Bepannaah 21st May 2018 Written Update

Bepannaah 21st May 2018 Written Update by Pooja

Bepannaah 21st May 2018 Written Episode

Madhu ji says it’s him. He is used to considering other’s house his own. Zoya tries to explain but Aditya explains it to her. I had to come here with the pen drive as neither Zoya nor Mahi were picking their phones. I am done. She notices the photo on the floor. How did it fall? Aditya apologizes to her. He is about to pick it but she tells him to stop. She picks it herself. It will be better if you wont touch my son’s photo. You are Zoya’s business partner and Mahi’s colleague so finish off quickly whatever you have come here for. I don’t want to be rude with you. Aditya leaves. Madhu ji next tells Zoya that Aditya has broken all of Yash’s photos already. This is your last photo with Yash. What if this was broken as well? She heads inside sadly followed by Mahi.

Aditya is waiting
for the lift when Zoya walks up to him. She pulls him around as he does not respond. You disrespected a son before a mother today. I agree that you have problem with Yash then why are you taking your revenge on his mother? He replies that he does not need to do anything like that as he has her! I was mad. I was having a good day when I thought how to ruin it! I thought of you then. He tells her his real reason of coming here. Couldn’t you have told him that I am travelling and wont come back? I had to come inside stealthily. Only I know how I did that! Flashback shows Aditya jumping in from the kitchen window when Zoya is pouring water for Kalpesh. He calls you Mrs. Hooda. What if I had not come on time and he had called you that in front of your MIL? She begins to say something but he cuts her off. Your dictionary only has complain words. What if Kalpesh had seen me coming in? She suggests hiding it somewhere else. He says he kept my wife’s birthday his locker number and cheated you yet you are defending him. She denies. I am only saying that you have no right to insult a son before his mother. He angrily tells Zoya to do whatever she has to. I bid adieu to you and your company.

Madhu ji says I don’t understand why he keeps coming here again and again. Mahi says he had some urgent work of office. Adi had to come here as my phone was switched off. Madhu ji says Adi pointedly to her. Mahi corrects herself. Aditya! Zoya comes back. Her MIL goes to her room. Zoya asks Mahi if her MIL is upset with her. Mahi does not care. Tell me why Aditya and Kalpesh were here. Zoya tells her everything. I scolded him so much. Now he is refusing to be a part of this deal.Mahi is positive he was only saying that in anger. Zoya says this time he was right. He did so much for the company while I scodled him. I dint do the right thing. Mahi says Aditya will understand. I will explain it to him if he wont understand. You are worried as if he is your real husband! Zoya tells her against it. he isn’t and will neither be my husband! Think before you speak!

Anjana confronts Sakshi. First your daughter cheated us and now you! Daughter will learn from mother after all! Don’t you both have some shame? Aditya tells her to stop. Enough! He stands in front of Sakshi. Not another word. Arjun also ask shis mother why she is speaking to Sakshi aunty like this. She is a part of this family, with or without Pooja Bhabhi! Aditya also asks her why she is turning into Mr. Hooda as well. Anjana says I only am mad. I make fuss and mistakes! Sakshi can never do anything wrong. Aditya tells her to stop her melodrama. Come to the point. Anjana shows the bill to Aditya. What happened that Sakshi had to sell Pooja’s bangles? Why did you need 5 lacs? What are you hiding from us? Sakshi looks down as Aditya turns to look at her.

Madhu ji is lost in thoughts at the dining table. Don’t know what’s happening in this house these days! Zoya offers her hot chapatti. Mahi goes to bring pickle from the kitchen. Zoya tells her MIL she knows she is upset with both of them. Madhu ji says you would also know the reason then. Are you hiding something from me? This house has been through a lot. Don’t do something which will only worsen things for this family! I trusted you after a lot of difficulty. Don’t let it break. She goes inside. Mahi finds Zoya smiling after getting scolded by her mother. Zoya says I like it when Mummy ji speaks to me with so much love. Mahi says what if she finds out about your fake marriage (in high tone). Zoya requests her to be low. I cannot break her heart again.

Sakshi says I dint sell them. I just mortgaged them. Anjana repeats her question. It is good that I saw you or you could have also done what Pooja did! Aditya turns to Anjana. You should be ashamed! She lives with us since so many years and we still could not have her trust us. You can see Pooja’s jewellery but maybe her problem is big. Maybe this is why she cannot share it with us. You (Sakshi) could have asked me once. Sakshi starts crying. Aditya wipes her tears. Doc told you not to take tension. We will talk about this later. Arjun gives her water. Aditya gives his credit card to her in case she would need more money. Anjana says I agree that I am bad but I am still your mother. it is my duty to stop you from taking any wrong step. I am telling you. You are going to repeat your mistake. Don’t trust someone so much that you cannot even question that person. You trusted once as well. What was the result? Aditya asks her the same question. Mr. Hooda is living with you without any question right? Sakshi Ma is Pooja’s Ma. She needs no permission to use Pooja’s jewellery in any way. She takes Sakshi inside. Anjana wipes her tears. She turns to Arjun but he too leaves from there. Anjana thinks till when will Sakshi do this drama. She will have to give answers one day!

Arjun reaches Radio Station. Chirag tells him that Noor is not at all willing to come out of the room. She is eager to meet RJ AJ. Arjun agrees to manage things. He knocks at the door. He asks Noor to go to Chirag. She wants to be with RJ AJ as she came first but he manages to send her out. Noor goes to Chirag. He asks her to mark her entry in the register first. RJ AJ starts his show. Noor peeks inside the door. AJ signals her to come in. Noor takes her seat. AJ’s face is coloured blue (face pack). Noor asks him about it. AJ says I don’t have time so I utilise my time. Will you try it? She denies. He asks her how she finds the job. She calls it dream job. He asks her if she is having a good rapport with Arjun. She speaks badly about him. I keep distance with such people. You too should be careful. He tells her that he does not like it when colleagues b*t*h about one another. You have 2 choices – you can either be friends with him or leave the job! She is sad to think that she will have to make Arjun her friend now. Arjun removes his hood as soon as she steps out. One has to do so much for a girl!

Zoya tells Mahi that they need to show the presentation to Aditya. Who would explain it to Kanti Bhai? Mahi speaks badly about Kanti ji because of his mentality. Zoya tells her to let it be. Abbu used to say that we should only focus on the work. Remaining should be ignored. No staff member is able to get in touch with Aditya as he is not responding to anyone’s calls. Zoya says the same. What should we do now Mahi? Where will we find Aditya now? Mithilesh ji says Virani’s are about to come. What will we do now? Mahi calls Aditya. He picks her call. She puts it on speaker. I knew that you will pick my call. It’s getting late. Virani’s are about to reach. Aditya says I said bye to Zoya yesterday only. Vinod tells Zoya that Kalpesh has been calling again and again. Why don’t we give the presentation? Aditya ends the call. Zoya sits down worriedly.

Servant tells Harsh that he cleaned Aditya and Arjun’s room properly but couldn’t find anything. Harsh asks about the trash but servant has checked that too. He shares that he dint check Sakshi and his room only. Harsh doubts on Sakshi owing to the recent doubts on her.

Zoya starts the presentation. Sagarika does thumbs up to her. Kalpesh also likes the idea. He asks his father about his opinion. Kanti ji points out that women dint use to work with her husbands like this 100 years ago. What are you talking about? Where is your husband? Does he have no interest in our account? Mahi lies that he isn’t well but Kanti ji holds out his hand for her. He is your (Zoya) husband while she is answering! What are you guys up to? Lord, save me! Zoya begins to say something but Kanti ji refuses to give contract to Zosh until Aditya is there. The one who cannot understand my ideals will not be able to understand me. Will one presentation replicate who I am? Kalpesh also fails to make him understand. Zoya feels bad for speaking badly to Aditya. I will be responsible for whatever happens next. Kanti ji’s other son says I spoke to Aditya last night. He said presentation wont be able to express much. While we were talking, he realised how big a cricket fan you are. He suggested organizing a cricket event. Zoya looks at him in confusion but Kanti ji is in for the idea. Sumit adds that there will be 2 teams (Zosh and Virani’s). Kanti ji tells him to implement the idea today itself. We will see how rocking your idea and Aditya are! We meet at 4! Sumit nods. Virani’s are tensed. Mahi asks Sumit if he is sure Aditya said so. He denies. Cricket is his love. I knew he would give you time this way. You have time till 4. You can rock then. Virani’s wish them good luck as they leave.

Zoya cannot understand how they will hold the match when they know nothing. Mahi decides to call Aditya. Kalpesh tells someone not to worry. I will do the best possible. Zosh events only will get the contract.

Mona tells Zoya that Aditya isn’t picking calls. Zoya decides to pacify Aditya. I was wrong this time. She tells them to make preps. I will be back soon.

Noor calls Arjun. He looks at his phone in surprise. Am I dreaming or are you calling me for real? Noor is getting irked as he isn’t answering. He finally picks the call. She asks him for coffee. He agrees to meet her at the same coffee where they got stuck last time. She agrees. we will fix the time in a while. She ends the call. Thank God he agreed! Langoor! Arjun is happy that finally their first date is set.

Someone clicks photos of Zoya as she goes inside Hooda house.

Aditya is sitting unhappily in his room. Arjun is surprised to see him at home. Aditya says I will stay at home till I get my license back. Arjun says you are not the one to take break. Aditya says let’s see some film. I got stuck in something for no reason. Arjun says I just came to take your perfume. I have to go for a meeting.

Zoya asks the servant about Aditya.

Aditya asks Arjun for which meeting he needs foreign perfume. Arjun tries to avert his questions and is going out when Aditya dials Chocomati’s number. Before Aditya can talk to Noor, Servant comes to tell Aditya that Zoya has come to see him. His expressions change. Arjun tells Noor that the call got connected by mistake.

Aditya meets Zoya. He tells her he is busy. She agrees to wait and he lets her wait. Aditya keeps looking at Zoya as she waits downstairs for him. She can see him as well and tries to talk but he pretends to be doing something on his phone. She keeps her temper in check. Zoya gets Shawn’s call and agrees to call him back. She asks servant about Aditya. She is told that he is resting and does not want to be disturbed. She knocks at his door repeatedly. She looks at the mess that he has created in his room. She tells him that she knows that he is doing all this intentionally. He asks her what she wants. I told you I have no interest in your office anymore. I said bye. She accepts that she was wrong last night. He says it means I was still wrong. this is a nice way to apologize. I save you yet I have to apologize. I know Virani contract wont be complete without me but I have no interest in anything! She again says sorry to him but he isn’t interested. Say it the day you really feel it. She requests him not to do so. It was my mistake. Why punish everyone else for that? There is a cricket match for Virani’s at 4. It will be a problem if they see me without my husband there. I accept it was my fault. I agree for any punishment. I will do whatever you say. Aditya agrees.

Mahi speaks badly about Zoya. Adi is so upset because of that Zoya only. Sagarika overhears her. Who will he be angry with if not with his wife? You get upset with your loved ones only and not outsiders after all! Anyways, she is his wife. She will bring him somehow. I have seen their connection. They look at each other as if they will set the world on fire. She walks away. Mahi fumes.

Zoya thinks what I got myself into. How will I do this? I will have to do this though! She breaks a vase by mistake. Anjana comes downstairs hearing the noise and is shocked to see Zoya. Zoya says sorry to her. Anjana says I don’t understand why you come to our house repeatedly. You mess up something or other whenever you come. My son’s life is messed up since you came in his life! Because of you, he couldn’t forget his past! What you broke was very expensive. I brought it from Rome. Don’t pull my son in your personal problem. Stop this drama. Aditya asks her if Zoya is the one who is doing drama. Why does she need to do it? Our house is already a drama house. People, relations or marriage are of no meaning here. This stuff from Rome is more valuable. Zoya asks him how he is talking to his mother but Anjana warns her not to interfere between her and her son. She walks away.

Kalpesh asks someone if he is coming or not. The guy agrees. Kalpesh asks him to come to club house directly. The guy (Rajvir) speaks in roundabout manner. They end the call. Rajvir steps out of his car. Everyone’s game will be up one by one.

Akansha says what we will do without Adi Sir. Shawn notices Aditya and Zoya coming just then. Everyone goes to them. Mahi looks at them unhappily. Kalpesh also greets Aditya. Aditya says Zoya pacified me in a way that I couldn’t say no. Mahi asks him about it. Aditya says I am feeling embarrassed. Zoya will tell. Zoya recalls Aditya’s condition. He has told her to praise him in Urdu in every 5 minutes. She points out that she will look like a fool this way. This idea thrills him all the more. Flashback ends.

Zoya praises Aditya again. Aditya smiles. Ghalib? She says a shayari for him. Sagarika laughs. How cute! You are saying shayari for him! Mahi asks Zoya what’s wrong with him. Why did you become Urdu dictionary suddenly? Sagarika tells her that husband and wife have such talks. You wont understand. Kalpesh goes for some work. Sagarika advises Zoya not to have a fight with such a handsome husband. He wouldn’t have come here if he dint love you so much. World tries to come in between such pure love. It is up to you as to how you protect your love! Everyone goes quiet. Mahi angrily sends the staff to check on refreshments. Sagarika asks them why they fought on the first place. Zoya lies to her. Zoya recalls an instance wherein one of her friend’s husband had asked Zoya’s friend to come for camping. I dint like it and he got upset. Aditya remembers Pooja taking him for camping against his wish one day. Sagarika reasons that one adjusts as per another in wedding. If you only listen to one person and the other quietly follows then he is frustrated. You also need to know what upsets or hurts the others or extra marital affairs happen. If our partner wont understand us then we will look for that understanding outside. Aditya remembers not going out for poetry night with Pooja. Aditya gets upset. Sagarika asks Zoya to hug Aditya. Become friends now. Aditya says it isn’t required. We are okay now. Sagarika insists. She is your wife. You can hug her once. They look at each other pensively. Sagarika tells Aditya he does not appear to be so shy. He extends his arms. Sagarika does not give up. Zoya looks at him.

Precap: Aditya gives bowl to Zoya. It is my order as your husband. Kanti ji hits sixes repeatedly. Both Zoya and Aditya try to catch a six thrown high up in the air when they collide and fall atop each other. Rajvir catches the ball – six!


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1 Comment

  1. Aadvika
    May 23, 13:21 Reply

    finally Adi gets back to Zoya.. 🙂
    Huh! every 5mins she has to praise him 😆

    Shakshi ji escaped..
    Harsh is on the process of missing pages..
    hope Mystery reveals soon…

    last scene.. Adi’s expressions.. 😉

    New entry in Precap!

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