Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon 2 20th February 2015 Written Update

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Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon 2 20th February 2015 Written Update by Amena

Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon 2 20th February 2015 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Poornima admiring her dress and saying she will look the best in the party. She shouts seeing cockroach and Shlok comes to her. He scares her more by putting more cockroaches. Poornima shouts and runs out. Ahilya and Indrajeet come and ask whats the matter. Poornima says about cockroach in her room. Ahlya asks Ballu how did cockroach came in her room. Shlok says its not just in her room, its everywhere in house, we must get the pest control done. Ahilya asks him to make the arrangements for it. He leaves.

Poornima says she will sleep with Ahilya today in her room. Ahilya looks worried and Indrajeet asks her whats the matter. Ahilya tells about Kavita, the pest control will be done in all rooms, but what about her room, she has locked herself in her room. They all sit for dinner and Astha says Ballu has called the pest control guys and we need to vacate the house tomorrow. Ballu asks them to get up early and Poornima opposes it. Shlok says we don’t have any option, we have to get up early and vacate house, they will do the work in 4 hours. Poornima says she will stay in any hotel.

Astha says fine I will book a hotel. Indrajeet says thanks, but Ahilya and I will be here, there is imp thing at home. Astha thinks how will they find POA if Shlok goes, she can see her plan flopping. She says there is another order, we can spend the day in lawn. She says it will be picnic for kids and the kids agree happily. Poornima says its such a bad idea, we have money, we can go out too for picnic. Indrajeet says its not about money, I think its not a bad idea, we can celebrate picnic in garden. Ahilya says yes, even I liked the idea. Astha says Shontu and I will make the setup and Ballu will make the food.

Shlok asks the kids to hurry up, as they have to sleep. Shantanu asks him to play with them. Shlok agrees and takes them to room. Its morning, the family spends time in the lawn. The kids play and Rashmi gets disturbed by cricket. Astha smiles and says lets play basketball. The kids enjoy with her and Indrajeet smiles seeing her. Ahilya notices his smile and stare at Sapna. Mishti gets hurt and Astha cares for her. She beats the floor for hurting Mishti. Indrajeet and Ahilya smile.

Astha sees Indrajeet looking at her and asks him to have the juice. She says she got all the files, he can ask for more, as they can’t go one pest control starts. He says not needed. She goes to Shlok and asks for water. She tells him that we have to find POA today. Shlok thinks he has to help Astha. Astha instructs the pest control guys and thinks Ahilya asked them not to do pest control in Niranjan’s room, and maybe POA is there.

Poornima asks for water. Shlok gives her the glass and she scolds him to properly serve her by bringing the glass in tray. He does so and she reminds him that he works in big house. Indrajeet and Ahilya look on. Ahilya asks Shontu about Sapna. He says she went inside the house. Astha goes to Kavita’s room.

Astha sees the lady praying to Lord. Ahilya comes and talks to Astha. She scolds her and asks her not to come again in this room. Ahilya asks Kavita till when will she keep herself locked in the room. Kavita says she does not have anything to do with the world and she does not want to meet anyone. Ahilya says I got you here to come out of your past by facing it.

Kavita says how to explain you Aai, I can’t forget my past. She says I just want to be here. Ahilya says the one who darkened your past that you are limiting to put light on your present, I will not forgive that man who cheated my daughter, I felt I can lessen your pain and take revenge from Niranjan, I will still do this, this is my promise. She leaves.

Astha gets some files and bumps into Ahilya. She says sorry. Ahilya is shocked seeing it has Niranjan’s newspaper cutting. Shlok comes and sees it.

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  1. viji
    February 22, 03:02 Reply

    Good epi,interesting

  2. manik
    February 20, 10:10 Reply

    Any spoilers guzs??????

  3. madumitha
    February 20, 09:25 Reply

    i cann’t wait to see tomorrow episode

  4. jini3
    February 20, 08:03 Reply

    Nice episode,interesting precap,really scared

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