Kalash 19th April 2016 Written Update

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Kalash 19th April 2016 Written Update by Atiba

Kalash 19th April 2016 Written Episode

Scene 1
Devika slaps Navi more and says such big cheat? you didnt have humanity? your heart didnt say how can you kill someone? how can you do this with me and my family? the family who took you as our family member, we loved you, we made you part of our happiness, we thought you are alone in city, we remain standing with you and what you did? you broke our trust, why you did it? i feel pity for you, i had doubt on you when i saw women in my kidnapping are then what Sakshi told me about you, all were against you but i didnt believe it, i saw that same gun with you today, i kept doubting you but i rubbished it thinking that Ravi respects and trusts you so you cant stoop that low, i was wrong, you cant be trusted, what detective was saying? that you mixed poison in laddos too, now will you say that this is all lie? all are lying? say now, tell me another fake story now, Navi says yes i did all this, i dont need to answer anyone, yes i did everything, no one can do this except me, you wanna know truth? yes i kidnapped you, i kept trying to kill you and i will keep trying, i framed Monty and Sakshi, yes i am culprit but you cant do anything, you are responsible for all this, Devika says what i have done? Navi says you have snatched my Ravi from me, you destroyed my dreams, why did you come inbetween me and Ravi? Ravi is mine only, why did you snatch him? Ravi proposed me but i took time to answer him, you think Ravi loves you? he married you to save your from Saket, i lost my love, DEvika says this is wrong, Ravi loved me always, Navi says Ravi married you out of pity, not only Ravi, his mother wants me to become daughter in law of her house too, Devika is happy.
Ravi comes to Mandir, Mandir is closed due to night, Ravi says maybe Ambe Maa is taking my test, i will give this good news to Devika today for sure, i will climb stairs to go to mandir and will prove my love.
Navi says to Devika that Ravi knew everything about this, he is always with me, Devika says dont try to fool me, i wont be fooled by stories, Navi says this is truth, you had only plus point that was your property, if you didnt have it then Ravi must have left you earlier only, his thinking was limited but now he has become broad minded, Devika says no Ravi had no interest in my property, he is working so hard to fulfill my mother’s dream, Navi says did you read those property papers? on whose name that property is now? you have named it on me and Ravi’s name, now you will not get that property, Devika recalls how Ravi said that we will handle her property building with Navi, Navi says Ravi was with me in all plans, we took your property and planned to throw you out of house, he was always with me and will be with me only, Devika says this is lie, you can think marriage is play but for us this is pious relation, we have promised to be together for 7births, he can never think of walking with other women, this sindoor in my forehead has more worth than anything, you wont understand it, this mangalsutra saves us from all evils and will save us from you too, you can try but our relation will not end and our love wont die as we love each other alot, Navi says Ravi is good actor, Ravi has sold this relation to me, Devika says then why did he save me when i was kidnapped? Navi says because he didnt want anyone to doubt him that he is involved in kidnapping, Devika says if you are true then call Ravi here and ask him only, Navi thinks that i am trying to provoke her against Ravi but if she calls Ravi here then my plan will fail, Devika says you know what marriage relation? we have trust, faith and togetherness, our relation was made by Ambe Maa, we are connected by soul, he calls me his life, for me he is my God and doubting God cant be true, i trust him alot. Navi finds stone there, she takes it.

Scene 2
Ravi starts climbing stairs, he gets hit by stone, he thinks if Devika is fine? he says i have to give good news to Devika, he climbs stairs and says i will go to Devika after showing papers to ambe Maa, Devika will wait for me
Navi hits Devika on head with it, she says to Devika that you will come inbetween me and Ravi? Ravi is mine only and no one can snatch him from me, DEvika is injured, her head bleeds, she looks at Ambe Maa, Navi says you are looking at Mata’s idol? she beats her and says you trust your Ambe Maa, now call her for save you? she beats her, Devika falls unconscious, Navi says your Mata Rani wont come to save you, you will die infront of her, i wont let anyone come inebwteen me and Ravi, he is mine only, she turns away from Devika and laughs evilly. Trishul falls in Devika’s hands, Devika wakes up, she takes trishul and looks at Ambe Maa, she sees Navi laughing with her back towards Devika, she gets up and hits Navi on head with Trishul, Navi falls unconscious with blood coming out of her head, Devika is about to hit her with Trishul but stops, she realizes what she is doing and moves back, she looks at Ambe Maa and puts her Trishul back to idol, she sees Navi unconscious, she leaves from there, Navi wakes up, she doesnt find Devika in mandir..
Rekha wakes up in middle of night and takes Devika’s name, Pallavi comes and asks what happened? nothing will happen to Devika, i will bring phone, talk to Devika, you will feel better.
Devika is running away from mandir, she says dont know where is Ravi, i need you Ravi, i am feeling alone Ravi, i need you alot now. She sees small mandir, she prays to make me meet Ravi, he doesnt know Navi is so bad, he doesnt know that she is behind kidnapping, she is trying to kill me, she said that Ravi is pretending to love me but i didnt believe her as i know Ravi loves me alot, he cant see me in pain, i am his life, please make me meet Ravi. Navi calls Saket and says Devika got to know everything, she is in anger, she said that she loves Ravi alot and she came here to fulfill her relation with Ravi, she hates you and doesnt wanna see your face, before she tells anything to Ravi, we should kill her, Saket says she is mine, we cant kill her, Navi says if she meets Ravi then she will tell everything to him and we will be punished, you wont get Devika in this life so just end her life, she ends call, Saket tells Manju that Devika got to know everything.
Saket meets Devika and says what happened to you? you are injured, Devika says what kind of person are you? when you came to kill Ravi, i didnt tell anyone about it as i thought you will change but you were involved in kidnapping with Navi? you are so cheap, my relation with Ravi is stronger than all this, it will not end like this, i have always loved Ravi and will keep loving him, we came here to pray for our kids so we can move aheadin life together, Saket is shocked listening this.

PRECAP- Devika is running, she meets Manju and hugs her, she says Saket and Navi are involved, they want to kill me, Manju says not two but three, i am with them too, Devika is shocked.

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