Jodha Akbar 15th August 2014 Written Update

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Jodha Akbar 15th August 2014 Written Update by Atiba

Jodha Akbar 15th August 2014 Written Episode

Scene 1
khaibar dies, jodha and jalal are stunned, jodha is sad, maan says he killed himself, why? jodha says because he came to know that everybody hates you, khaibar you had to bear so pain in this world, i hope that in next birth you get love and a good life, jodha looks at jalal and smiles she rest her head on his shoulder.

in tent, jodha thinks that khaibar was wish i could change fate of khaibar because i was also responsible for what ever happened but if i didn’t do what i did then he would have died in that well too. some doctor come, jalal says to jodha that they will check you, doctor ask did anything dangerous happened with you, jodha looks at jalal and says that i had to run a lot and had to hungry, also i drowned in lake, jalal gets angry and clutches his knuckles, doctor says you are lucky as your children are safe but you have to be careful, jodha says yes now i will take care of everything, doctor gives her medicine and goes from there, jalal also goes from there while jodha looks at him going, maan is there in her room and greets her, maan says i want to talk to you, jodha says go ahead, maan says i know you want to talk to jalal but i wanna tell what happened in your absence so that you can understand jalal’s state of mind, he tells her how jalal found her clothes in hut and how he said that he will not eat food, maan leaves, jodha says i have to talk to jalal, don’t know what is he thinking.

munim sees jalal outside tent and thinks that jalal didn’t go to jodha and this is not good, sharif comes there and says that the thieves were killed by khaibar, it would be good if jalal had sent me to kill khaibar.

adham comes to maham and tells her that jodha has been found and khaibar is dead,now it will be fun, he ask what happened, you didn’t answer me, after all this will jalal accept jodha? maham says question that why jalal will not accept jodha? jodha have powerful weapon that is heir of Mughal saltanat and jalal will not leave her alone, adham says but jodha’s respect and rajvanshi honor will decrease, maham is about to answer him but she listen someone playing music and says we will talk later, adham goes from there.

atifa is playing music, in harem, ruks ask did all preparations for music night is done? hoshiyar says yes, hoshiyar sees one eunuch and says i felt like he was male not eunuch, ruks goes behind him.

the eunuc comes to atifa and its her husband only, he says that i am sorry for what ever happened, jalal i snot in palace, its a good chance, we should run from here, atifa gets tensed, ruks comes there and shouts how can a male come in harem, husband says she is my wife and i have right to meet her, she is being captured here, ruks shouts silent, do you whom you are talking? i can put you behind bars, atifa says to her husband says that go from here and never show his face, ruks says that if jalal gets to know that you came in harem then he will put you inbetween walls and will kill you, husband says that she is my wife and i will not leave her like this, i will come back, he leaves, ruks says to atifa that if you want to be with your husband then forget about luxuries of harem as this harem is of jalal, atifa says sorry but i ddnt call him i was just waiting fro jalal, ruks says this is the last time i am warning you that this harem is mine and never try to break its rules, she goes from there.

Scene 3
jodha is waiting for jalal and comes out, soldier comes and ask what she needs, she ask where is jalal? soldier says i will check and will inform you, jalal comes there from back and says were you waiting for me? jodha says jalal.. jalal says not here, come inside.

they come in tent, jodha says that when you came to save me then i thought that everything is fine between us but after coming here i get to know that you angry, i am sorry for my mistake, jalal says really you are sorry? jodha says try to understand, khaibar was in pain in well and it was including in your sin, jalal says i tried to make you understand that khaibar is a beast not a human, he doesn’t know about human and their ethics even then you went to him and he took this sign wrongly, think once that why i didn’t kill him, why i put him well? i just wanted to inform people that they are safe from that beast but i didn’t kill him and you thought that i have no sense, i have no humanity, i am fool, you don’t trust my decision, jodha says nothing like that. jodha says to jalal that i know i did the mistake but my intention wasn’t wrong, if i hurt your heart than forgive me, jalal says every mistake doesn’t have forgiveness, you know because of you, people are gossiping khaibar killed my many soldiers so isn’t it injustice to their families, that khaibar killed many village people isn’t it injustice? and i hold you responsible for all this so tell me this sin have forgiveness? i wanted our problems to remain between us, how many times you went against my decisions but i ignored it so that people doesn’t disrespect you, but you disrespected Mughal saltanat, jodha says i know what people are gossiping about me, all are thinking that why i made food for khaibar but they don’t know that i am pregnant and i have to feed my children, all are thinking that why i changed my clothes but i am a mother and i have to save my children from cold, i don’t care about anybody but i want to ask you that don’t you trust me too? jalal says you never trust me but let me answer you that even after i wanted but i couldn’t doubt you.

Scene 4
in night, jodha and jalal are lying on bed but has their back to each other, jalal turns and looks at jodha sadly, both are distraught and cant sleep, jodha gets up and looks at jalal, she lies down again, tumne jab socha sad version plays.

jalal comes with jodha to palace, all are waiting for them, jodha comes out of palanquin, hamida is happy to see her but jalal and jodha are sad, people gossip that will jalal forgive jodha? other say maybe he wont accept her now, jalal listens this and goes to jodha, he holds her hand, all are stunned, jodha looks at jalal, jalal shows he holding jodha’s hand and says that i thank God that jodha safely came back, i want all of you to welcome her, jodha gets happy and smiles looking at jalal, jodha touches hamida’s feet, hamida removes evil eye from her.

Scene 5
jalal jodha and all come in, jalal leaves jodha’s hand, hamida says thank god you came back safely, ruks says i have called a doctor for you, jodha says thanks but jalal called doctor last night only, ruks says thank god atleast he cares for his children, hamdia says its not time to discuss this, ruks says when will time come to tell jodha that she was wrong, jodha says you are right, what i did was wrong and i am sorry for all this mess, jalal ask ruks is everything fine in absence? ruks nods, jalal ask where is atifa? i mean did his husband came to torture her? jodha is stunned to see jalal’s concern for atifa.

PRECAP- zakira comes to jodha and informs her that jalal announced his nikaah with atifa, jodha is shocked as hell and says what?


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  1. prince rai
    August 16, 17:37 Reply

    then how do u understand the dialogue of the show ?subtitles?

    • @ngel
      August 16, 17:41

      No as I said I know Hindi to an extent so I can watch the show without subtitle

  2. prince rai
    August 16, 17:29 Reply

    r u a local or u got settled over there ,r u comfortable in hindi

    • @ngel
      August 16, 17:33

      Local, I know Hindi to an extent but I prefer english

    • @ngel
      August 16, 17:23

      Just breaking the ice..
      btw I’m from south america

  3. @ngel
    August 16, 17:05 Reply

    I wonder what other sick twists CVs have in store for this show

    • prince rai
      August 16, 17:11

      I am with my friends planning to go for movie tomorrow.

    • @ngel
      August 16, 17:12

      Oh kool….enjoy
      btw where are you from?

    • @ngel
      August 16, 16:55

      Hi prince, I’m watching CPL finals

  4. pridhi
    August 16, 16:06 Reply

    Well all I can say is dat cv’s u guys r hell bent on ruining the trps! !!
    Kb snatched away no1 position in d channel ranking! !
    U guys deserve it fr dis nonsense papita track! !!!!!!

    • @ngel
      August 16, 16:50

      JA does not deserve first place with tracks like jalifa
      but that’s my thought

  5. @ngel
    August 16, 10:56 Reply

    JA lost its popularity
    BRAVO JALIFA!! clap clap

    • @ngel
      August 16, 12:54

      Hi prince
      sorry I for late reply I just saw your comment

  6. masuma
    August 16, 10:52 Reply

    next week der is maha epi???????

    • @ngel
      August 16, 10:54

      That’s,what. I heard but its possible there won’t be any

    • sweetlily
      August 17, 03:34

      No there isnt any maha epi

  7. @ngel
    August 16, 10:37 Reply

    anybody home?????


    • masuma
      August 16, 10:51


    • masuma
      August 16, 10:32

      guess she left shes angry at meee 🙁

    • @ngel
      August 16, 10:36

      turn that frown upside down di…lolzzz

      ruchi won’t be angry for long 🙂

    • masuma
      August 16, 10:50

      hope so……
      ruchiii pie whr r u

    • @ngel
      August 16, 10:53

      I’m telling you nah
      smile 😀

  8. @ngel
    August 16, 10:28 Reply

    this week scenes were full of trees and bushes, for a minute i forgot what the palace looked like

    • masuma
      August 16, 10:30

      lolzzzzzzzzźzzz i miss khyber
      nw next week will be full of papita ahhhhhhhhhhhh

    • @ngel
      August 16, 10:34

      yep his track was enjoyable
      but i’m glad they ended it quick or it would’ve gotten boring….

      papita will be for a while but if they marry she’ll be forever 😯

  9. masuma
    August 16, 10:27 Reply

    noo ruchii dnt be angryyyyy
    nxt time al tell u hiiiiii first promise
    now smile 🙂

  10. @ngel
    August 16, 10:24 Reply

    according to google, papita is papaya

    funny, papaya is dangerous to the health of an infant and mother, likewise atifa is causing harm to jodha mental well being, as a result harming her kids health

    i guess atifa got the right name after all, PAPITA

    • masuma
      August 16, 10:29

      hahahaha yah this name suits her
      idiot papita

  11. masuma
    August 16, 10:18 Reply

    This jalal did not even hug jodha hes an idoit
    n wen dey were sleeping soo much space btn dem
    it shows dey r not in gud terms at all

    • @ngel
      August 16, 10:25

      the damage has been done from both ends and it looks like it won’t heal for just now……might get worst

    • mahann
      August 18, 10:54

      is better didn`t hug,I hate those artificial hugs,

  12. @ngel
    August 16, 10:18 Reply

    i think jodha suffered a mini heart attack in the precap…..

    • masuma
      August 16, 10:23

      hahaaha it looks like

    • sweetlily
      August 17, 03:35

      Lol angel i guess u r right

  13. masuma
    August 16, 10:14 Reply

    when all this crap ends den jodha shud not forgive jalal
    it will be nyccc to see their ruthna n manana lolzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    • ruchi
      August 16, 10:17


      Where is hi to ruchi???
      U forgot me na???

    • masuma
      August 16, 10:19

      hiiiiiiiiiiiiii ruchiiii
      no i havent forgot u
      hw r u???

    • ruchi
      August 16, 10:22

      Me Dhinka chika
      But angryyyyyyyu wid u
      Nt telling hi to ruchi 🙁

  14. @ngel
    August 16, 10:14 Reply

    what is papita in english,, papaya???

    • masuma
      August 16, 10:16

      haha no idea at all

    • @ngel
      August 16, 10:17


  15. ruchi
    August 16, 10:12 Reply

    Yup Angel di
    Everything is Dhinka chika as usuall
    Heheheh. Wbu????

    • @ngel
      August 16, 10:15

      me dhinka chika too 😛

  16. masuma
    August 16, 10:12 Reply

    plzz tell me this atifa crap will be over by next week plzzzzz

    • ruchi
      August 16, 10:13

      Let’s hope soo 😛 ☺️

    • @ngel
      August 16, 10:19

      i hope so, but i doubt it

    • mahann
      August 18, 10:52

      nnooooooo,more 3 months my guess, so that to make sure all of us hate Atifa, bung our heads to the walls,

      blood hell CV`s

  17. masuma
    August 16, 10:09 Reply

    atifa is a boiled egg hahahahahaha

    • ruchi
      August 16, 10:11

      Well I dnt mind eatin her for lunch


    • sweetlily
      August 16, 10:34

      Lol ruchi well how r u saw u here after a long time how r u 🙂

  18. @ngel
    August 16, 10:08 Reply

    one question….plz don’t kill me

    what if it turns out that jalal is not pretending?????

    i mean we have been receiving false news for a while, even the confirmed news have been false so what if this pretense news is too

    • ruchi
      August 16, 10:10

      Then we all will clap our hands n saY


      wat else can we do ????

    • masuma
      August 16, 10:10

      if true den jalal shud go to hell together
      with da bloody cvs

    • @ngel
      August 16, 10:12

      turn off the tv everytime JA shows
      go down to the sets and throw the writers in a crocodile pit

    • Jaya
      August 16, 12:07

      Then I’m gonna get real angry and throw my pillow to the wall assuming it was jalal

    • @ngel
      August 16, 14:31

      Lolzzz jaya

    • mahann
      August 18, 10:46

      I want him to marry Atifa so that she will be out of episodes.

    • mahann
      August 18, 10:49

      Jaya, hhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that made me happy,I lost all my words.

      waaaw that is fantastic

  19. ruchi
    August 16, 10:05 Reply

    Hahahaha epi is gettin funnyyyy

    Jalal n atifa Jodi ?????!

    Hahahaha wat a joke

    • @ngel
      August 16, 10:10

      hey pie 😀
      how are you??
      haven’t seen you for a while, everything good?

  20. Pialy
    August 16, 06:10 Reply

    i read in FB

    jalal will marry papita

  21. masuma
    August 16, 05:47 Reply

    the way jalal held jodhas hand it shows he loves her alotttttttt

    • @ngel
      August 16, 17:07

      He cares about her respect more than his own

  22. masuma
    August 16, 05:45 Reply

    whr dd jj get their clothes frm??? i mean dey were in jungle
    so whr da clothes came frm??
    maybe jalal had taken with him extra clothes lolzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    • @ngel
      August 16, 10:01


    • masuma
      August 16, 10:07

      ahaaaa i get it lolzzzzzzz

    • @ngel
      August 16, 10:09


    • sweetlily
      August 16, 06:50

      U didn’t saw add on TV there is a maha Monday there will be a khulasa of papita 😉

  23. mahann
    August 16, 04:56 Reply

    Even if Jalal is a King can marry uncountable whatever women he wants

    I don`t understand what Ruks is up to with Atifa,!!!!!!!!!

    I have never seen a woman happy to see her husband adding a pair of woman(wife) on his marriage and the current wife is busy to make sure the husband gets what he wants.#

    Is ridiculous,foolish and laughable.

    sorry for those who says Ruks is behaving properly and dignified as an Queen,but on this Benazir and Atifa matters and affairs,Ruks is undignified.

    I hate the way CV`s make Ruks looks like she has no heart,jealous or love to her husband.I hate it.

  24. mahann
    August 16, 04:36 Reply

    I wish if Jalal get married to Atifa.

    This Atifa things is getting into my nerves,is making the show boring,so many enemies….

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