Jodha Akbar 12th September 2014 Written Update

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Jodha Akbar 12th September 2014 Written Update by Atiba

Jodha Akbar 12th September 2014 Written Episode

Scene 1
all are coming in court, hamida says I am worried for jalal, salima says I pray that solution to this problem come out soon otherwise distance will be created between jalal and ruks, ruks comes in court too and thinks that its time to get reward of my deadly plan, jalal comes in court, he says I have taken decision on ruks plea and this will be my last decision and I wanna tell all this is not my decision alone, PRECAP, jalal says I don’t accept ruks’s plea, jalal says but jodha said that she will give her child to ruks stubbornly so that your lap doesn’t remain empty, she has taken a great decision but remember first child will be of jodha’s only and he will be the heir of throne only. ruks says to jodha that thank you very much, I am very happy, its true, you are not a common person, you are great, because of you I will become mother, jalal ask todar to make papers ready, ruks says to jalal that I have one more thing to say, jalal says everything is happening according to your wish, what you need now, ruks says that child will be mine only, nobody infact you and jodha will not have right on her/him, what if you or anyone else takes child from me, jodha says don’t worry ruks, this child will be yours only, ruks says this child who will have blood of jalal and jodha will be called ruks’s child only, jalal ask todar to enter this point in agreement too, the official agreement is ready, jalal comes to ruks and gives it to her, he is angry on her, ruks says thank you jalal and jodha begum and takes the agreement.

Scene 2
jalal is sadly sitting in his room, jodha comes to him and sits beside him, she ask is your head aching? I will massage it, jalal lies in jodha’s lap, jodha massages it head and ask why are you worried? jalal says I am worried that one side is you who gets happy by helping others and otherside is ruks whose unjustified wish is fulfilled even then she is not happy, jodha says no, she is very happy, jalal says either you don’t wanna see the truth or cant see it, jodha says for the thing which I am not worried, why are you worrying, its fine, jalal says you are not understanding matter, jodha says ruks asked right on child as every mother wants to protect her child, jalal says then why aren’t you worried about your children, jodha says I could have not given her child and my children would have called her bari ammi only, would ruks be ok with that? she also have feelings to have your child, you nourish your blood related kid, jodha says ruks asked the right as she has fear that anybody can snatch back child from her, ruks is your friend and friend can ask anything from her friend, I am giving this child as gift to your friend and I am sure ruks will be great mother and will give proper upbringing to our child, I know you are showing that you are angry on her but you are worried for ruks from inside, don’t worry, everything is fine, jalal is tensed and says I will come back, he leaves.
sharif is talking with his father, he says I had beaten bakshi, father says you are an idiot, you are a good warrior but that does not mean you will beat your wife, you are brother in law to jalal so be careful before doing anything, jalal insulted you and you bear it, sharif says I feel like killing jalal, father says soon we will take revenge from jalal, you will get the throne but we have to take steps carefully as anybody can have doubt on us, we have to plan something different, sharif agrees.

Scene 3
ruks is reading the agreement, she says I am going to be mother of jalal’s child, hoshiyar claps for her, hamida comes to her and says you have hurt jalal, ruks says I agree but time and emotions can change at anytime so I have asked jalal to make an agreement, jalal can take back his decision too, jalal comes there and gives her another agreement, its empty, she ask why it is empty, jalal says you will write on it, jalal says deal is never one sided, what you were saying? that if jalal can can u turn once then he can take u turn again but I fulfilled my promise, I gave you jodha’s child and gave you agreement too and now you will write an agreement in which you will write that if you don’t fulfill your duties as mother, if don’t become a good mother then my earlier order will void and jodha will get her right back on child, hamida says this is right, they gave you child so you can give them asurrity too, jalal says what you are waiting for, write, ruks is tensed, she writes on agreement with heavy heart, ruks reads the agreement that “I Rukaiya begum, the wife of Mughal king jalal, promises that I will fulfill every duty as a mother, I will take care of jodha’s child and will fulfill my responsibilities.” jalal says you didn’t write what I told you, it was that if you fails as a mother, if you fails to do your duty than my order will become null and void and you will have to written the child to jodha begum, write it down, ruks write it again on the agreement, ruks reads it again that if am proved to be a bad mother then jodha can take her child back, ruks ask is this fine? jalal says yes, he takes agreement from her and goes from there. hamida says I hope that what you have written in this agreement, you should fulfill it, she leaves too, ruks says I promise that I wont give you chance to complain, this child will be of me only and jodha wont get this child even at time of her death.

PRECAP- jodha comes to maham and ask her to have food, maham throws plate on jodha’s face and says I don’t need this rajvanshi queen and neither I am indebt to her goodness.

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  1. Pialy
    September 13, 04:19 Reply

    here is WHY Jodha and Jalal BOTH have not suspected Ruk. Jalal also did not till Ruk asked him to add the point baby will only be hers. THIS is the moment Jalal started suspecting Ruk.

    Just see Ruk’s behavior AFTER the fake pregnancy track. Jalal pardoned her and since then in Mirchi war track Ruk herself told Jalal she knows he loves Jodha to go to her, praised Jodha openly, in Atifa track Ruk opened upto Jodha and later even cooked for her. You remember Jalal saw Ruk GB talk and smiled.

    So TILL yesterday Jalal and Jodha were both thinking Ruk has changed.
    When Zakira talked about second chances about SD, Jodha said what matters is what one does with the second chance. So Jodha has given Ruk a second chance at happiness whole heartedly.

    Also fake pregnancy track was also about Ruk and baby – so Jodha and Jalal both might be thinking Ruk is getting upset about her barren state and this is why the wish.

    The min Jalal got a doubt HE got into action and took the farman from Ruk.

    Now Jalal will watch Ruk like a hawk.

  2. Pialy
    September 13, 04:12 Reply

    jalal totally sidelined ruk in this baby issue and yday scene

    was lik ruk was smeother who is not related to jalal at all…

    He and HB both dnt hv trust on ruks…

    And I loved it wen Farman was written …

    He shouted and asked to write again and read louder…

    Jalal is principal ruk is kindergarten spoiled kid and HB is headmistress…

    • Alina
      September 13, 04:14

      Hahaha true

    • mahann
      September 13, 08:29

      I love this Jalal man, very wise and he thinks about the future

  3. Alina
    September 13, 04:11 Reply

    And the main thing…a justified king!!!!!

  4. Alina
    September 13, 04:10 Reply

    I love you Jalal alotttt <3 such a supportive husband and caring and a loving Father!!!! <3

  5. Pialy
    September 13, 04:05 Reply

    The only scene I liked was jalal ruk scene and

    it was royal poppatization for ruks LOL mansi

    I loved jalal looks and his attitude to ruks yday in DEK and

    in Hojra scene… Those were damn irritating looks and fed up of

    her and his expressions were like

    how did I stay with her for ten years LOL

    how to save my kids from her LOL

    • Alina
      September 13, 04:14

      Love Jalal for that 😉

  6. Pialy
    September 13, 04:02 Reply

    I know that a lot of people may think that

    Jodha should have not been so glad to give up the baby

    yesterday. People wanted to see her at least hesitate and

    feel the pain of it rather than just feel pleasure for Ruq.

    But then that is the personality of Jodha that the CVs have

    shown consistently. I personally don’t want to find fault

    with someone’s basic character. Everybody has some pluses

    and minuses and in the case of Jodha, as with everybody else,

    the minus is also the plus. She may not be showing pain but

    that could be because she genuinely finds happiness in other

    people’s happiness. That is a character type, so it would be

    wrong to fault that and say she should have matched some self-set standards!

    • Alina
      September 13, 04:13

      Completely agreed

  7. Pialy
    September 13, 03:55 Reply

    I did not like the portrayal of Jo yesterday in the serial.She got some pathetic dialogues yesterday.

    I am angry with cvs and PH for not being serious with the most important character of the show along with Jalal.

    She never gets self talks nor solo scenes .So was viewers we are confused sometimes.

    I wanted before the DEK scene ,a solo scene of Jo where she is consoling herself that she needs to put a brave act.

    If she goes weak then Jalal will never honor Ruku’s wish.

    She could also say that she wants to see Jalal as a fair Shhehshah who honours his words but

    also as a fair husband who treats all his wives equally.With such scenes and dialogues ,we as viewers will get an idea about her mind.

    But these cvs directly showed the DEK scene where she was cool and most of us were wondering that how can she be so calm and cool.She was rather smiling and beamed happily when Ruku falsely praised her,

    In that Jalal and Jodha scene too,

    they had again a worst dialogue where she said this is gift from you to your friend?Also,

    if a friend asks something then we have to give .

    I tell you if a person who did not know any background of that scene and

    if he had watched that scene for the first time ,he would have thought that she was talking about a thing not a child .

    I seriously don’t question Jodha as mother as I know she will be the best but I am unhappy with the cvs with which they were dealing the entire issue from her POV.

    Rather the cvs have handled Jalal’s part very well.They showed how he was feeling about Ruk’s demand.

    In the first scene of DEK itself ,he says that I am negating your demand as Jo herself is giving the child.

    That was awesome as he clearly told Ruku that we are not giving in to your pressure but Jo herself is giving this baby which infact is “ehesaan” on you.

    And he even said that Jodha begum in “zid” is insisting so.This was again a message that he really doesn’t want this to happen but he is doing this only for Jodha,

    And that last scene of DEK where he gave the Farman to Ruku ,his eyes spoke a lot.He was telling to her that though I am honoring your request but it is as a King and now on as a husband and friend you have lost me .

    But he even saw at Jodha ,where his eyes were telling her that you would have understood me as a father than as a Shehenshah.

    I am ready to face all humiliation for not honoring Farmaan but I am not ready for my child to go through the separation pain.

  8. Pialy
    September 13, 03:47 Reply

    Ruk is loosing most of important part of her life her chilhood friend. Yesterday inwhole episode jalal was pissed on ruk and he have not a one ounce faith on ruk.

    In the greed of audha ruk is loosing her precious thing which she always claimed jalal friendship. Its look like there is blind fold on ruk eyes that she does not want to see how hie friend , his husband now behaving with him. Jalal has alredy warned him in begining of jodha’spregenancy that if she will do anything wrong he will never forgive her. Jis chiz ke liye mana kiya tha wo usi ko kar rahi hai which make jalal much more furious on him.
    These days i am liking jalal so much . The way he is handle situation , and the way he is handle ruk it is worth watching. He has whole doubted on ruk that she has some evil plan in her mind and even he tried to understand to jodha also but cannot understand her. Jalal and ruk scene was awesome.

    The way he gave back to ruk to give another farman and said if ever she will not take care child he will take back the child from her and give back to jodha.

    Now after days jalal eye will be on ruk and one mistake every plan of ruk will end there. Now my only hope before the birth of children this matter will solve out

  9. Pialy
    September 13, 03:42 Reply

    I was surprised to see Jalal forcing Ruks to read the Farman and demanding her to add the information that

    she missed deliberately.

    He was today being a Protective father cum husband to JOdha and her twins. Jalal was just perfect today.

    Ruks in her thirst for power, has failed miserably in the eyes of Jalal.

    Even SB and HB were shocked with Ruks demand in DEK.

    I am just waiting for that big day to come where I get to see Ruks humiliation. Hope it comes soon.

    I would have loved to see this first.

    Jodha was just being Jodha.

    I could not get angry with her as her intentions were good and just like Jalal said she finds happiness in others happiness.

    I do hope with Ruks exposure we would get to see a shrewder Jodha. When Ruks has fallen in front of everyone’s eyes where Jo just gained more respect. Ruks she may be thinking that she has fooled Jodha but we all know what is awaiting RUks.

  10. Pialy
    September 13, 03:23 Reply

    whatever ruks does for the baby doesn’t matter ,

    coz the moment she tries to make this baby the heir ,

    Jalal will get the whole picture .

    I feel Jalal is already doubtful about her motive ,

    if Ruku start working on her plan , it’ll be last nail on the

    coffin of her n jalal relationship . She’s in such blind greed

    of audha , she can’t see how low she’s stooping & where is it

    taking her . Sad , even after seeing MA’s example her eyes didn’t open

  11. Pialy
    September 13, 03:13 Reply

    ruku is playing her dirty tricks again and again

    just because she was never punished and always forgiven, .

    After her horrible pathetic fake pregnancy exposure,

    she deserved a severe punishment to plot further.

    Now she will definitely be after jo and her child’s life.

    Chiii …A disgrace in the name of mughal queen and friendship.

    She never loved jallu or else she couldn’t snatch his baby from him. Chiii ruku

  12. Pialy
    September 13, 03:07 Reply

    ruku is so cheap n disgusting…

    hukka has alredy made many holes in her peanut sized brain… LOL

  13. Pialy
    September 13, 03:02 Reply

    If yesterday she was looking happy,

    I can still understand… And I will tell you why…

    Jalal has seen Jodha’s love for kids…

    The other day in his self-talk (when he entered her hojra and saw her singing lori for BB’s baby)..

    .he said that jab Jodha begum dusro ke baccho ko itna pyaar karti hai to apne bacche ko kaise baat sakti hai.

    kind of line…That is the TRUTH…

    He knows she will be terribly hurting

    if she parts with her child and she is the not kind to show it to him…

    But Jodha being Jodha did exactly that…

    she showcased a brave, happy face in front of all including

    Jalal because keeping a sad face and giving her baby is only

    going to make Jalal all the more angry towards Ruku …

    Jodha is not the one to fuel fire anytime …

    she will only wish to see her husband happy …

    She will not be a hurdle in his decision making

    but will only make it easy for him…

    So her content face was ok yesterday…

    BUT that does not mean she wont be crying inside…

    She is not hurt while making this decision…

    She wont be pained…Why don’t CVs show her sadness????…

    Maybe Moti and Jodha talk. or Jodha self-talk…

    or Jodha talking to her babies in womb…or

    Jodha taking to Kahna…Is it asking for too much??????…

    Why the hurry????…Hope in the ME today we get something or

    I will be terribly disappointed

    if they shift gears to MA now, without considering Jodha’s feelings.

  14. Pialy
    September 13, 02:49 Reply

    Jodha is the lead character of the show…

    She is a fiery, strong, nek-dil and soft-hearted girl…

    She is also very guarded

    when it comes to showing her emotions or feelings in the open…

    And on top of that less self-talks…

    And that is why maximum times we keep on decoding her

    expressions due to faltu dialogues and less self-talks…

    My question to the CVs is when as a soft-hearted girl

    she can feel other’s pain, loves other’s kids —

    Rahim or BB’s child,

    would she not look forward to her own kids with anticipation…

    the kids that are from her beloved Shahenshah…???…

    Even when she was singing lori to BB’s child the other day,

    they showed her keeping her hand on her tummy—

    suggesting that the lori is for her babies too…

    Jab itna pyaar hai, then why CVs are failing to show her pain when she is making this difficult decision…

  15. Pialy
    September 13, 02:45 Reply

    It looks funny to me bcz the one who i e jodha is having big heart is looking like heartless in this track…

    Well done cvs…

    U r least bothered abt portrayal of jodha character…

    Is there any reason for u ppl to hate jodha character ??

    I want to fireoff jodha dialogue writers… Such pathetic dialgues…

    Nothing is gng good with jodha these days…

    Starting with her portrayal dialgues screenspace evrythng doesn’t look lik she is main lead…

    Jodha portrayal as heartless mother and

    pathetic dialgues

    • mahann
      September 13, 03:07

      never see heartless mother to be like Jodhar.

      Cv`s why this!!!!!!!!!

  16. Pialy
    September 13, 02:38 Reply

    Farrmaans are all the rage these days

    My heart did many turns when Jalal just accepted Ruqs reading of the farmaan she wrote.

    He has the guts to take her at her word. Courting danger LOL.
    And really giving Ruqs plenty of rope to hang herself with soon.

  17. Pialy
    September 13, 02:29 Reply

    Kya Shah Rukh, kya Salmaan, ye aaya farmaan…LOL

  18. shree
    September 13, 00:16 Reply

    I hv one doubt Ruks feel for child so jo gv her child to her to make her happy…incase she want to jo go away frm jalal she ‘ll do dat also ah?????? Stupid jo some kindness need for life nt tis much….

  19. Samantha Dookie
    September 12, 21:10 Reply

    Hmmm jus really hoping maham curse don t come true can t bear to see jala in so much pain he is jus losing everyone he loves

  20. twinkle
    September 12, 21:06 Reply

    i think jodha akbar trp will be low this week
    the episodes were not that entertaining

  21. twinkle
    September 12, 21:05 Reply

    maham anga will die tomorrow
    she will praise jodha as the best wife before she takes her final breath

  22. twinkle
    September 12, 21:03 Reply

    nice slap from cheapy father

    • shree
      September 13, 00:17

      Bt I want to slap cheapy father …he also danger…

  23. twinkle
    September 12, 20:51 Reply

    jodha why did you even go to maham? did jalal give permission? im sure he didnt
    for once can’t jodha listen to jalal. i think she has too much freedom

  24. twinkle
    September 12, 20:48 Reply

    jalal want to make sure his child is safe, something jodha should be doing. good job jalal

  25. twinkle
    September 12, 20:46 Reply

    i don’t trust BEK, jalal should have asked HB to check what BEK wrote
    i think she wrote her own thing and read what he wanted to hear

    • shree
      September 13, 00:21

      I hope Ruks dnt do like Sat…Bcoz she know abt jalal very well…he did anything wrong jalal ‘ll kill her…so she wnt

  26. twinkle
    September 12, 20:43 Reply

    nice episodei am really glad akbar didnt fall for BEK and he had her write that agreement
    jodha i have nothing to say, she disappointed me today

    • Priyanka
      September 13, 00:10

      You also love ONE DIRECTION? I LOVE THEM TOO. My favorite is LOUIS TOMLINSON love him so much!! <3<3<3

  27. shree
    September 12, 15:26 Reply

    Jalal today look more handsome..I like u jalal…

    • twinkle
      September 12, 20:53

      handsome jalal love him
      but i dont like when jodha causes him pain

    • shree
      September 13, 00:13

      Ya ….she gvg pain…jalal hw to bear his child death…jalal s great father…hw he think abt his childffuture nd security…bt jodha??????? I can’t say….

  28. @ngel
    September 12, 15:08 Reply

    its been a while and there’s no new villain
    i’m a bit shocked….

  29. savya
    September 12, 14:57 Reply

    i dont like dis show…… yyyeeeaakkkk

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