Do Dil Ek Jaan 13th December 2013 Written Update

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Do Dil Ek Jaan 13th December 2013 Written Update by Amena Hasan

Do Dil Ek Jaan 13th December 2013 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Maai asking Antara where are you going, what are you upto now. Antara does not answer her and leaves. Maai gives medicines to Raghu and says Raghu, I m asking you to stay in a room downstairs but you don’t listen to me. Whats the use of staying at the terrace. Raghu says I feel good to stay under the sky, I feel free. Raghu leaves. Maai smiles. Antara comes to a pharmacy and asks who bought this rat poison bottle. The man says I don’t remember. She shows him the photo of Maai’s family and asks him who came from these people.

The man shows Rasika. Antara says are you sure. Satya talks to someone on phone. Antara comes back home. Satya says hello. He asks so what did you investigate. Antara is quiet. Satya says jaan, my mood id not good always, I told you to reply to my questions. Antara says I will answer you when I have the answer. She says I m gathering the proof to find out who mixed the poison in the milk. Satya says you told me that Maai mixed it. Antara says yes I know, but I want proof.

He says it means you are angry as Raghu pointed on me, or do you want to prove your lover wrong. He says anger suits you, I like it. He says but save your anger for tomorrow. Antara asks what is it tomorrow. Satya says surprise and leaves. Raghu and Ruksana are at the terrace. He says don’t be tensed about me. Ruksana cries. She says sorry and ask did you know who did this. Raghu says don’t know, but Maai did not do it. Ruksana says tell me the truth. Raghu says I m not interested to find out. Ruksana says are you interested to live or not, I think we should complain to police, they can try again to harm you.

Raghu says the poison is in Antara’s mind. Antara talks to Rasika and says I m sure you are the one who mixed the poison in the milk. Rasika denies. Antara says I came to tell you that I came to know everything. Rasika says so what will you do. She says Raghu gave the statement that it was his mistake, so you can’t do anything now. Antara says I have proof, the shopkeeper knows you. Rasika gets tensed. Antara says Raghu gave his statement, but the law gets this proof, it won’t spare you, I will file a case against you showing this proof. You tried to kill me.

Rasika is worried. Antara says I will be sad that you will go to jail. Rasika says save me, I did not want to kill anyone. Antara says then who mixed the poison. Rasika says Maai, she wanted to kill you, she asked me to add the poison and give the milk to you. She says Raghu drank it by mistake. She holds Antara and says don’t send me to jail. I m sorry.

Everyone are having lunch. Antara serves everyone. Raghu comes and sits for lunch. He looks at Antara. He keeps the proof and the poison bottle under his plate. Raghu looks at it. Rasika looks at Maai. Raghu is shocked to see the proof. Raghu crushes it. Antara is shocked. He throws the paper. Maai asks him to sit and not leave from the table. Raghu sits obeying her. Maai scolds Antara. Satya looks on. Maai serves Raghu. Antara records Rasika’s statement and plays it in the hall, everyone hear it. Maai is shocked.

Antara says I hope now everyone knows that Maai mixed the poison in the milk. She says Rasika told everything to me. Antara says Raghu, now you know that Satya did not do this, Maai did this. Raghu gets angry and says tell me what do you want to say. Antara says Maai tried to kill me, you drank the milk and even then she was quiet. She hates me and you love her, she did not react even when you drank the milk, she did not care about you. She says she tried to kill me and my mum, and left you dying, she is not a mum, she is a murderer.

Raghu is about to slap Antara and Satya beats him for slapping Antara. Maai asks Satya not to beat Raghu. Maai asks Antara to stop it. Raghu says no Maai, you won’t request to anyone. Raghu says I will tell you the truth of my life, she is my Maai who did my upbringing and gave me a life, if anoyone points at her, I won’t leave them and he says I knew it that Maai mixed the poison. Maai and everyone are shocked.

Raghu says don’t interfere in between me and Maai. Maai looks at Antara and says sorry folding her hands. Rasika is relieved. Manohar acts as if he cares for Satya. Satya comes to Antara and gets angry. He says did you see what happened, now are you feeling happy, what did you get proving the truth. He says you are being foolish. Satya leaves. Antara gets upset. She comes to her room while Satya is resting.

She says I m sorry. She says I got the proof so that everyone knows the truth and Raghu see Maai’s real face. Satya says I supported you today and I wish you support me in future, I hope you won’t do this mistake again. He leaves till she turns. Maai sees Raghu meeting Ruksana and is happy. Ruksana says she forgot the keys in the parlous. Raghu breaks the glass of the door and is hurt, He gives the keys of the parlour to her. Ruksana is tensed seeing her wound. He says you got the keys and this hand got the punishment for raising on Antara. Maai thinks of using Raghu. She smiles cunningly.

Satya scolds Raghu for being near his bedroom. Antara says Sahib….. Satya signs stop. She looks on.

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  1. Xia
    December 14, 06:22 Reply

    Di i really missed u tht tym i really wanted ur advice

    • drs
      December 14, 06:24

      xiu make wechat id asap!

  2. drs
    December 14, 06:19 Reply

    of all the things u shouldn’t do is….
    never let anyone take away UR happiness no matter what no matter who ever dat is….

  3. Xia
    December 14, 06:10 Reply

    My real name is kirngam

    • Ravi
      December 14, 06:41

      Is it name

  4. Ravi
    December 14, 06:08 Reply

    Whats app even beter then wechat

    • drs
      December 14, 06:14

      yeaa but we need to give our phone number for dat na… n here v cant xchange phone numbers on dtb itz too risky !

      wechat is better.. v can xchange id n then send friend request! n v can block unwanted ppl!

  5. Xia
    December 14, 06:06 Reply

    Ok di i ll try n last two months boys ki prob i really regret now bt its ok

    • drs
      December 14, 06:17

      see when life throws a problem at u… jus stand up n say bring it on dude am.ready for it! never backdown from a challenge… n never give up on UR dreams or for that matter anything in life until UR last breath !

  6. Ravi
    December 14, 06:06 Reply

    Sorry for late
    ur name plz
    xia ur real name

  7. drs
    December 14, 06:04 Reply

    kyun kii hoya last 2 months mein?

    make a wechat id na… we can stay connected all the time… am telling u na itz really very safe ! u want matlab i will tell u hw to download it!

  8. Xia
    December 14, 06:00 Reply

    Ji di mujhe yaad hai thts y im happy today bcoz of u n ol ok last two months was nt good di

  9. drs
    December 14, 05:57 Reply

    haan re meri jumping rabbit… mainu pata hai….! 🙂 aur suna all ok?? apna mantra yaad hai abhi bhi tujhe ??

  10. Xia
    December 14, 05:55 Reply

    Ok di bt i love jumping here n there bt ll talk here ok

  11. drs
    December 14, 05:51 Reply

    @Mr.Ravi: ua welcome 🙂

    @xiu : i will wait here for u… dont keep jumping like a rabbit to ipkk n back here… lets talk here

  12. Xia
    December 14, 05:47 Reply

    Ravi@di is ryt

  13. drs
    December 14, 05:46 Reply

    @Mr.Ravi : jus a friendly advice… ignore such people… fukat ki footage khaane aate hain yahan…! nxt tym they tell u smthng talk it out wid them dont spoil UR mood for such people they are not worth it ! 🙂

    • Ravi
      December 14, 05:47

      Thank You very much

  14. Xia
    December 14, 05:37 Reply

    Di nowadays no one at dtb

  15. Xia
    December 14, 05:37 Reply

    No di no one actually sumbody said bad words to ravi n now ravi wants to knw y he said tht n im just telling him to forget it

  16. drs
    December 14, 05:35 Reply

    xiu… smbdy troubling u darling ?? whoz dat fellow?

  17. drs
    December 14, 05:33 Reply

    xia : dear u here ??? missed u loads man… !

  18. Xia
    December 14, 05:27 Reply

    Ravi if u ll ask him n he ll get angry n talk badly abt u n mayb me too bcoz i was there too n i ll get hurt n i promise i dont wanna get hurt

    • Ravi
      December 14, 05:32

      But y

    • Ravi
      December 14, 05:33


  19. Xia
    December 14, 05:23 Reply

    Ravi just forget it naa plz i beg u

    • Ravi
      December 14, 05:25

      How can i

  20. Xia
    December 14, 05:18 Reply

    Ravi r u upset wid tht guy?

    • Ravi
      December 14, 05:21

      I what ask her/he what i did

  21. Xia
    December 14, 05:14 Reply

    Ravi you dont mail zaara?

    • Ravi
      December 14, 05:16

      I Mailed her that u came
      any time

  22. Xia
    December 14, 05:13 Reply

    So ravi wen i ll get to learn japanese?

  23. Xia
    December 14, 05:12 Reply

    So baloch you din went college today

  24. Xia
    December 14, 05:09 Reply

    Yes mayb u r ryt n hi baloch

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