakes up and asks when did they come. Cousin daadi gives him rose and asks to dorn it on Pragya. Abhi keeps it on her ears and jokes that phool is on fool. Tanu reaches there and gets tensed seeing daadi. Daadis ask why did she come there. Tanu says producer hired her for advertisement. Cousin daadi says Pragya looks beautiful than her. Abhi says they both are different and says one is rose flower and other is cauliflower, both are useful.

Daadis see producer with his wife at hotel. Producer gets happy seeing them. Daadi says she will take back Abhi as she cannot see Tanu ramp walking with Abhi and says she will allow only if Pragya ramp walks with Abhi. Producer asks how can it be, but his wife says daadi’s are right, only wife can walk with husband.

Daadis take Pragya to the ramp walk venue. Pragya gets nervous and says she cannot ramp walk. Daadi says she has to do it for her sake. Pragya asks what about Abhi. Daadi says he cannot disobey her. Cousin daadi says Pragya has agreed. Pragya cannot speak in front of daadis.

Tanu asks producer when is her ramp walk. Producer says his wife has selected another model. Tanu asks how can he do this to her and asks who is this model. Producer points at Pragya. She is shocked to see her.

Precap: Pragya gets a call from someone and shockingly says it cannot happen.

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  1. sathya
    June 23, 02:18 Reply

    The serial rocks like rockstar abhi

  2. izzy
    October 02, 21:32 Reply

    Wah…. kya batehhh
    Tanu really rocked in yesterday’s n today’s episode….
    I’ll forgive you for hiding the letter because of this marvellous episode tanu… but can’t give you guarantee of next time.
    Wow I really loved the way pragya and tanu were fightlie cats and dogs making abhi all the more crazy to think of a solution… and pragya provided the best idea “OUTSIDE the WINDOW”…

    • izzy
      October 02, 21:37

      And… to make tanu realize that she’s not meant for Abhi, when abhi fell she fell straight on “lizard” 😉 and when pragya was trying to get up, he’s still there!!!!
      I love tanu’ expression “what the hell was that?” to tell you the truth tanu-ji we don’t have the answers to your question expression, but I can give you this, MAGIC between to poeple that r attracted to eacth other unknowingly”
      Oh yeah you must be wondering thatt abhi doesn’t look at you like that,,, well tanu-ji that’s because you and abhi are forcing the relationship not natural 😉

    • izzy
      October 02, 21:40

      And thanks cvs for the Aaliya’s craziness free episode in yesterday n today’s episode…..
      Poor bulbul and purab… don’t worry too much dears.. you’ll have the last laugh. promise you that,

  3. M@hi
    October 02, 16:34 Reply

    So now Tanu will plot against Pragya more than before. Abhi will be surprised that people think his chasmish is beautiful.

    • izzy
      October 02, 18:00

      Can’t wait to see more of tanu vexed than this!

  4. Ocenia9
    October 02, 14:49 Reply

    I hope Pragya gets offer to model for other advertisment and she accepts it. She will be a better modle then Tanu and Abhi goes crazy for her.

    • Meera
      October 02, 16:04

      Totally stupíd epic , can’t believe there is no better story line same SOS
      Dadi, abhi, tannu Prayga
      Abhi keep crushing
      Tannu keep trying flerting abhi
      Dadi keel convincing
      Same sis since show started
      Prayga us a fool how much someone can take this much garbage, how a woman let her husband let flert front of other woman and keep covering remind me gross out yo think
      If Prayga have any self respect she should start to go for her teChing carrier and show her importance

  5. Maureen
    October 02, 14:19 Reply

    Stupid stupid show how much more women must take abuse from men why she don’t just leave him life goes on

    • Katerina
      October 02, 18:10

      I agree with you…
      Stupidest show ever…

      Disgusting watching a wife accommodating her husband’s GF… Utter disgust ppl

  6. Maureen
    October 02, 14:18 Reply

    Stupid stupid show how much more women must take abuse from men

  7. Miss Skinny
    October 02, 14:00 Reply

    This is a waste of time. I use to love this show, now I just wait for Qubooi Hai…zee sucks…

    • Kris
      October 02, 14:03

      But Ahil already told Sanam that he killed his father, he has to be the most dense person to listen to Tanveer’s explanation about Sanam finding out that, sheesh.

    • Kris
      October 02, 14:05

      sorry wrong forum, just read the spoiler,
      show getting shitty every day though,
      Pragya would leave Abhi, then he would find out about Tanu etc etc and realise his love for Pragya and more senseless dramas

    • izzy
      October 02, 18:01

      late news

    • Katerina
      October 02, 18:10

      Exactly dear…
      We better watch other

  8. Ri
    October 02, 12:14 Reply

    Come on we are expecting more out of this episode… What a let down! Abhi needs to grow up and Pragya to have more character – they are the main characters. Don’t let it drag for too long :(You may use these HTML tags and attributes:

  9. Ri
    October 02, 12:13 Reply

    Come on we are expecting more out of this episode… What a let down! Abhi needs to grow up and Pragya to have more character – they are the main characters. Don’t let it drag for too long 🙁

  10. Kris
    October 02, 11:57 Reply

    but still shitty track on

    • Kris
      October 02, 11:58

      The lady should beat up Tanu hehehe

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