Ganga 18th March 2016 Written Update

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Ganga 18th March 2016 Written Update by Pooja

Ganga 18th March 2016 Written Episode

Ganga is hesitant. She holds Sagar’s hand worried. He assures her papa will handle everything. I am also here. She nods. They both go inside. They look at the place where Amma ji was sitting. Niru sees them. He calls out Sagar’s name. Sagar hugs him. Everyone comes there as well. Sagar asks his father to explain to everyone. I am not doing something wrong. You don’t know what happened here. Niru says I know. Sagar holds Ganga’s hand. Make a decision when you know everything. Tell everyone Ganga has a right to live. We have a right to marry the one we like. We love one another. Love isn’t a sin. How can we be wrong as per religions or scriptures? Ganga is your favourite. You used to say that she cannot do anything wrong. Why was she insulted in the house then? Make everyone understand. Niru tells him to wait a minute shocking both Ganga and Sagar. Today I need to make you both understand things. Sagar and Ganga are taken aback. Sagar asks him if Ganga has no right to live. Niru says she does have a right to dream, to study, to live. I helped her. I brought her from the widow ashram, raised her but what did she do? She misused her right. How could she think she will become the DIL of Chaturvedi family? You too misunderstood. You very well know Ganga is a child widow. Pitying her and bringing her home is one thing while making her the DIL is another. I don’t accept it. I wont allow this! Ganga and Sagar are stunned. Ganga takes her hand back. Sagar and Niru look at her.

Ganga steps back in tears as Niru’s words haunt her. Niru looks away. Ganga thinks of how she met Babu and when he took her with him to his home. Niru does not look her in the eye. I know you have been hurt by words. You are a really nice girl. I am attached to you, love you but! Ganga asks him but what. I was living in this illusion that you love me. I got to know today it was a lie. You never loved me. You have kept me in dark over all these years. Amma ji warns her to stop. How dare you say that to niru? He brought you here when you had no roof over your head! How dare you call him a cheater? You will question him? Ganga says nothing is left to ask now. Babu brought me here. He fought with the world to keep a lonely little orphan girl to keep her here. Was that fight for me or to prove yourself as a just person? You became a great person. Everyone appreciates you regarding humanity by talking about your good deeds. The truth is, you never thought me to be a human. I was a prize / trophy for you so you could gain in people’s eyes. You indeed are a great person. Ganga got burdened under it. I was so proud of my self-respect. Today I realise you have trampled it under your feet to fulfil your motive. The Ganga, who you raised up and tried to gain the respect of society, why did you get scared today when she was asking for her rights? Say something. Madhvi asks her how she dares talk to Niru like that. Ganga says I loved you like a mother. I never questioned anything you say. The truth is you could never become my Maiyya. I used to feel bad but never complained. You might not think of me to be your daughter but I looked at you as my mother. I am not upset with you. I am upset with Babu and of my immaturity. The day, when he saved me from falling in the river, wiped my tears and brought me here, I felt like God sent him in place of Bappa. I was stupid. I couldn’t realise that you were taking care of your respect that ways. I cannot believe it that the person who I gave place of Bappa in my life will be this selfish! You have done many favours on me. Do one last favour now. Look at me now. Niru looks at her. She asks him to call her mad. Tell me I am wrong to think this is my Bappa’s love for me. This is the pity of Judge Niranjan Chaturvedi! I pitied on you like people pity on animals. I hated words like pity and alms. I stayed hungry but refused to eat what I got in alms. You broke my pride. You gave me everything in pity! Pity in place of rights! Did I ask for it? Why did you do it then? Niru says these things don’t matter now. I have already said what I wanted to. Ganga leaves from there in tears. Pulkit tries to go after her but Niru stops him. Let her stay alone for some time.

Sagar looks at him. Leave her alone for some time? You left her alone for forever today. She thought of this home as her own, the Babu who she trusted broke her trust today! Niru says I dint do anything wrong. Sagar says she gave you her Bappa’s place. She trusted you more than anyone else. Everyone knows she wont take anyone’s pity. She would rather choose to die. You broke her trust completely. You proved her today that she was living on your pity till date. The hurt you have given her cannot be healed in this life. Niru tries to make him understand. She cannot get what she wants. Sagar demands to know why. You call yourself a modern man. When Sahil wanted to marry Ganga, you readily agreed. What happened today when it is your own son in Sahil’s place? It does get difficult when you have to follow the big words you say. In common man’s language, it is called double standards! Niru angrily raises his hand mid air to slap Sagar but stops himself.

Sagar turns to go when niru tells him to look at himself first. What are you? You said you loved Janvi. You did Roka with her. You fell in love with Ganga as soon as Janvi left? You are lecturing me about love and trust. Dint you break Janvi’s trust? Wasn’t your love towards her a lie? You backed off from your promise. I am not one of them. I have promised Janvi’s parents. You will marry Janvi only and that too very soon! Sagar tells Niru I understood you know nothing about relations. You are a Judge though. I am married to Ganga now. She is my wife. Legally, I cannot marry someone else now. Niru asks him who will accept this marriage. You came in a village and put vermilion in someone’s forehead. Who will accept it? Sagar replies that he does.

Precap: Amma ji tells Niru that Ganga fooled him. Niru says I will handle everything. I wont let it happen. Sagar cannot go against me. Sagar assures Ganga he will always be with her. I will never cheat you. You will never have any complaints from me. Your every tear is mine while my every happiness is yours. He hugs her to comfort her.

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1 Comment

  1. Erna
    March 18, 21:34 Reply

    I love the way Sagar tell his Father about his double standard and Gangaa as always keep show the truth that everyone keep deny. I love their simple truth and beyond expactation lines. I love how both of them unite, support each other and fight together.
    I hope this series receive more love more recognition.
    Love it so much, can’t wait for the next episode.

    PS: Thank you so much Pooja for your hard work, keep it up ^^

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