Balika Vadhu 6th November 2015 Written Update

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Balika Vadhu 6th November 2015 Written Update by H_Hasan

Balika Vadhu 6th November 2015 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Disa thinking about tearing Nimboli’s dress. Dadisaa asks Anandi not to think much and says sometimes it happens. Anandi asks Nimboli to sit and do some rituals. Anandi and Ganga wash little girls feet and do the rituals as part of dhanteras festival. They give gifts to girls and serves food. Nimboli opens her envelope and tells she will give 5 Rs to Disa and Anandi each. Disa looks on angrily.

Court case begins. Judge says he is going to retire soon, but before that he want to end the cases. Defence lawyer asks Judge to free Akhiraj of all charges and tells that prosecution couldn’t provide concrete proofs against him. He argues that Mangla is a liar. Prosecution says that their proofs are not wrong. Defence asks where is the villagers who are the witness to Gopal’s murder, and says kids tell what elders taught them. Prosecution says kids always tell the truth and says it is our system loss. He says all the villagers are afraid as they feel law can’t do anything to Akhiraj. He says I went to his family and saw people are even afraid to take his name.

He tells Kamli gave statement against Akhiraj, and says something bad has happened to her which forced her to give statement against her own father. He asks judge to look at Urmila’s condition and punish Akhiraj so that a common man starts believing on law and court. Judge writes the verdict. Nimboli acts as judge and says Akhiraj will be punished, and his punishment is that he have to fetch water from well.

Dadisaa says Akhiraj should get rigorous punishment. Judge says after hearing the arguments and witnesses, this court has reached to the judgement. Just then villagers come asking Judge to stop. A woman tells that she is the witness to Gopal’s murder and says Akhiraj had killed him. Akhiraj and Harki are shocked. Anandi smiles.

Judge asks who are you all? Kamli says they are people of Jhalra and says they were scared before, but now they want to get Akhiraj punished for his crimes. Disa looks happily and wipes her tears. Akhiraj says they are my enemies and had a fight with me for water. Judge says I can’t ignore them, and says he want to hear their statement. He calls them on witness box. Akhiraj looks tensed.

A woman tells that Akhiraj is Gopal’s killer. Other villagers give statement against him. Judge says after hearing the witnesses, court has reached to the decision……..

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  1. Pushpa
    November 09, 02:25 Reply

    please upload written episode of 7th November, 2015 immediately. Very eager to know.

  2. maryam
    November 06, 15:22 Reply

    ihope tomorrow they sentance him death.

  3. Kris
    November 06, 13:16 Reply

    Hallelujah, justice is served, hope this chapter comes to a close and let’s see Anand and nandini start building a bond of mother daughter

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