Half Marriage 6th December 2017 Written Update

Half Marriage 6th December 2017 Written Update by H_Hasan

Half Marriage 6th December 2017 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Sulochana asking Arjun where did he go? Arjun says he went with Mannu. Sulochana says why you will tell me. Baiju says gas is finished. Sulochana asks him to use new cylinder. Baiju says he forgot to book. Chandani asks her to call and get a cylinder. Sulochana says this is not rich guy’s house where anything can get with a phone call. Reva says we can use Chula to cook food and says we will have picnic too. Janki says it is good. Reva takes Chandani to terrace. Arjun signs sorry to Chandani holding his ears. He tells Mannu that he needs Chandani’s forgiveness. Mannu hopes Arjun’s condition don’t happen to be like of the hero of meri hanikarak biwi. He promotes the show. Everyone gather on the terrace and plays radio. They dance on the song ek dusre se…..Reva tells

Chandani that when they were children, they used to ask for pizza and their mum used to tell them that they can’t afford to buy pizza and that’s why she used to make pizza for them. She makes Chandani taste it. Chandani smiles. Chandani talks to Saheb ji and he informs her that he has invited Arjun and his family for party, but be refused him.
Arjun comes infront of her and apologizes. Chandani asks him to go to hell. She asks if Saheb ji invited them and he refused. Arjun says yes and asks why is she upset with him. Chandani says it was my mistake that I got down from the bus and took lift from those guys without thinking. She says she is not upset with him for that, but she is upset as his ego hurts her. She says you don’t think me as human, but just only Saheb ji’s daughter.

She tells that she loves her papa very much and is far better than him. She asks what you can do for others. She says you lives for yourself and says if you attend corrupt politician party then your values will be hurt. She tells that your siddhant/values is coming inbetween him and his families. She says today gas finished at home and your mum made pizza on Chula. She says you can’t fulfill their financial needs because of your values and runs after from responsibility. She says you have to step in the gutter to clean corruption, and it can’t be clean with words. She says your family have many hopes with you and what you do, resigned the job and sitting at home. Arjun’s ego gets hurt with her words. Mannu comes there and asks Chandani what happened? Chandani excuses herself. Arjun asks him to leave him alone. Mannu thinks both are angry.

Arjun thinks about Chandani’s words and gets thinking. He comes to the company and tells that he is MBA. Manager says are you the same Arjun Sharma who have done drama and accused Saheb ji. Arjun gets tensed. Chandani gets worried about Arjun and thinks she said so much to him. Manager tells Arjun that nobody will give you job as you can’t work for more than 5 days. Arjun says I was immature then, but now I realized that job is needed to me. He asks him to give him a chance. Manager asks him to leave and then says why do you need a job, as you are saheb ji’s son in law. Arjun says I felt I shall do a job and says you will not understand. he thinks how to go home now. Chandani is worried for Arjun and thinks if she shall call.

Arjun goes to many companies, but he is rejected everywhere. Mannu takes him to a saree shop and he gets temporary job as a salesman for 2 months. He tells Chandani about the same. Later Arjun’s hand gets hurt with the candle flame and Chandani gets concerned and cares for him.

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