Gustakh Dil 13th January 2014 Written Update

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Gustakh Dil 13th January 2014 Written Update by Desigirl

Gustakh Dil 13th January 2014 Written Episode

The episode starts of with Nikhil apologizing to Ishaana as he had to cancel their Goa trip to go to the resort with Laajo. Ishaana is very sad and starts crying when her mom comes in and asks the reason. When Ishaana tells her everything her mom is surprised as to why Ishaana has become like that and tells her that she has not been behaving nicely with Laajo also. Aditi also says that she feels she is losing her daughter and wishes for her old Ishaana to be back.

In the evening Gunjan and Chayya are helping Laajo with her packing. Laajo asks Gunjan what is a resort and what all happens there. Gunjan tells her that this resort is very nice, its peaceful with lots of restaurants and dance also happens there. Laajo on hearing the word dance requests Gunja to teach her about the western style of dancing. After a lot of hesitation she finally agrees and they both, Nikhil sees them dancing and laughs. Both Gunja and Laajo feel embarrassed and stop, he teases Laajo that she cannot learn dancing so quickly. Laajo retaliates and says that she can and asks him to leave, Gunjan gets an idea that Nikhil should teach Laajo to dance. Nikhil after a lot of convincing agrees they both dance and feel awkard.

The next moring, Veer and Trisha are waiting Nikhil sees Laajo coming down the stairs with her suitcase he offers to take it but she refuses by saying that she can carry this much weight. Veer makes fun of his wife’s suitcases and remarks that every suitcase contains designer shoes, bags, clothes etc. Veer also tells Nikhil that he is so lucky that his wife has only one suitcase. All of them laugh at Veer’s joke and they leave.

They arrive at the resort and they are greeted with warm towels, Laajo is surprised at this and takes one slowly and rubs her face, while doing so her bindi is shifted. Nikhil feels embarrassed and after two trials shifts her bindi back to its proper place. The bellboys come to collect their luggage however, Laajo refuses saying that they can carry their own luggage. Veer and Trisha are smiling and Laajo tells them these coolies are there in Sonbarsa also and at first they carry the luggage and then they ask for more money. Veer explains that they are not like that they carry the luggage and do not take money also.

Ishaana is angry and throws her phone but Kunal comes and catches it and asks the reason for this anger (This Kunal literally lives in her house). Ishaana recounts the whole story and Kunal reminds her of an old college trip, they both laugh and have a good time recalling old stories. Aditi comes in and is happy to see her daughter laughing, she invites Kunal and his father to dinner tomorrow.

In their room, Laajo is looking at everything with interest Nikhil comes and explains her about the different remotes and electric kettle. He tells her that he does not want to be humiliated so if she finds anything odd in the resort she should tell him instead of saying anything. he tells to get ready as they have to go for dinner. Laajo is not able to open her suitcase Nikhil offers to help but she refuses. After he leaves Laajo takes a sweater from Nikhil’s suitcase and finds Ishaana’s photo.

Precap- They all are playing tennis 0r badminton , Laajo falls down and she is in a dilemma as her saree has opened.

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  1. Pḣöëṉịẍ
    January 13, 19:08 Reply

    I should let you rest Cam , it’s late by you now .
    I won’t want your business to suffer . . 😀 . ..

    • cam
      January 13, 19:11

      the 2 am didn’t come yet 😉

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 13, 19:13

      Ok. . . By me it’s only 8:13 pm . .
      I wonder where Lucy was today ?

    • cam
      January 13, 19:20

      me too… 🙁 I think she had …acording to what she wrote the 10th GD looks like she had a moody day
      a little sad..i mean its not even a month since her aunt passed away and they had a good relationship
      personally I thought she was quite long here on dtb
      never thought she might be everyday she is a nice young smart girl

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 13, 19:24

      10 th GD page . . I didn’t check there 😐 . .
      I thought you meant the 10 th TP page . .

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 13, 19:29

      Hmmmm , now I see . . But like you say , it hasn’t been too long since . .
      It will happen that way , the grief does grip us . . She just has to take those emotions as they come and she knows that we are always there for her . . I’ll try to be here in case she comes in your morning time . …

    • cam
      January 13, 19:33

      yes . think thats what she read and felt..somehow…i dont know

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 13, 19:34

      Great moves in that video 🙂 . .
      Looks more fun than bending over 😀 .. .

    • cam
      January 13, 19:36

      okay sweety pie sugar honey sweetheart …omg
      this is really ur and boss’s thing….yak yak :: 😀 😀
      love you darling, and remember that i love you too
      sweetest dreams and till we meet 😉 🙂 😛 😀 😀 😆 😆

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 13, 19:37

      The problem is that I use my I pad and some links don’t open because it’s is considered a mobile . .. Also Apple software censors a lot of links .
      I’ll try to search it . .,was it about politics ? I found some lyrics . ..
      Also found a song called , ” Can’t fake it “

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 13, 19:39

      Hahaha 😀 . .
      Aww , I miss Boss .. .
      Give me that scarf please 🙁 . .
      I L❤️VE you too , sweet dreams and good night . . 🙂 . . ..

    • cam
      January 13, 19:40

      yes and mick jagger I cant take (fake 😀 ) it no more

  2. Pḣöëṉịẍ
    January 13, 18:18 Reply

    You fainted ???
    I didn’t mean to mention the Frog , the Frog , the frog . . Being eaten alive 😀 . ..

    • cam
      January 13, 18:23

      no I know you love me dearly
      you messi messi messi girl 😀 from real

    • cam
      January 13, 18:24

      I mean we have the french fries ….what do you have??

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 13, 18:26

      😀 . . Today Messi won’t bother me , because he lost !!
      Ronaldo got the Ballon D’or 😀 . .
      You should have seen Messi’s suit , did you see it . .?

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 13, 18:27

      Hmmmm , we have steel pan . . Our people know how to beat stuff . .you guyz know how to chop things , potatoes , heads .. . 😛 😛 . ..

    • cam
      January 13, 18:33

      hhhmmmmmm…..yep ur ryt…
      okay now how do you describe urself
      a bend over hitting the steel pan while eating callaloo
      or was that a jamaican dish?? 🙁

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 13, 18:36

      Well I bend over only when I lose my keys you see 😀 . .
      As for Callao , bleck !! It’s a local dish but , bleck !!
      I’m not Jamaican , I’m Trinidadian 😀 . .
      Also the few time that I hit my head bending over , the doctor said that I’ll be just fine after the bump heald 😀 😀

    • cam
      January 13, 18:41

      yes i knew that but thought the dish was jamaican
      u with a doc..and ur still ok….drew … believe me the doc …huh huh nope dont trust him/her

      or does she also do the bend over thing

      what a stupid Q u all are t&t so yes that runs in ur blood huh 😀 hey maybe u can learn me that one …but can u do nr 17….that waas something 😀 😀 😀

    • cam
      January 13, 18:43

      hey but how often do you loose ur key 😀 or maybe u do that on purpose…. ;-(

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 13, 18:46

      About the doc. he’s perfectly trained . .
      He looks in his crystal ball and tells me , all will be fine and then he gives me a bush bath 😀 . .
      You should look that up , the bush bath part 😀 . .
      What’s number 17 ? 😐

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 13, 18:50

      Bush Bath – A mixture of the extract of certain bushes which is added to the bath water in order to stop a period of bad luck or to reverse a sickness

      I recommend you get one if business ever slows down for you 😛 . .
      Or you could offer it as a sideline business 😀

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 13, 18:53

      Most times Neymar dives . ..
      He’s cute , but I expected better from him as a player . ..
      The idiot had to sign with Barca . . Real had interest in him . ..
      That chipmunk has a right to be shocked , even I feel that way seeing his antics 😀 😀 . . .

    • cam
      January 13, 18:56

      business slow down…..this business never slow down
      we dont know crisis.. :-)….and people need to relax! 😉

    • cam
      January 13, 18:57

      u need a man….no player but a real man 😉

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 13, 19:02

      That’s the spirit !! You already have a tag line 😀 . .

      Busy or not you can take a bath at Cam’s store
      You will get so much more
      Than just your average entertainment
      You’ll even get fresh froggy refreshment 😀 . .

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 13, 19:03

      Hahahaha 🙂 . .
      There is the guy I went out with for New Years 😀 . .
      He’s really nice .. . But I’m moving slow , slow , slowly 😀 . ..

    • cam
      January 13, 19:08

      not tooooooo slow, u might fall asleep 😀 😀
      I see you bend over ..and fall asleep..just like that
      keep up keep up no time to sleep now 🙁
      but ur ryt dear take things one step at a time
      thats good for you, nothing serious huh 😉

    • cam
      January 13, 19:10

      ur my goeroe girl…come over with ur cristal ball
      love potion and make ur brewage with all the things u find in the bush,,,and see how lonely you will end 😀

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 13, 19:10

      He’s so sweet , kinda handsome too . . A bit skinny but he works out .
      He’s wearing down my defences 🙂

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 13, 19:11

      So the love potion won’t work huh ????
      Darn it !! I will have to throw out the last batch I made 😀 😀

  3. cam
    January 13, 17:55 Reply


    sorry 😀 😀 😀

    • cam
      January 13, 17:57

      tja what can I say… have to keep your clients happy 😀

      hey still no lucy lu 🙁

    • cam
      January 13, 17:59

      most of the time m a woman of her word
      but soemtimes busy busy busy
      we are sewing a very beautiful geisha dress and I must say you gave me the idea

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 13, 17:59

      Hmmmmm , I must be very slow today . . 🙁 . .
      How did I miss the opportunity to say that 😐 ..
      Darn 😀

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 13, 18:00

      Really I inspired you ?? Are you ok 😐 ??
      You what to look authentic when they serve the frog right ?? 😛

    • cam
      January 13, 18:02

      Oh plz STOP that thing gave me nightmare
      still when i remember hhhhhhrrrrr

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 13, 18:04

      What you trying to forget Cam ??
      The fine Jap cuisine ?? 😀 . .
      Ok , ohk . . I’ll never mention it again 😐 ..

    • cam
      January 13, 18:04

      and those paw arms what do they call what he has
      like luce say they were screaming take me take me

    • cam
      January 13, 18:05

      plz otherwise i’ll mention
      that guy who ran after the football

    • cam
      January 13, 18:06

      btw i just saw you gave me a upside down msg
      m headless you bonehead
      i can read that only when i’m upside down 😉

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 13, 18:07

      Hmmm , but Cam I thought you always get upside down in your line of duty 😛 😛

    • cam
      January 13, 18:07

      omg ur not here this means ur searchin for smthing now
      remember that if you guys come over it will be payback time for you , you will be sleeping with one eye open

    • cam
      January 13, 18:09

      okay whatever happen next it will be my fault


    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 13, 18:10

      Cam , if I’m by you I’ll try to find a way to sleep with both eyes open 😐 . . Like you say your headless 😐 . . I like my head , it’s not a bad head . . Some guys like it 😀 . .

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 13, 18:13

      Live frog being consumed by happy ! Crazy Jap lady . .
      Frog silently screaming , save me !! Save me !!! But it’s too late for him 🙁 . .
      His legs been eaten . . His body torn apart and consumed by a heartless lady 😛

  4. pinku
    January 13, 16:54 Reply

    @suni i was studying now going to sleep, i saw you so could not stop myself to talk with you..friend you know, how to make smile on others face…i like your this nature, you are blessed with it…..your comment on todays page, at 3 49 pm though for other, but it forced me to smile, honestly…since some months i have not any talk with you….missing those days, when we are talking about india and your country and its political matter…i know past ll never come and hope i ll find a time machine, so i can go past…friend hope your study going on…i some times follow you, but don.t get enough courage to talk with you since that incident….i wish, god ll give lead you in right path…and keep you in his blessings…wait up, before some days you were talking about foot ball match in pv1…if i am not wrong then you are a fan of ronal dino(sorry for spelling mistake)…..friend take good care of your study…now going, tomorrow i have class in morning…keep smiling..i wish you a bright future…i know, i ll never meet you in my life and the fact is that we are stranger for each other but truth, is that the friendship bond that we have..ll let us to stay close…friend, i took your long time but you know my nature, i don.t stop untill my heart says…still want to talk a lot..but, have to go…life is strange na…hope i ll talk with you soon..bye

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 13, 17:00

      Pinku , it’s nice to hear from you 🙂 . .
      Honestly , I forgot that incident . .. It is of no importance to me . .

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 13, 17:05

      Thank you for your usual good wishes and never , ever be afraid to talk with me ok .
      Yeah , Ronaldo. . He won footballer of the year today !!
      Occasionally I snap at certain people , but you’re not on that list friend 🙂 . .
      Best of luck with your studies also . . glad that you’re back , and see you soon 🙂 . ..

  5. cam
    January 13, 16:08 Reply

    Wr is Demi anywayd

    • cam
      January 13, 16:11

      Hey drew howare you jow wsd ur weekrnd
      🙂 🙂 😀 😀 😀

    • cam
      January 13, 16:12

      I ess listenig the ehole day your caribbeanbeat

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 13, 16:12

      ɯɐʞɥɐ ʇǝsʇ , ɔɐu ʎon ɹǝɐp ʇɥıs 😀

    • cam
      January 13, 16:12

      Sorry SOCA

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 13, 16:14

      Weekend was good but went to fast . ..I only had Sunday off , but today was a quiet day since they had a long staff meeting . ..
      How was your weekend ? Those songs were 2013 . .. There are also some very nice ones out this year . … Like Liqueur conquer mih 😀

    • cam
      January 13, 16:15

      Sunshine m a frenchi rmmber 🙁
      so plain englidg

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 13, 16:17

      Cam did you drop some Makha on your phone also 😛 ??

    • cam
      January 13, 16:18

      My weekdnd wss delightfully quote
      only yourusic made sound
      and chillin all day both dsy

    • cam
      January 13, 16:20

      Yrd makha on phome on dvty ghing snd i yook
      of tje dwipr thing

    • cam
      January 13, 16:22

      Let mdo this
      maha on the phone and every were

      staff meeting huh and how many kid did
      u expel

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 13, 16:28

      😀 😀 😀 , not even one . ..
      I’m at the bottom of the barrel with a few others , we’re still trainees so they leave us to supervise . .. The kids are cool , they do their work and don’t really bother you much . ..
      No real discipline problem since it’s a small village school . ..
      Kids never realise that teachers don’t really like school either 😐 . ..

    • cam
      January 13, 16:29

      Hhhmmm..or girish……and when she neef a lawyer
      yuo are first on list do you can
      crush the cocroach 🙂 😀 😀

    • cam
      January 13, 16:34

      Dear i have to go but will be back
      over 30 minutes I hope you dont mind
      be back for sure okay. and this
      Dsmn thing id driving me crazy

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 13, 16:34

      Yeah , she makes some good points but I’m on the persecution’s side , so I say ” off with his cheating manly extension ” 😀 . ..
      I’ll introduce him to the new improved guillotine, meant for modern use , by emotionally scared wives 😀 . ..

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 13, 16:36

      No prob Cam 🙂 . .
      I hope that Lucy can come by then and that we get a good update . .
      Take care until ❤️

  6. cam
    January 13, 15:56 Reply

    Lucy dear you are my girl
    and if you feel like crying today is okay sweetheart
    know we love you.

    • cam
      January 13, 15:59

      You aldo know you can share

    • cam
      January 13, 16:00

      I really hate tjid small phoned
      but dont havr my lsptop with m

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 13, 16:01

      Cam , tell me please or I’m going to have to borrow Demi’s ??????????

    • cam
      January 13, 16:06


    • cam
      January 13, 16:08

      Bortow ddmis what
      look st that how i typr looks likr m on the MAKHA
      and its just monday:-) 🙂 😀 😀 😀

  7. cam
    January 13, 15:50 Reply

    Have u read lucy post ?

    • cam
      January 13, 15:53

      Yes o god i hate this thing device stupid

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 13, 15:56

      Yeah , Lucy nearly killed me with that one about her dad disappearing and then reappearing all cooled down after a while :D. .. I guess Ayshel dear has a freezer like TP 😀 . ..

    • cam
      January 13, 16:05

      Yes i have to get me onr of those thingd
      drrew plz have patience with m 2day cause dont have
      m lptop and nails areny friend of this stupid little thibg
      and i dont feel like erase everytimr

  8. izzy-girl
    January 13, 15:48 Reply

    Where r u angels
    Where the hell on earth r u?
    Or u guys moved to lucy…lu planet without telling me

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 13, 15:49

      😀 , we’ve been here all along while you were busy with questioning the universe 😛

    • cam
      January 13, 15:52

      EVERY thing alryt demi??????

  9. Pḣöëṉịẍ
    January 13, 15:39 Reply

    Todays episode take is a place to discuss the plot , find show stealers and show ruiners, post speculations, post illogical logics , inconsistencies, condistencies and more.MOST IMPORTANTLY ITS ABOUT KEEPING THIS THREAD THE REAL DEAL..No school girl fantasies (This is figure of speech)

    Tp to me just has good days ..and that’s how it just goes…

    1.anshuman screwing up everything for ayan…divyam act was so good pushing away a heavy iqbal ..throwing away all his things on pakhi …nicely done ..

    The best scene to me was pakhi appologizing to anshuman for ruining the father son relationship and that landing on anshumans face like a tight slap ..iqbals expressions were spot on..

    Anshuman still plotting and thinking why this girl doesn’t leave him instead of realizing his mistake …anshuman keeps worsening his relationship with ayan …as such he needs a miracle to save it…

    2.lavanya and girish..sachin and rukhsar were superb..

    TODAYS SHOW STEALER FOR ME IS RUKHSAR as she brought tears to my eyes with her fabulous moving acting…you can imagine her anger on bua..come on that was sooo heartless…its girishs fault for being an idiot and bringing another persons opinion into their marriage…poor naina…

    I loved lavanya as she broke down and fell to the ground..lavanya throwing girish out the room…this was soo intense a drama…I really want to see what happens next…

    3.anshuman blabbering in his sleep…wow iqbal just keeps taking us to heights…loved ankhis playful banter on how pakhi would get rid of the other women.. ..asking about his extra marital affair… and his shocked face …her going on to palm reading.and anshuman leaving in annoyance..they had that scene in the bag…shradda is such a perfect fit as pakhi..that girlish giggles and everything…

    4.Precap — pakhis plan for the race and ankhi getting hosed all looks pretty intresting…I’m thrilled

    Btw I hear tanyas on the way.. anshuman keeps looking like the devil day by day if he sides with tanya ill literally club him .. …

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 13, 15:40

      Cam , they haven’t posted an update here yet , but this is a brief update that I found . .

    • cam
      January 13, 15:43

      K 😐 its atleast smthing huh

    • cam
      January 13, 15:47

      Ths drew hope to c it tonight

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 13, 15:47

      I think maybe Admin was busy fixing their internal problem and they haven’t had the time to update TP just yet . .. Hopefully we’ll get it soon 🙂 . .
      From this summary , I’m thinking Anshuman isn’t a superhero , but in fact a super zero 😐 . ..

    • Pḣöëṉịẍ
      January 13, 15:48

      Cam , it won’t affect the airing , just the wriiten update is missiNg for now . .

    • cam
      January 13, 15:39

      Hi demi girl fine and you

    • izzy-girl
      January 13, 15:49

      Am doing great bosseeess
      Where is lucy…lu?

  10. cam
    January 13, 15:36 Reply

    Desigirl what happen with our angel amena
    Convey her our regards 😉

  11. Pḣöëṉịẍ
    January 13, 15:36 Reply

    Hi 🙂 . .
    How are you ?
    The site was experiencing problems so no one could post for a while ,
    but Admin rectified the problem thankfully 🙂 .

    • cam
      January 13, 15:37

      Hi dear m fine
      Even TP?

  12. cam
    January 13, 15:33 Reply

    Poor laajo girl dont worry nikhil
    will love you

  13. cam
    January 13, 15:19 Reply

    Lucy can u comment do u have wu of tp
    had a loooooooooot of prob
    posting comments

  14. cam
    January 13, 15:17 Reply

    🙂 🙂 🙂 😀 😀 Hey desigirl….
    yes kunal do live in their house


  15. cam
    January 13, 15:15 Reply

    Hhhmm……….have a nice day and night angels
    lucy…..are you blue today whats the prob sweety
    :-[ 🙁 😐

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