Bhabhiji Ghar Pe Hai 2nd January 2023 Written Update

Bhabhiji Ghar Pe Hai 2nd January 2023 Written Update by Tanaya

Bhabhiji Ghar Pe Hai 2nd January 2023 Written Episode

Saxena is at his balcony and enjoying the cold weather. A dog shows up and Saxena hoes upto him and starts petting him. Saxena says that he’s also orphan and tells him that he will live him now and names him “Rocky Saxena”.

Everyone is gathered at tea stall. Dr. Gupta says that the weather is very cold nowadays. MasterJi also agrees with him. Teeka says that he has a phone that can calculate the temperature. Tiwari says that he has a very high tech phone. Tillu says that now every phone can tell the temperature. Tiwari says that these are not good because anytime these phones can leak data. MasterJi gets scared. Vibhu shows up with sweets and tells everyone that he has got a job. Tiwari asks if he has became a security guard at a stable? Vibhu doesn’t gives him sweets and passes it to others. Gupta asks the same to Vibhu about his job. Vibhu says that Tiwari will get jealous. Tiwari starts laughing and says that has everything given by god. Prem also asks Vibhu about his job so that he can clear his debts. Tiwari starts laughing again. Vibhu tells everyone that he’s has become collection manager in an international finance company, and says that he will get 50000 rupees every month. Tiwari starts laughing. Dr. Gupta tells Tiwari to appreciate Tiwari. Vibhu gets up and takes all the sweets and leaves.

Vibhu goes to Angoori and sits with her. Vibhu gives her sweets. Angoori eats it and says that it’s very delicious. Vibhu tells her that he got a job in a finance company. Angoori starts laughing and tells him to stop joking. Vibhu tells her that he’s serious. Angoori is still laughing and says that she would believe Teeka and Tillu with their job, but cannot believe him. Vibhu asks, why? Angoori tells him that he’s too old for a job now.

Anu and David are sitting together. Anu is nervous and praying for Vibhu to get his job. David tells her to calm down and says that Vibhu will get his job for sure. Vibhu comes in all excited and tells them both that he got job in finance company as a collection manager. Anu asks Vibhu about his salary. Vibhu tells Anu that he will be getting 50000 rupees every month. David tells Vibhu to bring desi ghee and lots of sweets. Anu and David gets excited. Anu tells Vibhu that she will give a party in happiness of Vibhu getting a job.

Everyone has gathered for the party. Vibhu pops a champagne and everyone starts cheering. Tiwari and Angoori also comes in with gifts. Tiwari gives the gifts to Anu and congratulates her. Vibhu tells Tiwari that he should congratulate him, because he got a job. Anu also agrees with him. Tiwari says that Anu’s dream got true that’s why he’s congratulating her. Angoori says that she still cannot believe that Vibhu got a job. Vibhu gets ashamed. Teeka says that they should start dancing and celebrating. David says, why not? David says that he also called a very talented performer. Teeka asks, who’s that guy? David announces, Anokhe Lal Saxena. Everyone gets shocked. Saxena and his dog Rocky Saxena also shows up. Saxena starts singing. Tiwari and Vibhu says that he’s the worst singer and starts disrespecting him. Vibhu snatches microphone from Saxena. Saxena tells Vibhu that it’s very disrespectful. Tiwari tells Saxena that he was also disrespecting songs by singing them with his flat voice. Vibhu starts singing and everyone starts dancing.

Angoori is watering her plants. Vibhu goes upto her and greets her. Angoori greets him back. Vibhu asks Angoori if she enjoyed the party last night. Angoori says, no. Vibhu asks, why? Angoori tells Vibhu that she didn’t liked it because they disrespected an artist. Anu and Tiwari comes back from their morning walk. Anu is also upset from Tiwari. Anu also says that they shouldn’t have disrespected him. Vibhu and Tiwari blames it on each other. Angoori says that because of them Saxena must have gotten hurt. Saxena shows up and says that he didn’t got hurt, but instead, he was enjoying it, but Rocky got hurt after listening his disrespect. Tiwari asks, what? Saxena says that Rocky will bite him. Vibhu says that it’s just a dog and they will give a bone to the dog. Saxena says that Rocky is his boyfriend and will not tolerate his disrespect. Vibhu and Tiwari slaps him and leaves. Rocky sees them.

Tillu is sleeping at Tiwari’s shop instead of working. Tiwari shows up and slaps him. Tillu wakes up. Tiwari starts yelling at him. Tillu tells Tiwari that he saw a dream where his shop got destroyed. Tiwari slaps him and tells him to dream about something good, like his business getting expanded. Tillu says that he cannot help with that. Tiwari gets a call from municipality official and tells Tiwari that his shop is illegally built and will be destroyed. Tiwari politely tells him to meet. Municipality official gets excited and hangs up the call. Tillu asks Tiwari if he got a big order? Tiwari slaps him and tells him his shop might get destroyed. Tiwari also tells Tillu that he’s going to ATM to get some money to bribe the officer.

Angoori is talking to Ammaji. Ammaji tells Angoori that it’s very cold in her village. Angoori says that she’s getting old that’s why she might be feeling colder. Ammaji tells Angoori that Ramphal told another solution to get a child. Angoori asks about the solution. Ammaji tells Angoori that she only has say truth for a week. Angoori says that she will do it. Angoori asks Ammaji about her and Ramphal’s relation. Ammaji hangs up the call. Vibhu is leaving for his job and sees Angoori. Vibhu thinks that Angoori will again disrespect him and he decides to sneak out. Anu comes out of her house and calls Vibhu. Vibhu gets spotted. Anu hugs Vibhu tells him that he was forgetting the hug. Angoori watches them and says that Vibhu should hug because his job is only going to for few days. Anu tells Vibhu that it’s his reputation. Vibhu asks Angoori that why is she saying that? Angoori tells Vibhu that his every job didn’t lasted more than 10 days. Vibhu gets ashamed. Anu starts laughing. Vibhu leaves. Anu greets Angoori. Angoori tells Anu that she is very skinny just like a piece of stick. Anu goes back inside her house.

Tiwari and Vibhu meets together at the bank. Tiwari and Vibhu again starts disrespecting Saxena again. Tiwari tells Vibhu to be loyal to his. Vibhu says that he will surely be loyal. Tiwari appreciates Vibhu’s decision. Tiwari tells Vibhu that he’s getting late and leaves. Tiwari and Vibhu sees Rocky Saxena’s dog and gets scared. Tiwari and Vibhu runs away and Rocky also follows them. Vibhu and Anu goes inside each other’s house.

Tiwari sits with Anu and David and he drinks Anu’s coffee.
Angoori asks Vibhu that why he here? When he should be at his job. Angoori tells him that she already told him that his job will last not more than few days. Vibhu says that he was going to for job, but Saxena’s dog Rocky came after him. Angoori tells Vibhu that it all happened because he disrespected Saxena.
Anu tells Tiwari that he shouldn’t have disrespected Saxena. Anu starts yelling at Tiwari. Anu asks Tiwari that where is Vibhu? Tiwari tells her that Vibhu is at his house. Angoori tells Vibhu to take it as a challenge.

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