Ek Boond Ishq 4th November 2013 Written Update

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Ek Boond Ishq 4th November 2013 Written Update by sankalp_prapti

Ek Boond Ishq 4th November 2013 Written Episode

Before MJ could check the pic Faheem mia stops him saying that its their Diwali surprise from Yajraj and he need to wait for a day more. A curious MJ is stopped by looking at the pic..He even requests if he could see it just for once. Faheem mia takes it with him saying its gonna be hanged in his room, he could see it with Tara.

back here Yug helps Nandu’s mother out in dealing with her cold..when he asks her that he’d call up Tara and let her come over there.. she stops him saying that its Tara’s first diwali at her in-law’s house and if she gets to know abt her health Tara would run to her leaving everything behind…they have a sweet chat and since his parent are out of town he’d celebrate the fest with her- all the food and crackers are on her!

Then Faheem directs one of the servant where to hang the pic..and leave the pic there.
No sooner they leave, Mj runs into his room to check out the pic..he impatiently uncovers the wrap and before he could even turn it..he is stopped by Nandu.. she feels its very sweet of him to do so.
But a flimsy Nandu instead of helping him turn the pic unintentionally drops it spills a glass of cold drink over it. The glass of the portray cracks and the pic gets ruined cause of the cold drink.
She apologies for his loss.. MJ feels hurt as he couldn’t see his wife’s face..his eyes sadden as he picks up a piece of broken glass from the pic.. then he creases the damaged image of his wife.

RP and Jayraj converse abt the business thing… he tries to take RP’s consent to allow Mj work for the business as Adi n he will be going to Landon for an important deal. Then RP takes a book and quotes “Chinta kachu kare bavre vasay kachuna hoyee.. Bahadev nayya majhdar main jo prabhu kahey so hoyee” (why do you worry… just let go u boat in the waters..surrender to god’s wish ) Jayraj feels relived.

Nandu overhears this and thinks that whats the use in her staying their without Aditya and besides she has stayed their enough.

Mj tells Maria that he’d give her a wash..Tara goes there with a milk packet, on asked why she was there again..she replies that she misses Maria.. and makes a cup of tea for him.

He watches her go in..but busies himself cleaning the mare… she offers him the tea to which he tells her give it to Mariawhose gonna do his work. Tara demands him to have a cup of tea made by his friend.
The next moment Tara holds his hands and gives him the cup and she cleans the mare up.. then he asks her to do it well!

She steals glances as he drinks the tea.. he gets the same taste as he drank at his home.
He gets back to the cleaning thing after that wonderful tea.. Tara tells her how thankful she is to him.. he asks why as she herself made the tea.. she replies that his words of strength helped her. MJ recalls his wife’s words which echoed his…he looks troubled!

Tara asks what is he gonna do this diwali..he answers that he’d be doing the same thing which he has been doing all time..as its just another moonless night for him.

He gets flashes of a gal saying “stop tha camera- as pic lie” of how he has been spending his days, nights and occasions in jail.

He instead asks her who wanted to kill her… who she was?
Where does she live… what is her relation with the person who ill -treates her?
Tara doesn’t have an answer to his quest.

She tries to avoid the topic but he demands an answer.. its some useless man.
“why do some man show their chauvinism on woman.. ” she complains.
he replies”for me a true man is the one who can understand each emotion of a woman.”
She says she knows only one guy, who always tortures her.

Then MJ goes to her takes the scarf and cleans his hands… and asks Tara to look over there..
As she looks he tries to suffocate her by putting his hand over her mouth.
She struggles and pushes him to get out of his grip.

MJ falls down with a terrified Tara..with a *what a crazy man* expression!
(MJ and his violent- weird ways)

Tara shouts what on earth was he doing…he replies that he was trying to explain her his way.. that there is difference between breathing and suffocating. Its her choice if she wants to fight and breathe or suffer suffocating in silence. And asks her to leave. She leaves pondering over it.

At home..Tara decorates the rangoli beautifully..she asks Vasu too to join.. Vasu says she doesn’t know rangoli- Tara tells her she’d teach.. they both start filling in colours.

Jayraj feels happy to see it…Nimmo is vexed with this.
He informs Tara that he’ll be going to Landon the next day..also gifts Tara a jewelry piece she tocuhes his feet and when she does the same to Nimmo she ignores it and asks Vasu to come back and sanitize her hands.

Tara sits back completing the rangoli, she feels MJ arrival.. as he tries to change his path not disturbing her, she moves to the same direction hindering his path.
Faheem mia asks him to give a hand to his wife in her work.. as God will be happy with such guys
Tara recalls all those moments when he hurt her physically..
As he moves forth she utters that she doesn’t wish to celebrate diwali with him- as its a fest for men and he is not one!

she continues with her bashing…that What ever he has done with ehr a man never does it to anyone.. she chapofys his own dialogue to him that a true man always understand a woman’s feeling. He is confused as to how come she says the same thing he said to the stable wali gal. He listens to it.

Then she takes off her bangle and throws at him…he needs it more than her.He picks it up and recalls all what she said.
Taking that as a chance she runs to her room..he follows her but alas she locks the room from inside and he is determined to see her face before the next evening.

Precap: They all are decked up for diwali and the old man who is seen in asylum – his pic is kept in the hall..MJ is hopeful to see his wife’s face in the photo’s reflection.. he has all eyes oon her!

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  1. Julia
    November 05, 14:31 Reply

    thanks for detailed update! it was a lovely episode! I wonder what MJ is going to do when he finds out that the girl is his wife

  2. rainbow
    November 05, 01:21 Reply

    Thanks a lot sankalp_prapti for the detailed update. Usually the updates were not so detailed. Today I am happy to get such a good update.

  3. nia
    November 04, 22:48 Reply

    really thanks a lot for the proper update…:-)

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