Do Dil Ek Jaan 14th October 2013 Written Update

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Do Dil Ek Jaan 14th October 2013 Written Update by Amena Hasan

Do Dil Ek Jaan 14th October 2013 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Maai scolding Satya and Raghu. She asks them not to fight in the house again. She asks Raghu is she fine. Satya says I m not talking about Raghu, but about my food, its spicy. Maai says Satya that Raghu is also like her son. Satya gets angry and throws the food. Maai shouts Sahib. Satya gets angry and leaves. Maai says I don’t know what to do. Raghu says everything will be fine with time, and I promise this won’t happen again. Satya comes outside the house and the kids are playing cricket. The ball hits him and he gets angry. He sees Antara and stares at her. He calms down and gives the ball back to the kids and asks them to play cool.

Antara is thinking what to wear. Satya comes to Antara’s house. Antara is shocked to see him. She says you. He says you remember me, good. She says how come you are here. He says thanks for saving my life. She says you already said thanks. He says yes, but you went somewhere and now I saw you in the balcony so I came here. He says I was saying we may not meet at night. He says if I m in risk, then where should I find you. Antara does not understand. She says your name is Satya. He says yu know, but no one calls me by my name, everyone calls me Sahub but from now on, only you can call me Satya.

He asks what are you seeing, this wound. He says Raghu and I had a fight, its a game. He sees the clothes and ornaments and says so you were thinking what to wear, can I help you, people say my choice is good, let me try. He selects the dress and says show me the watching jewellery. He speaks sweetly to her and flirts. Antara is quiet and does not understand. He selects the jewellery and says it will suit you. He says I will leave now. She says I have arranged the lucky draw. He asks what is it. She says Maai will be giving the prize to someone who wins. Satya leaves saying its nice to meet you.

Antara prays to the Lord and Raghu comes and prays. He sees Antara and says good evening. She does not talk to him. He goes after her and says I m going to ask the Lord to help me deal with your anger. He says I called you so many times and you did not tale my call. She scolds him and says you don’t answer me. She says who am I to you. He says you are my everything. She says then why did you not tell me, he says I have a reason. She says ok, I have a reason now. He goes after her and says I have a song in my mobile to make your mood good. She asks him to leave and let her work. He says I m getting angry. She argues with him. He says you are commanding over me. She says so you are over love now. He says no, and his hand gets burnt. She cares for him and says I was asking you to leave, ut you don’t listen to me.

He says where should I go. They have an eyelock. She says I will bring the ointment. He says I got the ointment and asks her why are you fighting with me. She says I love to fight with you. Mera Mahi tu…. plays….. He gets closer to her. His phone rings and its MachMach. Raghu asks him to come here. Antara smiles. He says I will take it from you what I told you. She says I will…. She is about to kiss him and someone comes. Antara jokes and leaves.

Satya comes to MachMach and asks him to bring tea for him. MachMach leaves. Satya changes the chits of the lucky draw. The chits have Antara’s name on it. He laughs and says the fate is nothing, everyone has to write his fate himself. My Antara will win today. Antara says I made the lucky draw and did not keep my name in it. MachMach comes and Raghu asks Antara to keep her name too. She says I got my gold coin and looks at Raghu. Raghu smiles. MachMach says I will write her name and write. Raghu writes it and puts the chit.

Maai is doing the puja with everyone attending it. She says we have kept the lucky draw and the winner will get a gold coin. Rasika wishes she gets it. Maai says Satya will be taking out the lucky draw. Everyone claps. Satya goes on the stage and says I came here after five years and the prize should be five gold coins. Everyone claps. He says lets see who is the winner. Satya looks at Antara.

Antara says Raghu love changes life. He asks her to come closer.

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  1. PAWAN
    October 15, 15:48 Reply

    Hmmm. . . I cmnt only hre. . .

  2. PAWAN
    October 15, 15:44 Reply

    Dnt wrry . . . It s all nrml. . . I think u also dnt knw me

    • BUTTERFLY !!!
      October 15, 15:47

      Ya.. But i saw your comments in ddej..

    • BUTTERFLY !!!
      October 15, 15:42

      Oops..i thought its “one ce”.. Hell i didnt get it… Ya… I think..

    • BUTTERFLY !!!
      October 15, 15:36

      ” 1 ce chatted with u” means?? You wrote

    • Mr.R
      October 15, 15:38

      Butterfly asking meaning of 1ce ok

  3. PAWAN
    October 15, 15:20 Reply

    I jst 1ce chatted wid u. . . Dnt remember mch of it nd u. . .
    @ butterfly

  4. PAWAN
    October 15, 15:17 Reply

    B.bye. . . Gd nyt to all dn. . .

  5. BUTTERFLY !!!
    October 15, 15:17 Reply

    @mr.r.. Mean when i came to meet zaara, you speaking with her 🙂 after all did you remember me?? @pawan.. Hi..

    • Mr.R
      October 15, 15:23

      Oh that’s me ravi

    • BUTTERFLY !!!
      October 15, 15:26

      Glad to meet you mr.R.. How are you ??

  6. Emyna
    October 15, 15:14 Reply

    gud nit guyxzz hi n bye……

  7. PAWAN
    October 15, 15:12 Reply

    Oh. . . I think all gone. . .

  8. PAWAN
    October 15, 15:09 Reply

    R u guyz planning fr 500. . .

    • Mr.R
      October 15, 15:14

      Yes but no one hear to comment

    • BUTTERFLY !!!
      October 15, 15:09

      Take care of your health dear 😀 bye.. .

  9. Mr.R
    October 15, 15:06 Reply

    So last comment is nw main

  10. BUTTERFLY !!!
    October 15, 15:04 Reply

    .Yes dear…. Take care .. Did we speak before.? Dont mind plz… @ba.. @ ravi.. You the same ravi.. Sorry i missed to meet you…

    • Mr.R
      October 15, 15:11

      You the same ravi means can u tell me

  11. Broken Angel
    October 15, 14:57 Reply

    @bfly im almst ok. Jst ve litl fevr. No nid 2 say sry. U ve da r8 2 intrfere. As v r al frnds.

    • BUTTERFLY !!!
      October 15, 14:54

      Hi ba.. Me fine.. How about you… 😉 omg.. I saw recent comments and then i get in to this.. Sorry guys for the interference…

  12. Broken Angel
    October 15, 14:45 Reply

    N 1 mor thng mr. Bakwas who r u 2 tel me dt im a fool.

  13. BUTTERFLY !!!
    October 15, 14:45 Reply

    Hi zaara dear …. Hope you fine na….. 😀 miss you dear 🙁

  14. Mr.R
    October 15, 14:44 Reply

    And what is matter of bakvas i don’t ur telling

  15. Broken Angel
    October 15, 14:43 Reply

    Mr. Bakwas i thnk u dnt knw me. So dnt dare 2 cmnt abt me.

  16. Broken Angel
    October 15, 14:41 Reply

    Hey do u thnk i m mudy grl who dnt spk 2 any1 4 takng prt.

  17. Broken Angel
    October 15, 14:39 Reply

    @ravi no im in a vry joli mud. I only sing whn my mud s gd.

    • bakwas
      October 15, 14:40

      u r a fool.

  18. Broken Angel
    October 15, 14:28 Reply

    @ravi no frnd im nt angry nw. Im totali f9. N if u r sayng abt dt bakwas dn let me tel u im realy njoyng mattr. Cnt u c dt s nt rplyng me aftr say such thngs. Its vry funny 4 me.

    • Mr.R
      October 15, 14:36

      I can tell ur out of mud that’y it’s looking to u funny

  19. Broken Angel
    October 15, 14:15 Reply

    @ravi i lyk my al frnds. N i cn do anythng 4 dr sake. I nvr avoid my any frnd. Jst dr s no vry spcl frnd in my lyf.

    • Mr.R
      October 15, 14:23

      U can find when chat narml not in out of mudu like now ur in anger ok trie to becool with ur maid or hart

    • bakwas
      October 15, 14:41

      stp tel lies

    • Mr.R
      October 15, 14:08

      Ur avoding all ur friends then how can u feel beter there is any posbel thing then tell me also

  20. Broken Angel
    October 15, 13:58 Reply

    Zara its ok i cn undrstnd. Its a big fstvl 4 u. I jst saw u here. So i came here n ask 4 u.

  21. Broken Angel
    October 15, 13:56 Reply

    Appi plz dnt say anythng 2 bakwas. Poor kid find mum’s phn n writng al ds. May b it thought its plystatn. It dnt knw its a phn.

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