Gustakh Dil 8th July 2014 Written Update

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Gustakh Dil 8th July 2014 Written Update by Amena

Gustakh Dil 8th July 2014 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Barkha meeting Ratri and Kabir. Ratri says we won because of her. Kabir asks you are Sagar’s friend and still helped us, thanks. Barkha says Ratri is smart, I do whatever I believe. Kabir says I mean now you are with us, so we will win. Ratri says if there is no competition, why to worry. Kabir says Sagar backed out of this competition, his sponsors are angry, so please talk to them about Ratri. Barkha says I will try. He thanks her. She says but Kabir, you both have to promise me that till this competition ends, you will do as I want, as Sagar can change his decision again, I just want Trishna to lose. Kabir says I can assure you this. Ratri says don’t worry, she is gone and will not cpme back. Barkha thinks you fools, you don’t know her, she is adamant and can get back.

Its morning, Nani and Lajjo come to the police station. Lajj says I can’t do this. Nani says we don’t have any other way, we have to stop Ratri. Lajjo says we can’t fall low like Ratri, I can’t do wrong. Nani says why did Ratri do this with you then we are not doing wrong, but make her wrong right. A man comes and tells Nani that work will be done, but there is a problem. He says SP is coming today. He says he is taking me, so who will give the file. Nani says I want the file now.

The man tries to find the file. He gets it but SP calls her. He goes as SP is angry. He asks NAni to look for the file, as he can’t help them. Nani and Lajjo look for the file. Lajjo asks Nani to keep the man busy and she will do the work. Nani goes to talk to him and makes him busy, Lajjo looks for Ratri’s documents. Nani calls her son and becomes her mum. The man is happy. A constable comes and asks Lajjo what is she doing here. She is shocked.

Sagar is in problem as he has personal loan and bank is refused to give any loan again. Sagar says I m sure Kabir is behind this, so manager is not listening to me. He says its the same thing again, there has to be some way out, but how to tackle this problem. Lajjo and Nani look at each other. Nani acts like she is getting heart attack and falls. The constable runs to Nani. Lajjo takes Ratri’s papers and says I know to treat her and does the dram together. Lajjo signs she got the papers and Nani smiles. She gets fine. They leave from there.

Ratri is with Kabir and is overconfident. Kabir says he is predicting that Trishna can still compete. Lajjo comes to meet them and they are shocked. Ratri asks what is she doing here. Kabir and Ratri make fun of her and says its good you are not participating. Lajjo says yes, I had to back out by what Ratrri did with me. She says she will teach them what is right and whats wrong. Kabir gets angry. Lajjo says your game will turn to you, and shows Ratri the legal documents against her, saying I brought a gift for you. Ratri is shocked.

Lajjo says this is not fake like the pics you took, its genuine. Its Ratri’s crime report and Lajjo asks Kabir to know about Ratri’s past first. Kabir sees the crime report and is shocked as he was not aware of this. Lajjo says this will be headlines of all newspapers. Kabir asks what does she want now. Lajjo says a chance, I will compete with Ratri in the competition. If Police opens the case, then Kabir and Ratri will lose their reputation. Ratri tears the papers. Lajjo smiles and says I have many, take this and tear too.

Kabir has to agree. Lajjo asks Ratri not to use those pics and promises she will keep her secret. She asks Ratri to delete the pics. Kabir gives the phone to Lajjo and she asks Ratri to type password first. She deletes the pics. Kabir says I know one thing, you and Sagar will lose. He challenges Lajjo and says you can’t fail Ratri, you will be insulted by Ratri after losing. Kabir says no papers can make Ratri lose, I know we will win. Lajjo says time will decide that. She looks at Ratri.

Nikhil s caught by the raid officers. He gets tensed as they check his suitcase.

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  1. cam
    July 08, 18:18 Reply

    I’m sorry nikhil but I really hope you have to go to trial
    and all in the news paper 😆
    just to embarrassed barkha
    first you in jail 😀
    and then ayesha madly in love with
    a pauper this
    can’t get better ……….or maybe it can
    lajjo becoming a famous star
    and keep loving and helping nikhil 😀
    the press asking her are you married to that thief 😆

  2. cam
    July 08, 18:14 Reply

    I hope nani helps SK with that loan
    she is also wealthy and has connections 😛
    this is becoming m,ore and more interesting

  3. cam
    July 08, 18:12 Reply

    go nani go nani go nani….yeeeeeeeees
    I’m so glad nani is helping lajjo 😀
    omg …. ratri this is in your face for being such a B#### 😆
    lajjo keep up the good work you can do it 😉

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