Dilli Wali Thakur Gurls 3rd June 2015 Written Update

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Dilli Wali Thakur Gurls 3rd June 2015 Written Update by Amena

Dilli Wali Thakur Gurls 3rd June 2015 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Dylan talking to Dabbu. She says her focus was on him and he looks at her. They have an eyelock. She says I mean, you were talking to journalist and I was hearing your conversation, I did not realize. She says I m having headache. He gives her a tablet. She takes it and says sorry, I hope I did not do any stupidity. He says no, you were normal, just danced near the DJ, and that’s fine, a waiter became your best friend, and you told everyone that I m a big hitler. She says I m sorry, thanks for helping me. He says it means your hangover is less now, you need a strong coffee, lets go out. Aseem says call Bihari, he also knows me. The goon calls Bihari and talks to him.

He says Aseem is saying true. Aseem says I told you. The goon asks him to help them in finding her. Aseem says fine, I will find her and inform you. He thinks where did he get stuck, they will not leave me, where Did Dabbu go. The goon sees Dabbu’s pic again and go to find her. Dylan and Dabbu see her and run after her. Dylan and Dabbu get inside the lift and they miss her. They go by stairs. The lady and the kid get inside the lift and the kid presses all the keys. The lady says sorry. Dylan says its fine, he has pressed all the buttons. They get late in reaching the ground floor. Dylan says we will go by walk and gets down the lift. The goons divide to find them.

Dabbu and Dylan go out and goons still find them. Dylan says he forgot to say her parents called her, and they were very worried about her. She says I forgot to call mum. Dyloan says I had your phone, talk to them. Dabbu calls Mamta and finds her worried. She thinks why is mum tensed. She says she is fine, she is with Dylan. Mamta and LN say about Chadda warning them, he knows she is in Shimla, so they got worried. Mamta says come back. Dabbu says she is fine, she will come back tomorrow, whats the meaning to live fearful life. LN says fine.

Dabbu says I m with Dylam, he has saved me before, I m sure I m safe till I m with him. Dylan smiles. Mamta asks her to take care and be alert, she is worried. Dabbu asks them to sleep. She says parents worry so much. Dylan says you make everyone worry. They go out to a coffee stall and Dylan asks him to get special strong coffee. He says he always have coffee here whenever he comes to Shimla, its best coffee in the world. She says this is strange, the suave Dylan loves Dhaba coffee. He says she has tortured him. She says she does not remember. He asks did she say by heart and reminds her what she told.

He says you told me I m very hot, dashing, good looking, and I don’t see you. She holds her head. He says that I run after butterflies, its not completely true, I actually like beauty with brains, why do you like me so much, tell me why. She gets tensed. He says you were saying that you like me because…. They get the coffee and drink. She says this is really good coffee. He says your headache will run. The goons come and see her.

Dylan asks her again, why she likes him. She says actually…. All the goons come there and stare at Dabbu. Dylan sees them. He sees them taking out knife and gets shocked. They walk to her and try to stab her. Dylan holds the knife. She shouts as he steps on her feet. He asks Dabbu to go inside the Dhaba and beats all the goons. The goons still catch her and she tries to free herself. The goons hold Dylan too.

Aseem looks on and thinks he should leave, no one will point on him, if he helps Dabbu, Chadda’s men will not leave her, else she will know everything, its better if he runs, he can make any new plan if Dabbu gets saved. Dylan fights with the goons and gets wounded a bit. The goons run away. Dabbu gets relieved. Dylan runs to her and asks is she fine. She sees the cut wound on his hand and he says its not that bad, who are they, they tried to kill you. She says I think they are builder Chadda’s men, he wants to make townwhip, he wants to buy own home too, my dad refused him, dad warned me about this on phone. He says I can’t believe this. He asks her to call her parents, and not tell this, they will get worried.

Dabbu calls and asks are they fine, she is also worrid fro them, she missed them. Mamta says they are fine, come soon tomorrow. Dabbu says fine and ends call. She says everything is fine. Dylan asks her to stay in his room, as it won’t be safe for her to stay alone in her room. She looks at him. He says why are you giving me this look, its my responsibility to take care of you, don’t think anything, stupid. They come to his room. He asks her to freshen up, his wound is not big, he will do the aid. He sits to clean the wound and she helps him. She thinks do they have to sleep on one bed. Dylan makes the pillow wall and asks her to sleep on either side. She says thanks, good night and sleeps on one side. They sleep and put their hands on the pillow. He holds her hand. She wakes up and looks at him. She smiles and wishes he never leaves her hand.

No Precap

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  1. Dabbudylan
    June 04, 06:41 Reply

    Plsssss…. Upload the epi’s plssssssssssssssssssssssssssss…………………;….…

  2. dabbu
    June 04, 04:23 Reply

    Epi was awsum 😀 aseem ran away. Deblan part is too good I just love it 🙂

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