Junoon 3rd January 2013 Written Update

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Junoon 3rd January 2013 Written Update by Parm

Epi starts with Miu packing and thinking back about Ramu saying your sentence will be done in 2 days and you can go back to your life and live a happy life with your fianc that you are about to marry . Then she remembers what Aakash said what is important to you? Your dad who doesn’t remember/acknowledge you or your mom who thinks of you every second of everyday? She is torn as she thinks to herself on one side is my life and happiness and on the other the final wish of my mom’. She says I have been unsuccessful to date but I will make one final attempt to fulfill my mother’s wish. I will be successful for sure and Mr. Ramdhari Singh will have no choice but to come with me even if it is only for a short while.

Pandit ji informing Prabha that tomorrow is not a good day for Ramu as she had called him to the Haveli to see what would be a good time for the ceremony tomorrow. Prabha says maybe we should cancel the ceremony but Kalki comes by and says no we can’t do that. She says there will be a lot of people gathering for this function to honour Devar ji including some from the city who have no belief in these kinds of signs. Instead of coming to honour him they will make fun of him for these beliefs. She convinces Prabha to not cancel the ceremony basically telling her that “the show must go on” so to speak as otherwise it would interfere with her plans to reveal Ramu’s past!

Prithvi and Ramu are talking about some of they sent for a nearby village to assist some of the people was confiscated by the police. Prithvi goes to get the car ready to go out with Ramu but Sunheri shows up and says mom made some special clothes for you for tomorrow’s function but he says I’ll try it on tomorrow. Miu approaches and says she wants to say something to him but he says I’ll talk to you tomorrow before you leave here to back to the city.

Miu is on the phone to Aakash and lets him know she will be coming home tomorrow. Kalki shows up and calls her “Miu” (lol, she almost sounded like a cat meowing the way she said her name, ). Anyway she manages to convince Miu of her sincerity about not being able to recognize her and acknowledges her as her niece. She says even your Taya in his state was able to recognize you and I wasn’t able to. She apologizes for both Lakhu and herself for the way they have treated Miu. She asks with fake concern after her “sister” Sudha and Miu informs her that she is sick with cancer and that is the reason she is here because it was her mom’s final wish that she see her hubby again before she passes on (of course this is before she got the good news that Sudha’s cancer which is now in remission). Miu lets her know that she will be leaving and going back home tomorrow as there is no use sticking around anymore as Ramu won’t acknowledge her. Kalki promises Miu that she will talk to Ramu herself tomorrow after the ceremony and make him accept her and she gives her a hug (Miu looked happy to get this love from her Tai as she thinks she is truly sincere but of course this was all fake and well planned by Kalki).

Following day (location – haveli):
Next day we see shots of everyone getting ready for the function being held honouring Ramdhari Singh as the best Sarpanch in the area. Meanwhile Kalki is shown pacing then she phones Lakhu asking him where he is and to hurry up and get back.

Everyone seems to be ready to go to the ceremony but Prabha remembering Pundit’s words about bad luck falling on Ramu today wants to give him sweet yogurt before leaving as that is supposed to be bring good luck (perhaps cancelling out what Pandit said ) however, she drops the bowl as she tripped on something that was on the floor. Ramu says don’t worry about it as what is going to happen will in the end be for the best. He asks where is Lakhu and Prabha tells him he has already left for the function so the foursome (Ramu, Prithvi, Sunheri and Prabha) leave for the ceremony as well.

Lakhu is there and he covertly hands some guy a DVD and tells him to play it when he motions him to do so. Meanwhile Ramu and family show up and everyone is praising him as he walks to the stage. Everyone honours Datta Thakur and go on about what a great Sarpanch he is. They request that Ramu say some words so he does and he in return says thanks to everyone including his family. He says this is not just a day for me but for everyone in the village.

During this time Miu has arrived at the ceremony herself and starts wondering when Kalki is going to approach Mr. Ramdhari Singh and at the same time Lakhu motions the guy to play the DVD.

DVD plays and it talks about how great Ramu is and all the services he has provided for the people of the goan etc.

During this time Miu gets a call and it is for Aakash and she thinks to herself what will I tell him when he asks what time I will be arriving?

DVD is still playing and Prithvi walks over to Miu and says Datta told him to drop her at the station when the ceremony is over.

Then all of a sudden the DVD changes and instead of being about the good that Datta Thakur has done for the village it is the one from the first episode that where we had seen Miu videotaping her mom who she loving calls “Bittu” and in it you hear her say this is my Bittu who is not only my mom but my dad too.

The goan people recognize her and say that is Sudha ji, the one that had drowned falling in the river. Everyone is shocked (including all family members, Prithvi, villagers and other members of the Panchaat).

The DVD continues to play and we see the part where Bittu had taken the camera from Miu and started videotaping her. (During this time Miu is thinking how did her dvd end up here)? Everyone instantly recognize her and say she is Sudha’s daughter. (Kalki and Lakhu are extremely pleased with the way things are progressing). The people start saying that this means that they are both alive.

One of the members of the panchaat says look like we were misled. They start questioning Ramu. What is the truth? Is your wife Sudha alive? (Everyone is still shown to be shocked by these revelations. Prithvi is shocked, along with everyonoe else other than of course Bakhu who are pleased and are hoping this will be the downfall of the great Datta Thakur)!

Panchaat guy asking: If Sudha ji is alive than whose Shradh have you been doing for the last 20 years? Tell us the truth Ramdhari Ji! (it’s going to be very interesting to see what Ramdhari ji has to say, will he tell the truth or make up another lie)?

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