Dilli Wali Thakur Gurls 29th May 2015 Written Update

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Dilli Wali Thakur Gurls 29th May 2015 Written Update by Amena

Dilli Wali Thakur Gurls 29th May 2015 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Aseem being shocked to know Dabbu has gone with Dylan for the conference. He gets angry. Mamta says Dylan called at night, he called her at last minute as the other guy had some personal emergency, she was very happy. Mamta and LN see him angry and ask what happened. Aseem says nothing, I will leave. Mamta asks him does he have any bitterness in his heart after Dabbu refusing him. He says nothing like that, I m getting late and leaves. Mamta says I feel he is upset. LN says no, he was in hurry so he went, give him some time, it will be fine, lets have tea. She smiles.

Aseem comes out and hits his car in anger. He calls Vicky and Vicky asks did he take Dabbu, don’t take in her presence. Aseem says Dabbu has left already with Dylan. Vicky is shocked and asks what will he do now. Aseem says nothing, I will work there even if she has gone with Dylan, I m leaving. Vicky asks him not to lose courage. Aseem says I have to meet her son and it will happen as I thought. He ends call and leaves.

Dabbu and Dylan are on the way. Dylan asks the driver about any food court. The driver says many passed, but not hygienic as you want. He asks him to check in car GPS and stop if he can find any. Dabbu recalls Mamta’s tiffin and shows him. She says this is hygienic. He asks what is it. She says Aloo puri and mango pickle. He says he can’t eat fried things and asks her to have it. She asks sure. He says yes. She asks the driver to have some and he likes it. Dylan asks him to focus, I know its smelling good. Dabbu eats alone and gives one to him. Dylan eats it and says its very tasty. She laughs. He says thanks.

She thinks Dylan looks good having food made by my mum. Aseem’s car breaks down. He thinks its bad fate, all plans are failing and so many problems to reach Debjani. The driver checks the car and says it will take time, he has to call mechanic. Aseem asks him not to waste time and sends him. He says I can’t let my plan spoil and calls Prashant. Prashant says I have booked a room for you. Aseem says I will reach late, do my work before I come, if you do, I will give money you can. Prashant says I will do.

He says Debjani Thakur will be coming there and….. (mute) Prashant says it will be done. Aseem smiles and thinks his plan will be successful. Dabbu and Dylan reach the hotel. Dylan says nice place, and asks Dabbu to reach seminar hall at sharp 7.30. She says yes. Dylan gives his seminar and is stunned seeing Dabbu. She smiles seeing him. He too smiles as she waves to him. She takes her seat and thinks wow, Dylan talks so nicely and looks so dashing on stage. Everyone clap for Dylan.

Prashant gets Dabbu’s pic and shows the waiter. He tells him something. LN asks Mamta is everything fine. Mamta says she is worried for Dabbu. He says you spoke to her 25 times, she is fine. They see Mehra coming walking and wave to him. They see the goons beating Mehra and LN and Mamta ask the goon to leave him. They see Chadda’s goon Bihari. He asks whats this, how do you behave with people. Bihari says I was advising Mehra to sell his home. LN says I will call police. Bihari says if he calls police, he will make a call in Shimla, where his daughter went. LN and Mamta are shocked. Bihari says I have all the news. He asks Mehra to understand and laughs. He leaves.

Dabbu tells Dylan that he has given good speech, mind blowing. Dyloan says thanks for embarrassing me so much, this does not suit me, I feel something wrong is going to happen with me. She asks why is he saying so. He thinks what to say then and smiles. She thinks to control herself. He orders drinks and she thinks she can’t control herself from seeing him. She stares at him. Dylan asks is there anything on my face. Dabbu says no, nothing. He asks why is she staring at him. She says no, I was in some thought. He asks what was she thinking. She says that I m so lucky to come here. Oberoi says excellent speech and asks till when will he refuse to his channel. Dylan gets busy. The waiter gives lemon water to Dabbu and she drinks it. Prashant calls Aseem and says work is done.

Aseem says I m reaching soon, and thinks before I reach, Dabbu will be drunk and ready to fall in my arms. LN asks how can they threaten him. Mamta says I was already worried for Dabbu. LN asks her to calm down, he will call police. She stops him and says we can’t take risk. He says fine. Chadda comes and scares them about Dabbu. LN says you came again uninvited. Chadda says I have come as I knew you and your wife will be scared, you may understand everything, take the property sale documents, take 35 crores from me and get peace for life. LN says out. Chadda laughs and says you did not see my scary face till now. Mamta hides her girls.

Chadda says girl’s father should not be such, world is bad and don’t know what happens. LN slaps him and says don’t dare to see my family and daughters, else I will not let you see anything. Chadda says now you have to see a lot. He thinks Dabbu will pay for this slap in Shimla and leaves. Dabbu smiles. Dylan turns and does not see Dabbu. He looks around and sees her dancing. He says I don’t believe this, she is dancing drinking fresh lime soda as if she had a drink. He smells the glass and says it had wine, it means she has really drunk wine.

No Precap.

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  1. praise
    May 31, 01:39 Reply

    Dylan drops dabbu in her room…
    Dabbu hold his hand…
    Chadda tell his man’s to destroy lyk of dabbu…
    Aseem takes d keys of d rooms n d manager says dat work done…

    • praise
      May 31, 01:41

      manager = prashant*

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