Devanshi 28th November 2016 Written Update

Devanshi 28th November 2016 Written Update by Amena

Devanshi 28th November 2016 Written Episode

The Episode starts with everyone asking Devanshi to help them, and save them from the epidemic. The lady says Kusum has made you sit on her throne, now you have to save the village. Sarla thinks is Kusum doing this, how can she fall so low. Devanshi cries. Mohan asks Devanshi to tell them that she will save their lives. Gopi says what will she say, if she has words, she will say. He jokes on Devanshi. Nutan agrees and says Devanshi will be responsible for the deaths. Ashutosh says Devanshi did not become Mata by her wish, Kusum made by Mata by thinking something, trust her as you all trust Kusum, she will do something.

Mohan says what will she do and when, the epidemic will kill everyone, what’s the guarantee, if Devanshi gets scared, what will happen of the devotees. Everyone asks Devanshi
to save them. Rajjo says she is a little girl, she will get scared if they all ask her together. Nutan says she has powers, she has to save the village. They all ask Devanshi to save them. Sarla says stop it, give Devanshi a chance to talk, she will talk to Maiyya and tell the solution. Devanshi says I thought of the solution of this disease.

Sarla thinks did Devanshi get mad, she will get us beaten. Devanshi says I will say what to do. She gets a broom and says I heard Sakshi studying, cleaning does not spread the disease, we should keep the village clean so that the disease does not spread. Mohan says here, people are dying, and Mata is saying clean village. Sarla says Mohan, you don’t need to say, now Devanshi is giving solution and you are asking this. Mohan says I worry for village. Sarla asks him to stay as servant, and not come between Maiyya and Choti Mata, maybe Maiyya told her. Devanshi says no. Sarla says we will clean the village and chants her name. They all clean the land.

Gopi says this girl is making us sweep. Nutan says no need to stay here, we will leave from this village till the epidemic ends. Rajjo asks what about villagers, who always supported us, I wish Kusum was here. Mohan thinks Kusum has done all this, I added poison in the village well, this had to happen if you all give fate in little girl’s hands. Everyone sweep. Sarla also sweeps and thinks Devanshi gave the broom to me too, there is no other way. Ashutosh praises Devanshi and says when all villagers unite, there will be no disease. Omi asks Sarla to come and clean the mess. He says I don’t think this drama will go on for more, think what to do. Sarla says its good we got time to think, I called a doctor, he will say about disease, we have to pay him money.

Kusum laughs talking to Mohan and says what can we expect from a 7 year old girl, she does not know anything about it, Sarla is clever, keep an eye on her. Mohan says don’t worry, till Sarla understands, Devanshi will be down. Sarla calls doctor. He says leave the epidemic worry on me. Mohan’s goons catch him and beat him up. He threatens him and sends him. Sarla wonders what happened to doctor. Devanshi sees the well. Omi tells that the well is big and water goes to entire village from this well. Devanshi says disease spreads by water also. The man asks her to come to temple fast. The lady gets her ill husband and asks Devanshi to save him. Geeta says trust Maiyya, he will get fine. The lady asks Devanshi to do something, show some miracle.

Nutan says this 7 year old girl, how can she save this man. Take him to doctor. The lady says no, I trust Choti Mata. Mohan asks Devanshi to show miracle of her powers. They all call Devanshi a liar, she can’t be our Mata. Mohan smiles. Devanshi runs from there. Gopi says great, she has run away to save her own life, just Kusum is our Mata, she can save this man’s life. He chants Kusum’s name. Devanshi runs somewhere.

Devanshi says the man will get fine, make him drink this water. She feeds some water to the man. Kusum appears from the well, and everyone get shocked.

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