Kalash 1st September 2016 Written Update

Kalash 1st September 2016 Written Update by Atiba

Kalash 1st September 2016 Written Episode

Scene 1
Devika cries in her room and says we make so many dreams but one day all dreams break down. One sided love is really bad because if heart breaks in it then it cant be repaired, whole life is destroyed like mine, i dont understand how to control my feelings, i know everything, how Ravi did bad with me, he never loved me, he faked his love for me but even today when i see his face, i get feelings, when he hugs me, i feel like i get all happiness of world, why this happens with me? how will i take revenge from him? i cant see him in trouble, even now i am thinking about bringing him out of jail, what to do Ambe Maa?
Nivi and Ravi are waiting area of jail. Ravi asks if she is fine? Nivi recalls how Devika told her that she is not Devika but Ambiak Raichand, she asks Ravi today you think
Ambika is Devika but what if youa re proved wrong? then what will you do? Ravi says if i am not able to prove that Ambika is Devika then i wont cancel our sangeet, Nivi says our marriage? he says i wont back away from it then, but i know she is devika only, Nivi says you dont have hope but i have 1% hope because i love you like crazy, i am feeling pain of one sided love, this is blind well and i want to jump in it, its important for me, she leaves.
Janki calls minister and thanks him for helping her. Minister says our whole party is with you, Janki says i will send you funds but remember Saket should not come out of jail, his real place is there only, minister says your work will be done, she ends call. Devika has listened all this, she thanks Janki, Janki says i am just doing this for my daughter’s safety, he wont be able to do anything against you now, he wanted to come out of jail but he doesnt know that he has messed with Janki Raichand and now he has to pay for his deeds.
Nivi meets lawyer and says Ravi went to save someone, bring Ravi out of jail. Lawyer says Ravi got involved in gun fight and even didnt stop when police asked him, it will atleast take one week to bring him out, she says i came to with all hopes, please do something, he says i cant do anything, she says i have connections, i will give bribe too, just tell me, lawyer says there is one way, you can ask Janki to take case back, Nivi says you think i will beg to anyone? i dont need her to bring Ravi out, Lawyer says then you have to wait, nobody can bring him out.
Rekha comes to police station. She requests inspector to let her meet Ravi, he allows her. Rekha comes to Ravi’s cell. He is elated to see her and asks if she is fine? she says you are jail then how can i be in? Saket did all that and you are bearing punishment, his deeds are gone beyond limits, he will get wrath of God. Ravi says i did all that for my Devika, i feel like my Devika will be back to me and i dont feel bad about all this, Rekha says i pray that we get her back, i talked to her, Janki called me to thank me so Ambika talked to me, she had pain in her voice, she couldnt talk to me much and ended call, she is Devika only. Ravi says she is Devika, she has same birth mark as Devika used to have, Rekha says that proves it, Ravi says i will make her confess it soon, you should be happy to get your daughter back, Rekha nods and says come back home soon.
Devika and Janki are discussing project, Devika says i really think we should give project try. Janki says you are perfect now, i think its time to make you CEO, Devika says no i am still learning from you and you are not old, you remember one manager asked if you are my elder sister, i had to tell him that you are my mother, they laugh. Servant comes and says Nivi has come to meet Ambika, Devika says why she has come now? Janki says dont know, devika says i will see, Janki says no i will go and see, its better if you dont come infront of them, you know birth mark, your real identity should remain hidden, i will go and talk to her, Devika nods, she leaves.
Janki comes to Nivi in lounge and asks it anything urgent? Nivi says yes, i want to meet Ambika, Janki says she is busy with project, tell me, Nivi says i want to talk to her only, Janki says she cant come now, Nivi says i wont take much time, she wont mind going to her room, my fiance risked his life to save her, i will meet her, she tries to go but Janki stops her and says she doesnt meet without appointment, are you bragging that Ravi saved her life? even if he came to meet her rightnow, she wouldnt meet him, Nivi says why you are talking like this? i didnt know Ambika is that selfish, i dont understand why you are saying all this, i know she must be miffed with me but she will listen to me, she starts going to her room but Janki stops her and says how dare you cut me off? what you think you are? you come here and fight then you cry and ask for forgiveness, i am tired of your stubbornness, dont forget this is my house and even the house you live in is mine too, you always expect forgiveness but remember this time i wont forgive you, i allowed you in this house because my daughter take you as friend but you are limited to this living room only, Nivi says what did i do that you are showing attitude? i am just asking to meet her, what kind of mother are you? did you forget how Ravi risked his life to save your daughter’s life, she is with you only because of him, dont forget it, Devika listens it hiding behind pillar. Nivi says did you try to find out how Ravi is living? why he is bearing punishment? just because he made sure that your daughter is safe, i have seen his situation, i have come to ask for help. Devika thinks that she is right, Ravi shouldnt be in jail, he dis so much for me and what i am doing? nothing, Maa please understand it, i cant do anything but Maa you can do it. Janki says to Nivi that use your contacts and free him, Nivi says i tried everything and lost thats why i am here, my lawyer asked me to ask you to take case back, if you have humanity left then come with me and take your case back. Devika thinks that why Nivi is talking rudely with Maa? if she asked politely then Maa would have agreed. Janki says you are asking for help by ordering me? who are you infront of me nothing, i would have thought to free Ravi but i wont do anything because of your ego, it will destroy you, Nivi says what about your welfare and all that crap? now when you can actually help someone then you are thinking about your pride, think what if Ravi didnt save your daughter? i know Saket is dangerous, he would have married Ambika or would have killed her, your daughter could have doen suicide. Janki and Devika looks on, Janki says i am not against Ravi and i am not ignoring his favor, i would have freed him but now i wont because of your ego, what was the need to show me your attitude? i wont bear it any cost, you should be polite while asking for help, even now i can think of freeing Ravi but you have to lower your voice pitch and say sorry to me for all this and request for help like common person, Nivi says never, not in this life, what you think that i cant free Ravi without your help? i dont need your help, i will do everything but will free him, i have connections too and i will never forgive you for insult you did today, she leave.

PRECAP- Sakshi says to Nivi that my Devika was murdered with whole planning. You murdered my Devika di, Nivi is shocked to hear it. Ravi is out of jail, he comes to Saket’s cell and says you know who freed me? Devika came to free me and she fought with inspector to free me.

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