Junoon 15th February 2013 Written Update

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Junoon 15th February 2013 Written Update by Parm.

Junoon 15th February 2013 Written Episode

-Prithvi agrees to go with Rajeev and Aakash to Delhi
-Rajeev and Aakash both happy to hear this
-they are waiting for him while Prithvi goes into the house to get ready
-he unlocks one of his trunks that contain his mementos and dumps the whole thing into a cloth and ties it up
– he tells Miu to go where every she likes as they have no relationship
-Miu says what are you saying, we are married, wherever you go I go…
– he grabs her hand and says I’ll show you how a wife and husband’s paths can differ and takes her out from there right past a surprised Rajeev whose thinking what the heck is Meera doing in Prithvi’s house

-Prithvi drives to haveli and in haveli you hear Sudha saying to Ramu that one of these days the truth about Prithvi’s past would have come out just as she says that in come Mithvi
-also Aakash and Rajeev show up as well as they followed Prithvi there
-Prithvi tosses down his satchel and says these are all the things you gave me in my life that I have held dear to me and kept away safely. I am here to return all things that belong to you
-Ramu says Prithvi son but he says don’t call me son – that is worse to me ears than being called a “bas***d”
– he goes on about his angry in being deprived of the truth -how he had to go thru life listening to people’s taunts, being called an orphan, bas***d and even being called Ramu’s dog but he was okay with that as he happily would have continued doing things for his Datta
-he says he did not need the shoes that you gave me in my childhood, what he needed was his father’s hand to help him learn how to walk and instead of the sweaters he gave him to keep him warm he would have rather have had his father to warm him in his arms
-he says in front of everyone today I am going to break all my bonds with you
-the marriage that took place for your sake I break today
-and just in case anyone is any doubt he says he has already broken the mangulsutra and now he will also do ulta phere (opposite direction) to erase in anyone’s mind that they are married. He makes a vows during each of these pheres basically saying that their farce of a marriage is over and not to where sindoor in his name
-Miu at times while he is dragging her during these ulta phere tries to wrench her hand away but is unsuccessful
-everyone is looking on in shock while Prithvi is performing these pheres but unable to say anything at all in their shock

Prithvi says he has now broke all his relationships there and forgotten his past. He says he is now ready to start a new chapter in his life and he walks out of there looking at Aakash on his way out..

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