Everest 18th February 2015 Written Update
Everest 18th February 2015 Written Episode
The Episode starts with Sam telling Ramesh about Akash’s suggestion to raise the flag of Century corp on peak. Ramesh contacts Abhiyankar. He says the mission is cancelled because of Arjun. Abhiyankar says we are coming back. Ramesh says I m the sponsor and its in my hand to change contract, someone in your team can take Arjun’s place. Abhiyankar says Anjali can fulfill it. Ramesh says Akash will do the summit. Akash talks to him and says Anjali can do the summit. Ramesh says she is not my candidate, you are my candidate so I m offering you, you will raise the glad and the contract will be same as Arjun.
Anjali asks him to say yes and smiles. Akash accepts it and Ramesh says I m really proud of you. Take the flag and walkie from Arjun, I will be in direct contact with you. Abhiyankar says we are going ahead then. Anjali thanks Akash and says Chand told me that you told Sam and suggested my name. Akash says yes, I don’t like any other climber. She says you said yes now for me, without thinking about your vertigo. He says I can do anything for you, we will go to moon next. She looks at him and smiles.
Abhiyankar asks Arjun to wait for them till they come back, and it was honor to work with him. Arjun says I will meet you again, I will do summit with you. He wishes all the best to everyone. He asks Akash to think before agreeing to Ramesh, and he is really a better man. He gives the flag and walkie. Sid tells Rina to record about Arjun coming back and Ramesh is angry as Arjun ruined his plan. Rina says no one can ruin his plan, he gets what he wants.
Rina starts the news bits and says about Arjun leaving his dream and coming back. Jagat says she is saying about Anjali, maybe she felt she will not be able to do summit. Sarita says Anjali will not come back, she decided to go till last. Rina says Everest changes everything, a person’s mindset and living, as body just climbs but the journey is of heart, and this happened with our hero Arjun Sabarwal. He decided to come back, not because he can’t, but he does not want to, he wants to feel himself deserving to be there. She says the one who gets the trophy is hero, and the one who leaves the trophy to walk on right path is also a hero. She says Akash is going to peak to raise century corp flag. Shikha Maa is glad and says our Gaurav will protect him.
Abhiyankar says he is fine, he is living alone since 5 years. Chand asks him to leave his anger behind. Akash and Anjali have a talk about Arjun and he asks her to fulfill her dad’s dream, he wants to see her doing this, and he will also have these memories. She says I can’t fail now, I have to do everest summit. He says don’t worry, its 90% hardwork and 10% luck, so leave it to fate. She says then fate has to support me. She says many girls and women are getting inspired with me. He says even if you don’t do summit, you are an inspiration.
He says see Arjun, he went back. She says he is already an achiever, but my summit will be victory of every girl and proof that girls are not less than boys and she can do everything that a boy can do. She says she can’t fail every girl by failing. Rina talks to Ramesh and asks why did he choose Akash and not Anjali, as she is a girl. He says no, I don’t have any such problem, she has ethics and she is adamant, which is not good for business. She asks what if Akash does not agree to you as Arjun. Ramesh says this can’t happen, because in life and business, timing is everything, and my timing is just perfect.
Sam tells about Tara’s death and FB shows how Abhiyankar lost Tara..