Jodha Akbar 1st April 2014 Written Update

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Jodha Akbar 1st April 2014 Written Update by Atiba

Jodha Akbar 1st April 2014 Written Episode

Scene 1
jashn starts, resham dances, jalal, jodha smile. ruks says to jalal that this never happened earlier, what was the need, she is just a eunuch, jalal says i am stunned that you are talking like this, hoshiyar served you alot, she says yes but she not my friend, ruks says to jalal that hoshiyar served me alot but i cant ignore that he is just a eunuch and he should be put in his right place, jalal looks at jodha and says you are everyone should be put in their right place they deserve., but i think eunuch have emotions too, ruks says lets go to have dinner, jalal says i will eat here only, ruks says how you can eat here, he says i came here so will eat here, jalal ask about maham? resham says she went to dargah to pray for you, ruks says she think you as her son.

Scene 2
maham comes to dargah, she prays. she looks around and goes in dark, she drapes shawl and comes out of dargah from back side, she goes in jungle. she meets some man and orders him something, he opens gate of some hut, she goes in.

Scene 3
dilawar is washing hands by rubbing, jalal sees it and thinks that why she is washing like hindu when she is muslim, dilawar sit for dinner and its chicken in dinner, she is skeptical to eat it, jalal notices it. ruks ask jalal where you are lost, lets eat something, resham ask dilawar to eat, she says i have to go to bakshi, resham says lets have something 1st, she tastes sweetdish, jalal thinks that there is something wrong with her.
maham comes out of hut with some note in hand. maham comes in palace, she lits fire, javeda comes and ask what are you doing, she ask what are you burning, maham says love letters, javeda says you are loving someone in this age, maham says yes, javeda says who sent you this, maham says its from heaven, javeda says thats why you go to market alot these days, javeda informs her about jashn pf hoshiyar khan, maham says i am chief minister i am not that cheap to go there, javeda says i will go there so ruks may like me, maham says yes you look like eunuch, javeda says what, she says you are maham’s DIL you cant go there, javeda says all have eunuch but you dont allow me to have them as servant, maham says i got to know that i am biggest fool to question you, she gors out, javeda says she shouldnt have said herself fool.

Scene 4
maham comes to jalal, jalal says i want to ask a muslim can do mistake in his prayers or his style of washing, maham says a true muslim cant do mistake in his prayers, jalal says i got to know something about dilawar. dilawar is brought inside by soldiers, jalal ask who are you? he says i am dilawar, jalal says you are not dilawar niether muslim, dilawar says i am not muslim by birth, it was my past, i changed my religion, jalal says why didnt you tell me? he says i changed my religion to earn so i didnt tell you, maham ask with whom you were working before, he says with some chandar, dilawar says i have to go to bakshi she was about to fall today jalal says go to her right now, he leaves. jalal says to maham to keep an eye on her, she says okay.

Scene 5
jalal is standing near balance, jodha comes there, jalal says i want to be alone for sometime leave me, he says i am saying you again to leave me, jodha says when i was confused to take harem’s responsibilbity you helped me out, you brought confidence in me that shehenshah is with me, my husband is with me you solved my problem, jalal says i will find way for my problem, jodha says pain lessen by sharing, i am your wife share with me, jalal says its not important to share everything with wife, jodha says then there is trust lack between them, jalal remembers jodha with that man(suja). jodha says tell me your problem, jalal says i am not worried, jodha says i can be wrong but hamida also said that you are worried, she asked me to talk with you, jalal says so you came on her wish, jodha says why you take wrong impression of every talk, jalal says why dont you leave me, he leaves. jodha is hurt/

Scene 6
in morning, jalal comes to meet adham, adham informs him about win of malwa, jalal ask about pir mohammad, atgah informs that pir mohammad died in winning malwa, adham says the day after war, baaj bahudur’s men attacked us, i tried to save him but couldnt, he recalls how he killed pir, jalal says we will take revenge, jalal says why my loyal people are going away from me, he prays to have mercy.
adham meets maham, she says you are using your brain these days, maham says take every step after thinking, javeda comes aqnd hugs him infront of maham, she ask him to go with her, she takes him away. maham laughs and says adham did great work, i want jalal to throw jodha out, i have to put doubt hatred in jalal’s mind against jodha.

PRECAP- maham tells ruks that whom jodha use to meet in night is a rajvanshi, he is in harem now as eunuch, he is working for bakshi, ruks is stunned.

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  1. NM
    April 01, 12:39 Reply


    • ruchi
      April 01, 12:43

      No ! She has not come dear!! She comes late i think!! Bt she ll come dont worry!!
      Sorry!! U didnt feel bad abt the multiplication joke did u?? U didnt ans!!

    • neeraja
      April 01, 12:46

      no i didnt feel bad

    • ruchi
      April 01, 12:49

      Oh! Tahts bad!! Those r the most difficult ones!! Umm we never do have to learn them!! We only do them on paper!!
      U have a test tomm?? If yes, then written or oral??

  2. ruchi
    April 01, 12:39 Reply

    Wher e have the others gone??? When r u all coming??

  3. Priya
    April 01, 12:34 Reply

    MA u r soooooooo stupid tht u may make ja and jo apart 4r few days but really u wll make them very closer than b4 now aft ja know true behind jo meeting the her bro

    • ruchi
      April 01, 12:36

      Yes di!! Agreed
      Maham doesnt think that if jo and ja relation is in danger then jo will tell ja the truth!! Then there ll be no mis understanding!!!!

  4. Rohini
    April 01, 12:32 Reply

    Boring episode I just hope 4 april jalal is dreaming again dragging this episode for too long

  5. ruchi
    April 01, 12:31 Reply

    Now guys! Any1 notices this??
    Mr jalal notices that dilawar may be someone to create problems!! But maham who is beside him!! No he wont notice what a big lier she is!!!
    & maham ji!! She ll notice anything to get jo into trouble!! Bt she never thnk why jo go & meet her brother!!
    If maham knew that ja life in danger she would do something!! Nt like jo sit & watch!!!

    • neeraja
      April 01, 12:35

      but i dont think so maham would do something even ja life in danger

  6. Priya
    April 01, 12:27 Reply

    Waiting 4r day whn ja &jo unite

  7. Anna
    April 01, 12:25 Reply

    Episode is the progressing of previous episode n to future veil out of Jodha’s secret n explosion of Ja doubt n anger. Ja is sharp on spotting a diff between his own n others, i.e suj/dilawar. He suspects him n it will be exploited by MA n ruqs.
    As read some comments they still accuse of Jo’s fault. I still support her, a promise is a promise it must be kept under whatever circumstance. If a husband don’t have the caourage to ask his wife rightfully then don’t blame it on the wife who’s by all mean trying to protect her love/husband at the cost of her trust. I appreciate n value JO’s courage.

    Anyway lately I saw a news of Ja knowing the truth will try to stop Jo. Does that mean no jungle date for them. Oh no I’m gone miss it like the B & K trips.

    By looking at the Ja suit in the precap is same as the confratation so it’s is soon………

  8. ruchi
    April 01, 12:23 Reply

    Yes! Thats so wrst!! Our school do the same!!
    U have many?? Have u completed them ???!!
    U no sometimes going to new classes are so awkward!! Specially if u dont have ur own old jolly teachers!!

    • neeraja
      April 01, 12:29

      not yet completed.miss my old teachers when they was there we used to tease them but now miss them
      do u know any easy way to learn multiplication tables?

    • ruchi
      April 01, 12:34

      U have to learn multiplication tables??????? What??????
      Which number?? 1,2,3,4,or 5??
      Sorry didnt mean to joke!! Bt seriously wnich number!! I might be able to help!!

  9. maayaa
    April 01, 12:21 Reply

    Nice episode.
    As usual funny to watch Javedha and Maham, they do make us crack up. Am wondering what message did Maham burn, it could be from Adham who shared that he killed Peer Mohammad. And Jalal you are sad about those obedient leaving you, wait until you realizer the dark truth behind Adham and your badi Ammi Maham. That will be the greatest shock awaiting for you.
    As shown in precap, Maham has started sprinkling poison around, now she is filling Ruks with info regarding Dilawar but I do not think that she will reveal to Ruks about the true identity of Dilawar Khan as Sujamal. She will potray DK as a Rajvanshi whom Jodha has been meeting and now is in the Mahal.
    Ruks is a jealous person but she is not wicked and evil by nature and she is gullible. Maham will use this quality and make Ruks fuel up Jalal also maybe.
    It is still not really revealed if the April 4th promo is the segment that we will be shown on April 4th or it is the precap that will end on April 4th which means we will have to once again hold our patience for entire weekend before the explosive encounter of Jalal over Jodha…..

    • ruchi
      April 01, 12:24

      Yes!! U r rite!!!

  10. neeraja
    April 01, 12:09 Reply

    old ones
    new students tom will join
    epi was boring just keeping on dragging

    • ruchi
      April 01, 12:11

      Yah rite!! They r just passing the ep until 4 april!!
      Every1 is waiting for that!!
      Uhave hw???

    • ruchi
      April 01, 12:17

      I mean do u have home works???

    • neeraja
      April 01, 12:19

      ya first day only they gave hw

  11. ruchi
    April 01, 12:06 Reply

    @sanvi di!! U should make one!!!
    I did too!! Today!!

    • swathi
      April 01, 12:26

      Hi Ruchi dear
      I’m not confused I knew u r GS..;-)

  12. JA 1FAN
    April 01, 11:57 Reply

    not so gud(-;2day. bt iknw show slowly reaches its peak(joal) romance so wait nd watch..hope our akdha unite soon guys!!!

  13. neeraja
    April 01, 11:57 Reply

    hi ruchi
    i understood ur great show
    well first day was okay
    full new teachers all r so strict and scary
    all of them r making us scared saying 9th is hard u have 2 work hard etc.
    i tried 2 make account but it is not coming i will try it again on thursday

    • ruchi
      April 01, 12:04

      Ya sure no prb!!
      U have new teachers!! New frens also?? Or old ones??? I mean any new people who joined ( lol) wat a ques!!
      How u liked todays ep??

  14. Anie!!
    April 01, 11:51 Reply

    Boring episode…they are jst dragging the serial !

    • ruchi
      April 01, 11:55

      They have to show some thing until the great day!!
      Ie 4 april!!

  15. ruchi
    April 01, 11:50 Reply

    Today also the show was good!!! ( nothing new)…
    I think ruks soon ll have a good shock when ja and jo come close afterwards!! A real good shock!!!!!!
    Hehe 😛
    And maham is working behind the scenes nowadays!! Doesnt tell anything she does!!
    I think she nos about a ul mali!!!

  16. neeraja
    April 01, 11:49 Reply

    just waiting for 4th april
    fed up of these misunderstandings

    • ruchi
      April 01, 11:52

      Hi neeraja!! U here early??
      How was ur 1 st day at school?? Good??
      Btw i am great show!! U made an account yet??

  17. avni
    April 01, 11:33 Reply

    one more new entry -____________________-

    hello ..hii..tata…bbye.
    gn sd tc 🙂

    • ruchi
      April 01, 11:37

      What new entry di???

  18. sanvi
    April 01, 11:32 Reply

    Tired these misunderstanding s
    Precap I think ma tells ruks that its none other then sujamal.perhaps ruks n ma together fill jalal’s ears against jodha.
    Whatever d reason let 4th April come njodha leave agra.
    Im just vex with this dragging.

    • ruchi
      April 01, 11:36

      Hi sanvi di!! I am ruchi!! I dont think we ve talked me before!!
      Sanvi di !! Agree with u!! All r waiting for 4 april!! Me too!!

    • sanvi
      April 01, 11:39

      Hi ruchi btw u r this name is nice dear.
      Great show was bit hard to dijest…lol (difficult to write bcz of its lenth)

    • ruchi
      April 01, 11:41

      Yes di i under stand!! So u recognize me di!!!
      Do u have an account??? Di??
      How u no i am great show???

    • sanvi
      April 01, 11:59

      U wrote in sm 1ce comment so I came to know.
      Btw i dont have dtb acc.

  19. Miss Unbelievable
    April 01, 11:29 Reply

    i cant blame jalal

    jodha is a hyporcite in this situation. She first needs to share her secret before she can ask Jalal about his worries

    Jodha will do everything to protect everyone else and boast about her Rajvanshi pride but look how she views her own husband who has fallen for her and trust her?

    Jalal is hurt and it is stressing him out. When will Jodha tell Jalal about Suja? When its too late and Jalal’s anger and fury will lash out at her?

    Jodha needs to evaluate herself before others.

    And it looks like Suja likes Bakshi

    • sanvi
      April 01, 11:34

      Yep agree mu

    • Arpita
      April 01, 12:27

      You can’t blame Ja. But Jo is not wrong either. Suj walked out on his family. Ja hates him, cos he thinks he mercilessly killed Ja’s relatives. Only Jo trusts him, cos she knows deep down the plot is murkier and everything is not what it appears to be. It’s better to confirm your allegations or theories or whatever going on in your mind with some kind of proof before you can share it with a person. She’s doing exactly that. It may have worked had Maham not seen Suj meeting Jo.
      Working for Bakshi is just a cover for him to complete his mission. He can’t like a married woman.

    • Jyothi
      April 01, 13:42

      True. Jo is not that innocent that she can’t find out why Jalal is upset.

    • Jyothi
      April 01, 13:52

      Directors are not showing Jodha’s character consistent. Many times they showed that she understands others emotions, but now how can she not have a clue of why Jalal is upset, when he himself asked her where was night and when he was drunk and listening to music he even told her ,may be I would have understood if u had told the truth. The day he gave judgement about Aliza case, he was totally different from his usual personality. After all these incidents how can they show jodha asking today , what happened .
      They should have brought the story in some other line.

  20. ruchi
    April 01, 11:29 Reply

    He guys!!
    This is great show!! Dont confuse me with ruchi!!
    How r u guys??

  21. alia
    April 01, 11:28 Reply

    to be honest could not take my eyes off the epi even for a second

  22. SJ
    April 01, 11:28 Reply

    I hope everything is well with Paradhi’s agenda , there are lot of audience involve , director santram needed to be control , but it is strange why Paradhi and rajat font speak or like each other
    If you see lit of actor are married and shaid very good relationship and hood chemistry off screne too
    Off example this is off screen Braun and sanaya, same thing in rangrasia sanya and Ashish SHARMA
    Why RAJAT and Paradhi are like this , I kniw gurmeet choudhry had problem he never socialize with his co star

  23. ananna
    April 01, 11:27 Reply

    Nice episode..hello everyone..

    • ruchi
      April 01, 11:32

      Hi di!!
      Reognize me???

  24. swathi
    April 01, 11:25 Reply

    It was a nice episode. .
    Precap is bit shocking, I guess also join hands with Mamanga without knowing the truth. .

    • ruchi
      April 01, 11:31

      Yes di rite!!
      Btw hi ananna di & swathi di!!
      I am great show!! Dont confuse me!!

    • alia
      April 01, 11:27

      love ur profil pic i mean gv very cute 🙂

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