Jodha Akbar 4th April 2014 Written Update

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Jodha Akbar 4th April 2014 Written Update by Atiba

Jodha Akbar 4th April 2014 Written Episode

Scene 1
jalal ask sujamal to come outside of mug, he says okay you will come out on your own, jalal says you still have time otherwise you will burned with this hot water, soldiers starts pouring hot water, somebody screams from inside, jalal says take him out, soldiers take out man and its jalal’s soldier, atgah ask what you are doing here? he says dilawar put me inside and ran away. flashback shows that dilawar had seen bandhi running from kitchen, he says she will tell jalal that i am hiding in mug so he fights with one soldier, tie him up and outs in mug. FB ends. atgah says to jalal that he will not able to go out of palace, maham smirks.

Scene 2
suja comes to jodha, she says run from here else jalal will kill you, he says i am not afraid of killing, i just wanted to meet you and say good bye, promise me that you will not tell jalal that you met me, jodha says but.. suja says you have swear on head, he says dont know when i will see you again, jodha says go, he turns to go but jalal and force are standing at door, jalal says i knew that you will meet her before going, jodha says dont punish him he is not at fault, jalal says put him in jail, soldiers take suja away,

jalal fumes at jodha, he comes to her. jalal says i asked you again and again but you remain silent, i had seen you with this man behind mandir because i had belief on you that you will tell me one day, you kept lying to me, dont you trust me that you didnt tell your heart thing to me, jodha thinks i cant tell you because of promise to suja, jalal says why are you silent, jodha says i was in tension, jalal says i am too in tension, i thought i dont have heart but today my heart is saying to give you one chance, he says tell me truth who is this man? i respected you your religion, your rajvanshi stubbornness everything but what kind of rajvanshi is he that he became eunuch and came in harem just to meet you, you know there are hundreds of wives in harem but i never looked at them because i didnt feel love but now my heart is aching, this man invited his death because of you, i will kill him infront of you, he says what is the reason that he didnt care about his life and came to you, jalal holds jodha hairs tightly and says why he came here because of your love for him or hatred for me? you allowed other man to come in your room but never allowed your husband, answer me, he throw jodha to wall,

jodha says i cant tell, jalal says why are you ashamed? you didnt feel ashamed having affair and now you cant tell me, do your father know, i never made relation with you but i have right to ask you who is he, when you were marrying me you had this man in your heart? you pushed me because of this man? jalal says i was fool and you are clever, you came here to attack me, you must have remembered this man everyda, you pretended to be good, you drank poison just to win trust, you saved me from that poison because it will kill me in one go but you wanted to kill me slowly, i was a fool to show my heart to you and you just saw it to break it, i thought you have feelings for me but you.. i am shehenshah but i bowed down to your god, you asked that man to this god and i always wished that your prayers get fulfilled,

you called other man in your room without shame, i bowed down infront of you but what you did, i never touched you because i respected you but you.. answer me, i will kill that man just answer me, he punches wall and his fist bleeds, jodha is shocked, he pushes jodha, he says i feel you have answer to all this, please answer me, for you god, for you love for your family just answer, do you know this man, yes or no, jodha says yes, he is about to slap her but stops,

he ask did you meet him before marriage, jodha says yes, jalal throws things, he ask from when did you know him, she says from childhood, he ask do you love him, tell me, jodha says yes, jalal shouts with pain and anger, he holds his head and laughs on himself, he says you made me embarrassed, you accepted your affair and made our relation, mughal sultanat, rajvanshi traditions embarrassed, he says i always respected your talent but this talent of taking revenge is great, now i dont wanna see any talent of yours. jalal says to jodha that i started loving you and i was seeing light in my life but you made that light impure with your characterless nature, i dont wanna see your face, go from here till tomorrow morning, jodha is stunned.. he shouts go from here, he leaves, jodha cries miserably.

Scene 3
jalal comes in court, jalal says i will come to point, he shouts what system is this that a outsider man comes in palace, nobody knows about, who is responsible for it, one rajvanshi kept roaming in palace and nobody knew it, i am ashamed that one man came in harem in eunuch disguise and was with my wives, he says to maham answer me, she says every eunuch is checked but even then this happened, i promise you to find about this matter, jalal says i believe you because you concentrate on your work btu you did mistake this time, maham says yes i did mistake this time i accept and ready for punishment, jalal says its shameful that you did mistake, he says to sharif that man was in your room and you didnt have doubt, he says till tomorrow assign severe punishment for that man that it will set example for others, maham thinks that jalal’s anger is showing that he is broken.

PRECAP- jalal says i myself will kill that rajvanshi, jalal comes out where suja is to be punished, he is shocked to see his whole force is being killed by sujamal

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  1. kavyazoya
    April 05, 02:26 Reply

    after seeing the yesterday episode i cant able to keep me away from comment her.
    a huge applaud for rajat and paridhi for awesome acting.
    god damn i like to hug them.
    rajat dialogue deliver and his expression is really like mindblowing.
    with his expression he us real feel to us……
    and i really wish him that he have a very bright future above in his life.
    and next our jodha begum as paridhi
    yesterday she made me freeze.
    her expression and her eyes
    i dont have words to express my feel against her acting.
    without a dialouge acting is very difficult
    but she did.
    two are awesome actors.
    i am a die hard fan of surbhi
    but now after seeing rajat and paridhi
    i like to be die hard fan of rajat and paridhi.

    thank u rajat and paridhi for giving us mind blowing episode
    i am really proud that i am rajat and paridhi fan.
    jodha akbar rockzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    • kavyazoya
      April 05, 02:29

      after posting only i saw there are many gramatical mistake in it
      so sorry guys.
      after a long time i am posting a msg.

  2. Alina
    April 04, 14:55 Reply

    @Swathi dear…I can’t forget you…
    Thnkyou soo muchhh for your wishes…
    Hope your fine…take care, goodnight…
    Its ok dear…hope to talk to you soon…

  3. maayaa
    April 04, 14:54 Reply

    Am about to watch this episdoe again. Had to take a short break before I gather some energy myself to watch the JO and JAs scene today. And am wondering how much work has Rajat put together to bring out the apex of acting. Awesome…Rajat had to express his love, pain and anger all together with intensity and dialogues whikle Jodha had to also express her helplessness, pain and love without dialogues, which she does great with her eyes.

    With little twisted spoilers about this track, am not sure what they will cut or add in the coming week, but am sure every episode will engage us marvelously.
    My guess once again:

    Monday – Jodha leaving and Jalal and his soldiers looking for DK urf Sujamal who escapes in the Mahal. And they will also show Ruks, Maham, Hamid and Salima…their reactions!

    Tuesday – Jalal continues his hunt for Sujamal, Jodha in pain, and maybe Sujamal learns that Jalal send Jodha away.

    Wednesday – Sujamal confronts Jalal and the truth is revealed

    Thursday – Jalal leaves for Jodha to bring her back

    Friday – the promo, where Jalal apologizes to Jodha
    or they might even move it to Monday….OR

    just like today they devoted about 9-11 minutes with Jo-Ja scene, I would like to see one entire episode of only Jodha and Jalal where they apologize, confess their love and have cute TLC (Tender Love and Caring) moments ..……

    …..I feel they will not push fast button for this track, but will atleast give a week before we see them together, TOGETHER!

    • katrine
      April 04, 15:29

      I think so too that thay will take at least a weeek before they show the promo

    • devya
      April 05, 01:26

      Jalal did excellent acting in this episode. His love n jealousy were expressed theu his anger n as mayaa rightly said jodha eyes did all her expression. I think it’s time for their love to blossom n pls let Mahayana fake love n pretense n evil action be exposed. She her son n Sharif r all back stabbers. Their devious action need to expose. Wish no jodha a n jalall happibess from the coming episodes

  4. simran
    April 04, 14:47 Reply

    Der r rumours that they r going to have a liplock scene that true?? If yes den dy shld nt shw dis things on television aftrak itzz a daily soap nt a movie n I guess in the movie also they didnt shw such scenes..der is no need to do sch things the show is alrdy vr popular..

  5. ananna
    April 04, 14:38 Reply

    Ok good night sds tc..all..bye.

    • avni
      April 04, 14:44

      Hiii n byee anaa..its too late. .gotta slp nw. Tc. Missing u too. .gnsd. Bbye

    • ananna
      April 04, 15:14

      Bye sds tc c u soon..byee

  6. gayathri
    April 04, 14:37 Reply

    @Anna well said
    ya me too feel same thing when he caught suja in her room rajat expression OMG
    he is roar like lion
    i am still thinking how can he manage high level energy

    @ananna r u now hi how r u?

    • ananna
      April 04, 14:42

      Ya di me here fyn and u ? Btw hey my lovely @avni hw r u ? Missed u soooooo much dear..

  7. avni
    April 04, 14:37 Reply

    @Admin plzz add pics of this epi. .

  8. avni
    April 04, 14:32 Reply

    Sooo no jungle track? 😀
    Bt i gt scared seening the epii 🙁 He ws abt to slap n punch jodha. . 🙁 hope this gets sorted out by tuesday 🙁

  9. Pialy
    April 04, 14:30 Reply

    okay friends… there r lot of post questioning Jo’s silence today… here r my views…

    Jo’s silence was for showing the firmness in her character, that she will die but won’t break her promise…this is what will help Jalal in future to trust her completely, that he can share any secret (big/small) with her, and it’s safe with her… and that she will be there with him when he will be tracking that secret …jodha is real rajput praan jaaye par vacha na jaaye..

    may be this will not make any sense to many ppl right now… but this silence will be for future…

    now abt the precap and track after that… Suja will run away killing hopeless Mughal soldiers and Jalal will follow him… few days it was said that there is a war sequence coming up… so i think there will be a small war shown btw Jallu and suja… and that time Sareef or AK will try to kill Jallu when Suja will take arrow on himself, to save Jalal… Jallu surprised and questions Suja to know the truth… Jallu to go back to palace, apologize to Jo and kiss and make up…

    btw precap told the difference btw Jallu’s changed dresses… for Jallu new day has been started… while Jo will be still in shock of night… so Jallu’s dress changed while Jo still in same dress… and yes , jungle track cancelled…

    • avni
      April 04, 14:35

      Nooo….acc to sbb or wtevr video..bth r in sme dress. .
      May be he might try to run away bt before that jalal wil catch him
      jodha ws askd to leave palace by she should hv chngd dress

      This dress is confusing me -__-

    • sanvi
      April 04, 21:38

      Hi Paily they didn’t show jo .then how can u say she was inher same outfit.

  10. Anna
    April 04, 14:28 Reply

    Heart wrenching episode. Ja & Jo did great for todays show down. They potrayed the love war between them very uniquely.
    Ja waiting at the door of Jo to catch Suj, his expression was like of a wounded tiger ready to pounce. He was like a roaring lion in pain when he was talking to Jo. Very well acted, I like it like many of u. The way he brought out his hidden anguish that he had kept of many days was good. His bold eye to eye look was very sharp n penetration Jo. He hit his head saying was been fooled by her his actions of hitting the wall, throwing things around him when he heard she knew him n loved him. He really shouted his heart out.
    He really poured of his love for her saying that he never loved any of his begum but have fallen in Love for her only. Finally his LOVE confession for JO. It will bring forth their r/ship to the next level.
    AS for Jo, she was absorbing whatever Ja was saying without any reply but to cry helplessly. Can c her tears of hurting him was hurting her too much but but she is so lame can’t to do anything to console him. Her eyes speaks many things that’s y he gave her the 2 chance to speak up. She would have remained n suffered in silence but he ask in the swear of her God that she said she knew Suj n loved him (as a brother) When he confess his love Jo was happy yet not able to fully reciprocate though in the previous epi she acknowledge she has feeling for him.
    I also feel that Ja will somehow find out it is Suj because Suj fights everyone like a warrior n the precap he escape but killing the soldier proved him to be a well trained warrior. He will suspect him to be Suj. A warrior can indentify another. THan the MU cleared (may be).

    Overall it was a good episode with much venting out of hidden emotions n can’t wait for make up of Ja towards Jo. One thing is that I don’t think the consummation will be so soon. After their making up they will take time to get comfortable physically with each other n be to normal.

    • SJ
      April 04, 14:33

      Didn’t have appatite to go thru to the whole epic hart was pounding rajat wow what g fablious act with heartbreaking emotion he played he might needed strong headache and pain remover after this act and a throat soothing medication, Paradhi’s emotion helpless were unimaginable
      Both did justice, wanted something to find so I can shoot MAHAM from USA a arrow to her heart may thus us not the right time be ayes he still in love with his baddi ammi

  11. Pialy
    April 04, 14:27 Reply

    its 16th century dear…Rajvanshis are not called rajvanshis untill and unless u keep up the vachan…its in rajvanshi blood do anything to keep up the vachan…she must be in fear, if she breaks the vachan it can harm her bhaisa…means god will curse her…Ouch

    • Anna
      April 04, 14:43

      I don’t it the fear but it speak of their identity n dignity a promise is made it’s meant to be kept otherwise it’s like betraying that person. I really like the courageous Jo who kept her promise to her bro.

  12. aakanksha
    April 04, 14:26 Reply

    Pls pls pls add pictures of today’s episode….. Most awaited but sad episode

  13. ananna
    April 04, 14:21 Reply

    Guys..hello..and hw r u all my dears ?

  14. swathi
    April 04, 14:16 Reply

    Good night sweet dreams :-):-)my dear friends Alina, Ruchi and Newshi..

  15. Alina
    April 04, 14:14 Reply

    @Neeraja dear…I and @Ruchi dint fight… :))
    Take care dear, bye

  16. ananna
    April 04, 14:14 Reply

    Mahshaallah kya episode tha..full episode jalal..jalal ur acting is fab..and nw i tell u that rajat u r the biggest and the bestest actor in tellyworlds for me..i had never seen lyk this performance of any actor.everyday u acted fab but day by day its add double dos..but today u done ur all expressions at a time..Allah..give u more ability than that..only i wish this..jodha, u were nice in that but today jalal steal the full episode..apart from that i think jodha leave the palace and in precap we saw that suja killed jalals soilder..and nw i think jalal try to kill suja but when suja knw that jodha left palace bcuz he gave her swear not to told jalal abt him and when jalal asked her abt this she didnt tell him and jalal thought that she is in afair wid suja will come infront of jalal and will tell him abt all..first time jalal will nt except it..then he’ll remember all conversation wid jodha and what jodha told him abt suja..then jalal except it..after realizing his mistake he’ll go to jodhas room and he will knw it frm moti dat she left the palace after jalals went..bcuz he told her dat he didnt want to c her face..her heart was broken and she love him so cant bear jalals anger for her so she left..its i think will be happen..

  17. Alina
    April 04, 14:11 Reply

    @Gayathri Di…
    My exams went too well…all good…
    Tom also…thnkyou so muchh Di :))
    And take care, gn sd…
    Talk to tom…

  18. meenah
    April 04, 14:11 Reply

    Superb! Mind blowing acting by rajat and paridhi,expressions of anger,pain,love,surprise and hurt were all there,so many feelings were showcased today, an absolutely intense episode,oh God I might have to miss some very interesting episodes Bcos of exams,schl sometimes sucks!over all absolutely flawless episode!

  19. Alina
    April 04, 14:05 Reply

    @Newshi dear…I’m good…
    Hope you too :))
    Take care dear…if you have exams then dear
    All the best…gn sd…

  20. gayathri
    April 04, 13:43 Reply

    ruchi, neeraja,newshi and alina and all others good night sweet dreams 🙂

    • Newshi
      April 04, 14:02

      Good night di

    • swathi
      April 04, 14:13

      Hi Gayathri..
      Ya it has been few days I’m not on the page.
      I was busy with some downloading. .

      Good night sweet dreams:-)

  21. ruchi
    April 04, 13:39 Reply

    Looks like no1 here at all!!

    • ruchi
      April 04, 13:42

      So guys!! If thers some1 then bye!!
      Bye swathi and gayathri di!!
      And also all my frens!!
      Neeeaja enjoy ur 1 more hols & alina do tom xam well !!
      Bye guys!!!!!
      bye all of u!!!

  22. ruchi
    April 04, 13:35 Reply

    Really neeraja!! U have hols in fri & sat!! So today was hols fr u!! Lucky!!! 😀

    • neeraja
      April 04, 13:37

      so can chat on thurs n fri
      sat may bcoz mom der she wont allow

  23. neeraja
    April 04, 13:30 Reply

    In a dramatic turn of events, Zee TV’s most popular Jodi of Jodha and Akbar will soon be seen in a romantic scene!

    Hailing from different worlds in the show, the Rajput Princess – Jodha (Paridhi Sharma), and the Mughal emperor – Jalaluddin Akbar (Rajat Tokas) are known to be at loggerheads for various issues. Beginning to understand each other slowly, there is romance brewing between the two on the show.

    The current track of the show Jodha Akbar focuses on Akbar banishing Jodha from the palace when he finds out that she has been meeting a stranger in the middle of the night. A plan well devised by Mahamanga (Ashwini Kalsekar) to plant misunderstandings between the two. Promising her brother Sujamal of keeping their meeting a secret, Jodha does not even tell Akbar about the stranger being nobody else but her brother. Obeying Akbar’s orders, Jodha is all set to leave the palace just when Akbar realizes that it was only her brother she was meeting and goes to her to apologize. Falling at her feet and repenting for his deeds, Akbar gently kisses her forehead and kisses away the tears from her cheeks in an attempt to make up with her while Jodha reciprocates to this by kissing his hands, the two of them instantly make up.

    This marks one of the first few scenes of physical proximity between the royal couple and their romance has been very subtly showcased in this first-of-its-kind kissing away of the tears’ on television.

    • ruchi
      April 04, 13:32

      Omg!! WOW!!! WOW WOW WOW WOW!!

    • neeraja
      April 04, 13:34

      u know wen i read it i was also shocked literlly

    • ruchi
      April 04, 13:36

      Haha !! Me too

  24. swathi
    April 04, 13:29 Reply

    Hi Alina..
    How did you do your exams? All the best for your forthcoming exams..
    So sorry I was busy with some work past few days. .

    • ruchi
      April 04, 13:30

      Hi di!! How r u??

    • gayathri
      April 04, 13:33

      hi swathi how r u?
      after long time i see u after:)
      u come and gone so quickly every day na ?
      btw thank you so much for that day u explain my question 🙂

  25. gayathri
    April 04, 13:27 Reply

    @newshi hi i am fine how r u?

    @neeraja may be they drag 2 days i think so. coz in precap suja again escap then and lot of local politics there (MA, ruq ,sharif)
    and some one told may be promo is dream of Jo. i don’t think it is dream so lots of think around may be Wednesday they show that promo part 🙁

    • Newshi
      April 04, 13:29

      I am fine bye di

    • neeraja
      April 04, 13:29

      have 2 wait 4 dis much days not possible waiting 4 monday is like big thing now dis much days i cannot do it
      promo is nt dream it is real

  26. neeraja
    April 04, 13:27 Reply

    wat is dis fight between ruchi n alina

    • ruchi
      April 04, 13:28

      No alina n i nt fight!!! What u say????

  27. Newshi
    April 04, 13:21 Reply

    Ruchi r u angry dear what can I do baby

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