Ishqbaaz 9th April 2018 Written Update

Ishqbaaz 9th April 2018 Written Update by Amena

Ishqbaaz 9th April 2018 Written Episode

Shivaye says you are murderers…… Shakti says no Shivaye, you are mistaken. Jhanvi says we haven’t done anything. Tej says let us explain ourselves once. Shivaye says I have seen it by my own eyes, hadn’t I seen this, I would have not believed it, I fought with time, world and myself for you all, I was proud of you all and believed you more than Lord, but now I m ashamed, just a sec, if you have killed Mr. Kapoor, it means you have set the mills on fire, you killed many innocent lives. Pinky says don’t say this, this isn’t true, I swear we didn’t kill him, this is half truth, we don’t know the entire truth. Rudra asks did Shivaye go for business meeting at this time. Anika says he has come, now I will show him. She takes a glass of water and says come Shivaye, cheers. She throws water.

Om and Gauri come. Water falls on Om. He laughs and asks did I do anything wrong. Anika says no, you look good, sorry I felt…. Bhavya says that its Shivaye. Rudra says welcome to the club. Shivaye says I don’t want to listen anything, you all kept lying to me, if you were not involved, you wouldn’t be digging out Mr. Kapoor’s body, how shall I believe you now.
Shakti says listen to us before you take a decision. Tej says that night, Mr. Kapoor called us here, when we reached here, we saw he was already dead, when police didn’t get his dead body, we thought to keep quiet. Shivaye says it means you had hid the truth. Tej says we had no option, we couldn’t prove our innocent, we would have been blamed for setting Kalyani mills on fire, we would have gone to jail. Shakti says so we kept quiet. Pinky says I can’t false swear on you, I swear on you, we haven’t kill Mr. Kapoor, we didn’t set the mill on fire. Shivaye says I agree but….

Gauri says maybe Anika is angry. Rudra signs them and says Shivaye went for business meeting. Om asks what, who is such client. Anika says some foreigner. Gauri asks is it any female client. Anika says I didn’t ask. Om says but Shivaye didn’t tell you. Rudra says its such romantic weather. Bhavya says does anyone attend meeting in such weather. Gauri says its wrong. Rudra asks did he say where is he going. Anika says he went to office. They laugh. Om says you are so cute, office is closed, everyone would be left. Bhavya says he would have gone to hotel. They say he is at hotel in the middle of the night, in such romantic weather, that too with foreigner, without informing Anika. Anika worries.

Shakti, Tej and Jhanvi also swear on Shivomru. Jhanvi says trust me, we haven’t done anything. Roop comes and claps. She says wow, its easy to make false promises and prove yourself innocent, I wanted to show your truth to Shivaye. Gauri says I sense something fishy. Anika says even I feel the same, what should I do. Om says I will tell you, call Billu. Gauri says yes, sound serious and ask with whom is he there. Bhavya says ask when will he come back. Rudra says ask him is he coming or if he wishes to stay back. Om says yes, call Billu. Anika calls Shivaye. He disconnects. Roop says see Shivaye, they got caught red-handed and is false swearing. Tej asks what rubbish are you saying. She says I m saying the truth, the complete truth is I had seen them killing and burying Mr. Kapoor. They call Roop a liar and scold her. Roop says fine, I m lying, are these pics also lying. They get shocked seeing pics, where they are seen with Mr. Kapoor’s dead body. Roop says you have learnt the truth now. Anika says his phone is switched off, there is surely some problem. Om says I will try once. He calls and says switched off, this never happens, Shivaye never turns off his phone, this can’t happen that he doesn’t answer our calls. Rudra says sorry we were kidding, we didn’t know matter is serious. Gauri says maybe his battery is drained, everything will be fine, don’t worry.

Tej asks how did you get these photos, it means you did all this, you clicked these pics to trap us, I will kill you, you are a stain on sister’s name. Pinky scolds her for cheating family. Roop says I condemn such a family, for whom fake prestige is imp than a daughter’s happiness, you didn’t even give my share, you made me stay away from my child, if I was the one at fault, why was my son Veer punished. Pinky asks is Veer your son. Roop says yes, Veer is my son. They get shocked. Roop says he didn’t get mother’s love, because of you all and your fake dignity, I cried for him for years, when I got him now, you have sent him to jail, I will not spare anyone of you, I will surely avenge you for this. Shivaye says wait a min, Veer went to jail because of his deeds, because of you, if you didn’t poison his mind against us, you wouldn’t have faced this day, you forgot that truth can’t be hidden, but can’t be changed, I m so glad that you called me here and cleared my doubts, I understood my family is saying truth, we can challenge the pics’ credibility in the court.

Roop says no matter what you do, I will prove they murdered Mr. Kapoor, I have clicked their photos even today. She shows the pics in phone and says court will ask them, why did they dig out the dead body if they didn’t kill him. Jhanvi says we haven’t killed him. Roop says you know this, I know this, why will court believe this, imagine the breaking news, Oberois are the murderers of Mr. Kapoor, it will be proved that you all had set the mill on fire, you ruined my life, its my turn now. She leaves.

Shivaye says its clear, you all didn’t kill him, who killed him. Shakti says maybe the one who had set the factory on fire. Tej says we tried to find out that time, but didn’t know anything. Shivaye says try to recollect something. Tej says it was our company’s foreman, what was his name. Shivaye says I read about the same, its quite late, go home, I will come. They leave. He calls Khanna and says I was info about foreman Harshvardhan, just get on it. He says if we know about Harsh, we will know much more. Roop looks on and says this is what I want, that you get to know about Harsh, this link will break Anika and your relation, Harsh is Anika’s dad, poor Shivaye, what will you do when you will learn Harsh is Anika’s dad, that Harsh has killed Mr. Kapoor and set the mills on fire, what will Anika go through knowing this, its going to be fun.

Its morning, Anika wakes up and calls out Shivaye. She says he didn’t come yet, he didn’t call or message. She goes to check room. She says he is not here either, it means he didn’t come back yet. She calls him. She says its switched off, where is he. Khanna comes to Shivaye. Shivaye says I told you, I want info about Harsh. Khanna says Shukla gave me this file, it contains info about entire staff. Shivaye says its just employment record, I want all personal details, address, family… Khanna says Shukla told me this would have addresses too. Shivaye gets an address. Khanna says its been many years, I don’t think someone resides there. Shivaye says but still I may get some clue there.

Shivaye asks Tia to please tell him, is Anika really Harsh’s daughter, please tell me, its imp for me to know this. Tia nods and says you are right Shivaye, Harsh is Anika’s dad.

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