Badho Bahu 26th July 2017 Written Update

Badho Bahu 26th July 2017 Written Update by Pooja

Badho Bahu 26th July 2017 Written Episode

Lucky angrily throws the card on the bed. This Badho is weird. Whenever I try to do something good she goofs up! He keeps the card amidst his clothes and walks out in a huff.

Jamuna ji happily welcomes Chotto. Payal too is excited to meet her. I have heard a lot about you (Chota Packet Bada Dhamaka). Jamuna ji and Chotto Bua sit down to chat. Jamuna ji thanks her for saving her daughter from being thrown out of her home. Chotto tells her not to thank her. We are lucky to have Komal our home. Hope Payal feels the same way about Pragya. Jamuna ji nods. Payal also joins them.

Rana and Kailash ji are doing some work. Kamla ji watches them thus. What are you both lost into? Rana says Babu ji will have to present some ideas before the election committee in the evening. We are discussing on the
same. Kamla ji says what the point of discussing on that matter is. Raghubir has already told us that he has a modern outlook whereas we follow traditions. I would suggest you to choose this topic only. Kailash ji is confused. How? Kamla ji says I will tell you the topic. I have a very big topic. She tells them something in mute. Both Rana and Kailash ji seem impressed. Kailash ji appreciates her. You only can help me win. She thinks how to tell him how important this election is for her. This only will make me number 1.

Payal asks Chotto Bua if there is some special occasion. Bua shares that they have come to invite them on her wedding. Jamuna ji recalls the promise made by Chotto’s parents to her. It is a very old thing though. Chotto nods. It is an old promise but my brothers are living up to it. Please come. Raghubir ji interrupts her. You cannot invite them. He apologizes to Jamuna ji. Our families don’t share such relations wherein we both can share our happiness or sorrows together. He tells Chotto how Kamla Bhabhi is upset with Jamuna Bhabhi’s family for some reason. I don’t want any hindrance in your wedding. Jamuna ji seconds him. Chotto agrees. Jamuna ji sends Payal to make tea for everyone. A servant brings sweets and fruits for Pragya and family. Jamuna ji nods. I just sent Pragya to temple. If I knew you were coming then I wouldn’t have let her go. She would have been happy to see you. Raghubir ji nods. I apologize for coming so late to meet you but situations were such that I could not. I wanted to tell you 2 things. One, I would like to thank you for accepting Pragya and welcoming her here. I am really happy that she married my best friend’s son. I daily pray that our families stay happy together. Jamuna ji says the same. I hope the friction between both families end soon. Chotto hopes Pragya-Vardaan and Komal-Lucky hit it off soon with each other.

Komal writes down a few topics / ideas on a piece of paper. She tells Som Singh to get 50 printouts for the same. Lucky stops him and reads the list. Som goes to print them. Komal explains her idea to Lucky. I thought to print the ideas which Babu ji will use. We will print it and distribute the pamphlets amongst the villagers. He questions her as to how she is so sure that these are the very ideas that his Babu ji will discuss. She is sure he will talk on these topics only depending on how much she knows him. He leaves it on her to do whatever she wishes to. He turns to go but she stops him. I apologize for whatever happened downstairs. I know I took responsibility of wedding arrangements so I wont involve anyone again. He calms down. She heaves a sigh of relief seeing him cool down.

Raghubir ji gets Sarpanch ji’s call and tells him he will be home soon. Jamuna ji asks him if everything is fine. He nods. I kept an election meeting at home. Chotto expresses a wish to stay back for a little longer. Raghubir ji agrees. He tells Jamuna ji give his love and blessings to Pragya and leaves. Payal brings tea for them. Chotto points out that maybe sugar wasn’t added in the cup. Payal says I did add sugar. I was just being careful as Bua is already so sweet. I dint want her to become diabetic. Bua says I am not that old. You know me well. I can drink tea with 4 teaspoons of sugar. It wont harm me. Jamuna ji sends her away on the pretext of some work.

Sarpanch ji starts the meeting. There are 3 candidates – Sangram Singh, Kailash Singh Ahlawat and Raghubir Singh Ahlawat. Sangram Singh is invited first to present his ideas before everyone. He speaks against love and love marriage which is a thing of disrespect to their village. I will bring in such strict rules that boys and girls wont be able to even meet each other. Such things can only be implied by being strict and maintaining disciple. His symbol is plank / log. Kailash ji comes next. He addresses his topic – to preserve their traditions. Modern outlook is ruining our traditions. We are forgetting them thereby weakening our old age roots. Our family has paid heftily for it. My daughter had to run away from her home to marry. What happened with us must not happen with anyone else which is why I want to restore our old age traditions. Our traditions and cultures are our identity. Modernity has finished everything and is going deeper in us these days. we must dig them out and finish them. He has chosen axe as his symbol. Komal whispers to Lucky that this will only spread superstition. He is at a loss of words. Kailash ji adds that he hopes he will be chosen by the villagers to bring about a change in their society. He takes his seat.

Raghubir ji comes on stage. Komal gives a paper to Lucky to give to Raghubir ji. Komal distributes them amongst everyone. It creates a positive impact on them in the first go. Raghubir ji asks Lucky how he knew he would speak on these issues only. Lucky denies. This is Badho’s work. Raghubir ji looks at her proudly.

Precap: Sarpanch ji announces the decision of Panchayat. Sangram Singh ji and Kailash ji have similar agendas and motives. We have decided that only one of them can stand in the elections. Ahlawat Family is taken aback.

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