Jodha Akbar 22nd October 2014 Written Update

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Jodha Akbar 22nd October 2014 Written Update by Atiba

Jodha Akbar 22nd October 2014 Written Episode

Scene 1
Jodha hugs jalal, they both cries, jodha wipes jalal’s tears.
soul talk- jalal says that day we united, those tears of death of Hassan and hussain came out that day, I had to repent for my mistakes which I did in anger, I killed thousands of people in my anger and i was guilt.
Chisti says to God that jalal has lost his path, he is going on wrong, please show him right path.
jalal looks at jodha, he touches her face and comes closer to her, jodha closes her eyes, in ankhoon main sad version plays.
in morning, jodha is giving water to jalal for wash his hands, Chisti comes there and says what you both have lost cant be brought again, i think that you both should stay here and please people, serve them, help them, you will feel peace but you cant live like royals here, be a common person and serve common people, serving people can only was guilt, he says to jalal that how much lives you have taken, you have to serve that much people now, you have to repent for your mistake, jalal says as you baba, Chisti blesses them.
Soul talk, jalal says it was easy for a king to take lives of many people but being common and serve common people was difficult but i had to do it and marium uz zamani was there with me on every step.

Scene 2
jalal is watering plants, jodha is helping him by giving him water.
Voice over says that time passed away, now bakshi’s daughter is grown up like 7 years old, she cant hear but bakshi was happy with and she was strong mother, otherside javeda has come out of maham and adham’s death issue, she is now playing with her son. ruks with time has also come out of her pain for losing hussain, she has taken responsibility of harem back but she is not soft anymore, she has become harsh. Ruks calls one dasi and slaps her hard for using wrong color of curtain in her room.
Voice over says jalal served people and lived with chisti, jodha was with him. Jalal is shown making mud pots in night, jodha is helping him.
In morning jalal says to maan and todar that there was a lot of disaster in war, give rajvanshies work those who were affected by war, help them in every way.
Jalal is walking on streets, he finds a child cry and goes to him, he brings child to his mother. later jodha and jalal gives gifts to poor like clothes etc.

Scene 3
Soldiers comes to one lady who was affected in war, soldier says jalal has sent some gold coins for you and for this area, please accept it, lady says that will these coins fill the air what your king has created, she doesn’t accept the gold, soldier goes from there.
jalal and jodha are in tent, jodha feels like puking, she vomits, jalal ask are you fine. later doctor comes and checks jodha, jalal says she works a lot whole day, maybe that’s why she felt like that, doctor says she has to take rest now, doctor tells jalal that congratulations you are going to be father, jalal gets happy and smiles, he hugs jodha.
Later jalal is making jodha eat the food, chisti comes there and smiles seeing them, chisti ask are you both fine? jalal says yes but jodha has become stubborn, she doesn’t take rest and work in this state, jodha says jalal doesn’t let me work, he is like that he will work all the time while i take the rest, tell me how can wife take rest when her husband is working, chisti says you both are right but i have one solution for you, he brings one girl there, he says this is shamshad begum, she will take care of jodha, he says now you both must happy, jalal and jodha nods, Shsmashad sits beside jodha and greets her.

Scene 4
hamida says to salima that ages have passed and we didn’t see jalal and jodha, todar comes there and says there is good news, ruks ask what? is jalal coming back? todar says not now but soon, Todar tells ruks that jodha is pregnant and she is going to give heir to Mughals, ruks is shocked while all ladies are happy., hamida thanks God, Salima says i feel like flying and going to jodha, hamida ask todar to prepare for their jourbey to jodha, ruks says i will not go, she then says i mean who will see work here, you all go and bring, i will prepare for their welcome.
Chisti says to jalal that you cant be here when child is born, star says that it will not be good for child and jodha if you stay close to them, you cant see the child for one month after he is born, chisti says thiws is God’s decision, i know your crave for you child but you have to be away from them for one month, jalal says i want to be with jodha and my child but for me, safety of my wife and my child is most important, i will go away.
Jalal comes to jodha and says i have to go, jodha ask where are you going? jalal says its time to walk on last stair of serving, one lady has not taken help i offered her and i know she and her child is in problem so i have to go and serve them, i have to make their life better, i have to go now, jodha tells jalal that your serving will pay, your selfless work for people will pay off now, you go and when you will comeback, our proof of love(child) will come in world. jalal ask her to take care of herself and his child. he goes from there.

PRECAP- jodha has given birth to Salim, all are happy. Ruks shouts that i want Salim, i will take Salim from jodha, jalal is shocked listening to it.

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  1. Asya
    October 23, 15:26 Reply

    Ruks need a hard kick

  2. @ngel
    October 23, 08:19 Reply

    Wishing a day filled with tons of happiness and laughter
    to you and your mom
    Enjoy your Birthday!!!! 😛 😛

    • bubble
      October 23, 18:21

      Happy birthday to prince salim??

    • @ngel
      October 24, 07:55

      no to prince rai, a commenter here

  3. masuma
    October 23, 05:18 Reply

    i want to see wat jalal will do to ruku today ufff

  4. Pialy
    October 23, 04:42 Reply

    leap took place after they started living in the ashram. Jo didn’t get pregnant on that night. AkDha looked adorable as common people. Jalal was so sad…he’s truly repenting.

    I wish Jalal slaps Ruq hard in the precap…kaisi besharam awoman hai ye…she’s blind for MUZ title

  5. Pialy
    October 23, 04:34 Reply

    Btw where has Shariffu absconded? Has he got over his ooh-ing over jodha? MahaC and new abba huzoor, love guru mirza haakim, nigaar where have all these absconded?

  6. Pialy
    October 23, 04:33 Reply

    you this the last good epi of JA :’)
    Il be praising coz iske baad il just be having complains i think 😛
    Jalal didnt returned to jo for pregnancy thank god
    Though jo took the blame m not going to comment m heartbroken on that
    Jj together after so long
    Ruku ki toh band bajagyi
    Precap ka first half is cute
    I hope in the second half finaly jalal will get to know ruku’s real face i HOPE AND PRAY!
    Precap definately shows what kind of woman ruku is
    She is asking for compensation? A CHILD as a compensation?
    Chi i mean!
    For her this definately shows a child is nothing but a pawn of her dirty ambitions!
    Ruku is a shame for womanhood!

  7. Pialy
    October 23, 04:32 Reply

    Wats that shit precap ruk asking salim

    Hate to see that JJ don’t talk for three years

    And 3rd sr done immediately aftr patch up …
    Loved JJ scenes today as commeners
    I felt sad wen Jallu left jo alone and went to agra…

    • ac
      October 24, 15:26

      Hey where is it shown that they did not talk for 3 years

  8. Pialy
    October 23, 04:31 Reply

    There were a very little good moment between them which i always wanted to see and it was in today episode. It was nice. Liked it.
    And rajat and paridhi both was good today.

    there is a very little time for jodha jalal story after then it will all about S-A so enjoyed it

  9. Pialy
    October 23, 04:30 Reply

    Does EK has any sensitivity at all?

    Did she really believe that Chittor will accept any help from Jalal after this massacre…very foolish scene…

    So Ruku starts her natak again…and I am sure she will get her way as always…

  10. Pialy
    October 23, 04:29 Reply






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