Kasam 3rd April 2017 Written Update

Kasam 3rd April 2017 Written Update by Sona

Kasam 3rd April 2017 Written Episode

Raaj comes to the goon and asks him for a cold drink.

Bee ji comes to Tanuja taunting Rishi must have said I love you to Tanuja. Naitra stares at her wide eyed, Bee ji curtly says she only gave this right to Rano. Naitra was angry at Bee ji, then tells Rano what Rishi did to her.
Rishi and Tanuja stood on a side. Tanuja was angry at him for staring at others. Rishi says Tanuja doesn’t let him near her, he can stare at anyone as per wish. Tanuja curtly says I don’t care.

Poorab scolds the waiter bringing him aside and asks why he is seen all around. He questions Malaika if he would really be any use to kill a single girl. The goon points the gun at Poorab. Rishi watches a guy staring at Tanuja near the bar, he sends Manpreet to call the boy aside. Tanuja was attentive towards them.
Rishi corrects the collar of the guy and says the girl he had been staring is fortunately his wife. The boy apologizes at once, Rishi tells him to get away from here. Rishi and Tanuja look towards each other, she smiles at him.

Malaika comes to congratulate Tanuja, but she doesn’t reply. Malaika corrects, he is her ex-husband to be. Tanuja takes Malaika aside and warns her to say another word against her and Rishi. Malaika tries to make up, they belong to same fraternity. She wanted to marry Rishi for money and Shekhar’s revenge; Tanuja also married Rishi for money and Rano’s revenge. Malaika says had Raaj not seen her in hotel that day, their stories must have been different. Tanuja tells Malaika that their life stories are written on skies, she has been born for Rishi only. Malaika asks if this money game is a drama to save her money from Poorab. Tanuja thinks she can’t Malaika figure her plan out, and says she truly loves two things money and Rishi. Till she is alive, she won’t give a single penny to anyone.

Malaika and Rishi comes to each other, Tanuja smiling at him. He inquires signaling what happened, Tanuja denies. Their hand touches as they pass by, both were moved and loo towards each other. Tanuja thanks Rishi for being so careful and deterring the guy staring at her. She clarifies this doesn’t mean she would return his property to him. Rishi says he had been thinking about something else and leaves. Tanuja was hurt watching him go this way. Bee ji brings a juice to Tanuja and says she already warned Tanuja her love would be visible to Rishi in the party. Tanuja was upset she really made him leave her side. Bee ji assures Rishi would soon be here after her. Tanuja wish and turns around, the juice spilt over Rano. Tanuja was apologetic, Rano wasn’t ready to accept her sorry and leaves curtly. Bee ji makes Tanuja spare Rano as she can’t make her up at any cost.

The goon had come upstairs and spots Tanuja standing with Bee ji. The lights were shut at once, it was Nakul who calls for a couple dance at the party. The couples in the party come in between. UV brings Divia to the centre, Ahana and Manpreet take their places.

In the room, Rano was enraged over Tanuja. Naitra comes to calm Rano down. Rano wanted to push that girl out of her house, and tells Naitra Tanuja invited Poorab to party to show Rano the illegitimate child of her husband. She was determined to play a game so that Tanuja leaves this property and this house.

Tanuja looks around to find Rishi wasn’t there. Bee ji thinks Tanuja must be finding Rishi for couple dance. The goon had come to take aim of Tanuja. Bee ji leaves her side. Raaj comes beside the goon in waiter’s disguise. He sends a drink for his special guests. The waiter leaves. Poorab was curt over his old father.

There, Rishi comes to party looking for Tanuja. Tanuja came looking for him, both hit each other in the hall. Tanuja gives a smile to people, Rishi and she ask what is there. Rishi asks what makes him attracted towards her. Tanuja thinks it’s their love that keeps them closer. He forgives her every time even if she misbehaves with him. She wish Rishi takes her to floor.

PRECAP: Tanuja fell over the floor. Everyone rushes to her. Rishi comes to the goon and asks if he is fine. The goon confronts Rishi curtly.

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