Jodha Akbar 8th August 2014 Written Update

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Jodha Akbar 8th August 2014 Written Update by Atiba

Jodha Akbar 8th August 2014 Written Episode

Scene 1
jalal meets rajvanshi queen’s father, the king informs says that jodha is sending letters to us and you don’t know it, she is writing that we have problem with this relation but me and my daughter doesn’t have any problem with this relation, we have decided mutually, i don’t know how jodha can send letter to my daughter saying she wont let this marriage happen and youy don’t know it, jalal fumes and goes from there.
jodha says to moti that whether jalal and atifa’s matter is going to priest, moti says yes, all know it, jodha says enough, now i have to talk to jalal wherever he is, jalal comes there and says you donjt need to go anywhere, jalal ask why did you send letter to rajvanshi without asking me, how much will you insult me in public, jodha says i wanna ask do you have relation with married women, jalal says answer my question, how did you send the letter, jodha says this is not answer of my question, do you have affair with married women, jalal says i have, i am a king and i can marry any women and the day you became special wife, you just insulted me, you took wrong advantage of my lobve and freedom, you did wrong by sending letter, you took advantage of my love, i know you gave me heart but you also crushed it too infront of your ego, so i don’t feel shame in accepting it, jodha says don’t say anything now, don’t shout on me that even my children get to know how you to talk to me, jalal says they should know that their father has got the wife who has more concern for a beast than her husband, jodha says i told you earlier that i didn’t try to insult you but i was stopping you from doing injustice, its my religion, jalal says does your religion allow you to insult me in public, jodha begum you took wrong advantage of my love and freedom.jalal says to jodha that yes jodha begum, I love atifa, jodha cant believe her ears and close her eyes, tears just flows from eyes. maham comes there and listen it, jalal says its not my mistake, my mistake was that i loved you, i trusted you, you gave me heart and i gave it to you but now i think that you are not worth of it, jodha is shocked… tumne jo kaha.. ishq hai who ehesas, sad version plays.. jalal leaves, jodha just stand stoned, maham smirks listening all this.

Scene 2
soldiers are gossiping that jalal is going to big bulk amount in eidi, they listen khaibar shouting in well, they say that he is banging his head to walls, he will die like this.
atifa’s husband meet the priest, he says to priest that i need justice, one man wants to snatch my wife from me, he is forcing my wife to leave me, he is powerful so i came here to get justice, priest says this is wrong, tell us his name and we will get you justice, husband says he is shshehnshah jalal, priest is shocked and says he is not a common man so you have to bring proofs against him, only than we can help you, husband leaves.
atifa’a husband says to one man that i will find proofs against jalal, adham listens this and ask him whats going on?
salima tell jodha that shab-e-qadar( sacred night) is very sacred, we pray to Almighty Allah, hamida says that today God fulfill every wish and accept prayers of the one whe in problem, jodha listens this and prays, jalal comes there and sees her, she sees jalal, they sadly looks at each other, salima goes to jalal and greets him, she ask jalal to come in, jalal says no i am going, he leaves, jodha sees him going and gets sad.

Scene 3
maham comes to chand begum, she says today is shab-e-qafar, this night is for forgiving and mercy, so i thought to mercy on you and make you meet your daughter, chand gets happy, maham says 1st tell me about treasure, if you don’t tell me than i will kill you, you have time till eid, you have to decide your life or not, if you don’t tell me about tre3asure before eid then i will kill you with my own hands, she is about to leave but chand says treasure, i have seen treasure with my own eyes, it was in bulk quantity, maham ask about its place, chand says its a big lake, there are gold flowers in lake, there are silver birds there, maham shouts enough, i am not a kid to listen this story, she says that if you don’t tell me till eid then i wont let you meet your daughter and will kill you.
jalal says to soldier that me and jodha decided to distribute zakat(money for poors) in needy people, jodha listens this, jalal says that jodha know this and she must have done the preparations, soldier ask should i ask jodha, jalal says no need, i will do the preparations, jodha comes and says that i have done the preparations and i all the eidi has been decided, jodha is about to leave but jalal calls her and approaches her but jodha leaves from there.

Scene 5
jodha is going, soldiers says that beast khaibar have gone mad, he is banging his head with walls of well and he learnt jodha’s name and is shouting for her, jodha comes there.
sharif comes to jail and scolds soldiers for letting khaibar go out from jail, he ask all soldiers to search the jail and doesn’t let them go towards secret cave, he goes towards secret cave, jalal is also on survey of jail with maan, he says to maan tht we should re develop jail so khaibar incident doesn’t happen again, i think that amer’s jail was very secure, you rajvanhies make good jails so i am giving you the responsibility of its refurnishing, i want all walls here to be strong, they leave from jail while sharif goes in secret cave.
jodha listens to atifa singing song and thinks that jalal must be with her on this sacred occasion too, dasi comes and ask her to get ready as she have to be with hamida in evening, sharif comes to jodha’s room and sees her getting ready, jodah feels someone’s presence and ask who is there, sharif hides, jodha says i feel like someone is here, motis is saying to dasies to to not tell anything about khaibar to jodha, jodha comes and says to moti what are you hiding? one dasi informs that beast is banging his head in well, they leave while jodha is tensed.

PRECAP- jodha comes to well and doesn’t find khabar in it, she turns and is shocked to see khaibar standing there, he holds her by shoulder, jodha says leave me, why did you save me earlie, why?

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  1. pridhi
    August 08, 14:25 Reply

    Well it’ll be heartbreaking 2 see jo’s expression wen ja gets 2 know dat jo went 2 meet khaiber again & yet again he’ll be super angry! ! 🙁

    • @ngel
      August 08, 14:28

      he’ll probably think that she some how freed him

      jodha is so helpless to the person she is that she can’t see it is all going to make things between her and jalal worst…… 🙁

  2. @ngel
    August 08, 14:21 Reply

    but if or even though jalal is pretending, doesn’t the writers think that he wen a bit over board
    i mean the woman is PREGNANT, he ought to have some thinking that his words will stress her out, as a result harm the kids

    i’m sorry but i don’t get it, and these things are what forced me to believe he’s not pretending…….but im gonna watch and see what happens, no promises that comments will be nice

    • mahann
      August 08, 15:17

      the writers were are blood heartless showing us their personal private life.

      That woman is pregnant,shame on them.

  3. Priya
    August 08, 14:21 Reply

    Ja was very hurt whn he seen hurt jo

  4. @ngel
    August 08, 14:17 Reply

    if the news is true the wohoooooooooo, finally the crap will be over

    but i’m not going to believe till i see

  5. Anna
    August 08, 14:02 Reply

    I am a little bit more convince that Ja is creating the rift between him n Jo to make others believe that they r breaking up. If this true we are seeing a wise n witty Ja on action to his Mughal empire his wife n kids.

    Intially I too thought that he is really liking that women Atiq but after reading many article n others too I watch thru again the previous epi from the bath tub scene I have notice many clues that shows Ja is up to something with this woman. He is trying to catch all other culprits involved too in the conspiracy.

    1st When he see At at the DK he was shocked y tis woman is here
    2nd Before hunting when Jo ask y he is not taking her he answer sometimes he has to take a hard decision meaning he has to hurt her too for this reason
    3rd hunting time he says he is a good hunter, he knows his enemies well n he never misses his prey
    4th After saving Kaiber when he comes to meet Jo at the entrance his face was like hurt seeing Jo sad but he purposely change to create a scene
    5th After that when he is outside he’s like feeling bad about it
    6th today he said she don’t deserve his love, his face was in pain seeing Jo hurt n tears flowing
    7th the look on his face seeing her praying was of sadness
    8th He called her to stop her n as he walked towards her like he wants to console her.

    Precap looks like Jo wants jump into a well but Kaiber save her.

    I happy no Ja & At hugging scene but seeing sheriff looking lustfully at JO dressing is very disgusting. She is pregnant, Shariff is such a terrible person no moral value. He should be given a worse punishment.

    Ja’s plan to redo the is to find out the secret path way where kaiber escape to harem. Think he suspects sheriff too on this.

  6. preet
    August 08, 14:01 Reply

    I feel that halal is a lusty man who can’t decide what he wants in his life. He is confused. First he loves jodha and now atifa. Man learn go control your sexual appetites.

    • mahann
      August 08, 15:13

      no excuses, they should have not done it or shown it on television.

      we are talking about Akbar the Great not any ordinary man or a common man.

    • prince rai
      August 09, 03:11

      sweetlily thanks for info.

  7. @ngel
    August 08, 13:58 Reply

    jodha dug her grave with her very own hands……

    now she has given up and is trying to commit suicide….guess this rajvanshis wasn’t as strong as she thought

    i see ruks tolerating it, not just one woman but many, so why cant jodha???

    • M@hi
      August 08, 16:34

      So true Angel. Ekta has proven time and again she can make all her serials crappy.
      You are right about Ruks.

    • @ngel
      August 08, 16:37

      Thanks mahi

      who let ekta into the drama industry????!!!! That person needs a whipping much more than jalal does

  8. M2
    August 08, 13:50 Reply

    jodha is not at fault here
    it is that ass atifa
    she has no shame to come between jalal and jodha

  9. M2
    August 08, 13:46 Reply

    how can jalal behave so rudely with jodha
    hurting her very much
    he doesnt have any pity that she is pregnant with his children

  10. M2
    August 08, 13:42 Reply

    why so little comments for a nice ep??

    dont worry, word is that jodha and jalal problems will be cleared soon and atifa will be exposed

  11. M2
    August 08, 13:40 Reply

    no ruqaiya today nice ep
    writers why are you creating so much hate in jodha and jalal relationship
    give them some peaceful moments and kill that aunty atifa

  12. prince rai
    August 08, 13:20 Reply

    just because jodha is pregnant does not means she can send letter to any one and will never mind informing to the king which is not her area of concern ,will constentely help that animal will meet him without informing anyone constentely refuse official order Wont take her proper care,will always be ready with one useless answer,Wont listen to any one but wants every one to listen,and give importance to short she is responsible for every thing happening with her .even if jalal wants to marry any one she should not be worried because its a mugal culture they can have as many wives as they want what jalal is doing with her is he assulting her or what? to me it seems as she has become selfish and she does not want jalal to marry or love any one else than her,i think she should think about pain of ruks and all others

    • pridhi
      August 08, 13:22

      After ja fell in love wid hr indirectly he said dat he won’t marry any1 else
      but I agree wid d rest of d things dat u wrote. ….

    • mahann
      August 08, 14:05

      I don`t mind how many wives he marries because that is Mughal culture.

      Ruks went through that phase too,but later she accepted it, for Jodhar, is her time to let it go, still she will keep her special wife status and always Jalal will love her no matter what!!!!!!!!!

      My problem is how Jalal behaving with a married woman and dirty mouth towards to Jodhar,this woman is pregnant men!!!C`omon

      I can understand her frustrations,when a woman is pregnant so many changes goes around into her body and mind…

      who should should be there to support her,why was easily to support Ruks when everyone was running around including Jodhar.

      Jodhar is lonely,I don`t get it or because is not from Mughal may be!!!!!!!!

  13. @ngel
    August 08, 13:02 Reply


    from expression and actions it doesnt look as if jodha went to the well to see kz,

    looks more like she went to commit suicide, yet again…pshhh, but kz came and save her from 3 VERY BIG SINS

    • prince rai
      August 08, 13:50

      let her die she is irritating at time now what about her knowledge and big talks,if the same thing would be done by any other women she should been ready with a lengthy speech.

    • @ngel
      August 08, 13:53

      for a woman that talks about ‘DUTY’ all the time, seems like she forgot her duties to her kids 😀

      and i am sure jalal has no idea that his wife and kids has just escaped death…..lolzzzzzzzzzz

  14. pridhi
    August 08, 12:59 Reply

    Gud episode episode as compared 2 d previous ones
    But it’s still okay okay
    neither 2 gud nor 2 bad!

  15. ashley
    August 08, 12:55 Reply

    i like jalal and atifa romancing
    jodha is still doing her maan mani
    looking forward to precap

  16. sayantika kar
    August 08, 12:55 Reply

    gd newz guyzz..on nxt saturday dere wl b jodha akbar mahaepisode in wch atifa’s truth wl b disclosed infront of all & dis track of atifa & jalal is going 2 end…i got da newz frm fb..

    • ashley
      August 08, 12:57

      good news, atifa will be out
      thanks for the news sayantika kar

  17. Anamika
    August 08, 12:50 Reply

    ep wasn’t terrible
    but i want jodha to ignore akbar in the coming episodes
    he should realize that jodha is the one he loves

    • @ngel
      August 08, 14:30

      not saying you’re wrong

      but it can go both ways……her ignoring jalal might push him more to atifa

  18. @ngel
    August 08, 12:23 Reply

    Mahan and chand begum scene was hilarious…….lmao

    probably the best scene I’ve seen in days

    • M2
      August 08, 13:41

      it was unnecessary

  19. @ngel
    August 08, 12:10 Reply

    Doesn’t any of his wives see that halal can loose his throne…..or I guess they are to blinded in taking their competition down………

    i don’t blame them, jalal himself doesn’t give a dam

    • mahann
      August 08, 13:01

      his wives her scared of him.

      only Jodhar can tell him off,
      even Ruks can not tell him off but she can advice him.

  20. masuma
    August 08, 12:09 Reply

    yah same here jalal is really pretending coz when he was scolding jodha he was also feeling bad but what can he do??? We want to see our Akdha# backkkk

  21. isha sahu
    August 08, 12:01 Reply

    I too think that jalal is pretending that he loves atifa…bcoz of sone reason which would be revealed afterwards.

  22. sabrina persad
    August 08, 12:01 Reply

    hmmmm, Jodha is very kind hearted, nothing wrong in trying to help the human animal, all his life he was beaten and being fed like an animal, I too felt sorry for him, she sense that he could be gentle, that is why she is not afraid of him, but that does not give Jalal the reason to speak to her in that manner, plus if he knows Jodha good enough he will certainly know she loves only him.

  23. @ngel
    August 08, 11:59 Reply

    They husband looking for proof…
    so what,are CV going to make him approach jodha,since jalal accepted it infront of her?????

    and knowing jodha, she won’t leave an opportunity to help someone,friend or foe,even if it takes her life

    I don’t know why but I have feeling CVs are heading to this road

    • M2
      August 08, 13:44

      no jodha wont do that to jalal stop trying to bring her down

    • @ngel
      August 08, 15:34

      Its a known fact that we all won’t see things the same way…

      FYI I did not bring jodha down, the CVs took that job so take it up to thm


  24. @ngel
    August 08, 11:54 Reply

    I’m surprised this woman even gave birth

    • mahann
      August 08, 11:57

      hhaaaaa,may be that`s why all twins died,we never know.

      what tress is going through!!!!!!!!!

    • Miss Unbeleivable
      August 08, 12:04

      LMAO 😀

      good one

      but they didnt survive

      only after jahangir and his sisters

  25. masuma
    August 08, 11:52 Reply

    why jodha told khaiber y dd he save him??? Maybe she wanted to die atleast rather than bearing all this torture…..

    • SJ
      August 08, 11:55

      Why jalal us talking to jidha this way, doesn’t he care by his behavior she can loose the child
      Jodha is digging her grave by herself, why she didn’t reply about the letter
      That the girl doesn’t want to marry a Mughal she us the one sent the letter

  26. masuma
    August 08, 11:50 Reply

    Atifa is not married dey r just pretending… The husband is a kwajasara dnt knw wat it means…..

    • mahann
      August 08, 12:56

      so why her husband went to see the priests????????

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