Jodha Akbar 1st March 2014 Maha Episode Written Update

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Jodha Akbar 1st March 2014 Written Update by Atiba

Jodha Akbar 1st March 2014 Written Episode

Scene 1
jodha and moti are in market, they see ladies craving for water, they are thirsty and couldnt walk, soldier says to jodha that you shouldnt go to these servants, jodha says ok but give them water, he says they will be put in jail then will be sold out, jodha says they are goats sheeps that you will sell them, he stops her from going but jodha says can you stop a wife of shehensheh, he takes side, jodha goes to them and gives them water, they drinks it and blesses jodha that you may get happiness, they say we haven’t eaten anything since last three days, jodha ask soldier that where ever they are taking them just give them food 1st, he says ok, servants are taken from there, moti ask jodha to leave from here as jalal will not like it if he gets to know that you talked with servants, they are about to leave, jodha sees one kid in her palanquin. he requests her to not throw him out, soldier ask is there anything wrong? she says no, she sits in. She gives him parsad and ask his name, he says Babu, she ask how you came here? he says they were taking me away to become servant but i ran away, she ask about his parents? he says they sold my mom to boss and he bought her but he didnt bought me, jodha is thoughtful.

Scene 2
Jodha brings babu in her room, moti is making babu eat and says its against harem rules, jodha says what about human rights, he is separated from his mother, without any home, where will he go. some begum comes there and ask where did this cute kid came from, jodha informs about his story and how can i left him alone, begum says that is why we all say that you should handle harem, you have heart, you understand feelings, jodha says i will not involve in harem matters, i cant understand what rules are there from many years, begum says you dont know whats happening here from many years, she ask her to come with me, jodha goes with her, they come and sees bandhiz being brutally treated, begum says these bandhies have to work even if they are ill else they are being beaten up, jodha ask did ruks know that? Begum says she knows about them but who cares as they are mere servants, they are won in wars or being bought, their life is to just serve us or they are being sold in servants’ market, jodha says i was staying in harem for long time but didnt know about it, begum ask her to take harem’s responsibility, jodha says look i dont want to stand against anyone, begum says if you dont take stand ruks than ruks will become more arrogant then nobody will be able to stop her, she leaves.

Scene 3
Jodha comes to weight balance, she thinks which kind of situation is this, one side is people who have faith and hope from me otherside is ruks with whom i dont want to fight, she imagines ruks sitting in balance and says you are nothing, i am malika e begum and harem is mine and will be mine, she then imagines old thirsty lady who ask jodha to help her, she imagines babu who says i ma alone, please help me, jodha is tensed and prays to God what is happening to me, jalal comes there and says i come here when ever i am in tensed situation and needs answer, he says we know truth still we choose wrong thing because its easy to choose, he says we have to choose right path even if it hurts someone and this message is also given by this balance, jodha says i dont deserve to handle harem’s matters, i am not from here and i dont know rules of here, jalal says you are lying, from the day you married me, you are learning rules of here, he says when we face some difficulty only then we showcase our power, now you have the chance so you have to show your talent, he says its easy to become special from people but its very difficult to become special from begums, he says its easy to work under someone but difficult to supervise others, its easy to lose saying you are weak but difficult to stay strong and fight, he says you are walking with respect of two families and its not an easy task, you can become special because you poses talent, he says you always fight for right and won too so i am sure this time also you will take right decision, jodha nods, he greets her, she goes, jalal thinks i said alot but no answer from her side seems like its silence before any storm. Maham sees jodha going away, maham says to resham that ruks will have to face difficult time now.

In ruks room, hoshiyar says i always want to see you smiling, ruks says i will shw them what i am who went against me.

Scene 4
Maham sees javeda writing something, javeda says i am preparing for tomorrow as tomorrow ruks will lose her right on harem, so i have planned who is on whose side, maham says you are so clever, javeda says all because of you, javeda says i will take my name to become harem’s queen, maham says i thought you have some bran but was wrong, she says you cant handle yourself how will you handle harem, she ask her to stay quiet infront of jalal, she leaves.

Scene 5
In court, all begums come, maham comes to ruks and says you are strong and nobody have any guts to stand against you, your position is strong, ruks says nobody can dare to stand infront of me, jalal comes there. he sits, he says ruks is ready to give her position harem to anyone, he ask is there anybody who can take ruks place? all are silent. he ask ruksaar (same begum who talked wit jodha) is there anybody you think can take harem’s responsibility? she is silent, jodha remembers her encounters with servants, she stands and says i am ready to take harem’s responsibility, all looks at her, jodha says i thought ruks is taking good care of harem but from last few days i am seeing new side of hare, its fate that i realized that i stay in this harem only, i am aslo begum of shehenshah and i should stand so i ready to challenge ruks, moti, hamida, ruksaar and all are happy. Jalal says alright, every member of harem has right to choose its leader so there will be voting after 4 days, he is about to leave, he nods to jodha and leaves, maham smirks.

Scene 6
Jodha comes to hamida, hamida shows her portrait of humayun, she says when he lost war he asked me to go away from him but i decided to stay by his side, those begum who dont take decisions become history, and others writes their history and i know you will write yours, you are not we are with you, begum are with you, jodha says when i used to feel low i used to go to my mother and she used to give me strength today i got that strength support from you, she sits on floor and says i will try my level best, hamida blesses her.

Scene 7
Phuphi comes to ruks who is fuming, she says now its time that you take right decsion, it was different thing when jodha was not willing but now things are different, she is rajvanshi and have power to win over things, you might lose your importance.

Jodha is with babu, he ask about his mother, jodha says when i will get to know about your mother i will send you to her, he leaves, jalal comes there, he says you always do opposite, you said you will not compete with ruks but now you are also in race of getting power, jodha says i dont crave for power, i did what that justice balance told me, what shehenshah told me, jalal says you are blaming me, he says your competition is not with ordinary girl but with ruks, you have to understand her political knowledge, he says i know when you take decision from your heart you win in it, atgah calls jalal, jalal says to jodha that i handle politics and you handle harem, he says if you get time from your work then do meet me, he leaves.

Scene 8
Sharif is mesmerizing with jodha’s beauty, he says her eyes, hairs everything is beautiful, her body is like female snake, he is telling this to artist who is making painting, he says her lips are rose petals, artist makes it and is stunned and says its jodha, bakshi comes there, sharif says i told you something else and you made jodha, he says i was telling you about my wife, he says i was telling you my wife’s lips, she says maybe i was wrong, she leaves from there. Bakshi says it was mistake by painter, artist thinks i cant be wrong in making what has been told, sharif hugs bakshi and thinks how long you will remain in my dreams when you will come in arms.

Ruks and hoshiyar are going, he says i fear about your position, all begums are turning towards jodha, ruks slaps him and says you got to know your place, hoshiyar says yes i got my answer, he says i served you alot but i got only insult from you, ruks leaves from there, bugums see it.

Scene 9
Jalal sees dead bodies of his soldiers and ask atgah who did it? atgah informs about sujamal, he did it, jalal fumes.

In harem, all begums are gossiping, one begum says to ruksaar that why did you choose jodha? ruksaar says she is competent, have heart and is intelligent, she says i want leader of harem to be someone who have feelings, humanity and understand others, all begums agree with her that jodha is right for harem.

In jodha’s room, she comes to know that hoshiyar wants to meet her, moti says ruks insulted her in anger, hoshiyar comes and sits in feet of jodha, he ask for mercy, jodha ask him to not sit in feet, i dont like it, she ask what happened, he says you know why i cam here, he says i didnt get anything in serving ruks for long time, i dedicated myself to her, always followed her orders but she insulted me, my place, my work. Jodha says i am hurt to listen it, she says it happens, hoshiyar says i loved her same way you love moti but she never hugged me back like you do to moti, jodha says she is hyper but you are close to her as she shares everything with you, she threw you out in anger, he says you have big heart, i came to be in your merciful life, he pleads to her and says else i have no option but to kill myself, jodha says ok till things are settled i am taking you under me, moti will tell you everything, he says God will be always kind to you, you placed hand on this poor fellow, he leaves. Jodha is tensed as she got to know that jalal wants to meet her in weapons room.

Here jalal is checking a sword, jodha comes there, jalal says my soldiers were being killed brutally, they blood was shed, he cuts his hand, jodha ask what are you doing, he says not to worry, just lil blood, she says you are warrior and in wars winning and losing is common, he says you rajvanshies may think like but not we mughals, jalal ask does rajvanshi cheats in wars? jodha says we fight with all rules and never cheats and if anybody do so, he should be given severe punishment, jalal says i will givee it, he says the dead bodies which i got have wounds on their back so that means they were strangled from behind, they were killed by cheating, he ask her to tell what i should do as this was done by your brother, amer’s warrior sujamal, jodha is shocked beyond believe. she remembers her meeting with him, she says if he has done it then you should punish him, he says in lure of getting amer’s throne, he went against bharmal, shook hands with sharif and now he killed mughals, jalal says thank you you put me out of dilemma, jodha is in tears, he says now i think i am right in taking decision of giving him punishment. Jodha leaves from there.

PRECAP-All hindu bandies are praying to their idols in harem, resham informs maham that in harem all hindu bandhies got idols maham is stunned, ruks says its against harem rules, jodha doesnt have right to do so.

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  1. Great show
    March 01, 11:10 Reply

    Getting interesting!!!! Wonder what will happen when jodha takes that resposibility:)(:

  2. neeraja
    March 01, 11:08 Reply

    hi guys
    not able to watch jodha akbar for 2 weeks
    am having exams very tensed about it please pray for me so that i get nice marks in arabic which is a ministry paper
    gud nit sd tc

  3. sia
    March 01, 11:06 Reply

    m gud guys n how r u all?

  4. ananna
    March 01, 11:05 Reply

    Hii..zainab..hw r u? And begum sahiba ap kaise hai ?

    • lavy [ javeda begum ]
      March 01, 11:10

      hum bilkul theek nahi shohar shaab ………..dekhi na ammijan hum bewkoof smajhti hai phle toh tareef karit hai phir daat deti hai


      hume rona aaraha hai
      uhhhhuu uuuuuuhhhhhuuuuuu

  5. niki
    March 01, 11:04 Reply

    thanks for your intro

    • Zainab
      March 01, 11:09

      Its K šŸ˜€

  6. Pialy
    March 01, 11:00 Reply

    this must be ruks trap..y will hoshiyar do dt by breaking relation with ruks infact he likes her thappd so much..he shed crocodiles tears..n m sure kanha ji ki murti b ruk ne hi rkhwai h taki sb begum jo k against ho jaye..
    i hv doubt may be jodha will not win..

  7. niki
    March 01, 11:00 Reply

    please give me your into zainab

    • Zainab
      March 01, 11:02

      Sure, my name is zainab muhammad,Iā€™m a
      muslim girl,Iā€™m from nigeria n in class 8

    • Zainab
      March 01, 11:01

      Hey my dear šŸ˜€

    • Zainab
      March 01, 11:07

      Tum hara shohar? Matlab?

  8. niki
    March 01, 10:59 Reply

    why the written episode is not loading

  9. sia
    March 01, 10:58 Reply

    hi guys how r u all?

    Kjd… Get lost 4m here

    • Zainab
      March 01, 11:00

      How are u sia?
      Don’t mind that mad person he’s mad n I don’t talk to mad people just ignore him

    • Zainab
      March 01, 10:58

      Hi niki šŸ™‚

  10. niki
    March 01, 10:55 Reply

    love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

  11. Zainab
    March 01, 10:54 Reply

    Heyy dear lavy the name is Zainab not Zaniba šŸ™‚
    How are u doing?

    • lavy [ javeda begum ]
      March 01, 10:57

      ohhhhh sorry didn’t see it first
      me f9

      if u don’t mind may i hav ur intro plz

    • Zainab
      March 01, 10:59

      Sure, my name is zainab muhammad,I’m a muslim girl,I’m from nigeria n in class 8

  12. Newshi
    March 01, 10:50 Reply

    hi everyone especially zainab

    • Zainab
      March 01, 10:52

      Hy dear long time? How are u?

    • kjdnwsjkxn
      March 01, 10:54

      waiting to fuck you by all my friends

    • Newshi
      March 01, 10:54

      i am great and u

    • Zainab
      March 01, 10:57

      I’m also fine dear

    • AnnaS
      March 01, 10:58

      Jalal us fooling jodha , by his arguement , indirectly jalal wants jodha yo rake charge of haram
      He is getting to know ruk is power hungry, haram’s people are unhappy with her
      Things bothering me , why halal can’t see maham’s conspiracy and even all Jalal’s intellegence
      Does nit know and could not not answer anything till today
      So many issue jalal ask his intellegence to get the answer but none
      Adham, MAHAM, sheriff all their conspiracy still on

  13. Zainab
    March 01, 10:50 Reply

    Where are u guys?
    Izzy girl

  14. Zainab
    March 01, 10:48 Reply

    Jalal also want jodha to take up the harem responsibilty šŸ˜€
    Ruks must be in rage

  15. namika-thakur
    March 01, 10:36 Reply

    mujhe lagta he ke Ruks ke ye ni chal he. jodha ke khelafe:(
    . hosiyare ko jodha ke pass bhija or prerecap me murtiya bhi ruks ne he logo ke ghr rkhvai he.may be..

    • kjdnwsjkxn
      March 01, 10:32

      zainab i want to fuck you pls send your address

    • kjdnwsjkxn
      March 01, 10:33

      and sia you to pls tell me girls which flavour condom you like

    • Zainab
      March 01, 10:36

      Lol u must be mad

    • kjdnwsjkxn
      March 01, 10:50

      yes mad in your fucking lol pls give your add and no love to fuck you alone tonight

  16. lavy [ javeda begum ]
    March 01, 10:13 Reply

    me firstttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt

1 2 3 5

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