Devon Ke Dev…Mahadev 21st September 2012 Written Update

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Devon Ke Dev…Mahadev 21st September 2012 Written Update by Killer_Shark

Mahadev and Devi Parvati enter the newly decked Amarnath gufa…

Parvati devi questions Mahadev how is that they both are the forms of Purush and Prakriti and if at all that is true then how come they are together even after so many years of separation.
How is this stream of love flows without a proper reason or warning! How are we the source of it.
Shiva answers, “you are the form of Prakriti -the personification and there is an essence of you in every women, and the origin of Purush element is because of me. Even though we might have not been together for long, but our essence is still their and together in other forms.”

He further adds “For example- the thirst, the longing for love and the chirping of birds… its because of our elements isn’t it? The satisfaction of their flight together as one is cause of our elements. ”
“Dear, your elements are dissolved in the petals of flowers and mine are in the pollen grains, the scent that is formed due to the unison of these finds its base as love itself.” explains Mahadev

“You are the from of earth and I the seed citing the nature in totality- It is the result of our love, when a seedling is formed from the womb of the earth due their unions ”
“This means that we always completed each other; in one or the other form our love lived- it survived! ” says Parvati

Takki with his Changu Mangu n tingu (who got back to their original avtars) informs that Shiva’s son will be in the form of energy (urja) and orders them to destroy it then and there.
He also warns them, if at all that energy comes in contact with the nature, it will be transformed into a supernatural power and they would instead transform it into asuristic power! And once this happens, this asuri energy would help them in establishing the Tripur into the solar system. saying this Takki wishes his sons good luck.

But Tingu retorts saying that they would never do such a sinful thing.
Mangu adds that they wont take a sin upon them by killing Shiva putr!
Mangu at the end request their father to excuse them for this time n this deed.. and they leave!

Takki is all disappointed cause of his son’s last minute ditch which indeed itches him!

Back to Amarnath caves:
Shiva and his Shakti are sitting opposite to each other on their seats.. Shiva asks her in gestures if it is time.
With sun rays streaming in the cave and making them glow… both Mahadev and Parvati sit in a meditative posture.


After a while of their meditation they bring out their Urja- energy!


As their energies unite, a reflection of the Lasya which they have in the form of Prakriti and Purusha comes forth.. and many such postures of Lasya are created.


Shiv and Shakti in their subconscious state perform the divine dance- Lasya.

With each move as measured and each posture as graceful as it could be.
With each step in the divine dance there formed Urja- energy. Each of those reflection of those postures emitted energy and those energies unify as one.


Both Mahadev and his consort Parvati are in the state of Bliss.

Outside the Caves stood our desperate bunch of devas.. eagarly waiting for Shiv putr!
All of a sudden thunders stuck and wind started blowing violently.

They are terrified due to this and suspect that it could be because of Takki!

The gang is supper terrorized cause of Takki’s thunder wonder

Back in the Amarnath caves.. The process of procreation is at its culmination


As all the devas are panic struck, Indra orders Agini dev to do his duty of bringing out that Urja- energy which has been created by Prakriti (Parvati) and Purusha (Shiva)

The thunder (Takki) takes the form of violent storm and cyclon which scare the devas.

Back to Shiv-Parvati
At last the Urja or the energy formed from the essence of both Mahadev n Parvati takes the form of a big fire sphere.. and strong magnetic waves are emitted from it.


Then Agnidev arrives to that corner of the cave. In order to protect Shiv-Shakti’s son from Takki, he gently takes the energy into his hands but the power and energy was such that even Agi dev couldn’t hold it in his hands.

Agni dev is finding it a hard time to carry the powerful Urja sphere. He then decides to take it away to some safe place.
As the new mom opens her eyes feeling complete and in peace she raises her vision to see the energy sphere. But to her horror she couldn’t find it their!

A horror-struck mother questions her husband about their child, but Mahadev is not out of his meditative state yet!

She then inspects the cave and spots Agni dev taking away her son in the form of Urja.
She orders him to stop! but he doesn’t… so she too follows him.

Agni dev comes out of the cave crying for help as the sphere of energy is too hot for him to hold.
The devas ask Brihaspati to do something!
He advices that only vanaspati (medical plants) can give Agnidev any respite.
Thus Agnidev runs towards the forest.

Now Takki is spotted at the spot with Aginidev holding the sphere of energy.. Takki then warns Agnidev to give away the energy to him… Indr instructs him to take it to some secret place.

As Agnidev disappears Takki follows him .
Where as Devi Parvati asks Agnidev’s where about to the devas who already look terrified.

Dev guru informs Parvati devi that Agnidev follwed Devraj’s instructions to take away the sphere of energy (lolzzz hogagi googly Indr dev.. tch tch tch)

Mata Parvati has both rage and tears at same time.
Devas are now super scared to see Dvi Parvati so angry.

Mata Parvati takes the form of err Durga?
And blames the devas for kidnap of her son and warns them if at all they do not return her son she wold curse them.
Shiv asks Parvati to calm down and assures her that he would find their son.

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