Kullfi Kumarr Bajewala 6th July 2018 Written Update

Kullfi Kumarr Bajewala 6th July 2018 Written Update by Tanaya

Kullfi Kumarr Bajewala 6th July 2018 Written Episode

Lovely says how could this Tevar be so hit in a night, Mahinder asks Sikander what are you thinking, Sikander says this isn’t one night thing he is in business since long,Lovely asks do you know who launched it,and checks google and reads Tonny Chada and leaves. Mahinder says Sikander lovely dad launched Tevar, Sikander says go look after ma.

Kulfi says ma im going to him with this book if you don’t want me to show me some sign,Kulfi says Sikander sir i need help this was in my mothers bag, i found it after her death till then i didnt know about it, Sikander says i had same book few years back,Sikander looks at the book and about to hear it and hears rapping song and says stupid people hold it,i will go check dadi,Kulfi says oh ma it was your sign i wont show it to Sikander.


sees Tevar and media in house nearby,Tevar giving media interview, reporter asks who is your inspiration and he says Sikander Singh Gill and walks to Sikander,and says he is my inspiration my sir and sir if you weren’t there,reporter asks how come,Tevar says classy and desi combo,he is the living story of success and i want to achieve all that he has,Reporter asks what would you say, Sikander says i havent met him before but still i wish him luck,reporter asks he is giving you competition he sangba song you were supposed to,sikander says it is his song.
Sikander says firsts things in life are always special so congratulations on your first sucess and please Tevar lower the volume , ma is unwel,Tevar says back up the conference we will continue later, Sikander says just lower volume its fine, Tebar says this can happen later just take care of ma.

Sikander gets home,and hears loud volume from Amyras room,Amyra says Rohan songs later first think about what will you do with Kulfi,Rohan says simple idea,just help him find is dad and he will take him away for ever,Amyra says superb idea, Sikander walks in and asks which idea,Amyra says school related we will discuss later bye now, Sikander closes door and leaves. Amyra says if we knew his dad he would have gone,Rohan says his bag must have some clues just take her away from home with some reason and i will handle,Amyra says act quickly i just dont want to get scolded by her once again.

Lovely says dad if you can’t help me atleast dont increase my problems,Tony says look how your daughter is talking,Cutie says oh now she is my daughter, Lovely says dad i made all fine and he also forgived me, Tony says he should have apologized he was to finish my Amyras career, Lovely says but if her dad wont have career how will she,Tony says i will make her career, Lovely says people want to hear her because she is superstar Sikander daughter and not because of Tony and if he fails Amyra will and i wont let that happen.

Kulfi near dadi struggling with Nimrat locket and says how will i find my dad,Dadi says Kulfi get me some water,Kulfi keeps the book and leaves,Dadi reads it and says if Kulfi could read she would learn Sikander is her dad and sees locket with nimart and Sikander pic and says God you are so beautiful,you couldn’t have your husband’s love and because of me your daughter couldnt get father,iim sorry for all the mistakes,i couldn’t let Amyras happiness cost for Kulfi.

Amyra says come leta go play,Kulfi says im looking after dadi,Amyra says just inform dadi she wont deny,Kulfi says instead of playing can you help me study,Amyra says we will play teacher teacher.

Kulfi goes to dadi and Amyras friends go to Kulfis room,Kulfi asks dadi are you fine,because Amyra is calling me to play i will come back soon, Dadi says yes im good go play,Kulfi says dont misbehave ok i will come soon and leaves,Dadi in tears says auch innocent kid why did i do this.

Kulfi going to her room,Amyra tries to stop,Kulfi says these are my mothers cant afford to misplace them again and goes to her room .

Pre cap : None..

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