Kaisi Yeh Yaariyan 26th February 2015 Written Update

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Kaisi Yeh Yaariyan 26th February 2015 Written Update by Sona

Kaisi Yeh Yaariyan 26th February 2015 Written Episode

Mukti was telling Cabir that she said Manik is angry. Navya comes and accepts his mistake. Cabir says they must keep Manik and Nandini away from each other. Nandini says they must not worry about her she will manage Manik. Mukti tells Nandini that Manik is really difficult. Nandini says we can’t let Manik keep his anger inside, she and him share a deep connection. Mukti says she is as stubborn as Manik. She takes a leave from Cabir. Both Cabir and Navya stop Nandini, Nandini says she will ask then if she would need their help and asks Cabir to drop her home.
Manik was reading the side effects of driniking vinegar. Nandini was awake as well, she takes his phone and calls Manik. He was disturbed as well.
Mukti tells Abhimanyu in hospital she doesn’t know what is going on in Manik’s life. Abimanyu gives her crisps, she asks where if came to him from. He says she comes to him anytime. He asks if she thinks Manik is going to hurt Nandini. Mukti says Manik does everything at extreme. Abhimanyu says he loves Nandini. Mukti asks him to talk about something else, and asks how his day has been. He says it was marvelous with sessions of chemo, then pills, IV. She says he must have called her, he says that offer is hot. She pinches him, and plays with him. He smiles, and coughs. She leaves him saying sorry, but he forwards his arms asking for hug. She hugs him.
Manik comes to Nandini’s house, looking at her window. She says she is here, and asks why has he come here. He asks if she is already afraid. She says he can’t make her afraid, and watches mugs of ice cream for her. He says ice cream for her, he thought she was suffering. He says he didn’t know which flavor she would like so he brought all the flavors. It was tutti-fruiti, mango, vanilla, black current. She stops him and says she knows he is also suffering what she is, she exchanged the glasses. He holds her and says it hurts, it burns inside; doesn’t she understand. He says whatever he thinks of, he can’t simply do it. She looks at him, opens the ice cream tub and eats from it. Manik observes her as she enjoys the ice cream. She notices him watching her; she offers him the ice cream. He takes her hand with ice cream and eats from it. She says she can’t see him like this, it hurts her a lot. He always thought about her smile, what about his. His smile is beautiful and she wants it back. She asks him to tell her how she can get it back. He looks at her silently. She places the ice cream jar on the car and goes inside.
Aaliya comes to bed and picks her novel, when Dhruv’s gift fells on the ground. She thinks what has happened to them both, it was such a beautiful start, they were so hopeful but why in months their relation has fallen apart. She thinks she has been in relationship with Manik for seven years, she might be keeping the baggage still, may be Dhruv is right. She says she will set it right, and show him that it isn’t Manik anymore. Dhruv thought he can’t be mistaken about Aaliya’s obvious interest in Manik.
The next morning in college, Nandini asks Navya if she is sure, or shall she come. Navya says she will be fine. The peon comes to her and says principal is calling her. Navya is worried, but Nandini says after every fall there is a rise.
Neonika comes to Manik, he asks what is it now. Neonika says he has to pay back now for keeping Nandini in college. Manik asks her to keep the file, he will get is signed by dad. Neonika says it isn’t about files, he asks then. She says it is about fusion concert.
Nandini questions the principal what is the fusion concert. Principal tells her about the fusion concert, and asks her not to create any problem this time. Nandini says she will do her best. Pandit ji is conducting it.
Manik denies taking classes from Pandit, he hates that guy. Neonika says Nandini will be his partner. Manik asks she is doing this all for Nandini. Neonika says he needs a closure, he must hurt Nandini as much as he wants but then move on. Manik asks she hates her a lot. Neonika asks doesn’t he, and now it is time to decide if he hates her more or that Pandit.

PRECAP: Principal asks Nandini who would be her partner. Manik comes and says he is.

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  1. radha
    February 26, 10:28 Reply

    missing ibti di whee is she…
    she must have come till now…

    • ky2lover
      February 26, 10:30

      good…. wbu???

    • prasiky2
      February 26, 10:32

      M fyn di…. 😀

  2. ky2lover
    February 26, 10:25 Reply

    where is ibti today??? she is not here yet

  3. sam
    February 26, 10:25 Reply

    good n may ur dayzz go good n full of happiness..
    i knw the rply is late this network yaar

    • mananforlife
      February 26, 10:26

      Aaah its okey 😀

      And thanks 😀

      And may ur days too be happy 😀

    • mananforlife
      February 26, 10:26

      Shaithaan ka naam liya aur shaithaan haazir 😉

    • ky2lover
      February 26, 10:27

      sooooo….. chotuu is here…… hello darling….

    • prasiky2
      February 26, 10:29

      Shaitaan hmmmm…. 😉

    • prasiky2
      February 26, 10:26

      Yeah….di ur prasu baby iz here…. 😉

  4. mananforlife
    February 26, 10:23 Reply

    Where is ibti di?? 🙁

    Hmmmm 😉
    I can see Ruchi online 😉

  5. radha
    February 26, 10:22 Reply

    maji today no study….

    • radha
      February 26, 10:26

      me too..
      stdying = dtb…
      but more concentration on dtb than study….

    • radha
      February 26, 10:27

      maji me too..
      stdying + dtb…
      but more concentration on dtb than study….

  6. sam
    February 26, 10:17 Reply

    2day day was boring now it will go good with happiness..

    • mananforlife
      February 26, 10:18

      My day suprisinly is going good 😉

  7. maguni
    February 26, 10:17 Reply

    Poonz….there is not a lot of mystery coz….all things excluding shrub and rishav attack r connected

    • poonz26
      February 26, 10:35

      iknow i feel now once manan are reunited they shd focus on all these issues rather again creating misunderstandings among manan.

  8. poonz26
    February 26, 10:16 Reply

    i think after manan are reunited nandini shd try n improve equation between manik and nyonika

    • ky2lover
      February 26, 10:18

      yes she ll…. as she does all possible things to mk maniks life happy n sorted….

    • poonz26
      February 26, 10:34

      glad that you agree with me

  9. poonz26
    February 26, 10:14 Reply

    issues like
    1. dhruv and rishabh attacks
    2. secret of band of boys
    3. why was harshad so desperate to break fab5
    4. nyonika truth
    5. manik’s father
    6. nyonika and harshad’s secret

    • mananforlife
      February 26, 10:18

      And wat connection does nandu’s appa’s pen have with dhruv and rishabh’s attack 😉

    • Aafrin Ahmed
      February 26, 10:29

      Oh sorry snehal i ddnt notice ur msg. Bdy hw r u? M fine

  10. poonz26
    February 26, 10:11 Reply

    dont you guys think that there are so many issues that are unsolved in kyy and now they have track of it and just behind separation and union of manan.

  11. sam
    February 26, 10:10 Reply

    this exam r killing yaar ..
    studing i enjoy but stress i dnt like.
    i have to start my studies

    • mananforlife
      February 26, 10:16

      It’s killing me too 😉
      2 din se bas maths hi maths 😉

      But karna toh padega hi 😉
      “Studying doesn’t suck as much as failing”

  12. ky2lover
    February 26, 10:09 Reply

    harshad and nyonika has some scene….. wen harshad was in jail… at tht time too he said i known tht u will cm to save m….

    • mananforlife
      February 26, 10:15

      Yeaah 😉
      And b4 that also rhere were some doubtful scenes 😉

  13. sam
    February 26, 10:07 Reply

    mukbhi scene was soo cute they look so cute together..

    • mananforlife
      February 26, 10:14

      Yeaaaaah 😀
      Bdw we dint have intro of eachother 😉

  14. maguni
    February 26, 10:06 Reply

    I want someone Manik in my life…like,seriously… He is so caring…Anyone would be lucky to die in his arm….

    Btw, maji,I am talking about Manik not parth

    • mananforlife
      February 26, 10:07

      Hehehehe 😉
      I can read that 😉
      Hehhehehe 😉

  15. maguni
    February 26, 09:59 Reply

    Maji,plz write your prediction…

    • mananforlife
      February 26, 10:06

      Predictions 🙁
      Exams on mind 🙁
      So no predictions 🙁
      Sorry 🙁

  16. sam
    February 26, 09:59 Reply

    so happy 2day n think manan will soon together.

  17. poonz26
    February 26, 09:59 Reply

    even on terrace he told nandu that the mother son relationship was ruined by harshad. so i dont think she is his stepmom only thing is that she values wealth over relations

    • mananforlife
      February 26, 10:07

      I wanna noe 😉
      Wat abt harshad??

    • poonz26
      February 26, 10:10

      they have so many secret withheld with them and are not coming out with them .

  18. sannnuu
    February 26, 09:59 Reply

    Neonika is unknowingly making manan together

    • sannnuu
      February 26, 10:00

      Now waiting fr fusion concert

  19. poonz26
    February 26, 09:58 Reply

    manik also hates nyonika so much.

  20. poonz26
    February 26, 09:57 Reply

    if nyonika is her stepmother than why do you think manik is living with her and not his father.

    • ky2lover
      February 26, 10:01

      Don’t know… may b his dad is not in india… n manik whenevr talks abt his father he always says my dad….. but he nvr says my mom….
      or may b she runs behind money so manik hates her… i dont know i just said wat i feel

    • mananforlife
      February 26, 10:09

      There is something that happend with harshad 😉
      That made him hate nyonika 😉

  21. jikky
    February 26, 09:56 Reply

    I like the chemistry b/w manan..physics tooooo….

  22. sam
    February 26, 09:56 Reply

    yah they will strech this track more..
    it seem that fusion concert will b next week

    • mananforlife
      February 26, 10:22

      Yeah coz kal is Friday toh they will juss start the class scene i guess 😉

  23. poonz26
    February 26, 09:55 Reply

    admist the hate track they show so many positive scenes which are so adoreable. manan need not be intimate always to express love. their small action actions depict so much love

    • ky2lover
      February 26, 09:58

      i agree….. simple simple things show their deep love for each othr…. simply their looks tell everything…. they r soo expressive….

  24. poonz26
    February 26, 09:49 Reply

    nandini offered him ice cream bucket and he licked from her finger that was love.

  25. anjali
    February 26, 09:48 Reply

    I totally agree manik loves nandini a lot and today episode is awesom specially ice cream scene
    …i think jealousy track may be bring manan closure
    wht u think guys!

    • ky2lover
      February 26, 09:51

      ofcourse……. manan ll cm togethr cz of this….. but thoda excess strech krenge wo log ye track… thts wat i feel…

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