Jodha Akbar 28th May 2014 Written Update

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Jodha Akbar 28th May 2014 Written Update by Atiba

Jodha Akbar 28th May 2014 Written Episode

jodha comes to ruks and ask you called me, ruks ask her to come and sit, jodha sits. ruks says day is beautiful, jodha agrees. ruks sees her earring and says its bend, I think you forgot to take it off before sleeping, I will make it right, she takes earring from her, she says I like to straight bend things, she gives earring back to jodha after making it right, she says you didn’t change dress of jashn, didn’t change it before sleeping, jodha says I was tired so, ruks says are you hiding something? jodha says no, ruks says your eyes are saying that you didn’t sleep whole night, must be playing with Rahim, she says you know jalal loves me a lot from childhood, he gave me this earring, he bought it from Kabul, after nikkah he spent most days in my room, its his habit that when he likes something he keep holding it, then many wives came and we became good friends then just being husband and wife but manhood is like this, they want destination, they run to catch destination and when reaches there, they try to find another destination, jodha ask do you need something, ruks says you know I am pregnant, I am giving child to jalal, I have Mughal heir with me so I want you to take care of me, jodha ask what you mean? ruks says have jalal’s biggest happiness, he wanted kid and its happiest news for him, I lost his heir earlier and there are still many enemies of jalal, I don’t trust any bandhi, I trust only you, you are good hearted women, she pretends and says see my feet are swelled, can you massage it, jodha is stunned, ruks says I feel bad to ask you this but you are most eligible for it, jodha nods and sits in ruks feet. jodha is doing massage of ruks feet, ruks looks at her and says will you take care of me? jodha says yes, ruks says now I got peace, I trust only you, she holds jodha’s hand and ask again will you take care of me for jalal’s unborn child, jodha lowers her eyes.

SCene 2
jodha comes in her and thinks ruks words, jalal comes there and says what is this, I was waiting for you and you didn’t come, why ruks called you? he sees her sad and ask why there is tears in your eyes? jodha says nothing, jalal ask why ruks called you, jodha tells him that ruks wants me to take care of her as bad incident happened earlier, jalal says how she can ask you, jalal says there are many badhies in harem you don’t have to do anything, I will talk to ruks, he turns to go but jodha holds his hand and stops him, jodha says you don’t do this, jalal says I cant see tears in your eyes, jodha says ruks have your child with you, she is giving heir to Mughals, she have your future child, if ruks wants me to do her services and if she get peace with it then I will do it because ruks is not only your wife but she is mother of your unborn child, he is your happiness and I will do everything which gives you happiness, if she gets peace then I will do it and also child will healthy then, jalal says I never understood women, you are different when you lover then wife and totally different when you are mother. jalal says you proved again that you have very big heart, you are different from all. jalal says how much wives Krishna ji had? jodha says sixteen thousand plus, nad eh used to go to all wives, jalal says even then with whom he stands in idol? jodha looks at him and says radha understanding what he means, they share an eyelock, he kisses her forehead, jalal says today I am going to announce big thing, I want you to be there, jodha nods, jalal kisses her hand, jodha smiles. jalal leaves.

SCene 3
jodha comes to ruks, ruks ask you here, jodha says you told me that you feel safe with my presence so I came here, jodha sees her puffing hokaah, jodha says its unhealthy for health, she ask bandhi to stop giving her hookah and give her healthy things, she says give ruks massage two times in a day, ruks just looks on, ruks says weather is very hot, jodha says to bandhi to place cool sheets behind curtains, ruks seems impressed, jodha says hot weather takes away water from body so you have to take watery thing every hour, jodha checks her fever and ask her to be careful, ruks feels headache, jodha ask what happened, ruks says headache, can you please massage it,k jodha agrees happily, ruks says I am getting peace, now I understand why jalal keep praising you. jalal comes there, he ask ruks to keep lying, jodha says she is fine, jalal ask bandhi to bring juice for ruks, jodha says I already called, jalal says I forget that you are here so mistake can happen, ruks is angry. hamida comes there. she sits beside ruks and ask her health, ruks says I am fine as you all are with me, hamida says you are giving heir to Mughal so be strong, salima says hamida brought some gifts for you, hamida makes her wear bangle and says this bangle was given to me when jalal was about to born, ruks is happy and shows it to jodha, jodha says its beautiful, salima sasy its good that ruks and jodha are sharing good raport, ruks says time changes everything, this unborn child changed me, salima sasy good that you understood jodha’s good heart, hamida says I am leaving as jodha is with you.

Scene 4
jodha sits on sofa, jalal says to ruks that I should leave now, he comes to jodha and whispers that don’t forget me while taking care of everyone, take time for me too, I want to talk to you so come in my room, jodha says I cant now as I have to be with ruks, jalal says whenever get time try to come, they smiles. ruks is jealous seeing them close, jalal leaves, jodha gives juice to ruks, ruks thanks her, bandhi comes and says jalal called jodha, ruks says you go jodha maybe jalal have some work, I am fine, jodha says okay I will come soon, you take rest. she leaves, ruks fumes.

Scene 5
jodha comes to jalal and says what urgent work you had that you called me, jalal says I listened that rajvanshi women take care of her husband most, its their duty, jodha says right, what you want me to do, jalal says I am feeling pain how to get rid of it, jodha ask where is it paining, jalal puts her hand on his heart and says till you are infront of me my heart pumps, its stops when you go away from me, what to do, jodha says not good, I was taking care of ruks and you called me lying, jalal says you also go away from me lying, jalal says its time for ruks to sleep so you can concentrate on me, jodha blushes.
ruks thinks why jalal called jodha, what work he had that he couldn’t stop, she ask bandhi to bring hookah, bandhi says but jodha… ruks scolds her that you are my bandhi, bring hookah, she goes to bring.
jalal lies his head in jodha’s lap and says all think you as queen but for me you are magician, jodha caresses his hairs, jalal says you do magic that restlessness goes away.
ruks thinks while puffing hookah that why jodha is taking much time, is jalal and jodha again… bandhi comes in jalal’s room, jalal scolds her, bandhi informs him that ruks health is deteriorating, jalal and jodha are shocked.

PRECAP- adham ask shehnaz to spend some time with him, he holds her dupatta and says I want it, she laughs and says you need dupatta then take it, she gives it to him and says I didn’t know you wear dupatta, adham gets angry and grabs her saying you are making fun of me, shehnaz slaps him hard for touching her, jodha sees it.

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  1. Rain
    May 28, 12:59 Reply

    OK guys let it be………
    But I still think one should think twice before commenting about others reaction …..
    OK bygones are bygones
    Tomorrow my little sis bday…….
    How can I give her a surprise I mean what will be best????????

    • ruchi
      May 28, 13:02

      Wish her haapy b day frm my side !! 🙂

    • Rain
      May 28, 14:49


  2. maayaa
    May 28, 12:50 Reply

    @ Tanni right dear!
    Such a beautiful episode, definitely the parts of Jo and Ja together. As I previously mentioned their consummation is just start of their love story. There is nothing between them no except for their love and because they have only now mututally expressed their love to each other, their love can only grow bountiful.
    Loved the way Jalal is trying to sneak every moment to be with Jodha and also how Jodha also is surrendered to Jalal in love to the point that she from heart is taking care of Ruks: only because Jalal’s happiness and his ‘ansh’ is connected with Ruks. Our hearts just beat in rhythm to watch them both now, truly, after all that they have been through and tested with tough times, it is a treat for eyes to watch them glowing in love.
    The highlight of todays episode was the scene between Jodha and Jalal when Jalal is about to talk to Ruks and Jo stops him. Although she is sad maybe because she could have give this happiness to Jalal, still she wants to take care of Ruks for Jalals happiness. And at that moment, how tears roll of Ja’s eyes, was fabulous. Am going to watch that all over again.
    And secondly, was the dialogue which Salima said to Ruks that she is happy that Ruks has realized Jo’s big heart.
    Ya right! one would think so.

    Jo and Ja’s love is mutual and they are also husband and wife. So, any other one sided love here can only co-exist and that is the reality. It is true that Jodha is given more importance in this show, after all this epic story is called Jodha Akbar and not Rukaiyya-Akbar. Everyone here knows that Ekta has just taken a small chapter from Akbar’s life and tried to make a epic show of it. The show has nevertheless survived all odds and has its popularity.
    And regarding the fact about that we did not read about Jodha in history, that is because in Indian books, the history only deals with the golden age of india and the invasions after that. Our books do not deal with ‘love stories’ in schools. But if anyone really wants facts, they can visit Rajastan/ UP and one can find old monuments and Urdu/Hindi documentation of Jodha there.

    What makes this show special is that in our times where there is so much chaos outside, so many people still believe in true love and like this show. And the story naturally appeals to many because this in Indian history started the huge transition of Hindu Muslim marriages along with tolerance to each others religion. And Jo-Ja being a royal couple naturally left their mark somewhere in history. Although their immediate generation did not care much and dealt in wars again, I personally feel that their ‘love’ perhaps lives through many lovers who have since years fallen in love, despite their religions in India.

    • Anna
      May 28, 12:55

      yes true, just enjoy

    • Hemu Raj
      May 28, 15:25

      I agree with u full heartedly. Of course it was beginning of the era of Hindu- Muslim transition. In particular the consummation was so good that everyone can watch with family. Not like other serials, good proportioned scenes. Both of their expressions was awesome. Applause to Rajat and pari.

    • A
      May 28, 22:16

      Well explained. Agree with Anna let’s just enjoy.

  3. Anna
    May 28, 12:48 Reply

    I like the part where he says he don’t women. Jo is different when she is a lover n wife n completely different when she is a mother. Ja is trying to understand Jo.

    He has seen fervent lover in her. Because of her love she gave her life by drinking poison.
    The wife in he during SR. Jealous n possessive wife that wants him all for herself.
    The mother in her that cares for his unborn child even though it is not her seed but as long as it is Ja’s that’s enough.

    • Anna
      May 28, 12:51

      sorry miss out the word “he don’t understand women”

  4. megha
    May 28, 12:45 Reply

    Jalal and jodha are made for each other. The more rukswill try to separate them Jo and jalal will com closer. Hope ruks false preggy news come out soon. She will then get the perfect reward for stopping so low for separating Jo and jalal. Loving Jo and jalal sweet and cute romance sooooo much.

  5. tanni
    May 28, 12:39 Reply

    Anna: u r right.. jalal is in consummation hang-over.. he is still in suhaag-raat mood and i wish dis mood continues forever

  6. tanni
    May 28, 12:37 Reply

    mahi: we hav no problem with ruks jealousy.. dat is perfectly normal but her rude, arrogant behaviour and cheap, dirty tricks r not acceptable.. jodha too felt bad dat night when she saw jalal holding ruks hands but did jodha behave rudely with ruks?? NO she is respecting ruks a lot.. did jodha ever resort to any tricks lyk ruks? no.. she talks respectfully with ruks even after ruks tried to throw jodha way from her room and conspirated against her in d krishna murti case.. will ruks ever agree to press jodha’s legs?? tell me.. if jodha requests her to press her legs, she wil slap jodha.. but see what jodha did.. ruks slapped dat soldier when he was only obeying jalal’s orders.. ruks is rude to everyone

    • M@hi
      May 28, 12:40

      Tanni, I know the level they took Ruks character to is very low and I blame no one except the writers. Now if

    • M@hi
      May 28, 12:41

      Tanni, I know the level they took Ruks character to is very low and I blame no one except the writers.

    • S
      May 28, 18:43

      You have seen both Jodha and Ruks getting jealous and possessive about Jalal…but did ever see Jodha play any dirty tricks like Ruks?? Are you that blind?? As a wife it’s obvious to get jealous but that doesn’t mean you need to stool too low to get it. Did Jalal ever said to Ruks that he loves her?? No, never…he only accepted her as his best friend & Ruks never said she loves Jalal because he said he haven’t a heart…..& he indeed was that but after Jodha came he realized he also have a heart and can love. So what is his mistake if he cannot love her?? If you love someone then does that mean that person needs to love you back?? @Mahi are you that cheap that you will force & do dirty tricks to make that person to love you?? Ruks never loved Jalal more than her life because the one she loved more than her life is only Shehenshaa who has power, attitude, & heartless….but not a Man who is husband??……Jodha always love a man who is not Shehenshaa but a husband of her and son of a mother…..Ruks is more after her position to be snatch by when one one is snatching……she wants to be Marium Zamani just to make her position high….but Jodha wants to take care of Ruks child because he is the heir of Mughal and son of Jalal even though she is not the real mother of child. Did you big head understand now?? Did something knowledge able get into your big head now @Mahi?? & Lastly love just happens & it happened between JA-JO…Jodha never force him to love her either Jalal force her to love him but it happen because they are made for each other and real Soulmate got it??

  7. Anna
    May 28, 12:33 Reply

    Sorry if been posted before, having problem have to retry

    Well o.K episode. Ja still SR mood n always wants Jo to be around him. Jo new suit color is beautiful on her. The more Ruq degrade Jo the more closer Jo is towards Ja. The tears of pain that rolled down Ja’s cheeck for JO shows his love n understanding of Jo really have Ja’s heart with her; just like he had mention on SR love confession. She does care for things that Ja holds precious his waris. She proved him that her love for him is not just for him but all that is dear to him. The kiss on the forehead n hands was very touching. It shows how Ja really marvel n appreciate her love n care she show ruq for his sake n his child.
    The hand that touch Ruqs feet needs a kiss from Ja to cure the pain.
    I really do c a change Jo (Pari) nowdays, she is very very relaxed when she is with Ja and no reluntancy in touch him getting close to him. Ja’s whisper was very bold that too in front of Ruq n his naughtiness n the eyes signal very cute to watch. Later he called her to be with him to care for him was a lovely scene. He want to feel more of her.

    The interruption was expected …… but the way he stood n the his of feeling embarrassed in front of bandi n scold her for not asking permission b4 enter. Ruq antics never ends.

    I like her curiosity in digging of Jo to know what they did last night, still not convinced silly Ruq. Her mind go wild when Jo delayed in coming back

    • Rain
      May 28, 12:46

      But ruchi di nieet us comment was harsh and anons too both should repent it. Both have expressed their opinions in wrong ways.

    • A
      May 28, 22:21

      You are very observant my dear, that is so nice.

  8. tanni
    May 28, 12:30 Reply

    kashish: how r u?? i too cud not come here yesterday and monday.. i fainted after watching d consummation and gained consiousness today. LOL.. just kidding.. actually my network was not working last 2 days.. i agree with u.. me too loved d morning scene a lot.. jalal bent down to kiss her shoulders.. what a FABULOUS acting Rajat did.. when he was kissing jodha’s back dat night, u cud see PASSION written on his face.. i wonder how he managed to do it so perfectly.. its more than perfect

  9. Anon.
    May 28, 12:28 Reply

    And @Tanni …………… What the fuck man. I feel like murdering some people. Thank god comments were blocked a few days ago. Probably because of these haters comments.

    • Rain
      May 28, 12:54

      But what if it hurts others?????

    • Being frank
      May 28, 13:25

      Ruks loves her position and Jalal. Get that too smarty. Why did you drag Paridhi into this. They are talking about Jodha as in Jodha Akbar.

  10. tanni
    May 28, 12:26 Reply

    Lovely episode.. loved all jalal-jodha scenes.. jodha shud not hav stopped jalal from shouting at ruks for making jodha serve her like servants.. jalal wud hav knocked out all cheapness from ruks mind..

    jalal told jodha to check d sharbat and foolish ruks thought he has sent away jodha to talk with me.. 🙂 he immediately went to jodha who was now far from ruks and started flirting with jodha.. loved d way he called her to his room.. when he put jodha’s hand upon his heart, OMG.!! so romantic.. he said his heart stops beating when jodha goes away from him, so cute.. SUPERB expression of Rajat.. jodha feeling shy looks lovely..

    jalal was enjoying jodha’s fingers in his hair and calling her magician when dat stupid servant came in.. overall AWESOME episode

  11. ruchi
    May 28, 12:25 Reply

    @neetu has just expressed her opinion
    There is nothin bad there
    After alll comments r fr that isnt it??
    So why fight over it??

    M nt against jodha akbar
    But why fight for a simple reason???

    • M@hi
      May 28, 12:43

      I agree with you. I don’t know why other people love to supress others comments.

      @Anon: I know what I’m seeing but its useless to answer you.

    • Rain
      May 28, 12:46

      But ruchi di neet us comment was harsh and anons too both should repent it. Both have expressed their opinions in wrong ways.

    • ruchi
      May 28, 12:56

      Thx fr agreeing
      And let it be

      @anon too has rite to expresss opinions!!
      So we r alll free here

      @rain yes that was harsh
      But dont u thk that its none of our business
      Theyy can comment sweet ones or harsh ones
      Their choice!!
      Isnt it??

  12. tanni
    May 28, 12:17 Reply

    anon: u r 100% right.. i agree with u.. just ignore neetu’s cmnts.. its good dat she wil stop watching now.. such sick-minded people can never understand dis great love story.. its good dat she wil stop watching it now.. JA does not need viewers like neetu

  13. Pani
    May 28, 12:14 Reply

    ok one thing this episode clarified and affirmed esp to those who had doubts is that Ruks aint preggers else she wont be huffing and puffing the hookah. Oooo I see she is attacking from another angle which is emotional blackmail hmmmmm but how long will she keep giving red alerts to separate jo and ja? Reminds me of the story of the boy who cried wolf so many times when the wolf finally came no one came to rescue him. Jalal is soooo in love. He is not even looking forward to spending time with Ruks (so called soon to be mother of his child) but is constantly looking out for jo. Cant have enough of jo. Ahhh he is so cute.

  14. Anon.
    May 28, 12:08 Reply

    I’m a silent reader, I’ve been reading for many months
    these days there’s a lot of haters here.
    which is probably why old DTB members don’t come here anymore.
    you people need to grow the fuck up.

    • M@hi
      May 28, 12:17

      You should understand that as long as its dealing with Polygamy there are going to be such problems here. So fine Jalal doesn’t love Ruks but did you see how Jodha reacts when she sees Jalal close to Ruks. What the crap do you expect Ruks to feel.

  15. Anon.
    May 28, 12:06 Reply

    AT NEETU @
    What are you on about…..
    she only accompanies him to dargah when needed?
    what the fuck are you on about? did you not see god she ran to dargah herself when she realised it’s been a year of their marriage? did jalal tell her to accompany him to there? or did he threaten her to go there?
    don’t you remember when jodha and jalal came back from ajmer and after the tiger attack, hamida gifted jodha Quran-e-sharif, jodha accepted it and raised her hands in the air and prayed for jalal. did hamida slap her and say pray for jalal in the mughal way? or did jodha do it herself?
    you’re so pathetic neetu, you have too much negative thoughts on jodha which you should CLEAR OUT.
    Now this is my opinion that you should shut the fuck up. because jodha and jalal both respect each other’s religion and cultures.

    • M@hi
      May 28, 12:14

      You need to expand your vocabulary.

    • tanni
      May 28, 12:15

      u r 100% right.. i agree with u.. just ignore neetu’s cmnts.. its good dat she wil stop watching now.. such sick-minded people can never understand dis great love story.. its good dat she wil stop watching it now.. JA does not need viewers like neetu

    • tanni
      May 28, 12:18

      anon: u r 100% right.. i agree with u.. just ignore neetu’s cmnts.. its good dat she wil stop watching now.. such sick-minded people can never understand dis great love story.. its good dat she wil stop watching it now.. JA does not need viewers like neetu

    • Rain
      May 28, 12:19

      Anon you are right but you could have said it with aliitle affection or lightly …,
      I understand ur point but aren’t u being harsh……

  16. Rain
    May 28, 11:59 Reply

    Metisree di we never have talked before………
    But you have helped me though unknowingly……..
    I’m Rain from Dhaka, Bangladesh I’m a Hindu a student of class or grade or standard six I’m a girl…….

  17. Miss Unbelievable
    May 28, 11:53 Reply

    because of ruks carelessness and jealosuy

    i can see a future miscarriage

    while Jodha will be pregnant

    • Rain
      May 28, 12:02

      Maybe due to drinking hukka……

    • Miss Unbelievable
      May 28, 17:51

      thats what i meant

      her carelessness

      smoking is bad for her and the baby

    • sanvi
      May 28, 21:49

      He mu is she truly a pregnant woman? ??

  18. kashish
    May 28, 11:48 Reply

    Hiiiii to all JA fans present here..!!! I am so vry upset that i was not able to come on monday n tuesday epi…. Omg our Akdha romance is jst out of this world, it was so very royal n sweet. But today i am here to express my joy. The morning scene is vry much romantic than the consummate scene. Jodha n jalal r jst made for each other :), no 1 can seperate them. Rajat’s expresssions was so mind blowing. Today’s epi is also mind blowing. Day by day my craziness is increasing towards this soap. Everytime i think of akdha, my mom use to sometime call me mad:p.

    Next i would come to Rukaiya, the most foolish number 1 even more than Adham. Day by day she is showing how low she can stoop n how chaep her thinking is. Jodha proved today also that how a big heart she has. She even accepted to take care of jodha n becoz of all these qualities she is becoming close to jalal n on the other side ruk is going away from jalal:). One day it will come that jalal to hate to c ruk’s face n will avoid her totally. Jodha even pressed ruk’s legs so that she can fell relief. I love the way jalal explained to jodha y Krisna always is seen wid Radha n not wid other. The relief jodha feel was so sweet. Jallu is becoming naughty day by day. They both look cute wid each other. From now only i feel sad when jalal will come to know that about ruk’s fake pregnancy:).

    Feeling happy about saturdays Mahaepi, again jodha will do pardhafash of humayun’s some unknown mystry. Thank god something new will b shown otherwise always all r busy in haram politics;).

    • M@hi
      May 28, 12:22

      It’s harem you mean but good you said haram lol. Haram is the exact word to describe the affairs of that place.

  19. meetisree
    May 28, 11:46 Reply


    • Pani
      May 28, 11:54

      I cant wait. I am so fatigued by adham and shariff

    • M@hi
      May 28, 12:44

      I’m not sure they will want to take down Adham so soon but lets see.

  20. Rohini
    May 28, 11:43 Reply

    Shenaz is the 1 to slap adham khan
    Mahaepisode of JA don’t know when promo out 🙂

  21. sanvi
    May 28, 11:34 Reply

    Loved joja’s flirting scene very much. Upon that jo’s reciprocations were honest ly admirable. Overall a very nice episode in d absence of ma ak n shariff.
    Precap- once again jo witnessed ak dirty acts.isin’t quite interesting? ?

    • Pani
      May 28, 11:45

      Oh Sanvi the joy of an episode without the tiring monotonous discourse from shariff adham and maham is glorious. I think Jodha is shocked that the childlike Shehnaz can retaliate like that. Those flirt scenes keep us alive hihihihih

  22. Neetu
    May 28, 11:32 Reply

    The goal of this serial seems to be to show the greatness of Jodha a Rajvanshi about whom we never studied in any history classes. We read about about Akbars greatness about shahjahans love for mumtaazbut never about jodha. They should change the title to jodha the great .

    As far as history which I read in my school many years back we read about Moghul empire , never read about greatness of Rajvanshis, but looking at this serial Jo highlited so much about Rajvanshis but we never heard about Moghul greatness from anyone .

    Why is it that most of the times trouble starts with Jo but then they make her heroine by saving shehenshah.
    If Ruks doesn’t praise Jo for anything then ust jealousy but if Jo doesn’t congratulate Ruks then we don’t hear about it.
    If Ruks gets upset because Jalal is not with her it’s her pride but if Jo gives lecture to JA about polygamy that’s love.
    If Ruks gives good suggestions about dealing hard with traitors like shehnaaz it’s not heard but if Jo supports any traitors still that’s justified somehow.

    Being a 16th century Rajvanshi women she is supposed to follow her husband not vice eras, husband jus god for them, but we saw JA following Hindu religion but Jo just does minimal stuff like accompany him to Darga when needed, but JA is seen everyday taking prasad doing aarthi, even Rahim.

    Why is it Jo didn’t touch her husband feet til now. This clearly shows the show wants to make Rajvanshis look great . In maharana pratap they never show pratap talking ill about mogul culture or vice versa it’s just their enemies .

    Today I didn’t watch the show for first time almost sic e the show started. I don’t think I’ll watch it looking at all the kichdi they made of the show. This is just my opinion. No offense to anyone.

    • Rain
      May 28, 11:49

      Neetu di I understand your feelings.the comment you gave was correct but in some ways it was insulting to rajvanshis and Hindus…….
      I mean reading it anyone can over react. But we guys know you well so we won’t ( at least I won’t over react) but still……. I hope u understand my point…..
      But you’re right they are showing enough “mahanta” of Jodha……
      But that doesn’t mean all rajvanshis are included here…..
      Besides its a tradition that all heroines of every show are Mahan……..
      Please don’t misunderstand me…….. I’m not criticising you but in some ways your comment was offensive to me.., like u said its my opinion no offence……..

    • Pani
      May 28, 12:00

      thought provoking.

    • Anon.
      May 28, 12:04

      she only accompanies him to dargah when needed?
      what the fuck are you on about? did you not see god she ran to dargah herself when she realised it’s been a year of their marriage? did jalal tell her to accompany him to there? or did he threaten her to go there?
      don’t you remember when jodha and jalal came back from ajmer and after the tiger attack, hamida gifted jodha Quran-e-sharif, jodha accepted it and raised her hands in the air and prayed for jalal. did hamida slap her and say pray for jalal in the mughal way? or did jodha do it herself?
      you’re so pathetic neetu, you have too much negative thoughts on jodha which you should CLEAR OUT.
      Now this is my opinion that you should shut the fuck up. because jodha and jalal both respect each other’s religion and cultures.

    • Pani
      May 28, 12:07

      ok one thing this episode clarified and affirmed esp to those who had doubts is that Ruks aint preggers else she wont be huffing and puffing the hookah. Oooo I see she is attacking from another angle which is emotional blackmail hmmmmm but how long will she keep giving red alerts to separate jo and ja? Reminds me of the story of the boy who cried wolf so many times when the wolf finally came no one came to rescue him. Jalal is soooo in love. He is not even looking forward to spending time with Ruks (so called soon to be mother of his child) but is constantly looking out for jo. Cant have enough of jo. Ahhh he is so cute.

    • S
      May 28, 18:27

      @Neetu What do you mean by Jodha the great???
      Haven’t you ever heard about the great epic Love story of Jodha Akbar?? Well, I indeed read in history unlike you so STFU….
      They are not showing her greatness but the love she have for her Shehenshaa that made her do the things even though it pains her. If she is 16th century women then does that mean she have to followed her husband even though he is wrong?? Does your religion teach you to force people to accept your religion at any cost despite their hearts cannot accept it?? Loll no religions are that cruel accept your bullshit crap thoughts. Jodha never insult Jalal’s religion nor Jalal. He did pray but only sometimes & about parsad, Hindu always make parsad for their gods but not Muslim and other religions. If Jalal also have gave parsad then Jodha would have been eat happily & proudly…& Jodha never went Darga when needed but by her will as she want to go & that’s her love that is making her do … don’t ever try to abused her….& keep your so-called thoughts with u as no one needed bcuz we all are fan of JA-Jo

  23. sanvi
    May 28, 11:25 Reply

    Did ruks heart melt 4 a while seeing jo’s truly concerns? ?

  24. sanvi
    May 28, 11:25 Reply

    1st time my heart soften d 4 jo.poor girl,I really felt pity 4 her.

    • Anna
      May 28, 11:56

      I feel she is stuck between Ja & Ruqs.

    • Anna
      May 28, 11:59

      Jo is stuck between Ja & Ruq

  25. meetisree
    May 28, 11:19 Reply


  26. meetisree
    May 28, 11:10 Reply


    • sanvi
      May 28, 11:26

      Lol exactly.

    • meetisree
      May 28, 11:31


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