Jodha Akbar 24th December 2013 Written Update

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Jodha Akbar 24th December 2013 Written Update by Atiba

Jodha Akbar 24th December 2013 Written Episode

Scene 1
in night, jalal calls maham in his room, she comes and ask matter, jalal says i want meena bazar tomorrow in palace and this time the one from whose stall i will buy first will be the winner not the one who has best things in stall, maham says how begums will prepare in such short time, jalal says i want to know who do best in short time, maham says ok and leaves, jalal vows to take revenge from jodha for the insult that she did to him.

Maham comes to resham and says to announce that tomorrow is meena bazar and rules are changed this time, not only jalal but anybody can buy from meena bazar and the one whose all things will be sold will be ultimate winner, resham comes running in harem and shouts to get up, all begums come and ask why he is shouting late at night, he informs them that tomorrow is meena bazar and also tells them the new rule, all wives panic, in ruks room, she is making list for things to presented in meena bazar but is out of idea what to showcase, she calls maham in and ask why jalal announced meena bazar in such short time? Maham says i dont know but have to do it as per jalal’s order. Ruks says i dont know what to present, i always present best things in my stall and i dont wanna lose this competition. Maham says this competition is not for you but.. Ruks understand that its between jodha and benazir. Maham assures her that i have full proof plan, so just sleep. Ruks says all in your hands now.

Scene 2
moti says to jodha that we should think something, i dont know what benazir will present tomorrow, jodha says why you are thinking about her? And i have decided that i will not take part in meena bazar, hamida comes and says i dont know what happened between you and jalal but you should put stall in meena bazar, these small fights do happens between hubby wife but that doesnt mean you will not do anything, earlier you won all hearts by putting colors in your stall, this time also i want you to show your talent, jodha’s tears roll down from her eyes, hamida ask her not to cry everything will be fine and you should take part in it, she leaves. Jodha is thoughtful.

Scene 3
zakira says to benazir that ruks is very intelligent, she can sell costly items in cheap price to earn more. Benazir says she is queen and she will use her money but i have beauty and brain i will use that.

Scene 4
meena bazar is being set, all begums are selling things, women are bargaining, maham comes and says i dont know what happens to these women in bazar, i think i should also open bazar, resham nods. Maham sees many women on javeda stall who is selling creams that benazir uses, she sell wrong creams. Benazir comes and ask her what she is doing, she says selling your creams. Benazir thinks nobody can use beauty like me.

Scene 5
jalal comes in meena bazar and says i buy things from every stall but today i will buy only from one stall, all women come with their things, 1st ruks shows shawl and jalal says i cant buy this because all think i am biased towards you, ruks says no need to buy, she makes him wear it. Jalal shows kohinoor diamond and says this will be given to winner. He comes to salima who shows him white flowers, jalal says these are ordinary, salima says yes but their fragrance, white color will give peace to minds. Jalal says thought is good. He next comes to jodha and ask you have nothing to sell? Jodha says no but i have one gift for you, jalal says its meena bazar i come here to buy not to take gifts, jodha is about to show him but he goes forward without seeing it, jodha is very hurt. He comes to benazir who shows him painting of jalal and says i thought you are most special for me so why not paint your portrait, i dont know how to paint but still i painted, jodha and ruks are not happy with it, jalal says its beautiful, nobody has painted my face like this, its very deep, jalal says i liked benazir’s most in meena bazar so i announce benazir as winner and present kohinoor diamond to benazir, jodha and ruks burn in jealousy.

Women gossip that its benazir’s beauty which has won. Maham ask ruks not to feel bad as the one who should feel is feeling it, ruks looks at jodha and smiles. Jalal is about to leave but hamida stops him and orders as mariam makani to look at jodha’s gift, jodha comes forward and shows him small baby cradle, she says i dont know who will give you baby but my wishes are with you, and this cradle is good sign for it, tell me how can i sale it? Jalal is hurt somewhere, hamida says right nobody can buy it, not even with kohinoor diamond, she says but i will give you my necklace which humayun had given me, she gifts jodha necklace. All are stunned

Precap- its a morning time , Jalal is resting out side his room , Jodha comes form the back she tries to open his palm , Jalal turns and sees her with a angry face , She says I am coming for temple and I saw you sitting here so thought of offering you this prasad , I know you are angry on me but why become angry on this prasad , He takes that prasad like a bugged kid, jodha ask now tell me what you didnt like yesterday?


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  1. sia
    December 25, 05:51 Reply

    r u enjoying holiday sis?

  2. sia
    December 25, 05:41 Reply

    wow winter vacation hai sis?

  3. sia
    December 25, 05:39 Reply

    charms what r u doing? Wat tym it is there sis?

  4. sia
    December 25, 05:34 Reply

    charms u have holiday 2day dear?

  5. Aditee
    December 25, 05:28 Reply

    Jallu acting like small kid sooo sooo cuteee wow…loved it

  6. sia
    December 25, 05:28 Reply

    charms m in fb n gmail

  7. Aditee
    December 25, 05:26 Reply

    🙂 😛 🙁 😀 :-* 😮

  8. sia
    December 25, 05:25 Reply

    charms if i give u my id will u mail me?
    Wat r u doing?

  9. Aditee
    December 25, 05:22 Reply

    Precap is was ausome can’t wait nyt kab hogi yar

  10. sia
    December 25, 05:21 Reply

    ok charms. U have mail id?

  11. sanvi
    December 25, 05:21 Reply

    Very nice episode
    Once again Jalal failed in disgrace ing jidha
    Jalal 1 humble request please stop humiliating jodha
    1 reason u hav always tried to humiliate her but she proved herself a wiser woman all the time
    2 nd she always stood unique with her thought s n its implications n astounded u
    So its enough now….

    Precap sounded me like a mom pampering her baby n asking its reason of reluctance. …so cuteeéeeee…..
    Jodha love u…for u r innovative thoughts

  12. priya
    December 25, 05:15 Reply

    WTF mahamanga pregnant …… ?????? 😛 …
    Guyz this news is fake ..
    In India forum also I read this n the girl who posted it said ” this is all fake someone has copy paste this on FB …it was her comment there she was angry n in angry mood she wrote this rubbish maham getting pregnant n all ” so relax ekta will not spoil NA lime she had spoilt PR …

  13. sia
    December 25, 05:11 Reply

    how r u charms? Where were u these days?

    • sweety_charms
      December 25, 05:20


  14. Janas
    December 25, 05:06 Reply

    Thanks Alina and Tanni. Nice joke. As far as I’m being upset with new Moti I guess I have been very biased. It is just that the old Moti’s and Jodha’s timing was simply awesome; itwas just like real friends talk. I think I’ve to give this lady some time.

    I am also angry with the director, but in the past, Ekta if she was unhappy, she has personally called the actors and convinced them to stay. She owns the company, so any credit or debit will definitely fall on her. So I felt that she even now can come in. Anyway as u said Tanni, this too shall pass and I’ll get used to the new Moti.


    • Alina
      December 25, 06:43

      Ur welcum Janas aunty…
      Yea v really need time for this even me!
      As u said her equation of friendship wd
      Jodha was good lets see what this new
      Moti shows us…

  15. sia
    December 25, 05:05 Reply

    m gud alina n u? Thx n same 2 u dear

  16. sia
    December 25, 05:02 Reply

    charms u left sis?

  17. sia
    December 25, 05:00 Reply

    u there charms?

    • Alina
      December 25, 05:03

      Hii Sia Di
      How r u?
      Happy Christmas day!

  18. sia
    December 25, 04:59 Reply

    charms same 2 u

  19. sweety_charms
    December 25, 04:57 Reply


  20. Alina
    December 25, 04:14 Reply

    @Tanni I agree wd you!
    Janas Aunty I also read this news
    And the page it was posted first
    It was also written that its fake as
    Its said by fun…

  21. tanni
    December 25, 01:58 Reply

    maham getting preggy is just someone’s joke.. i m sure ekta wil not show anything like dis.. she is not insane like some of other serial makers.. at least in dis serial ekta wil always give us only d best

    @janas didi: dont worry, ekta wil never mess with JA.. till now she has managed every track, every scene beautifully.. all episodes till now hav been FABULOUS.. all emotions of all characters r perfectly natural.. nobody is shown unnatural or absurd

    why r u so upset with moti’s replacement?? and its not ekta’s fault.. it was due to dat director.. its only a matter of time.. soon we wil get used to seeing her and then nobody wil complain

  22. tanni
    December 25, 01:49 Reply

    Rajat is an introvert nad there is nothing wrong in it.. many people r by birth introverts.. its not their fault.. they just cant mix easily with strangers, dats all.. but dat is NOT insultng anyone.. if were rude his co-actors wud not praise him so happily as they do in all interviews.. Paridhi and all other actors r quite happy praising rajat’s acting skills

  23. kaju
    December 25, 00:49 Reply

    merri Christmas to all my frndz.

  24. Janas
    December 24, 22:17 Reply

    Oh ok. But I read somewhere that Rajat is an introvert. So I guess he behaved that way. Anyway as long as he doesn’t hurt anyone I guess it’s ok. It’s when u r rude and hurt somebody,I’ll say it’s unacceptable.

    Is there any new track?

    • anu (jodha begum)
      December 24, 22:41

      yeah not like he was rude by talking or whatever but it’s a bit disrespectful lol but the people who knows his personality, would say it’s okay

  25. sia
    December 24, 22:10 Reply

    Gud morning joal’lians
    have a grt day

    Merry christmas to all my frenz n ja fans

    • sanvi
      December 24, 22:28

      Merry Christmas

    • sanvi
      December 24, 22:37

      Yup!!!! I vote ja in all category where they were nominated

  26. Janas
    December 24, 21:36 Reply

    What’s this new track abt MA being pregnant? I hope the CVs don’t mess up. I mean come they were historical characters. Give them the dignity they deserve. It was hard to digest some of the scenes, but this will be the mother of it all if they plan such a track

    • anu (jodha begum)
      December 24, 22:01

      Behaviour, I’m talking about the link annas has posted on the earlier comments of this page. it’s a video tanmai (paridhi’s husband) took of when paridhi and rajat were in SA. and uploaded it on youtube.
      paridhi was normal, having fun. but rajat looked like his ignoring everyone by his behaviour.

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