Jodha Akbar 23rd October 2013 Written Update

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Jodha Akbar 23rd October 2013 Written Update by Atiba

Jodha Akbar 23rd October 2013 Written Episode

Scene 1
in amer, bharmal thanks jalal that because of you all are saved. Adka says someone gave something to hawai to eat. Jalal says he knew that i would try to control hawai and will get injured or killed in process he didnt know about my capabilities, bharmal says who can do that, adka says you should be more careful. Jalal ask adka you want me to live with fear, i am a king of india and i will not leave amer till sukanya’s marriage is done. Bharmal praises jalal and says you are my responsibility and we will take measures for you.

Scene 2
maham says to hamida that we have to open our eyes jalal was being attacked in amer. Hamida says sometime its better to be quite, we are here for sukanya’s marriage and think with mind person can be from agra also as jalal was being attacked before he came in amer and agra people know more about his activities. Maham says sorry for blurting out everything bluntly hamida says one should control his arrows and mouth. Here bharmal in hyper mode ask soldiers to find that man and bring him in jalal’s feet. Sharif reprimand adham for his stupidity, adham brushes it off. Sharif says your plan was a fail. Adham says i will keep doing and jalal will be in that one day. Sharif says you knew hawai love jalal very much then why you did that. Sharif and adham have verbal scuffle and sharif says time is not in our hand, wait for it.
Mena is worried that jalal may be angry and ask jodha to make him understand.

Scene 3
hakim says i have made medicine for hawai, jalal says he is in problem bcoz of me, i wilk make him drink that medicine, adka comes in and informs that they found no clue about culprit, jalal says he can be any rajvanshi even you, he says i am not trusting even my shadow. Jodha comes in and adka leaves. She ask jalal to leave amer, look your life is in danger here first that lake incident then this. Jalal ask you are caring for me? She says no but sukanya’s marriage will be at halt, if something happens to you then amer will face many difficulties, jalal says thank god you cleared my doubt that you dont care for me. There are many enemies of mine but only few come in front and show their hatred openly and one is you. He takes of his coat and make jodha wear it. He gives her sword and make her wear his turbine and says think yourself as a king. jalal ask jodha think yourself as king if i leave amer people will think i am afraid and how can afraid man protect his people otherside if i stay here anyone any rajvanshi, mughal can attack or use my own animal against me. Tell me what to do now. Jodha is stunned. Jalal says nobody can understand my position there are many snakes in my coats sleaves. Jodha says i am feeling sorry for you today you cant trust anybody you have no one trustfull you even doubt your shadow i cant live this life for 5mins and gives him back everything and says i feel pity for you. Jalal says dont pity on me ever this is my insult. Do you know why everyone is my enemy, not trustful bcoz my and lion’s life is same we walk alone whole life and rule the world. Jodha leaves

Scene 4
all girls are putting mehndi on sukanya’s hand as its mehndi ceremony. Jodha says you will look more beautiful after haldi, sukanya says that your face is glowing bcoz jalal went to mandir with her, then waited for her and kept looking at her. Jodha ask them to take about sukanya’s would be husband, dadi says he is very good girls says yes as jalal chose him, jodha says why you always talk about jalal, kids come and ask jodha that all will come in haldi? (hinting jalal).
Maham and javeda comes in mehndi ceremony, javeda goes for mehndi. Maham says to hamida’s friend(ruks aunt) why dont you make hamida understand its not save here and how they are attending ceremony as per her order, she ask do your bahu listen to you, maham goes to check her, javeda shows her mehndi, dadi praises javeda and leaves. Maham ask javeda that dont tell anybody that you are my bahu and your mehndi is worst.

Scene 5
jalal is in thoughts when kids come to him and shows him mehndi, jalal says i got afraid they say you are king jalal says but you are jodha’s friends. Jalal praises their mehndi, they says all were saying that jodha’s mehndi was best and she would look beautiful when will dance, jalal ask where is jodha they says mehndi and ratjaga is being held there and shows him direction but says boys are not allowed. Jalal says so jodha is going to dance but i am not allowed so what i will go there, i am her husband after all.

Precap- jodha is pulled by other girls to centre and she dances happily in mehndi ceremony on song mehndi rachayo, jalal comes from behind curtains and stealthily looks at her smilingly.


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  1. pari
    October 23, 13:13 Reply

    Niky…obviously he will fall fr astha later bt still rite now it shows dat he wants revenge, dars really heartbreaking…

    • suraj
      October 23, 13:14


    • pari
      October 23, 13:14

      Hi jas…

  2. pari
    October 23, 13:08 Reply

    Suraj bhai…u watch ipk???

    • suraj
      October 23, 13:10

      YES dear

  3. Fahmida
    October 23, 13:04 Reply

    hundred like is not enough for da epi.

  4. Niky
    October 23, 12:59 Reply


    hello…how are you?? angel are u a regular commenter on this site??

    • pari
      October 23, 13:02

      Hi r u??? I am sad wid the progress of ipk…evrything shlok does or says, only 1 word goes on in my mind FAKE FAKE FAKE… 🙁

    • suraj
      October 23, 13:03

      yeah FAKE FAKE FAKE 😀

    • Niky
      October 23, 13:07

      pari:That’s correct…so thats y u re not there 😕
      I thought u lost ur way…Hhehe 😆 I am fine dear…don’t be sad…wese shlok is acting fake or not …kya pata?? 😀
      soraj:nice gv..who is it??

  5. tanni
    October 23, 12:54 Reply

    gud night JA gang.. tell me aap logo ko ye article kaisa laga?? d writer of dat article has done a lot of research on JA history.. now nobody can say dat its imaginary

    • saberi bhatcharjee
      October 23, 13:00

      My uncle is a historian…teaches in jnu…he has also studied history very well bt he says dat harka bai ws just jalal’s wife fr a marrirge alliance, there ws no ♥ between dem…I am sry bt I dont agree wid u…

    • suraj
      October 23, 13:03

      maano toh sab kuch hai or nahi maano toh kuch bhi nahi….

  6. pari
    October 23, 12:53 Reply

    @nish…Yes…kaatya..I think on ipk or qh pg I dont remeber

  7. tanni
    October 23, 12:52 Reply

    i found dat article on india forums..

    Or its all fake.??? THINK ONCE rationally.

    Even the 19th century memoirs of colonel Tod talk of love between these two people.

    its very clear dat JA love story is a true story and Ekta’s team dserves a Hats off for doing so much research and showing all historical things so beautifully.. JA rockss

    Bolo ekta mata ki jai

    • Siri
      October 23, 13:15

      Dont know whether its true or not. But have to say hats off to ekta maa and team for doing such a nice job..

  8. Fahmida
    October 23, 12:51 Reply

    hi frndz!!!!!!
    & everyone????????

    • pari
      October 23, 12:52

      Hello…where were u yesterday???

  9. Siri
    October 23, 12:50 Reply

    @suraj or anyone: tell me the meaning. I’m waiting

    • pari
      October 23, 12:56

      I bdont know the meaning of thullu I guess its a phrase fr thenga…

    • nishi
      October 23, 12:50

      check below pari…..

  10. tanni
    October 23, 12:49 Reply

    I dont understand, why people just dismiss this serial JODHA AKBAR as pure fiction. I have been doing a lot of research on the story shown in this serial and surely its not only fiction. HATS off to the makers for doing such a great research on this subject.

    The disclaimer which runs at the start does not say that its fiction but only that they dont guarantee the events shown are with utmost historicity, since they have to add some events. In any historical show, for sure 100% events can’t be true, some element has to be added.

    And , whatever I have written here, is not my imagination, but after reading, I must say 50-60 books, I could gather this much info with PROOF. i am still finding more. History mentions a lot on akbar but not on his first hindu wife maryam zamani/ harkha/jodha bai/. Just reading on internet never gives true picture, as people say anything , write anything as per their convenience. For ex: Wikipedia page on maryam zamani, has been changed several times,in last 3-4 months ..!!!

    Regarding war, let me make it clear, Amer had a war with mughal forces in 1562. some of my friends on this forum said that there was no war. in ain-i-akbari, its clearly mentioned, the war did take place, and bharmal’s son and 2 nephews and army, were taken hostage, by ajmer’s subedar sharif-ud-din. ain-i-akbari, even mentions there names.

    and it was jalal who insisted on marriage, because he wanted a ‘guarantee’ from rajputs for their loyalty. the marriage was in sambhar in feb 1562. Infact, initially it was his policy to have matrimonial alliances with rajputs for loyalty. Though this changed afterwards, as he realized, there promise meant a lot. He did not insisted on having marital alliance with ranthambore.

    I will surely discuss his rajput policy in another post.

    And chugtai khan, who was at time a subordinate to shari-ud-din, was the mediator in this political settlement. He was a friend of bharmal as shown, here, since once his life was saved by bharmal in 1556, during some war with afghans.

    Regarding jodha changing akbar’s attitude, let me inform that, she surely had an impact on his life. also, they surely loved each other. let me tell few of the reasons :

    1. in akbar’s era, lived an historian, Badayuni(perhaps 1 of his court historians), who has written in his memoirs displaying – “unhapiness at the development and harps on the role of akbar’s FIRST rajput wife on his liberal religious policy, who has began to turn His Majesty into an infidel (kaafir) “.!!
    clearly, it refers to his change in attitude, towards other religions.

    2. moreover, a “fatwa”, was issued against akbar by maulvis and ulemas, when they thought, that he was denouncing his own religion, as he had started worshipping sun, light and fire, even in mughal court!! (all hindu symbols).many more reasons, they will show this in the serial, I feel.

    3. issued coins displaying ram sita on 1 side and his picture on another. (hindu belief)

    4. also issued coins displaying sun on 1 side and his picture on another. (hindu belief)

    5. his 1st rajput wife, maryam zamani / harka bai / heera kunwari / jodha bai (all 4 same person), was given incharge of the Haj department, seeing her interest in commercial affairs. (HAJ used to be a very very im[ortant dept. in those days)

    6.She was given incharge of the ships used in overseas trade, after 1571, (from port of surat and khandesh), this made her really rich, something, which salim / Jahangir also mentions in his memoirs.

    . She was the only lady in entire Mughal history, to have a direct command over a cavalry(force of horsemen),(in hindi – ghudsawar) of 12,000 men..!!!

    9. she was among the richest ladies in the Mughal court.

    10. Findly explains in his memoirs- “By a farman of Badshah Jalal-ud-din(i don’t know the year in which farman was given), she was known to receive a jewel from every nobleman “according to his estate” each year on the occasion of the New Year’s festival.

    Like only a few other women at court, Maryam-uz-Zamani was granted the right to issue official documents (farmans), usually the exclusive privilege of the emperor. So you can see that she was very powerful and had the emperor’s ear at all times.

    11. She was given a separate palace in agra also(not very big)(after residing in haram for some time). This palace was decorated with frescos of hindu gods. This is mentioned by Edmund Berke in his memoirs , when he visited Agra Fort. Later on, Shah Jahan destroyed many building in Agra Fort, to make new ones. Perhaps, this palace was also destroyed, since now it does not exists. In the serial also, they have shown akbar ordering for a new palace for jodha but let’s see if he gives her a new palace for sure. Lets wait.

    12. I could not find till now , authenticity of Ajmer yatra and that tiger scene, but still searching. Maybe I can get some info if its true. But, in press conference, the show director, mr. santram verma, in response of 1 question said, “regarding the tiger twist, that, its not fiction and this event did happened 450 years back. EVEN , HE URGED TO THE VIEWERS, NOT TO DISMISS THE ENTIRE SHOW AS FICTION.” But, I ll try still to look for proofs.

    13. In 1569(7 years after marriage), when she was pregnant with Salim, she was sent to Sikri near saint salim chisti’s dwelling place.akbar too went there. There a palace called Rang Mahal was constructed for her by akbar, so she could be there with all the comforts as in Agra Palace. The palace is still there and one can see how beautifully it has been made. It was here her son Salim was born.

    After this the capital was shifted from Agra to Fatehpur Sikri around 1569-70(in phases).

    14. Now, the main event, of all the buildings in Fatehpur Sikri,in best condition is the spacious palace is of Maryam Zamani. It is one of the oldest surviving buildings in Fatehpur Sikri. The palace is still present.

    ” Mariam was a Hindu, and this palace in all its construction and nearly all its ornamentation belongs to the Hindu and Jaina styles of Mariam’s native country, Rajputana. It even contains a Hindu temple. It is also the most important of all the palaces, and Mariam, as mother of the heir-apparent, would take precedence of all the other wives.

    On the left of the entrance is a small guard-house. A simple but finely proportioned gateway leads through a vestibule into the inner quadrangle. The style of the whole palace is less ornate than the other zanana buildings, but it is always dignified and in excellent taste. It must be remembered that the severity of the architectural design was relieved by bright colouring and rich *purdahs*, which were used to secure privacy for the ladies , and to diminish the glare of the sunlight.

    Archologically its construction and ornamentation are very interesting. Many of the details are of Jain origin, and of the same type as the mixed Jain and Saracenic style, which was being developed about the same period in Gujarat. One of the most interesting features of the palace is the Hawa Mahal, a pavilion projecting from the north side, enclosed by pierced stone screens. from here the residents could enjoy the cool breezes and the view of the lake with the distant hills beyond, without being exposed to the vulgar gaze. The palace was formerly connected with Akbar’s private apartments, Mahal-e-khas, by a covered way, supported on pillars, near the entrance. Akbar could directly visit this palace at any time. This was removed some years ago. ”

    –Compiled From memoirs of Edmund and Archaelogical Survey of India’s handbook

    Again, while proceeding on a war in Gujarat in 1572-73, the city of Agra with the Imperial Haram , which was the residence of prominent Mughal ladies(akbar’s mother, aunt, foster mothers, other wives, etc.), was stationed under control of Bharmal.,since there was danger of simultaneous attack from bihar and bengal…!!!

    It is said the war was to be a gamechanger in jalal’s life. For the first and only time, a Mughal king, left his entire family/pride/whatever you say, in hands of a hindu king.this was because there was a danger of another attack from bihar and Bengal, simultaneously.

    Clearly its A mark of great respect/love/belief or close ties with amer.

    A fearsome battle was fought in Gujarat, where akbar life was once again rescued by bhagwant das and man singh.

    (previously bhagwant das saved akbar’s life in battle of paronkh, as shown in the show.. the battle is true..!!it happened really. bhagwant das took a bow shot on akbar on his body and also offered him his water. Paronkh – is a village in today’s uttar pradesh, in eta district.)

    They(man singh and bhagwant das) arrived in time with reinforcements. Young prince Man singh led the army and bhagwan das fought/stood, side by side with akbar in entire battle. A force of 3000 warriors comprising some mughals and mostly rajput warriors defeated a force of 20,000 afghans!!! Shocking but true. Akbar recounts it in his memoirs as one of the most important battles in his life. this changed his attitude towards rajputs considerably.

    In this battle, bhagwan das’s elder son, Bhupat Rai/ Bhupat Singh was killed.(They have not shown him in the serial till now, hope they will introduce him also.) Akbar made bhupat’s killing a personal issue, and allowed Maryam Zamani to go to Amer for mourning Bhupat’s death. Again, the outcry of mughal maulvis and ulemas and nobles was severe, as they indirectly accused akbar of giving large freedom to his hindu wife. But akbar again defied them and allowed her to go.

    Now, he launched a manhunt for shah madad, foster brother of muhamed Husain mirza, who had killed bhupat. He was caught and personally beheaded by akbar.!!

    Clearly, these events show that amer had great meaning in this life. But, akbar was such a big personality, that a lot has been written about him, his wars, but not about his personal life.

    • pari
      October 23, 12:51

      My god….

    • Siri
      October 23, 13:00

      Thanx a lot tanni dea..

    • suraj
      October 23, 13:02

      thnx tanni

    • Janas
      October 24, 00:24

      Thanks a lot. I was also searching for info on this serial but couldn’t find it. Can u tell me from where u got this info?

    • nishi
      October 23, 12:50

      i am fine pari but do i know u??? kya humne pehle baat ki hai…….

    • Siri
      October 23, 12:49

      See no one here except me and u..

  11. Xia
    October 23, 12:43 Reply

    Me pari kashish sia suraj n urself n nishi

    • Siri
      October 23, 12:46

      Ok but which game. U said u are not ready for antakshari..

  12. tanni
    October 23, 12:42 Reply

    last part of d epi was awesome.. very very funny.. i love scenes of jalal with his little saalis.. d way jalal’s eyes brightened up when he heard about d beauty of jodha’s mehendi was so sweet.. few hours ago he and jodha were shouting at each other like enemies and now d moment he hears of jodha dancing, he forgot all anger and decided to watch her secretly.. WOW scene..

    yesterday jalal waiting patiently for jodha was also very cute.. an emperor waiting for someone is not a joke..

    precap is so exciting..

    • Siri
      October 23, 12:47


  13. nishi
    October 23, 12:41 Reply

    yes pari mein jjjj hi hoon ……….

  14. sia
    October 23, 12:41 Reply

    @sanjana:best of luck dear

    • Siri
      October 23, 12:44

      Finally u came

    • pari
      October 23, 12:40

      jjjj rite???

  15. Kashish
    October 23, 12:39 Reply

    Sanjana……. Best of luck, bye, tc n gdnt:).

  16. Siri
    October 23, 12:38 Reply

    @xia: first ask who all are ready for the game.?

    • pari
      October 23, 12:41


  17. Siri
    October 23, 12:35 Reply

    @sanjana: read suraj’s comment once again. He said agar mein ek baar commitment karli to mein APNE AAP KI HI SUNTA HU..

    • suraj
      October 23, 12:39


  18. sanjana
    October 23, 12:35 Reply

    chalo chalo ab commerce padhne ka samay aa gaya hai warn amera kya bharoosa exam mein bhi rajat paridhi hi likh ke aa jaaon :0
    bye everyone tc mata ji ka aashirvaad saath hai
    bye malsha di, siri, sia , kashish, suraj, pari, aanal bye all mera aashivaad saath hai yaad haina
    jor se bolo jai mata di

    • Siri
      October 23, 12:37

      Ok bye sanju.. All the best. Gudnyt.:)

    • pari
      October 23, 12:38

      Jai mata di…all the best…

    • suraj
      October 23, 12:40

      bye best of luck

  19. Xia
    October 23, 12:35 Reply

    Nishi yes main yhi hu @siri game plz

  20. nishi
    October 23, 12:32 Reply

    xia di aap yahan bhi ho……..
    i also love this serial a lot………

    • Kashish
      October 23, 12:36

      Welcome nishi 2 this page:)…..

    • pari
      October 23, 12:39

      jjjj rite???

  21. Siri
    October 23, 12:32 Reply

    @suraj: i know the dialogue but dont know the meaning.

    • pari
      October 23, 12:33


    • Siri
      October 23, 12:33

      First tell me which game.

  22. sanjana
    October 23, 12:29 Reply

    siri: yaad hai uss din antakshari khel rahein thein aur kitna maaza aaya tha (suddenly thought of it)

    • Siri
      October 23, 12:32

      Ya lots of fun

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