Jodha Akbar 28th June 2014 Written Update

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Jodha Akbar 28th June 2014 Written Update by Atiba

Jodha Akbar 28th June 2014 Written Episode

Scene 1
jodha in beginning says some beautiful lines for women and on women power. jodha says today is a special day as women have colors and fights both, our battle field is our house and our society, even small fights teaches you lesson, we are with you in fight, she hits an arrow on target and says why women are at target always, we will not accept the disrespect of women ever.
episode starts with jalal and atgah, todar, jalal says send letter to maan and mirza that I am happy with their dedication and work, atgah says someone attacked you and investigation is on. jalal says I know but I will sit in cabin to save myself, I have to take decision about governments, jalal ask todar something but todar is lost, jalal ask is everything fine, todar sees jodha and shehnaz coming, jalal looks at jodha and smiles, all greets jodha, todar and atgah leaves, shehnaz leaves too, jalal ask jodha to sit with him in garden. other side todar follows shehnaz.
jalal says whenever I go with you somewhere, something good happens, jodha ask what you mean? jalal says look todar, I didn’t find such loyal and nice person before but when I went with you I get to know him, when he came here the government is going good, he takes care of my security too, he is a diamond, jodha says you are right, can I say something, jalal says yes, she says my father made me learn about politics and war but the best thing is that fruit will be good if seed is good, water will be good if ground is good and if a king is good then nation will also be good with him, jalal says you praise very well, thanks fro praising, thank god you are not a poet else all poets would have gone home.

shehnaz thinks that I have to go in jalal’s room to find about the way to my mother and also I can get treasure map, shehnaz goes towards jalal’s room, todar follows her.

she comes to his room but soldiers stop her, she thinks how to go in. she sneakingly goes in, todar sees it, shehnaz goes in jalal’s room from window, todar follows her in, one dasi sees him going and thinks why he is going like this in jalal’s room.

jalal and jodha are playing chess, jalal says you play well but why you don’t play with real people as knights, jodha says I never played it so I get confused. jodha says I am feeling sleepy, I am going, jalal starts coughing, jodha says look I told you that you will feel cold, jalal, jalal says what to do I don’t have bandhi tooat this time, if you say yes then I will stay here, jodha says what if I say no, jalal then I will forcefully stay here, he keeps coming closer to her, jodha says I will go in court and will complain to king about you, jalal says you will complain about me to me, what you will say, jodha says I will say that jalal came in my room and.. jalal says what? jodha blushes, jodha says this is stubbornness, jalal says then tell me how to love, I listen to you in all things, if you say then I will stay here else will go, jalal says I want to show love but not to force it on you, jalal says if you want then I will leave, jodha stops him holding his hand, (in ankhon main plays) as they share an eyelock. jalal comes close to her to kiss but Rahim comes and says I will sleep with you today, I want to listen story from you, salima comes and says sorry jalal, Rahim lets go I will tell you story, jodha is talking with jalal. jodha says no I will tell him story, jalal makes face like what the hell, jodha tells Rahim stories, jalal points her to ask him to go, jodha says no with her eyes wide open, Rahim says why are making me afraid with your wide eyes. jodha says the devil of story, he shows his big eyes to make queen afraid, I was telling about it, jalal says now I am sleepy, Rahim go and sleep, Rahim says I have to listen two more stories, you go and sleep, jalal makes sad face to jodha.

Scene 2
shenaz is searching jalal’s room to find the map of treasure, todar hiding sees her, she comes out, resham comes infront of her but shehnaz goes she then sees todar coming and ask do you need anything, he says no resham I was just checking, he leaves too.

shehnaz sees one map she took from jalal’s room, she says it doesn’t look like treasure map, someone knocks door, she burns the map and opens the door, todar comes there, she greets him and says you came to play with me? he says what is burning here, your game is finished, shehnaz says I will make eye liner from it so burned this paper, he says don’t lie, I had seen you going in jalal’s room, she says no I was searching jalal only, he says no you has stolen some documents tell me, shehnaz says I will not go there but don’t scold me.

jodha says to jalal that Rahim looks cute while sleeping, she calls moti and ask her to take Rahim to salima, she takes him and leaves, jalal says now give me sometime too, I thought that Rahim will not sleep today and we will not get time, jalal lies in her lap and says you will call me poet but your hairs are think jungle and I get lost in it, jodha says you speak good poetry I thought you are only warrior, a warrior who doesn’t have heart and now he is reciting poetries. jalal says I am praising you and you are saying this, they listen someone crying and comes out to see. jodha and jalal comes to shehnaz who is crying incoherently, jalal is shocked to see her clothes being torn, jalal ask what happened shehnaz, jodha drapes shawl around her, shehnaz says he beat me, he molested me,he was assaulting me, jalal ask who ws he, she says the one who is always with you, the fair color, she cries. jalal orders to bring all man in court.

Scene 3
all are in court, adham says to sharif what the hell why we are called at this hour, jalal comes there with shehnaz, hamida ask what happened why did you call us this late, jalal says because this never happened, someone tried to assault a innocent girl, the one who is a child by mind, someone tried to rape her that too in my palace, all are stunned, jalal says he is one the minister that’s why I called you all here, he says shehnaz tell me, don’t be afraid I am with you, I will punish him, ruks says yes, tell us, don’t be afraid, we are with you, we will not tolerate this with a women. jodha says yes if the culprit gets save today then he can do this again, jalal says I will give him such a punishment that he will never think of it again ever, eh ask to recognize the man, he ask is it adham, maham is tensed, shehnaz says no. jalal ask then is it sharif. jalal comes to todar but doesn’t ask about him but shehnaz stops and says he is the one, all are shocked, jalal says no shehnaz you are mistaken, todar cant be the one, todar say this girl is lying, maham says why will she lie, she doesn’t have any animosity against you, jalal says are you sure he is the one, she says yes, he is the one, he is very bad, he torn my clothes, he had beaten me and.. she runs to jodha and says he is very bad jalal, give him punishment, jalal says atgah bring todar to my room, I wanna talk to him, jalal says don’t worry , you will get justice shehnaz, he leaves. shehnaz cries while all are tensed with the turns of events.

Scene 4
jodha takes shehnaz to her room and gives her water while shehnaz cries,
jalal says to todar that I don’t doubt you but why you didn’t tell me, todar says I didn’t have any proof, her hand was burnt so I got doubt on her, then I came to know that she isn’t mad, she just pretend to be, todar says to when I followed her today, she came to your room and was finding something, she is planning something.
jodha says not to worry shehnaz what if he is todar, I will make sure you get justice, I cant believe that todar can do this.
jalal says don’t know what will happen now, how will you prove that she is lying, todar says all is in your hand now, you have to know what she wants, why she is doing this, jalal says I am sorry and says you have to be in prison, I have to take this decision in court.

Scene 5
mahaC comes and beg praise her that you are beautiful as witch, she ask beautiful or witch? she says praise me. he says you are beautiful and powerful too. mahaC says now I am happy. you can see without eyes, he says bride looks good in marriage, she says if all use brain like you then eyes wont be needed. she sits and nikaah starts, priest ask that haider mahaC will owner of your everything, you accept this marriage, he says qubool hai(I accept), he then ask mahaC, she says I accept this marriage, nikaah is done, pries says now haider is husband of mahaC. all congrats haider but he is not happy. mahaC says this marriage is political alliance so I want it to be secret, so I want that priests will be in my prison till I want, they say what, this is not right, beg says they mean that they are accepting it, mahaC says good take them inside and they are our guests, beg ask soldiers to take them, they goes. haider goes with mahaC. mahaC’s daughter says she is looking like witch.

Scene 6
jalal comes to jodha, jalal says I want to talk about shehnaz, jalal says todar is investigating who had put poison in my turban, he doubts that shehnaz did that, he thinks that she just pretend to be mad, jodha says I respect him but that doesn’t mean he will say ill about anyone, he did crime and now saying this, jalal says he also said that he caught shehnaz that’s why she cooked story, jodha says you think that innocent shehnaz will say lie about her rape, jalal says I am just telling you, jodha says today todar is saying that shehnaz put poison yesterday he was doubting zakira and then he will say I did that, jalal I saw todar going behind shehnaz and also he was pulling shehnaz’a dupatta, jalal says he was investigating so he couldn’t answer you, jodha say what investigation? why he didn’t inform you about it earlier, he is saying this to save himself, jalal says shehnaz is not mad, jodha says I know her from Mathura then in amer I was with her then In agra, I cant believe this, jalal says I believe todar, jodha sasy I believe my eyes, cant you see her state, don’t you pity on her, jalal says I cant ignore todar too, she says you cant ignore his act too, jalal says I am finding out truth, jodha say what about pain of her, she will have to bear questions but I want truth to come out, jalal says you stay out of this, jodha sasy no this is matter of respect of women, I know todar did a lot for saltant but think if it was me, salima or ruks in place shehnaz then would you be silent like this, I am worried for shehnaz..she is telling truth and I will not leave her and for that if I have to go against you then I will go, jalal is hurt and curtly looks at her, he leaves from there.

Scene 7
in court, all are present, jalal comes there, atgah says we got complaint that todar tried to rape shehnaz, todar comes there, jalal ask shehnaz to come infront and say what she has to, shehnaz looks at jodha is afraid, jodha gets up and takes shehnaz to jalal, jodha says shehnaz is weak so I will say in place of her, jalal says go ahead, she says I am thankful to todar that he gave us home in Mathura but that doesn’t mean he can disrespect women, atgah ask shehnaz did he assaulted you, she says I will never talk to him, he is bad, he torn my clothes, jalal ask todar to say something, todar says she is lying, I never looked at her this way, I cant even think of it, jalal ask shehnaz do you have any proof that he misbehaved with you, jodha says I have seen him around shehnaz many times and one day I saw shehnaz’s dupatta in todar’s hand, and not even me but moti was also present there, todar says I was just giving back her dupatta, dasi says I had seen todar going in your room by window, he says I was following her, jodha says he came in harem too and resham have seen it, todar says I am sorry for going in harem, jodha says 1st zakira was doubted by him and now he thinks that shehnaz did that, who cant even think beyond a kid and if that’s true what he says then why he didn’t inform you, he was I collecting proofs, jodha says what was the need to go in her room in night, todar says I didn’t wanted to this investigation to come out in open, jodha says a mad girl cant lie, todar says but she is not mad, jodha says I know shehnaz well so don’t blame her, jalal says enough, todar you have any proof that shehnaz went in my room, do you have any proof that she is not mad that she put poison, do you accept your crime? he says no I was just investigating, jalal says all proofs are against you, todar says the blame on me is wrong, jalal says you are saying you didn’t rape her? todar says no, I did mistake to put zakira in jail, jodha says when he had doubt on moti and zakirs he took your permission to investigate but why not in case of shehnaz, jalal says I am asking him, he ask do any point to doubt shehnza, he says her hands her burnt like me, jodha says it was with hot water, todar says it doesn’t look like it is burnt with hot water but with poison, jalal calls doc and he checks her hand, doc says shehnaz’s hand are burnt with hot water, jodha says now truth is in open, I want justice.Jodha says no one has the right to insult anyone. Jalal says i would like all the judges to make any decision tomorrow but till then todarmal will be in detention. Jodha is in her room. She says we women keep quite but that doesn’t mean that we don’t have a tongue. We like to fly in open skies with open minds. But we’re captivated by rituals. Why the systems wants us to be detained. Its our right to live with respect. Never think that you’re alone. Your voice has the power to change the world. If we can do make overs in front of this mirror. We can also then we can teach the systems.

No precap..

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    • ruchi
      June 28, 14:00

      yes m waiting fr that too 🙁 🙁 🙁

    • angel
      June 28, 14:01

      i dont think there’s anything much to look forward to in the pictures………maybe that’s why there isn’t any

    • twinkle
      June 28, 19:02

      I guess you are right angel

  1. angel
    June 28, 13:59 Reply

    i cant believe i’m saying this after this ep but i’m really looking forward to next weeks episodes

    • ruchi
      June 28, 14:01

      u have zee tv in s america as well??
      wow 🙂

    • angel
      June 28, 14:02

      only on cable……….so only some persons can see the shows

    • ruchi
      June 28, 14:04

      oh ok 😀

    • ruchi
      June 28, 14:05

      i guess u r one of them 🙂

    • ruchi
      June 28, 14:07

      hahaha nice 😀

    • angel
      June 28, 14:09

      i take it, you dont need cable for zeetv in nepal…

    • twinkle
      June 28, 14:11

      Im waiting for next week too just to c what happens to shshnaz

  2. twinkle
    June 28, 13:57 Reply

    Honestly the way this show is goin i dont think its wise to look forward to high ratings 🙁

    • angel
      June 28, 14:07

      yeah last time it was at #4…….wonder what will happen this time

    • twinkle
      June 28, 14:39

      Really it was?thats so bad its always been at 1 or 2

  3. angel
    June 28, 13:55 Reply

    anger aside………..i really love how the show is trying to get women to raise their voice and not stay quiet

    hats off

    • twinkle
      June 28, 14:00

      Yep ppl need to know how important a woman is

      Especially that idiot samrat on doli armaano ki

    • angel
      June 28, 14:03

      i second that

  4. twinkle
    June 28, 13:50 Reply

    Even thought this show is getting me on my nerves i really still love it and i am sure i always will

  5. angel
    June 28, 13:46 Reply

    i think in trying to get viewers to like the show the writers have corrupt the storyline

  6. Anna
    June 28, 13:38 Reply

    Ja & Jo on the opposite side,

    Shenaz played the cards well when she get Jo to c TM holding her dupatta. That was the plus point against TM. I liked her argument to Ja saying will He react the same way if it was her or any of his close one” She said she will stand by Shenaz even it means against him. This bold & strong character of Jo something I admired of her from the beginning. I know she was wrong but am not talking about that but Jo’s strong nature, the fight back for her rights. In fact that is what have always attracted Ja towards her, her fearlessness.

    Ja trust in TM not shaken. That’s good. Ja is helpless without proof n pass verdict to TM. Think he will personally investigate to come to bottom of this matter. Ja is still in control not emotionally affected even though Jo is on the opposite side of him. He ask her to be quite n spoke uprightly that he is listening to the defendant when Jo non stop accusing Tm. That’s it Shenshah u r the king u have to be in control.

    Am glad to certain measure that Jo is on the wrong. All the while she is on the right side and Ja end MU of her. This time Jo is on the reverse. When she knows the thruth about Shenaz she will come running to Ja to say sorry. Everyone who always complain that Y always Jo have be the Mahan. This proves she is not, after all a human being make mistakes.

    About MC not interested, Only waiting for the war between her n JJ. Her scene seemed dull n looks like lack of characterization of her role. I read, she plays a trouble maker for Ja empire.. She looks funny to me n dressed like… no comments

    I liked when TM till the end stood the ground that he is not guilty n made a clear point that Shenaz is behind the crown poisoning.

    • twinkle
      June 28, 13:43

      I really hope this track ends soon

    • angel
      June 28, 13:51

      yep that’s what i was thinking…….todarmal really moved wrong on this matter and allowed shehnaz to get ahead of him

  7. saba
    June 28, 13:24 Reply

    nice episode please up date with pic

  8. twinkle
    June 28, 13:17 Reply

    Shehnaz i said this yesterday n i’ll say it again

    Go bag ya face

    Nobody likes your snake personality

    • angel
      June 28, 13:32

      lol……… have got to be from the caribbean

    • twinkle
      June 28, 13:35

      Haha im from trinidad

    • angel
      June 28, 13:36

      oh kool
      i’ve been there once
      almost got myself killed… lol

    • twinkle
      June 28, 13:39

      Oh how come
      U dont seem sad abt it though

    • angel
      June 28, 13:42

      nah it was fun
      some friends n i we went up on the roof (cant remember what we were doing up there) but we forgot how to come down so we took a dive down…… luckily the house wasnt that high
      what a day it was really fun
      lol……crazy me

    • twinkle
      June 28, 13:46

      Sorry to say but you are crazy

      Btw where r you from

    • angel
      June 28, 13:48

      no problem i get that alot
      it doesnt bother me

      n i’m from south america, not far from you

  9. angel
    June 28, 13:16 Reply

    i really dont know what was the need for this mahac scene today……it was just disgusting

    • twinkle
      June 28, 13:32

      Ukr her daughters gave her the right name ‘Witch’

    • angel
      June 28, 14:04

      haha i got to agree with them

  10. twinkle
    June 28, 13:14 Reply

    Loved the akdha scenes today they were so cute, jalal expression today was just fab really love h8m and all his chikd like behaviour

    • angel
      June 28, 13:17

      yep so love him 🙂

  11. angel
    June 28, 13:10 Reply

    atleast there were some cute akdha scenes today to make up for this stupid track…….to tally loved how he tried to get her to send rahim away but was unsuccessful, he looked really cute 😀

    • twinkle
      June 28, 14:14

      Did yu c how cute he looked when he signal jodha to let rahim go
      Oh it was to die for

    • angel
      June 28, 14:16

      sounds like you are in love

      just saying

    • twinkle
      June 28, 19:03

      Yes angel i really love him


  12. Aaa
    June 28, 13:09 Reply

    Jodha jalal scenes were so cute, and rahim came in between and when jodha said okay to him, jalals expression was priceless.

    • Tani
      June 29, 18:59

      agreed , but were they enough to cover every stupid scene that happened afterwards?????


  13. Anna
    June 28, 13:08 Reply

    Very interesting episode n fast moving on Shenaz issue.

    To start with it the JJ scenes. He desperately wants to spent time, I mean the night with her. He is very bold in saying his points n open up to her about his feeling of wanting to be with her that night. His pretext of coughing when she got up wants to leave. He keeping moving closer to her till the edge n said he will stay with her if she do not agree. It totally aww to c that. Our Ja is ever ready for spent moments of being in each other embrace closely. Jo seemed to turn down that when he felt a little disappointed n said he’ll leave. That did the trick (reverse act always works on her) he knew it and smartly act it. She responded by holding his hand to stop him n their almost share a sweet kiss but alas out cutie Rahim interrupted. His face was like uhh Rahim wrong timing even SB knew they were up to something n she felt embarrassed as well Ja looks down to hide it. They could not convince Rahim to go back but Jo have to put him to sleep. Our romantic mood hero dear Ja expressed n spoke thru his eyes to send R (that was really really very very nice,cute,desparate kind of expression. (well done RT) Ja even tried to feel sleepy by R not going anyway. Finnaly she got his Jo lap as soon as R left. But before he start on anything SHenaz distrupted n spoil the whole of SR night for Ja & Jo.

    I still find Jo have to respond positively to Ja, She still has a little bit of women ego not letting in so easily. Eventhough she knew Ja want her, she a bit tries to resist a bit. That’s nice but not too much of it spoils the mode.

    Before he pretend to leave he said something beautiful to her “he want to share his love with her not to force it her”. He has always been gentle towards her n has never touched her without her consent.

    • Tani
      June 29, 18:56

      everything was going well until that shehnaz and her sad story came

      such a spoiled sport

  14. Aaa
    June 28, 13:08 Reply

    Jodha and jalal are both correct in their ways.
    No one is to be blamed
    I loved how jalal kept his trust on todarmal.
    And jodha believing her friend. Bt she doesn’t know she’s being cheated by shehnaaz.
    So in way, jodha and jalal are BOTH right in their own ways.
    mahac wedding is disgusting…
    Overall 2nd time ever, a 1hr special episode was worth watching of JA.

    • angel
      June 28, 13:13

      agreed both were right ………… but its frustrating to watch this shehnaz track, there’s only so much a person can tolerate

    • Tani
      June 29, 18:58

      she was right in standing up for women’s right but she really needs to let some emotions go

    June 28, 13:06 Reply

    i thought jodha had better intuition on can she blame todar. the series starting to go one sided.

    • twinkle
      June 28, 14:05

      I think it is starting to loose its track

  16. angel
    June 28, 12:59 Reply

    i dont really like how jodha is supporting shehnaz, but i got to say todarmal is at fault for his state, he really acted wrong on this matter……if he was a spy he’d be dead by now

    • angel
      June 28, 13:23

      i guess for woman respect and all i’ll give it to jodha……. really cant blame her since she doesnt know the truth

  17. masuma
    June 28, 12:50 Reply

    nice episode n lovely moments wt akdha..what da hell?? Why jodha is believing shenaz?? Hw can she not use her brain?? Ohhh plzzzz.. Hope jalal dsnt side wt jodha n i want shenaz truth to come out fast i feel like burning her with hot water lol.. Nyways akdha scenes were lovelyyy n cuteee.. @angel am with u to destroy shehnaz lol

    • angel
      June 28, 12:57

      yeah she really disgusts me…. 👿

    • ruchi
      June 28, 13:21


    • ruchi
      June 28, 13:21

      count me in 😉 😉

    • angel
      June 28, 13:34

      hey ruchi
      how are you?

  18. angel
    June 28, 12:38 Reply

    “Your voice has the power to change the world. If we can do make overs in front of this mirror. We can also teach the systems.”

    lovely dialogue
    alot of weight

    • twinkle
      June 28, 13:37

      I’d be telling a lie if i didnt agree

  19. angel
    June 28, 12:09 Reply

    i really hope jalal doesn’t get blind in love and support jodha, plz jalal keep your suspicions on shehnaz, that fool

    • Tani
      June 29, 18:55

      from the episode i say he wont

  20. angel
    June 28, 12:05 Reply

    seriously jodha????…….when did you stop using your brain???
    where the hell is cvs taking this show???

    • twinkle
      June 28, 13:21

      I really dont like how the writers are having jalal n jodha go against one another

    • angel
      June 29, 17:24

      Drama twinkle drama

      Don’t get grey over it

  21. aaradhna
    June 28, 12:05 Reply

    oh jodha was speaking so irrationally under the court until it is proved who is the culprit a qween or a king are not supposed to take any side they must be not biased at all.

    • angel
      June 28, 12:45

      true cvs have got her character looking like a wimp now…..

    • Tani
      June 29, 18:53

      right the creators have moved her character from a warrior to weakling

      along with emotions we need brain too ppl


  22. §àñvì
    June 28, 12:00 Reply

    Tanni thanks a lot 4 u r humble advice
    I just got frustrated that’s y man though I haven’t left watching it.

  23. angel
    June 28, 11:50 Reply

    i so wanna hit shehnaz………i hope she gets tangled in her own web

    • §àñvì
      June 28, 11:58

      It means she didn’t get caught today?????

    • angel
      June 28, 12:37

      it sure doesn’t look that way…………..oh god another boring shehnaz drama

  24. samia
    June 28, 11:42 Reply

    Epi was great i loved it but shehnaaz ughhhh i’ll kill her but i am waitin for the gud news

    • twinkle
      June 28, 13:18

      Music to my ear i so dont like shehnaz

  25. Ammita
    June 28, 11:33 Reply

    yeah I’m second. …..happy Ramadan guys

    • samia
      June 28, 11:41

      Thank you but r u a muslim

    • angel
      June 28, 11:26

      first again……..yeah 😀

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