1. Kadeisha
    July 07, 11:03 Reply

    Good morning members of the forum,

    A woman can get pregnant from first time sex – I did with my first son.

    Please, that is possible ask any medical person and they will tell you.

    How is it women who are raped once get pregnant?

  2. pridhi
    July 07, 06:32 Reply

    Y ja not there in this promo? ??
    I wanted 2 see his expression on this splendid news!
    Or is it dat dis news will b hidden frm ja due 2 war???
    I’m confuuuuuuuused
    can some1 clear my confusion plzzzzz? ?
    I know until dis episode is telecasted nobody would know truth but still any guesses…..
    However the best & the most joyful promo of jodha akbar! !! 😀

    • shiny
      July 07, 12:21

      u r right this will be hidden from ja due to war

  3. seriallover
    July 07, 03:52 Reply

    Guys now how will jodha fight with shehnaz in war field??

  4. Raiza
    July 07, 03:49 Reply

    Haha guys angel ,mahan and sanvi funny.but in mb raja just raped madhu once and she got pregnant,he nver touched her b4 or after.one time s enough fr being pregnant.hahaha.

  5. jnkp2519
    July 07, 03:36 Reply

    It was nice to hear the Akbar will be a Dad.n Joshua will be a Mum

    • jnkp2519
      July 07, 03:37

      Sorry I meant Jodha ( not Joshua)

  6. puja
    July 06, 11:53 Reply

    can any give her you tube promo address

  7. meetisree
    July 06, 05:13 Reply

    i am sure jodha wil hide it as jala is in tension of the war

  8. sidra-tvsoapaddict
    July 05, 22:37 Reply

    Yayyyyy… finally some good news after the bunch of enemies jalal was facing!!

  9. nida
    July 05, 12:20 Reply

    very happy for jodha jalal

  10. piamukherjee
    July 05, 11:55 Reply

    Can anyone give me the YouTube link… I can’t see the promo

  11. ummi
    July 05, 11:09 Reply

    This is a very wonderful news,i’m so happy for jodha, cant wait for jalal to find out,after all the tears and disappointment,his prayers have been answered.

  12. puja
    July 05, 10:14 Reply

    its awesome news and I am very happy to hear this news so sweeeeeeeeet.

  13. angel
    July 05, 09:35 Reply

    thanx for the WU translator

    for mahann if visit the page, just want to say, it looks like you were right, we are going to have that pregnancy from air space after all


    • §àñvì
      July 05, 10:15

      Angele 1 clarification, that woman get consumates on her infertile day, means 14 r 15 once consummation is enough 4 pregnancy to accur.probably cv’s including this logic here that’s ll.

    • angel
      July 05, 12:54

      @sanvi i agree with you no doubt
      the comment was just pure fun nothing else….lol

      i’m happy for them that she’s pregnant

      but i still stand on my grounds, war first

    • mahann
      July 05, 13:47

      Welcome to the world of alien,they met once!!!!!!!!!!!! so where the pregnancy coming from.

      We never see Jalal teasing Jodhar about their second closeness.

      I hate to watch something making viewers imagining that is closeness is happening.

      The CV`s show us Jalal teasing Jodhar one more time.

    • mahann
      July 05, 14:37

      @sanvi you may be right.

      I still doubt the pregnacy which is created from the airspace.I would tell you why?

      The other episodes Jalal has been complaining and asking Jodhar to spend sometimes with him,but she has been jumping around like butterfly or a pigeons refusing to be with him.

      I will give you examples,

      On 28/06/14 Jalal said to Jodhat … then tell me how to love,….., I want to show love but not to force it on you…”

      On 20/06/14 when Jodha went into Jalal`s room that night,Jalal said to Jodhar
      1-“…. then why don’t you spend time with me these days, you don’t like me? ……..
      ….you know I have announced this meena bazar only to spend time with my “wife”,….(Jodhar) not “Wives”

      2-…Jalal said “then stay with me tonight, Jodha sid no I have to prepare for meena bazar, ….”

      i am totally confused.

    • §àñvì
      July 06, 00:44

      @angle n mahaan I agree with u both.lol but I just gave answer. .btw u r correct here jodha became pregnant through air space:lol:

  14. Translator
    July 05, 09:22 Reply

    Jodha comes running to Kanha, dances and says today is happiest day for her. Now there will be child’s kilkariya or sound in that palace. Shahenshah I am going to give you your warish (a child), says jodha.

    • Translator
      July 05, 09:23

      Jalal not there btw she just says all to herself

  15. meetisree
    July 05, 09:16 Reply

    yep i too want a wu
    the thing i heard is jodha wil dance in happiness infornt of kanha that she is pregnant

  16. quiker
    July 05, 08:33 Reply

    can anyone have written update of this…..?

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