Jodha Akbar 20th June 2014 Written Update

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Jodha Akbar 20th June 2014 Written Update by Atiba

Jodha Akbar 20th June 2014 Written Episode

scene 1
maham says to shehnaz that wow, you accepted that you are not mad, now tell me for what you came here, shehnaz says why are you behind me? she says you go out of palace in night so I have to find where you go being chief minister so tell me, shenaz says I came to find my mother, jalal has put her in prison and I know where, maham thinks that this means she is chand’s daughter niggar, her relatives are alive and they think jalal culprit, wow, maham ays why jalal will kidnap your mother, shehnaz says its truth, maham makes her sit and ask who is your mother, shenaz says I am daughter of chand and I am not lying, jalal has put her in prison, she is in very bad state, maham thinks that this means she has met her, she ask where is chand? shehnaz tells her that there is secret place in jungle, I went there and marked the way but it was removed, maham says why jalal will kidnap her, whats his enmity with her, shehnaz says that chand begum is humuyun’s wife and I am her daughter nigaar, humuyun gave a letter to chand citing that I am owner of throne, and also my mother knows the way to treasure, maham starts acting and says I am just a bandhi, please forgive me, shehnaz says you will not help me as you are half mother to jalal, maham says jalal has forget everything, and if humuyun wanted you to be queen of throne then I will help you in achieving it, shehnaz gets happy and thanks her, she thinks in mind that my fate is good, now I will get the treasure.
all wives are sad that they will not participate in meena bazar, ruks comes there and ask them what happened, they say that this is their only chance to converse with jalal and now it is also snatched from them, ruks says don’t be sad, I promise that I will take all your help in choosing gift for jalal, you all will come to bazar, one wife says that ruks will win only, other says jodha is no less she always come with new ideas. ruks says if you want to talk about jodha then go to her, she fumes out of room.

Scene 2
jodha is not so happy, she says to moti that jalal has said there will meena bazar now, shehnaz comes and says wow we are go to bazar(market), moti says no every year meena bazar is set in palace only, shehnaz wow this means all wives will put stalls, we will enjoy, jodha says no this time jalal wants that only his 3 special wives to put stall, I am thinking that all wives must be feeling bad as they wait for meena bazar every year, moti agrees, jodha says I should talk to jalal regarding this, shenaz says why didn’t you talked tp him when he told about meena bazar, jodha says ther were salima, ruks and hamida there, they would have felt but now I will talk to him alone.

Scene 3
jalal is lying on bed, soldier comes and tells him that jodha has come, jalal says send her in, jodha comes and greets him, she justs look at him, jalal says you came at this time just to greet me, I was sleeping, jodha says I came after asking soldier only, jalal says soldier told me that you have some important work, jodha says nothing much important, jalal says so you were finding a reason to come to me, jodha says nothing like that you are my husband, I don’t reason to come to you, jalal says then why don’t you spend time with me these days, you don’t like me? jodha says I really like to be with you but you are a king I cqant disturb you all the time, you have to take time out for politics, management, people, family and harem.. jalal says in all these I don’t find to spend with the one with whom I can spend my whole life, you know I have announced this meena bazar only to spend time with my wife, jodha says I know, jodha says its not good with other wives as they wait whole year just to give you gifts, just to talk to you, jalal says yes and that’s why I have announced meena bazar so they don’t think that I ignore them. jalal says as you said that I have to fulfill my all duties but I don’t have right to fulfill my wishes, jodha says you have, jalal says then stay with me tonight, jodha says no I have to prepare for meena bazar, jalal stops her, jodha says you are stubborn and clever, jalal says thanks but when wife is like this then husband have to be clever, jodha says I have to go, she leaves, jalal smiles.

Scene 4
beg says to mahachuchak that you seem worried, she says you cant see but feel everything, mahachuchak says I am tired rulling Kabul only, I want to rule hiduistan, I want to ruin jalal now, beg says who stopped you, she says ghani khan, your nephew and munim khan’s son, he is representative of jalal here, he is loyal to jalal, beg says leave ghani on me and think about the force against jalal, she says from where will I arrange force against jalal, beg smiles, she says so you have found the way, tell me, he says haider qasim, he has force, she says why he will fight against jalal? he says because you will be with him, you will be his support and he will yours, she says what about his loyalty to us, he says relations gives loyalty, nikaah, one marriage will write his loyalty to you, history witnessed that relations are made for politics, mahachuchak’s daughter comes calling her ammi, mahachuchak says give one relation and get throne, not a bad idea, she scolds her daughter that she came late, she says use your beuty and win one king, her daughter says no I cant, mahchuchak throws her daughter on floor, beg says let her go, we have some other work, I have to send letter about relation too, mahchuchak smirks.

Scene 5
all wives are with ruks, ruks says that don’t worry, you all will be given something along with the gift for jalal, one wife suggests that we should give him a throne which has gold and diamonds on it, ruks says good idea but I have thought something else this time, they ask what we will get in it? ruks says don’t talk much, she says I need your help, she shows them swords and says I will give one sword to him, they say why, ruks says whats better then sword for warrior, other wife says what kind of gift is like this, ruks ssays have patience, its has something special.
jodha is tensed, moti ask her to calm down and thinks what you will give to jalal, jodha says I don’t know what to give, zakira says it is difficult but you have to decide as one day is left, jodha thinks.
salima is with hamida and jiji, jiji ask have you decide what you will give to jalal? salima says not yet, its not difficult to decide about gift but its about most special gift and I have to think what to say while giving gift, hamida says we cant doubt your intelligence, I know you will best gift, salima says its not about best gift, I just want to give which jalal like and I want jodha to win, I will gift jalal as a friend not because he is a king.
moti says why are you worried, you always gave him best gift and this time you win too, moti says give something which shows love and jalal gets drown in love, jodha says not tease me at this time, zakira says whatever you give he will like, jodha says no jalal is not lenient while deciding winner and also not gift but feeling behind gift matter to him most, moti says wow you also what he thinks, jodha says yes I have spend one year with him so I know. jodha says I want something which is related to the title given by people, moti says good idea, you give him dress with gold, jodha says no, zakira says give him golden shoes, jodha says no, shehnaz says what better then shahi turban for a king, moti says no, jodha thinks and says I should make some crown which gives the message that 2 relgions are united, this is good idea, thanks shehnaz, she says to zakira lets start the work. shehnaz smirks and says this crown will destroy you .

PRECAP- in meena bazar, jalal says to salim, jodha and ruks that you all present me gifts in court, I will love to accept your gifts there, all smile,.

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  1. samia
    June 20, 12:43 Reply

    Hi ruchi dear how r u well the epi was good

  2. SJ
    June 20, 12:34 Reply

    Everyone please vote for rajat and Paradhi for ita awards they are having very low vote court fir ITA awards

  3. anu (jodha begum)
    June 20, 12:30 Reply

    well done pridhi, good choice, all the best for that dear, hope you succeed! :]

    • pridhi
      June 21, 07:22

      Thanks for ur wishes dii! 😀

  4. Alica
    June 20, 12:23 Reply

    I start loosing intrest , it is getting boaring, I have no faveriates , I comment accordingly
    There us no fun in their nok joke no much chemistry shows in both of them
    Jidha’s expression never change, either smile, twist her eyes,or blank face she is nit able to capture much of emotions , their romantic scence dint do anything any more yes from jalal in yesterday’s epic his expression and diglouge were mind blowing when he said I didn’t send Mirza
    I think jalal analize hus acting and expression before he delever that us shy come so perfect
    Yes sometime he speak very fast his diglouge but with his expression doesn’t show that much
    Jodha was much much better in earlier epic but lately her acting doesn’t do anything allthough she is dressing new outfits look pretty . People might not like ruk cause of her nagative roll but she is a very pretty, soft and gentle a very stylish person

    • Tanvi
      June 20, 12:58

      Agree totally. I lost interest because of Jo’s lifeless acting . Anyway what is there to watch whatever hurdles are there Jo is going to fix them and she will have the best ideas to win meenabazaar or anything . Rest all are dumb or dummies. That’s what cvs are showing .

    • Tani
      June 20, 14:23

      Totally love rules character it’s so strong

  5. anu (jodha begum)
    June 20, 12:22 Reply

    welcome pridhi, yeah she’s back already!! so soon we’ll see more of jodha-jalal scenes 🙂

  6. anu (jodha begum)
    June 20, 12:19 Reply

    hey pumpkin, I’m anu! born/live in Australia, Melbourne. 19yrs old,currently studying nursing 2nd year at uni! 🙂

    • pridhi
      June 20, 12:21

      Oh so I’m 1 yr younger dan u di ( dint know abt it) 😛
      Dats y I’m in 1st yr of my course

    • pridhi
      June 20, 12:26

      Neuroscience dii 😀

  7. angel
    June 20, 12:18 Reply

    usually in this show they’ve been portraying jodha to be sensible and a quick thinker, but today the writers didn’t allowed her to think at all 🙂

    • Tani
      June 20, 14:22

      Lol I think the writers forgot Abt that part

  8. anu (jodha begum)
    June 20, 12:14 Reply

    pridhi: don’t know if you know but paridhi went on a small holiday. and before that she did a lot of hard work before taking days off.
    maybe these are the scenes!
    but she’s back on work now so hopefully from next week or so we’ll see more jodha jalal scenes 🙂

    • pridhi
      June 20, 12:19

      Anu dii thanks I dint know abt dis holiday
      anyway hope 2 see more jo&ja scenes once she is back! ! 😀

    • angel
      June 20, 12:22

      hopefully she’ll loosen up after a vacation….but i do love her acting 🙂

    • pridhi
      June 20, 12:25

      Neuroscience dii 😀

    • SJ
      June 20, 12:14

      Sehnaz’s is so stupid gphave been caught in MAHAM ‘s politics she will use her against jalal and jodha

    • pridhi
      June 20, 12:18

      I know
      wen will jo& ja get rid of these villains
      waiting for dat day! !!

    • SJ
      June 20, 12:33

      So many villane man can’t rake it any mire poor jalal and jodha
      Well now jalal and jodha’s love us getting stronger so no one can harm them they will come out of it and ruk will start respecting her, I am surprised ruk was such a bright and intellegent and seancebke person , now the way cvs are portraying her jelious, possive, heartless person

      Villains count
      Abul Mali
      Adham khan
      MAHa chuchak
      Chand begum(don’t know)
      I wish sehnaz’s should kniw jalal is trying to find her mother
      Did I miss anyone
      Why suzamal didn’t tell jodha shrafudeen is one of the person is trying to harm jalal

      Guys please vote for rajat for ita awards
      He is having very low vote count

    • angel
      June 20, 13:36

      @SJ we need to add ruks to this list too…….she isn’t any less

    • Tani
      June 20, 14:21

      What a list no wonder jalal can’t sleep at nights

  9. anu (jodha begum)
    June 20, 12:08 Reply

    angel: yeah true that. but that’s if mahachuchak decides to attack jalal without informing or something.
    he doesn’t like her as he said in yesterday’s episode. but yeah maybe he won’t fight against his step mum! but we need a war where we see akbar battling

    • angel
      June 20, 12:10

      true……i think they’ll have him fighting mostly those male enemies…….which is fair, it doesn’t look good if a king fights a woman

    • Jodha Akbar fan#1
      June 20, 18:22

      maybe he will have jodha fight all the females and him the males

  10. angel
    June 20, 12:08 Reply

    it would be nice to see jalal less on that throne and more in action…..

  11. pridhi
    June 20, 12:05 Reply

    Wanted more Akdha scenes !!!! 🙁

    • pridhi
      June 20, 12:06

      ❗ ❗ ❗ ❗

    • Tani
      June 20, 14:13

      Yes we need more after the consummation I’ve hardly been seeing any

  12. perfectdark
    June 20, 12:05 Reply

    thnx everyone my mum is calling me i have to go
    see u guys soon goodbye

  13. anu (jodha begum)
    June 20, 12:02 Reply

    exactly mahi, lets just hope we get to see a war between jalal and mahachuchak. and I’m sure in the end jalal will win :]

    • angel
      June 20, 12:05

      i’m not sure he’ll raise his hand on his step mom…….even if he finds out her intentions

    • Tani
      June 20, 14:18

      Ur young jalal to fight his mom will only. Strengthen pl views that a step relationship will always b bad so they shouldn’t do that

    • Tani
      June 20, 14:19

      Sorry not ur young supposed to b having jalal..

    • Jodha Akbar fan#1
      June 20, 18:20

      true tani even though e are in the 21st century people still believe that step mothers are bad, if they show jalal and chuchak fighting ppl will only believe in it more

  14. angel
    June 20, 11:59 Reply

    Nigar is so angry with jalal i hope she sees how alike they are when it comes to keeping the wrong persons close to them

    • Tani
      June 20, 14:11

      So true n they hv maham angha in common lol

  15. Pialy
    June 20, 11:57 Reply

    I recently got a message for Rajat for all his fans. I am QUOTING it here.
    ” it doesn’t matter what everyone thinks about me, my work and my life to me. Am not doing anything for anyone’s pleasure, am living my life the way I want. I have never expected anyone to be so stupid to still follow people who say are “rajat tokas” on twitter where so ever, despite me clearing it out am not on any social networking site. Plus, am making this very clear, srishTi is my fianc, I love her, would warn if any one else will say anything about her at all , I will not tolerate it, coz it’s time now everyone to shut the Word Cannot be displayed up… Being a fan doesn’t give anyone any right to comment on my life, would suggest to just enjoy the show, and not irritate me by being stupid enough to call or text on my number, as some of the people don’t understand that, am at work. Lastly, I appreciate people who like my work, would ask them to enjoy within their limits and not cross my temper. Watch and enjoy. That’s all.
    I am living my life the way I want, deal with it.” ” not to mention, I keep an eye on everyone’s comment and compliment, so mind your language about my love, as she loves me more thn anyone can ever, and she gets emotionally stressed by your stupidity. Never, ever disturb me, my family or my love, or otherwise be ready to suffer consequences..
    Take care and god bless you all.”
    This message to most of the people out there but not everyone.”

    Credit. rajat tokas world forums

    guys this is true he send it and he created this site and daily visits it.

    • M@hi
      June 20, 12:02

      @rajjattokas is his real Twitter ID.

    • angel
      June 20, 12:03

      is this for real………..seriously

    • M@hi
      June 20, 12:13

      I think that’s a fan site created for him but his twitter ID is correct.

    • Tani
      June 20, 14:10

      Omg someone really got him Angry

  16. perfectdark
    June 20, 11:51 Reply

    hi guyz i m new here……….
    be my frnz plzzzz………….!!!!!!!!!!!

    • angel
      June 20, 11:55

      hi welcome to the page

    • ruchi
      June 20, 11:56

      m gud

      n welcome to dtb 😀
      can i have ur intro plzz

    • perfectdark
      June 20, 11:57

      i can’t tell my name sorry about that…..

    • ruchi
      June 20, 11:59

      hahha no i mean other thgs
      like u no nick name
      if possible
      where u live
      like that

    • perfectdark
      June 20, 12:01

      you can call me pumpkin…..s
      i m 15 yrs old
      i live in my house………etc.:)

    • pridhi
      June 20, 12:03

      Hi pumpkin
      welcome 2 dtb!!!

    • ruchi
      June 20, 12:05

      hahah ok pupkin
      gud intro

      m ruchi
      14 years
      n i too live in my house

    • angel
      June 20, 12:07

      hey pumpkin i’m angel
      i’m 17yrs
      n my mom told me i’m a nomad

    • pridhi
      June 20, 12:08

      Ruchi my funny sis every1 loves in their only not in the jungles (of course if u r going fr safari or camping den u can stay in jungles but normally apart from tarzan no human lives in jungles ) 😛

    • pridhi
      June 20, 12:09

      Btw I’m prishita
      I’m 18
      & i live in my hostel coz I’m completing my graduation !!

    • pridhi
      June 20, 12:10

      I mean lives in their house only 😛

  17. anu (jodha begum)
    June 20, 11:51 Reply

    LOL MAHI, Not with salima, I just wish jodha and rukaiya fights 😀
    hahaha this time for sure when jalal finds out maham kidnapped chand begum, he will definitely not forgive her and maybe he will take her position away from her being wazir-e-aliya

    • M@hi
      June 20, 11:53

      No Anu Salima will fight Shehnaz, Jodha with Maham and Ruks with mahachuchak lol.

      I’d love to see Salima and Ruks fighting skills.

    • anu (jodha begum)
      June 20, 11:56

      Ohhh then yes LMAO

      but honestly I want a war where we see jalal, the actual KING fighting. we’ve only seen 1 war which was with jodha’s brothers and when bhagwandas took an arrow on him to save jalal!
      we need a war where jalal fights. right?

    • M@hi
      June 20, 11:57

      Totally! I thought of the exact thing some months back. Will sure be a treat to the eyes 🙂

    • angel
      June 20, 13:46

      even in this fight ruks will have a competition just to defeat jodha…….lol

    • Tani
      June 20, 14:09

      Now this fight I’d live to see lo

    • Jodha Akbar fan#1
      June 20, 18:29

      salima doesnt look like the fight type sure shell try to talk the enemy out of the wrong path

    • mahann
      June 21, 06:28

      hi guys,

      which type of fight,physical or verbally?

      how Ruks can fight,she does n`t even know how to hold Knife forget about sword,she can`t cook and on top of that she can`t walk long distance.Spoiled spoiled Queen.

      the only fight she can win and always she does,is to prepare ROTA(schedule) of who Begum will spend night with Jalal, that`s all……….!!!!!

  18. M@hi
    June 20, 11:51 Reply

    Meena bazar isn’t a valid reason to turn down you husband lol. Ruks seems to have something interesting planned.

    • M@hi
      June 20, 11:52


    • angel
      June 20, 11:54

      lol……especially for ruks

    • Tani
      June 20, 14:05

      Ruqaiya anger is gonna shoot up if she doesn’t win

    • angel
      June 20, 14:32

      yeah n so will her jealousy and quest for power

  19. angel
    June 20, 11:50 Reply

    Maham say s to nigar “if humuyun wanted you to be queen of throne then I will help you in achieving it”

    My interpretation ………
    “you do all the work and find that letter, i’ll kill you and rule Delhi ”

    subtitle reading 🙂

  20. angel
    June 20, 11:42 Reply

    seriously doh………such a huge palace, so many people, maham was the only person nigar could’ve find to let her truth go……couldn’t she have told it to someone that cant digest anything… javeeda, that would have been great

    • Tani
      June 20, 14:02

      I guess that is how her raaz will be
      True she should tell javeeda that way we won’t hv to wait Long for this story to b out

    • angel
      June 20, 14:30

      exactly what i was thinking lol

    • Jodha Akbar fan#1
      June 20, 18:17

      i miss javeeda i hope they bring her back soon, i know she doesnt have a major role but she is funny and way enjoyable

  21. anu (jodha begum)
    June 20, 11:42 Reply

    I honestly think when shehnaaz truth comes out in from of everyone and misunderstandings get cleared, jalal will LOVE her as a brother and so would she as a sister..
    I would love to see their sibling relation man, cannot wait for that!
    but I’m enjoying so much atm, it’s so interesting. after this meena bazaar, I’ve heard shehnaaz will accuse todarmal for trying to misbehave (rape) her, as new promo says!
    also, another interesting thing I am looking forward to is the war that jodha will do against shehnaaz as jalal can’t pick up a weapon against his own sister. but I reckon shehnaaz whole truth won’t be out before the war. so only after the war everyone will find out and I’m guessing jalal will accept her and she will respect and accept her brother as well. (I’ve seen offscreen pics of shehnaaz dressed as a shahazzadi.
    it was good to see jalal wants to spend more time with jodha! it was cute when jodha said you’re utpaati as well and quickly rushed away hahah too cute 😀
    looking forward to meena bazaar!! hopefully jodha will win but I don’t know what rukaiya is upto.. god help this woman.

    • M@hi
      June 20, 11:47

      I wish they had a scene where Salima, Jodha and Ruks each fight Shehnaz, Maham and mahachuchak 🙂

      I’m awaiting for Shehnaz’s misunderstanding to clear as well so I can see Jalal acting as a brother to her. Will be cute.

    • Tani
      June 20, 13:58

      True I’m really looking forward to meena bazaar n this taaj

    • Jodha Akbar fan#1
      June 20, 18:15

      any bet ruquaiya is gonna win due to shehnaz tampering with the crown

  22. Rohini
    June 20, 11:20 Reply

    Ok to be honest I really think we need entertainment in JA I am a fan but mahachuchak should have been coming in da show for entertainment but she seems so sweet there voice says it all n mahachuchak if she wants to someone scary she should have that deep manly voice almost like what maham anga has when she is anger also this shenaz’s misunderstanding of jalal must just get cleared n finished with coz once they start prolonging things it takes 2 weeks or more to get it out of the way so please if the writers are reading this please get shenaz’s misunderstanding of jalal away as for me nw is super boring please.N mahachuchak after whatching her she is not scary as like how they write in da written updates

    • angel
      June 20, 11:24

      true Mahachuchak was way interesting in the promo than in the actual show……..the way these bad guys are going i don’t think jalal should worry too much, cuz seems as though they’re going to kill each other in the name of greed and forget all about him

    • Tani
      June 20, 13:57

      I agree on the promo she looked so worth watching but after seeing her in the show I can say I wad mistaken

    • Jodha Akbar fan#1
      June 20, 18:14

      they should get someone like maham, she looks n sounds evil
      i really hope they dont carry this same tract for the next 3 or 4 weeks

  23. angel
    June 20, 11:18 Reply

    shehnaz is to blind with revenge she’s choosing all the wrong guys for partners…. choosing these backstabbers so carefully

  24. angel
    June 20, 11:04 Reply

    seriously shehnaz…’re joining force with all those persons who want what is yours, if only you could use your own head………

    • mona
      June 20, 11:10

      maham is a cunning person and wont realize till later.. Sheenaz shouldn’t have open her mouth and should have told moti, zakira or jodha whuich would a better choice ..

      I read all the comments and some make me laugh:)

    • angel
      June 20, 11:20

      yeh she acts without thinking……. i know at sometimes people act so but she’s really bad at it

    • Tani
      June 20, 13:55

      Yeh wats up with that can’t shehnaz think for herself

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