Jodha Akbar 19th November 2014 Written Update

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Jodha Akbar 19th November 2014 Written Update by Atiba

Jodha Akbar 19th November 2014 Written Episode

Scene 1
Qadir is being treated, there is a team of doctors observing Qadir’s health, he is royal palace, Jodha comes there and ask about Qadir? one doctor says we have put medicine on his wound, Jodha ask can I tie sacred thread n his hand, doctor nod in yes, Jodha ties sacred thread to Qadir’s arm and prays that you become fine soon, Jodha ask till when he will be unconscious? doctor says that his health has become little fine, we are hoping that he will be fine soon, he need prayers too, Jodha says I pray for Qadir not because that Salim will return soon but I know his dadi must be waiting for him to return to her as I know how mother feels when her child is away from her, she leaves from there.

Maan and Todar tells jalal that some thugs have entered in Agra, they have got to know that Salim is out of palace, so they are ready to attack him, Jalal is shocked, Jalal says to Maan that tell Rahim to be alert with Salim, tonight I will go to protect Salim, Salim is in some jungle, some thugs surround him., Jalal says today I will finish these thieves.

Jodha is going to her room and finds Murad fighting with SAlim, she is shocked, Murad and Salim are fighting over balls, they get into scuffle, Jodha comes there and scolds them both that you both always fight, she ask SAlim to say sorry to Murad, it turns out to be Jodha’s imagination and in actual Daniyal and Murad are fighting, Daniyal says to jodha that Salim is not here with us, Jodha says but you are with me, don’t fight, Murad says to jodha that what if Salim is not here, you scold me, you twist my ears, I will not say anything to you but please don’t cry, Daniyal says you can twist my ear too, Jodha hugs all children, Salim comes there and says Murad is right, these kids are yours too like Salim is my child, I understand your situation but you have to be strong, Salim will return soon, you don’t worry, Jodha nods and smiles.

Scene 2
Salim is making food in dadi’s hut, he is makig roties, Rashid alongwith zil bahar and Anarkali comes there to meet Dadi, Rashid greets Salim as prince, Salim says I am not prince here but common man. Anarkali ask dadi about Qadir, Dadi says his treatment is going on, hope he will return soon, Zil bahar says we are lucky to have got a king like Jalal who has sent his prince to serve you, Rashid ask do you need anything? Dadi says no, Salim does every work here, for namesake he is prince but he is very down to earth and sensible, he has taken responsibility of whole house, Anarkali comes to Salim in kitchen and finds him having tough time in kneading flour, she puts water in flour, Salim ask what you did? Anarkali says that it was dry so it was difficult for you in kneading it, Salim says I don’t need your help, I know, Anarkali says that why you are so egoistic, I always help you, Salim says I don’t need your help, Anrakali says I make roties in my house, Salim says I have learned it too, I make here daily, you have out excess amount of water in it, Anarkali puts more water in it and destroys flour, Salim says how dare you, he puts the watery flour on Anarkali’s mouth, Anarkali shouts for Zil bahar, all comes inside, Salim says its not my fault, I was doing my work and she had put water in flour to destroy it, zil bahar scolds Anarkali and says sorry to Salim, she says to Anarkali that lets go home then I will take your class. they leave.

Scene 3
Salim says to Dadi that Anarkali destroyed the flour, Dadi says we will use it too, don’t worry, Salim says don’t call her again to your house, she is bad, Dadi smiles.
Maan tells jalal that we have tightened the security of SAlim. Jalal says nothing should happen to Salim.
Salim is shown to be walking in jungle in night, he is crying and asking where are you maasa, some thugs come there and attacks… it turns about to be bad dream of Jodha, she wakes up with a start and says what a bad dream, why my heart is beating fast, why I am thinking Salim is in danger, I had same feeling at time of Hassan and Hussain dying, I cant lose Salim, I have to talk to Jalal.

Jodha is finding Jalal in palace. Hamida comes there and ask her, Jodha says I am worried, I don’t know why I am feeling Salim is in danger like I felt for Hassan and Hussain, I don’t know where is Jalal, Hamida ask her to go and meet Salim, Jodha says what about Jalal’s orders, Hamida says motherly love is greater than orders, if Jalal want then he can punish me, its my order that you go and meet Salim, till you don’t meet him,, you will not be in peace, so go and meet him, jodha nods and goes from there.

Jalal is with Rahim and all outside dadi’s hut, he ask all to take position and attackers should not find way to hut, Rahim says everything is fine, Jalal says till now but my experience say that it will not be fine for much time, Todar says if they attack today then they will not leave from here alive, Jalal listens some movement, he ask Todar to take his position while he will check, Jalal comes in jungle and grabs one person, he puts sword on her neck, it turns out to be Jodha, Jalal is shocked and ask what are you doing here? what if I have attacked you? don’t you have respect for my orders, Jodha says I have but my heart was beating fast fro Salim, I saw a bad dream and I have taken permission from Hamida too, Jalal says but you shouldn’t have come here at this time, Jodha says when a father can come to protect his son then why cant his mother come? I am feeling that salim will be in danger, Jalal says I am here with him, he ask Soldiers to take her back, Jodha says no first I will see Salim, Jalal says there is danger here now, you go from here, meanwhile thieves come near hut and attacks Jalal’s soldiers, Rahim comes to Jalal and says they have attacked, Jalal says you go and fight, Jalal takes jodha to one side and ask her to stay in corner, he ask soldiers to protect her, Jalal goes and fight starts between soldiers and thugs, Rahim is beaten but he fights them, Jalal bravely fights thugs, he grabs one thug and ask who have sent you, thug pushes Jalal and runs from there while others are killed, Jalal comes to jodha and says I didn’t let anything happen to my child, he didn’t even get a wound, Jodha is relieved.

PRECAP- Hamida says to Jalal that its not about heir Salim but we cant put child’s life in danger like that. Jodha says I am afraid for Salim but I trust Jalal’s thinking and his bravery so whatever decision he takes, I will accept that.


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  1. sia
    November 19, 21:57 Reply

    pyari mataji our kajen parted their ways.i m so sad. Miss u a lot.Hope u r doing well.

  2. jeevidvirmanvir
    November 19, 13:58 Reply

    Salim’s hard work is spoiled by that Anarkali, don’t know what’s making her over proud. so absurd!!!!!!!

  3. Pialy
    November 19, 13:49 Reply

    new promo

    .it’s just a cut paste promo r8 from d days where

    jodha was in aamer in sepaeration track n

    shaguni in d temple..those scenes..

    n every possible scene has been cut n paste..LOL

    It’s just a voice over by shaguni(while she is not even shown speaking those things)

    ab ye log promo bhi afford nahi kar sakte had hoti hai

  4. Pialy
    November 19, 13:37 Reply

    Today’s episode is mainly dedicated to salim safeguarding jalal 4m d dakus!
    Jalal was in disguise to save salim..while jodha had a dream of salim being hurt..she gets restless n goes to meet salim (marium makani supports her)

    she goes there n jalal mistake jo as goons n attacks her..thn he says 2 stay in a safe place n goes!
    Goons attack n every1 is fighting them including
    jalal n safeguards salim

    P.S:guys ,have seen d’s a misleading 1 lyk d chand begum exposure’s a cut n paste promo!

  5. @ngel
    November 19, 13:09 Reply

    The only part of this ep I enjoyed was the scene with Jo and the kids…loved the bonding they share. Murad is truly a sweetheart,that is when he doesn’t have a hand of hate and revenge on his head.

    my tolerance of anu attitude is fading….

    apparently CVs are on a roll with no ruks,very nice. The less of her the better. I have no interest on seeing her twisted mind set any more….and would someone discover her truth already???

    precap looks like a whole new tragedy ready to surface…and fuel to ruks plans

    • duaa
      November 19, 13:10

      Hyyyy angel

  6. Kadeisha
    November 19, 13:02 Reply

    Apparently JoJa are not to enjoy any happiness-always one thing or the other- really sorry for them at this stage. I hope they hold together and fight all the demons being thrown their way. If that is the price of being of royal lineage let me remain an ordinary person.

  7. duaa
    November 19, 12:55 Reply

    Where r u prince ruchi angel masuma alina

  8. duaa
    November 19, 12:53 Reply

    Thank god today no makeup ki dukan

  9. Pialy
    November 19, 12:50 Reply

    this serial is getting on my nurve.

    hukkah begum’s behavior is just unbearable. how did she manage to go see salim?

    where were rahim and soldiers?

    only jodha’s time they are around?

    jalal has no idea that his karib dost is more threat to salim than outsiders.

    what is wrong with all these writers?

    why they love so much negative roles. this is child abuse. its not acceptable

  10. Pialy
    November 19, 12:48 Reply

    I think this step of Jodha & Jalal will make Salim turn against them

    With a feeling of gurdge & he would try to distance himself from them…

    Anyways this is visible in yesterday’s episode

    when Jodha move forward towards Salim to hug him he stepped back & referred her as Begum Saheba,

    even then dumbo Jodha didn’t understand & happy that her son is becoming responsible but they would get to know once he is back to Palace & Salim ignores them by referring them as Shahenshah & MUZ..

  11. Pialy
    November 19, 12:46 Reply

    CVs crossing every limit… just read abt ME… and Shaguni’s new bhavishyavani… like she tells u ll lose ur this child too and Jodha is all shocked…

    WOW… gr8 going… Gr8 Shehenshah and his gr8 supporter MUZ, but losers as parents…

    keep up with ur epic love, CVs… coz that’s only thing to be done now

    • @ngel
      November 19, 12:54

      Can you plz yell me where you saw the news pertaining to the me?

  12. Pialy
    November 19, 12:45 Reply

    salim will not come to palace until he totally Hates Jodha Jalal…

    Poor salim

    can’t Jalal punish hukkah begum for one day asking her to serve old woman by Doing all which salim did…

  13. Pialy
    November 19, 12:43 Reply

    Kids and jodha scene was sooo cute when murad and daniyal fighting Jodha comes there and scolds them both that you both always fight she ask SAlim to say sorry to Murad it turns out to be Jodha’s imagination and in actual Daniyal and Murad are fighting Daniyal says to jodha that Salim is not here with us Jodha says but you are with me don’t fight Murad says to jodha that what if Salim is not hereyou scold me you twist my ears I will not say anything to you but please don’t cry Daniyal says you can twist my ear tooDay Dreamingmurad and daniya is soo cute …i love murad more when he is not with haider and last scene was also nice but i was expecting jodha also help jalal to kill the goons but she didnt

  14. Pialy
    November 19, 12:42 Reply

    Its exaggeration n degrade nautanki the way little salim is treated.

  15. Pialy
    November 19, 12:41 Reply

    I am truly not liking this holier than thou attitude of Akbar and Jodha. As rulers they and their family have killed so many innocents and so many died saving them and all and here for one small mistake of Salim they are making him suffer so much at 8 years old. Is that an age to make roti and puff fire and sweep, mop and cut firewood and beg for food etc that is age to play, study and eat and enjoy with family

  16. duaa
    November 19, 12:29 Reply

    Murad and jodha scene was amazing

  17. sanju
    November 19, 12:21 Reply

    Now sahensha is mad precap reveals jo also mad putting their child life in danger.

  18. sanju
    November 19, 12:05 Reply

    Now no interest for the story they dont care about history, write every nonsence come to their mind ,and justify ja,s every action.But they should not allowed to ruin history,historical charactors.

    From one side it is reasonable if salim wants to make anar the queen of him ,as he was taught from parents that there is nothing much difference between royals and common man

  19. Anna
    November 19, 10:57 Reply

    Will Salimever know that Ja & Jo cares for him so much. Even if he don’t get to c him but they are always watching over him and protecting him

    Ruqs behaviour is fishy, twill that women spoil all the efforts, love n care of JJ for salim.

    The boy qadir will die shaguni bai always brings bad news, Salin will grow in missing his parents love n care directly.

    Ruq will continue her crime I guess wah wwat a story of poisioning child with drugs n hatred towards parents, So SO silly story line if it happens. silly as ruqs herself n rude Ansr is another pain on the neck.

    they could hv made it beautiful bonding n nurturing of a prince

  20. duaa
    November 19, 10:38 Reply

    Look like Anarkali has only one pair of cloth

  21. duaa
    November 19, 10:29 Reply

    Shaguni bahi said to jodha that she will lose salim

  22. duaa
    November 19, 10:26 Reply

    Now what will jalal decision???????

  23. duaa
    November 19, 10:25 Reply

    Guyzzzz saw new promo

    • vish
      November 19, 10:42

      please share link

    • duaa
      November 19, 10:43

      I saw on TV sorrry

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