Doli Armaanon Ki 6th April 2015 Written Update

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Doli Armaanon Ki 6th April 2015 Written Update by Niki

Doli Armaanon Ki 6th April 2015 Written Episode

Ishaan tells Urmi that he can’t believe Samrat said no. Shaurya is his own son and he has no concern at all. Damini enters and asks him what they did. They are closing door for themselves. Ishaan asks what does that mean. She says they know very well that they have only one option and they had to handle it such way. Ishaan says they requested to him, what more they can do. Damini says a wife cannot share her husband and they know how Tani is. They should talk to Samrat alone and he will surely agree as Shaurya is his son. She suggests them to talk to him and make him agree fast as Shaurya doesn’t have much time.

Samrat comes to Shaurya and scares the hell out of him by saying his life is in his hands. From what he has done in past, he shouldn’t be saving him. He has done a lot against him with Urmi. He teases him singing song whether he should save him or let him die and laughs.

Damini tells Anirudh if Samrat agrees for a kid with Urmi, then she will have Ishaan marry someone else. Anirudh gets angry saying their priority is Shaurya’s life and for that if Urmi gets ready, then Ishaan will definitely support her and he will support them as well. Damini says Ishaan was a fool from start, but now even Anirudh has lost his sense. She questions him what they will answer to society, their relatives, when they will ask whose child it is. Will they say that mother is Urmi, but father is not Ishaan? She makes it clear to Anirudh that if Urmi gets pregnant with Samrat’s child, then she will have Ishaan married someone else and no one will change this decision of hers. Anirudh is speechless.

Samrat is playing videogame. Urmi and Ishaan come to him. He asks them to wait till he finishes game. After while he asks them what’s the matter. Ishaan says they came to talk something important. Samrat says, wow Mr and Mrs Ishaan came to talk to Samrat Singh Rathore. He asks him to go ahead. Ishaan requests him not to take any decision in rush and risk Shaurya’s life. It’s very important that Shaurya’s sibling born soon and then they do bone transplant. Samrat starts laughing like mad. He says today should be a historic day. A husband has come with his wife and is requesting another man to sleep with his wife and make her pregnant. He asks Ishaan what he is.. is he husband of Urmi or her pimp? Urmi is getting mad. Ishaan asks her to control. Urmi tells Samrat, it’s a mother standing in front of him who is begging her child’s life. Samrat tells her that’s how one doesn’t beg. One begs looking down and in proper tone. Urmi looks down and away. Samrat says good and continues teasing Urmi that she used to say she’s self sufficient, independent woman. How she needs him today? He was poison for her and today she’s begging him. She helps other women and today she’s asking him for help. She tells him to think about Shaurya. He’s his father. Samrat stands up in anger and asks what father? His father died 6 years ago when they broke all relation with him. He doesn’t take him as father either. Samrat further says that Urmi tried to wipe his name from Shaurya’s blood and married her lover despite husband being alive and today she’s saying to fulfill his father’s duty? Ishaan comes in between and requests Samrat not to bring past in this matter. It’s about Shaurya’s life. Samrat shuts him and says it’s a matter between him and Urmi and he doesn’t Ishaan there. He won’t talk till he’s there. Urmi tries to stop Ishaan, but he leaves.

Damini comes to Tani and creates doubt in her mind that what if Samrat changes his decision in future as in end Shaurya is his blood.

Samrat resumes talk with Urmi. He says so the point is that she wants to sleep with him. Urmi doesn’t say anything. He tells her not to feel ashamed, he is her ex-husband and he understands Ishaan might not be able to keep her happy. He then laughs and says he forgot he only didn’t let them consummate. He takes more advantage of Urmi’s situation and talks more rubbish. He further says he has slept with many women, different kind of, but he has never slept with someone else’s wife with her husband’s approval. He laughs and says it’s like something adventurous and he would love to experience that. He always used to think what kind of husbands are those who send their wives to sleep with other men. Today he understood, they are like Ishaan. Urmi again gets mad, but controls. Samrat says, they can’t be called men. Urmi asks him if he’s done or got more to say. He says her life will be over if he starts talking. Urmi joins her hands and tells him to take his revenge with her later, right now doesn’t he want Shaurya to get saved? He says no, he doesn’t care. Urmi gets shocked. She tells him he’s his blood.. can’t he agree for him? Samrat says, never for him. But he might agree for Urmi.

He puts a condition in front of Urmi. Like how you have to make sacrifices to get God’s blessings, she will have to please him and make him happy. If she succeeds, then she will get what she wants. Otherwise her son’s destiny, her failure, and everything will give her award of eating her own happiness. World will say, this woman married her lover leaving her husband and couldn’t save her son’s life. And this makes it utmost important for Urmi to save her son, and hence keeping Samrat happy.

Precap: Urmi asks him what she will have to do. He says not much, just think about his needs all the time. Before he says, his wishes should be fulfilled. Just understand that he’s her pati parmeshvar (husband/God) and she’s his daasi (wife/servant).

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  1. Emerenini Onyinyechi
    April 08, 06:12 Reply

    The writer of this Drama is as sick as SAM the rat. thinking about this despicable storyline, it doesn’t make sense lets assume that Samrat was dead will there not have been another solution to the stupid bone marrow transplant or what? arrant nonsense i am sick of this stupid show.

  2. snow fall
    April 07, 11:58 Reply

    good bye to dis serial
    its disgusting and irritating
    writers plz understand one thing…everything has some limits

  3. ummi
    April 07, 11:10 Reply

    I thought things would get better. Alas I was wrong, I’m quitting the show now, this is very immoral and disgusting. What are the storytellers trying to pass across? That it’s okay to degrade a mother who wants to save her child’s life? That it’s fine to bear all the lecherous comments from an ex husband who is no more than an abhorred tout? That it’s ok to insult the institution of marriage by making a wife commit adultery with her ex husband just to save her son’s life? Agreed it is drama, but this has crossed the limits of creativity to immorality. This show was very interesting especially when urmi fought for herself. Now it’s just absolute trash. I can’t believe mohit malik would agree to portray such a sick character, he is an excellent actor.This is highly disappointing.

    • Infinity
      January 09, 17:10

      Thanks you’ve said it all

  4. Abhishek
    April 07, 06:22 Reply

    Doli armano ki best most serile i like acter mohit sir

  5. Rehana
    April 07, 06:05 Reply

    Can this degrading utter BS please end, ZEE TV how can you even sanction such degrading filth and expect society to be respectful to each other,

    ZEE is as disgusting as the producers. Please end this crap, ZEE we pay to watch these channels and you are wasting our hard earned money

    All urmi does is cry…shes doesn’t even act….DOLI RAHAARYI HAi


  6. vemz
    April 07, 03:49 Reply

    This programme is very irritating I hate the writers of this programme they always want urmi to beg by dat fucking samrat itz very irritating Ay this programme should just end nw itz a waste of time

  7. Gems
    April 07, 02:11 Reply

    Seriously, I have stopped watching this show. Real “bakwas”..All educated and rich but the writer makes a fool out of then all.Typical characters they depict.Thought the story was interesting in the beginning, but its back to square one of making woman stupid. Yes there should be “drama” in any storyline, but not idiocrasy.

  8. rash
    April 07, 00:44 Reply

    What fun are the writers drawing out by humiliating a woman? they are trying for sympathy but its getting disgusting. just plain can damini not question when her daughter marries samrat and now she is advicing her to divorce? this is really no where near to reality. i like neha marda so was watching this show. but now goodbye. I feel even the actors should quit this show coz mohit and neha are good actors.

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  9. kris
    April 06, 23:30 Reply

    more and more foolishness as the days go by, how disgusting can these writers get, i thought the writers of this serial were intelligent folks and dont have crap in this show, but sadly they proved me wrong.

  10. Reana
    April 06, 22:33 Reply

    More and more are boycotting this show. Trust me watch something else and let the ratings of this show go down so they have to end it

  11. dj
    April 06, 19:39 Reply

    This is the most degrading show I have ever seen. After reading this update I am Done watching this crap they call entertainment. Disgusting.

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