Beintehaa 29th May 2014 Written Update

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Beintehaa 29th May 2014 Written Update by Tanthya

Beintehaa 29th May 2014 Written Episode

Zain walks into the house and is greeted with tensed faces who inform Zain that a curfew has been slapped in the city and riots have broken out. Zain’s immediate thoughts go to Aaliya, He comes to know that Aaliya left along with him on her cycle and has not returned yet. Zain instantly calls Aaliya on her mobile but there is no answer …Just then Usman calls who enquires about the riots ..Zain takes this opportunity to slip out in search of Aliya.


Aaliya numerous cousins pile on the jeep head out in search of Aaliya..Zain comes few seconds late..One of the cousin tells Zain to go inside and not to step out ..


Suraiyya is anxious for her son, urges Usman to call up Shabana and talk to Zain. Usman hiding his own fears , tells of Suraiyya reminding her that Shabana and her family are caught in the middle of a riot while they are safely in the AC room of Mumbai, itt would not do good to call them again , again..


Zain is thinking about Aaliya and the rude words thrown on her during unpacking, he decides to find Aaliya at any cost, Zain starts on foot to search for Aaliya.

In Some other Part

The camera pans on a twisted pink colored cycle, a broken chain like the one worn by Aaliya, One sandals..

IN Another Side of Bhopal

Zain is standing in the middle of the street, fuddled, confused , clueless and getting progressively scared for Aaliya.. He remembers all their moments from the time they had the dance fight..

Just then Suraiyya’s call reaches Zain. Suraiyya is all motherly concern ..She demands to know whether Zain is asfe and sound, Zain stammers that he is safe ..Hearing him stammer, Suraiyya gets suspicious asks Zain whether he is inside the house..Zain assures Suraiyay that he is securely inside the home… before further conversation can ensue,The phone is cut. A big mob comes running brandishing knives , swords etc..Seeing them Zain tries to move away.. while Police battalions hold the rampaging mob .


Ayat gets a call from Ayesha who informs her that Zain and Aaliya are both outside and have not returned , Ayat exclaims this fact aloud in shock.. which is overheard by Suraiyya who is even more shocked.

Suraiyya calls up Shabana and demands that she give the phone to Zain, Shabana fibs about Zain’s presence which angers Suraiyya very much .. She scolds Shabana for lying again, reminds her that Bhopal has given her too much of sadness and she will never forgive them if anything happened to her son. Shabana listens quietly ..

Suraiyya heads to Usman, updates him about Zain being caught in the streets as he has gone in search of Aaliya.. Suraiyya bitterly remarks that everytime Zain steps on Bhopal soil, he gets into trouble..Suraiyya is about to remind Usman about the first time when he had to forcibly marry Aaliya but stops seeing the look of Usman.Usman quietly remarks that he is aware that Suraiyya never accepted Zain’s marriage but he also reminds her tht it was Aaliya who brought them their Barkhat, Suraiyya will not hear of it, she refutes Usman’s assertion stating emphatically that it was HER son Zain who got Barkhat and not to give undue praise and credits to Aaliya.


zain rings up Aaliya again; the call connects..Zain is relieved.. His relief lasts until he hears a male turns out that he is Inspector Khan . Inspector Khan informs Zain that he found the phone lying by the cycle and to come to Sadar Bazar for further info.

Zain quickly leaves for Sadar Bazar after getting route instructions from the local inspector. Zain reaches Sadar Bazar.. He approaches the inspector who has his back turned .. The inspector turns , both are surprised to see one another cuz Inspector Khan is Zeeshan’s Uncle !! * A flashback of Inspector Khan alleging illicit affair between Zain/Aaliya..The hug moment which the whole family witnesses etc etc *

Zain gulps down, tells the inspector about the phone .. Inspector Khan hands him Aaliya’s phone, points at the broken cycle of Aaliya’s..Zain walks towards the cycle, his heart breaking with every step.. he squats down , picking up the earring of Aaliya’s which has fallen on top of the cycle as if tugged away by cruel hands while the sonorous voice of Inspector Khan tells Zain that several women have been injured and 2 are dead too.

Zain is locked in his own miserable world.. thinking back at their good moments and bad moments .. Of their fights , of their togetherness… He walks towards the vehicle which houses the bodies.. Zain slowly lifts the cover off one face….. A pause …

PRECAP: Zain covers the face again… The deserted riot hit streets of Bhopal are shown with its broken down vehicles, blood stains and then…A heart rending cry of Zain pierces the quiet of the night …. AAliyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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    • rosewoodzaya
      May 29, 14:06

      Let me drop u to mental asylum dear! 😉
      Btw r u also 14?

    • rosewoodzaya
      May 29, 14:11

      Waah waah kya baat hai…ages also match

    • firdose
      May 29, 14:11

      Already we r in bi asylum
      Kitkit u to join

    • kitkit
      May 29, 14:14

      i have already joined i am an old member u know 😉

  1. san
    May 29, 14:00 Reply

    Rose by reading ur comments am getiing confused how many neraja r there and who kitkit with neeraja pro pic

    • rosewoodzaya
      May 29, 14:02

      One is our phattu…my kitkit…neeraja
      Oder is dis one…whose username is kitkit.. 🙂
      N hi bz! U free or will u go?

    • san
      May 29, 14:09

      Hi … ill be there for sometime…..ahh some days back I
      tried to talk her(neeraja 2) but she didn’t replied

    • kitkit
      May 29, 14:10

      i was nt der dat tym

    • san
      May 29, 14:15

      Actually I though that neeraja 2 is our phattu that’s y…. to much confusion….

  2. ZAYA
    May 29, 13:59 Reply

    🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 HELL NO

    • rosewoodzaya
      May 29, 13:55

      Waiting for confession !!!:-) kab hogaaa?!!

    • firdose
      May 29, 13:57

      Tmrw or mahasangam

    • rosewoodzaya
      May 29, 13:48

      Hey can i call u neera? Cuz der is one more neeraja here n i call her kitkit…..

    • kitkit
      May 29, 13:50

      der is 1 more neeraja here!!

    • rosewoodzaya
      May 29, 13:52

      Yes….my cute si phattu si besharam si pyaari si neeraja!!! 🙂
      I call her kitkit…she calls me mamu ki bhanji or mkb…san calls her phattu…u can call her watever u want!

    • kitkit
      May 29, 13:58

      hi firdose

      i will call her neeraja itself

  3. Zaya Lover!!!!!! :)
    May 29, 13:39 Reply

    I loved this epi…. it was so emo! But the wu would be better if it was straight forward pls… but good job admin… some great piece of writing!!!

  4. firdose
    May 29, 13:38 Reply

    I am speechless
    Harshad u rocked today
    Just killed us

  5. clover
    May 29, 13:27 Reply

    Today’s episode was awesome no words to describd the emotolional scene but had also missed aliya donno where she is

    • rosewoodzaya
      May 29, 13:28

      Celebrating her b’day or shooting for d mahadangam i guess…

  6. san
    May 29, 13:14 Reply

    osum episode………………….. harshaddddddd U rOcked MAn LOve U…………………

  7. Pakhi
    May 29, 13:01 Reply

    Will plz someone tell me of the inspector as I just started watching this show recently

  8. Diana
    May 29, 13:00 Reply

    I have no words … just tears … today’s episode was far too beautiful … and sad song Beintehaa version simply adore … and that they have synchronized everything, including the song, just to Zain had happened since the accident, when Aaliya took that canvas on the face … the same pain, the same tears, the same feeling … even serial can not call it, the feeling is one that I can not describe I think the best and most perfect so will not ever be one …

  9. kitkit
    May 29, 13:00 Reply

    can i join u guys???????
    i am new here

  10. Tithi
    May 29, 12:58 Reply

    Hlo ant hehe,its showed na tht hw zain cmforted alia in their marry nd thn zeeshan nd hs mamu entered.

    • kitkit
      May 29, 12:58

      full marks for u zain

  11. sam
    May 29, 12:53 Reply

    todays episode was very good.. Zabardast episode.. Waiting 4 tomorrow..

  12. rosewoodzaya
    May 29, 12:48 Reply

    Gosh! The inspector is ZEESHAN’S MAMU!!!!!!
    any1 noticed it…???

    • Tithi
      May 29, 12:50

      Han shiz its even showed na.

    • rosewoodzaya
      May 29, 12:52

      Hi elephant….where its showed…i didnt read d WU!

  13. rosewoodzaya
    May 29, 12:47 Reply

    Harshad rockeeeed today!
    My rating-10/10..only for my har:-) shu…oops..our harshu!!

  14. ruchi
    May 29, 12:37 Reply

    I dont no how they do it
    But the discription of everythg is vv gud

  15. noor
    May 29, 12:34 Reply

    @eman u live in da UK too?

    • Eeman ZaYa
      May 29, 12:38

      No I was I knew it I was I was I was yes i live in UK

  16. noor
    May 29, 12:32 Reply

    Nope I was first to like too haha

  17. noor
    May 29, 12:32 Reply

    A very emotional episode today

    • Eeman ZaYa
      May 29, 12:32

      Oh second 🙁 but first to like 🙂

  18. noor
    May 29, 12:31 Reply

    Whoop whoop look who’s first!

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